module MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod use MAPL_ThrowMod use MPI implicit none private public :: MAPL_Assert public :: MAPL_Verify public :: MAPL_Return public :: MAPL_RTRN public :: MAPL_Vrfy public :: MAPL_ASRT public :: MAPL_abort public :: MAPL_SUCCESS public :: MAPL_UNKNOWN_ERROR public :: MAPL_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY public :: MAPL_NO_SUCH_VARIABLE public :: MAPL_TYPE_MISMATCH public :: MAPL_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE public :: MAPL_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED public :: MAPL_NO_DEFAULT_VALUE public :: MAPL_DUPLICATE_KEY public :: MAPL_STRING_TOO_SHORT enum, bind(c) enumerator :: MAPL_SUCCESS = 0 ! 001-005 enumerator :: MAPL_UNKNOWN_ERROR enumerator :: MAPL_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY enumerator :: MAPL_NO_SUCH_VARIABLE enumerator :: MAPL_TYPE_MISMATCH enumerator :: MAPL_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE ! 006-010 enumerator :: MAPL_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED enumerator :: MAPL_NO_DEFAULT_VALUE enumerator :: MAPL_DUPLICATE_KEY enumerator :: MAPL_STRING_TOO_SHORT end enum interface MAPL_Assert module procedure MAPL_Assert_condition module procedure MAPL_Assert_return_code end interface MAPL_Assert interface MAPL_VRFY module procedure MAPL_VRFY module procedure MAPL_VRFYt end interface MAPL_VRFY interface MAPL_ASRT module procedure MAPL_ASRT module procedure MAPL_ASRTt end interface MAPL_ASRT interface MAPL_RTRN module procedure MAPL_RTRN module procedure MAPL_RTRNt end interface MAPL_RTRN contains logical function MAPL_Assert_condition(condition, message, return_code, filename, line, rc) result(fail) logical, intent(in) :: condition character(*), intent(in) :: message integer, intent(in) :: return_code character(*), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in) :: line integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc ! Not present in MAIN fail = .not. condition if (fail) then !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling1) call MAPL_throw_exception(filename, line, message=message) !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling1) if (present(rc)) rc = return_code end if end function MAPL_Assert_Condition logical function MAPL_Assert_return_code(condition, return_code, filename, line, rc) result(fail) logical, intent(in) :: condition integer, intent(in) :: return_code character(*), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in) :: line integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc ! Not present in MAIN character(:), allocatable :: message fail = .not. condition if (fail) then message = get_error_message(return_code) !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling2) call MAPL_throw_exception(filename, line, message=message) !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling2) if (present(rc)) rc = return_code end if end function MAPL_Assert_return_code logical function MAPL_Verify(status, filename, line, rc) result(fail) integer, intent(in) :: status character(*), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in) :: line integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc ! Not present in MAIN logical :: condition character(:), allocatable :: message character(16) :: status_string condition = (status == 0) fail = .not. condition if (fail) then write(status_string,'(i0)') status message = 'status=' // status_string !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling3) call MAPL_throw_exception(filename, line, message=message) !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling3) if (present(rc)) rc = status end if end function MAPL_Verify subroutine MAPL_Return(status, filename, line, rc) integer, intent(in) :: status character(*), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in) :: line integer, intent(out), optional :: rc logical :: condition, fail character(:), allocatable :: message condition = (status == 0) fail = .not. condition if (fail) then message = get_error_message(status) !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling4) call MAPL_throw_exception(filename, line, message=message) !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling4) end if ! Regardless of error: if (present(rc)) rc = status end subroutine MAPL_Return logical function MAPL_RTRN(A,iam,line,rc) integer, intent(IN ) :: A character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: iam integer, intent(IN ) :: line integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC MAPL_RTRN = .true. !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling5) if(A/=0) print '(A40,I10)',Iam,line !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling5) if(present(RC)) RC=A end function MAPL_RTRN logical function MAPL_VRFY(A,iam,line,rc) integer, intent(IN ) :: A character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: iam integer, intent(IN ) :: line integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC MAPL_VRFY = A/=0 if(MAPL_VRFY)then if(present(RC)) then !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling6) print '(A40,I10)',Iam,line !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling6) RC=A endif endif end function MAPL_VRFY logical function MAPL_ASRT(A,iam,line,rc) logical, intent(IN ) :: A character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: iam integer, intent(IN ) :: line integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC MAPL_ASRT = .not.A if(MAPL_ASRT)then if(present(RC))then !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling7) print '(A40,I10)',Iam,LINE !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling7) RC=1 endif endif end function MAPL_ASRT logical function MAPL_ASRTt(A,text,iam,line,rc) logical, intent(IN ) :: A character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: iam,text integer, intent(IN ) :: line integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC MAPL_ASRTt = MAPL_ASRT(A,iam,line,rc) !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling8) if(MAPL_ASRTt) print *, text !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling8) end function MAPL_ASRTT logical function MAPL_RTRNt(A,text,iam,line,rc) integer, intent(IN ) :: A character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: text,iam integer, intent(IN ) :: line integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC MAPL_RTRNt = .true. if(A/=0)then !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling9) print '(A40,I10)',Iam,line print *, text !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling9) end if if(present(RC)) RC=A end function MAPL_RTRNT logical function MAPL_VRFYt(A,text,iam,line,rc) integer, intent(IN ) :: A character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: iam,text integer, intent(IN ) :: line integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC MAPL_VRFYt = MAPL_VRFY(A,iam,line,rc) !$omp critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling10) if(MAPL_VRFYt) print *, text !$omp end critical (MAPL_ErrorHandling10) end function MAPL_VRFYT subroutine MAPL_abort integer :: status integer :: error_code call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,error_code,status) end subroutine MAPL_abort function get_error_message(error_code) result(description) use gFTL_IntegerStringMap character(:), allocatable :: description integer, intent(in) :: error_code type(IntegerStringMap), save :: error_messages logical, save :: initialized = .false. call initialize_err() if (error_messages%count(error_code) > 0) then description = error_messages%at(error_code) else description = error_messages%at(MAPL_UNKNOWN_ERROR) end if contains subroutine initialize_err() if (.not. initialized) then initialized = .true. call error_messages%insert(MAPL_UNKNOWN_ERROR, 'unknown error') call error_messages%insert(MAPL_SUCCESS, 'success') call error_messages%insert(MAPL_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY, 'no such property') call error_messages%insert(MAPL_NO_SUCH_VARIABLE, 'no such variable') call error_messages%insert(MAPL_TYPE_MISMATCH, 'passed argument does not match expected type') call error_messages%insert(MAPL_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE, 'provided data type is not supported by this subclass') call error_messages%insert(MAPL_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED, 'provided value is not supported by this subclass') call error_messages%insert(MAPL_NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, 'no default value has been provided for this property') call error_messages%insert(MAPL_DUPLICATE_KEY, 'map container already has the specified key') call error_messages%insert(MAPL_STRING_TOO_SHORT, 'fixed length string is not long enough to contain requested data') end if end subroutine initialize_err end function get_error_message end module MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod