#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" module MAPL_VarSpecMod use ESMF use MAPL_VarSpecTypeMod use MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod use MAPL_Constants use pFlogger implicit none private public :: MAPL_VarSpec public :: MAPL_VarSpecCreateInList public :: MAPL_VarSpecAddToList public :: MAPL_VarSpecSet public :: MAPL_VarSpecGet public :: MAPL_VarSpecDestroy public :: MAPL_VarSpecAddChildName public :: MAPL_VarSpecReconnect public :: MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex public :: MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList public :: MAPL_VarSpecPrint public :: MAPL_VarSpecPrintCSV public MAPL_VarSpecSamePrec public operator(==) type :: MAPL_VarSpec !C$ private type(MAPL_VarSpecType), pointer :: SpecPtr => null() end type MAPL_VarSpec interface MAPL_VarSpecAddToList module procedure MAPL_VarSpecAddFromItem module procedure MAPL_VarSpecAddFromList end interface MAPL_VarSpecAddToList interface MAPL_VarSpecDestroy module procedure MAPL_VarSpecDestroy0 module procedure MAPL_VarSpecDestroy1 end interface MAPL_VarSpecDestroy interface MAPL_VarSpecSet module procedure MAPL_VarSpecSetRegular module procedure MAPL_VarSpecSetFieldPtr module procedure MAPL_VarSpecSetBundlePtr module procedure MAPL_VarSpecSetStatePtr end interface MAPL_VarSpecSet interface MAPL_VarSpecGet module procedure MAPL_VarSpecGetRegular module procedure MAPL_VarSpecGetNew module procedure MAPL_VarSpecGetFieldPtr module procedure MAPL_VarSpecGetBundlePtr module procedure MAPL_VarSpecGetStatePtr end interface MAPL_VarSpecGet interface MAPL_VarSpecPrint module procedure MAPL_VarSpecPrintOne module procedure MAPL_VarSpecPrintMany end interface MAPL_VarSpecPrint interface MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList module procedure MAPL_VarSpecAddRefFromItem module procedure MAPL_VarSpecAddRefFromList end interface MAPL_VarSpecAddRefToList interface MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex module procedure MAPL_VarSpecGetIndexByName module procedure MAPL_VarSpecGetIndexOfItem end interface MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex interface operator (==) module procedure MAPL_VarSpecEQ end interface operator (==) contains subroutine MAPL_VarSpecCreateInList(SPEC, SHORT_NAME, LONG_NAME, & UNITS, Dims, VLocation, FIELD, BUNDLE, STATE, & NUM_SUBTILES, & STAT, ACCMLT_INTERVAL, COUPLE_INTERVAL, OFFSET, & DEFAULT, FRIENDLYTO, & HALOWIDTH, PRECISION, & RESTART, & ATTR_RNAMES, ATTR_INAMES, & ATTR_RVALUES, ATTR_IVALUES, & UNGRIDDED_DIMS, & UNGRIDDED_UNIT, & UNGRIDDED_NAME, & UNGRIDDED_COORDS, & FIELD_TYPE, & STAGGERING, & ROTATION, & GRID, & RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: SPEC(:) character (len=*) , intent(IN) :: SHORT_NAME character (len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: LONG_NAME character (len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: UNITS character (len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: FRIENDLYTO integer , optional , intent(IN) :: DIMS integer , optional , intent(IN) :: VLOCATION integer , optional , intent(IN) :: NUM_SUBTILES integer , optional , intent(IN) :: ACCMLT_INTERVAL integer , optional , intent(IN) :: COUPLE_INTERVAL integer , optional , intent(IN) :: OFFSET integer , optional , intent(IN) :: STAT real , optional , intent(IN) :: DEFAULT type(ESMF_Field) , optional , intent(IN), target :: FIELD type(ESMF_FieldBundle) , optional , intent(IN), target :: BUNDLE type(ESMF_State) , optional , intent(IN), target :: STATE integer , optional , intent(IN) :: HALOWIDTH integer , optional , intent(IN) :: PRECISION integer , optional , intent(IN) :: RESTART character (len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: ATTR_INAMES(:) character (len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: ATTR_RNAMES(:) integer , optional , intent(IN) :: ATTR_IVALUES(:) real , optional , intent(IN) :: ATTR_RVALUES(:) integer , optional , intent(IN) :: UNGRIDDED_DIMS(:) character (len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: UNGRIDDED_UNIT character (len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: UNGRIDDED_NAME real , optional , intent(IN) :: UNGRIDDED_COORDS(:) integer , optional , intent(IN) :: FIELD_TYPE integer , optional , intent(IN) :: STAGGERING integer , optional , intent(IN) :: ROTATION type(ESMF_Grid) , optional , intent(IN) :: GRID integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: TMP(:) => null() integer :: usableDIMS integer :: usableVLOC integer :: usableACCMLT integer :: usableCOUPLE integer :: usableOFFSET integer :: usableSTAT integer :: usableNUM_SUBTILES integer :: usableHALOWIDTH integer :: usablePRECISION integer :: usableFIELD_TYPE integer :: usableSTAGGERING integer :: usableROTATION integer :: usableRESTART character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: usableLONG character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: usableUNIT character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: usableFRIENDLYTO character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer :: usableATTR_INAMES(:) => NULL() character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer :: usableATTR_RNAMES(:) => NULL() integer , pointer :: usableATTR_IVALUES(:) => NULL() real , pointer :: usableATTR_RVALUES(:) => NULL() integer , pointer :: usableUNGRIDDED_DIMS(:) => null() real :: usableDEFAULT type(ESMF_Grid) :: usableGRID type(ESMF_Field), pointer :: usableFIELD => null() type(ESMF_FieldBundle), pointer :: usableBUNDLE => null() type(ESMF_State), pointer :: usableSTATE => null() character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: useableUngrd_Unit character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: useableUngrd_Name real , pointer :: usableUNGRIDDED_COORDS(:) => NULL() INTEGER :: I integer :: szINAMES, szRNAMES, szIVALUES, szRVALUES integer :: szUNGRD logical :: defaultProvided if(associated(SPEC)) then if(MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(SPEC, SHORT_NAME)/=-1) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif else allocate(SPEC(0),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif if(present(STAT)) then usableSTAT=STAT else usableSTAT=MAPL_FieldItem !ALT: not sure if needs special attn for bundles endif if(present(ACCMLT_INTERVAL)) then usableACCMLT=ACCMLT_INTERVAL else usableACCMLT=0 endif if(present(COUPLE_INTERVAL)) then usableCOUPLE=COUPLE_INTERVAL else usableCOUPLE=0 endif if(present(OFFSET)) then usableOFFSET=OFFSET else usableOFFSET=0 endif if(present(LONG_NAME)) then usableLONG=LONG_NAME else usableLONG=SHORT_NAME endif if(present(UNITS)) then usableUNIT=UNITS else usableUNIT="" endif if(present(FRIENDLYTO)) then usableFRIENDLYTO=FRIENDLYTO if (LEN(TRIM(FRIENDLYTO)) /= 0) then usableSTAT = ior(usableSTAT,MAPL_FriendlyVariable) end if else usableFRIENDLYTO="" endif if(present(DIMS)) then usableDIMS=DIMS else usableDIMS=MAPL_DimsUnknown endif if(present(VLOCATION)) then usableVLOC=VLOCATION else usableVLOC=MAPL_VLocationNone endif if(present(NUM_SUBTILES)) then usableNUM_SUBTILES=NUM_SUBTILES else usableNUM_SUBTILES=0 endif if(present(DEFAULT)) then defaultProvided=.true. usableDEFAULT=DEFAULT else defaultProvided=.false. usableDEFAULT=0.0 ! ALT: this could be NaN ! usableDEFAULT=Z'7F800001' ! DSK: set to NaN, dies in FV Init ! usableDEFAULT=-999. ! DSK endif if (present(FIELD_TYPE)) then usableFIELD_TYPE=FIELD_TYPE else usableFIELD_TYPE=MAPL_ScalarField endif if (present(STAGGERING)) then usableSTAGGERING=STAGGERING else usableSTAGGERING=MAPL_AGrid endif if (present(ROTATION)) then usableROTATION=ROTATION else usableROTATION=MAPL_RotateLL endif if(present(GRID)) then usableGRID=GRID else ! usableGRID = ESMF_GridEmptyCreate(RC=STATUS) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) ! call ESMF_GridDestroy(usableGRID) !ALT we do not need RC ! Initialize this grid object as invalid usableGrid%this = ESMF_NULL_POINTER endif if(present(FIELD)) then usableFIELD=>FIELD else allocate(usableFIELD, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! usableFIELD = ESMF_FieldEmptyCreate(NAME=SHORT_NAME,RC=STATUS) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) ! call ESMF_FieldDestroy(usableFIELD) !ALT we do not need RC ! Initialize this field object as invalid usableField%ftypep => NULL() endif if(present(BUNDLE)) then usableBUNDLE=>BUNDLE else allocate(usableBUNDLE, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! usableBUNDLE = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate(NAME=SHORT_NAME,RC=STATUS) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) ! call ESMF_FieldBundleDestroy(usableBUNDLE) !ALT we do not need RC ! Initialize this fieldBundle object as invalid usableBundle%this => NULL() endif if(present(STATE)) then usableSTATE=>STATE else allocate(usableSTATE, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! usableSTATE = ESMF_StateCreate(NAME=SHORT_NAME,RC=STATUS) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) ! call ESMF_StateDestroy(usableSTATE) !ALT we do not need RC ! Initialize this state object as invalid usableState%statep => NULL() endif if(present(HALOWIDTH)) then usableHALOWIDTH=HALOWIDTH else usableHALOWIDTH=0 endif if(present(RESTART)) then usableRESTART=RESTART else usableRESTART=MAPL_RestartOptional ! default endif if(present(PRECISION)) then usablePRECISION=PRECISION else usablePRECISION=kind(0.0) ! default "real" kind endif ! Sanity checks if (usablePRECISION /= ESMF_KIND_R4 .AND. usablePRECISION /= ESMF_KIND_R8) then ! only those 2 values are allowed _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end if szRNAMES = 0 if (present(ATTR_RNAMES)) then szRNAMES = size(ATTR_RNAMES) allocate(usableATTR_RNAMES(szRNAMES), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) usableATTR_RNAMES = ATTR_RNAMES end if szINAMES = 0 if (present(ATTR_INAMES)) then szINAMES = size(ATTR_INAMES) allocate(usableATTR_INAMES(szINAMES), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) usableATTR_INAMES = ATTR_INAMES end if szRVALUES = 0 if (present(ATTR_RVALUES)) then szRVALUES = size(ATTR_RVALUES) allocate(usableATTR_RVALUES(szRVALUES), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) usableATTR_RVALUES = ATTR_RVALUES end if szIVALUES = 0 if (present(ATTR_IVALUES)) then szIVALUES = size(ATTR_INAMES) allocate(usableATTR_IVALUES(szIVALUES), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) usableATTR_IVALUES = ATTR_IVALUES end if _ASSERT(szIVALUES == szINAMES,'needs informative message') _ASSERT(szRVALUES == szRNAMES,'needs informative message') szUNGRD = 0 if (present(UNGRIDDED_DIMS)) then szUNGRD = size(UNGRIDDED_DIMS) allocate(usableUNGRIDDED_DIMS(szUNGRD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) usableUNGRIDDED_DIMS = UNGRIDDED_DIMS else NULLIFY(usableUNGRIDDED_DIMS) end if if (present(UNGRIDDED_UNIT)) then useableUngrd_Unit = UNGRIDDED_UNIT else useableUngrd_Unit = "level" ! ALT: we are changing the default from "N/A" to "level" to make GrADS happy end if if (present(UNGRIDDED_NAME)) then useableUngrd_NAME = UNGRIDDED_NAME else useableUngrd_NAME = "N/A" end if szUNGRD = 0 if (present(UNGRIDDED_COORDS)) then szUNGRD = size(UNGRIDDED_COORDS) allocate(usableUNGRIDDED_COORDS(szUNGRD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) usableUNGRIDDED_COORDS = UNGRIDDED_COORDS end if I = size(SPEC) allocate(TMP(I+1),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) TMP(1:I) = SPEC deallocate(SPEC) allocate(TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr,stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%SHORT_NAME = SHORT_NAME TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%LONG_NAME = usableLONG TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%UNITS = usableUNIT TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%DIMS = usableDIMS TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%LOCATION = usableVLOC TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%NUM_SUBTILES = usableNUM_SUBTILES TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%STAT = usableSTAT TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ACCMLT_INTERVAL = usableACCMLT TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%COUPLE_INTERVAL = usableCOUPLE TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%OFFSET = usableOFFSET TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%LABEL = 0 TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%DEFAULT = usableDEFAULT TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%defaultProvided = defaultProvided TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%FIELD => usableFIELD TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%BUNDLE => usableBUNDLE TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%STATE => usableSTATE TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%GRID = usableGRID TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%FRIENDLYTO = usableFRIENDLYTO TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%HALOWIDTH = usableHALOWIDTH TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%RESTART = usableRESTART TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%PRECISION = usablePRECISION TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%FIELD_TYPE = usableFIELD_TYPE TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_UNIT = useableUngrd_Unit TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_NAME = useableUngrd_Name TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%STAGGERING = usableSTAGGERING TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ROTATION = usableROTATION TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%doNotAllocate = .false. TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%alwaysAllocate = .false. if(associated(usableATTR_IVALUES)) then TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ATTR_IVALUES => usableATTR_IVALUES else NULLIFY(TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ATTR_IVALUES) endif if(associated(usableATTR_RVALUES)) then TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ATTR_RVALUES => usableATTR_RVALUES else NULLIFY(TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ATTR_RVALUES) endif if(associated(usableUNGRIDDED_DIMS)) then TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_DIMS => usableUNGRIDDED_DIMS else NULLIFY(TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_DIMS) endif if(associated(usableUNGRIDDED_COORDS)) then TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_COORDS => usableUNGRIDDED_COORDS else NULLIFY(TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_COORDS) endif if(associated(usableATTR_RNAMES)) then TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ATTR_RNAMES=> usableATTR_RNAMES else NULLIFY(TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ATTR_RNAMES) endif if(associated(usableATTR_INAMES)) then TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ATTR_INAMES=> usableATTR_INAMES else NULLIFY(TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr%ATTR_INAMES) endif SPEC => TMP _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecCreateInList subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddFromItem(SPEC,ITEM,RC) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: SPEC(:) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: ITEM integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS if(.not.associated(ITEM%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif call MAPL_VarSpecCreateInList(SPEC, & SHORT_NAME = ITEM%SPECPTR%SHORT_NAME, & LONG_NAME = ITEM%SPECPTR%LONG_NAME, & UNITS = ITEM%SPECPTR%UNITS, & DIMS = ITEM%SPECPTR%Dims, & VLOCATION = ITEM%SPECPTR%Location, & STAT = ITEM%SPECPTR%STAT, & ACCMLT_INTERVAL = ITEM%SPECPTR%ACCMLT_INTERVAL, & COUPLE_INTERVAL = ITEM%SPECPTR%COUPLE_INTERVAL, & DEFAULT = ITEM%SPECPTR%DEFAULT, & FIELD = ITEM%SPECPTR%FIELD, & BUNDLE = ITEM%SPECPTR%BUNDLE, & STATE = ITEM%SPECPTR%STATE, & HALOWIDTH = ITEM%SPECPTR%HALOWIDTH, & RESTART = ITEM%SPECPTR%RESTART, & PRECISION = ITEM%SPECPTR%PRECISION, & ATTR_INAMES = ITEM%SPECPTR%ATTR_INAMES, & ATTR_RNAMES = ITEM%SPECPTR%ATTR_RNAMES, & ATTR_IVALUES = ITEM%SPECPTR%ATTR_IVALUES, & ATTR_RVALUES = ITEM%SPECPTR%ATTR_RVALUES, & UNGRIDDED_DIMS = ITEM%SPECPTR%UNGRIDDED_DIMS, & FIELD_TYPE = ITEM%SPECPTR%FIELD_TYPE, & STAGGERING = ITEM%SPECPTR%STAGGERING, & ROTATION = ITEM%SPECPTR%ROTATION, & GRID = ITEM%SPECPTR%GRID, & RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddFromItem subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddFromList(SPEC,ITEM,RC) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: SPEC(:) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: ITEM(:) integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS integer I do I=1,size(ITEM) call MAPL_VarSpecAddFromItem(SPEC,ITEM(I),RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) enddo _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddFromList subroutine MAPL_VarSpecDestroy0(SPEC, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(INOUT) :: SPEC integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC if(associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then deallocate(SPEC%SPECPtr) endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecDestroy0 subroutine MAPL_VarSpecDestroy1(SPEC, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: SPEC(:) integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: i if (associated(SPEC)) then do I=1,size(SPEC) call MAPL_VarSpecDestroy0(spec(i)) end do deallocate(SPEC) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecDestroy1 subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetRegular(SPEC, SHORT_NAME, LONG_NAME, UNITS, & Dims, VLocation, FIELD, BUNDLE, STATE, & STAT, ACCMLT_INTERVAL, COUPLE_INTERVAL, & OFFSET, LABEL, & FRIENDLYTO, & FIELD_TYPE, & STAGGERING, & ROTATION, & GRID, & doNotAllocate, & alwaysAllocate, & RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(INOUT) :: SPEC character(len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: SHORT_NAME character(len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: LONG_NAME character(len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: UNITS integer , optional , intent(IN) :: DIMS integer , optional , intent(IN) :: VLOCATION integer , optional , intent(IN) :: ACCMLT_INTERVAL integer , optional , intent(IN) :: COUPLE_INTERVAL integer , optional , intent(IN) :: OFFSET integer , optional , intent(IN) :: STAT integer , optional , intent(IN) :: LABEL type(ESMF_Field) , optional , intent(IN) :: FIELD type(ESMF_FieldBundle) , optional , intent(IN) :: BUNDLE type(ESMF_State) , optional , intent(IN) :: STATE character(len=*) , optional , intent(IN) :: FRIENDLYTO integer , optional , intent(in) :: FIELD_TYPE integer , optional , intent(in) :: STAGGERING integer , optional , intent(in) :: ROTATION type(ESMF_Grid) , optional , intent(IN) :: GRID logical , optional , intent(IN) :: doNotAllocate logical , optional , intent(IN) :: alwaysAllocate integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif if(present(SHORT_NAME)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%SHORT_NAME = SHORT_NAME endif if(present(LONG_NAME)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%LONG_NAME = LONG_NAME endif if(present(UNITS)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%UNITS = UNITS endif if(present(FRIENDLYTO)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%FRIENDLYTO = FRIENDLYTO endif if(present(STAT)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%STAT=STAT endif if(present(DIMS)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%DIMS=DIMS endif if(present(VLOCATION)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%LOCATION=VLOCATION endif if(present(ACCMLT_INTERVAL)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%ACCMLT_INTERVAL=ACCMLT_INTERVAL endif if(present(COUPLE_INTERVAL)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%COUPLE_INTERVAL=COUPLE_INTERVAL endif if(present(OFFSET)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%OFFSET=OFFSET endif if(present(LABEL)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%LABEL=LABEL endif if(present(FIELD)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%FIELD = FIELD endif if(present(BUNDLE)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%BUNDLE = BUNDLE endif if(present(STATE)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%STATE = STATE endif if(present(GRID)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%GRID = GRID endif if(present(FIELD_TYPE)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%FIELD_TYPE = FIELD_TYPE endif if(present(STAGGERING)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%STAGGERING = STAGGERING endif if(present(ROTATION)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%ROTATION = ROTATION endif if(present(doNotAllocate)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%doNotAllocate = doNotAllocate endif if(present(alwaysAllocate)) then SPEC%SPECPtr%alwaysAllocate = alwaysAllocate endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetRegular subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetFieldPtr(SPEC, FIELDPTR, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(INOUT) :: SPEC type(ESMF_Field) , pointer :: FIELDPTR integer , optional , intent( OUT) :: RC if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif SPEC%SPECPtr%FIELD => FIELDPTR _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetFieldPtr subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetBundlePtr(SPEC, BUNDLEPTR, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(INOUT) :: SPEC type(ESMF_FieldBundle) , pointer :: BUNDLEPTR integer , optional , intent( OUT) :: RC if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif SPEC%SPECPtr%BUNDLE => BUNDLEPTR _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetBundlePtr subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetStatePtr(SPEC, STATEPTR, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(INOUT) :: SPEC type(ESMF_State) , pointer :: STATEPTR integer , optional , intent( OUT) :: RC if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif SPEC%SPECPtr%STATE => STATEPTR _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetStatePtr subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetRegular(SPEC, SHORT_NAME, LONG_NAME, UNITS, & Dims, VLocation, FIELD, BUNDLE, STATE, & NUM_SUBTILES, & STAT, ACCMLT_INTERVAL, COUPLE_INTERVAL, & OFFSET, LABEL, DEFAULT, defaultProvided, & FRIENDLYTO, & RESTART, & HALOWIDTH, & PRECISION, & ATTR_RNAMES, ATTR_INAMES, & ATTR_RVALUES, ATTR_IVALUES, & UNGRIDDED_DIMS, & UNGRIDDED_UNIT, & UNGRIDDED_NAME, & UNGRIDDED_COORDS, & FIELD_TYPE, & STAGGERING, & ROTATION, & GRID, & doNotAllocate, & alwaysAllocate, & depends_on_children, & depends_on, & RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: SPEC character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: SHORT_NAME character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: LONG_NAME character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: UNITS integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: DIMS integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: VLOCATION integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: NUM_SUBTILES integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: ACCMLT_INTERVAL integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: COUPLE_INTERVAL integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: OFFSET integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: STAT integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: LABEL real , optional , intent(OUT) :: DEFAULT logical , optional , intent(OUT) :: defaultProvided type(ESMF_Field) , optional , intent(OUT) :: FIELD type(ESMF_FieldBundle) , optional , intent(OUT) :: BUNDLE type(ESMF_State) , optional , intent(OUT) :: STATE character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: FRIENDLYTO integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: HALOWIDTH integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: PRECISION integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RESTART character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), optional, pointer :: ATTR_INAMES(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), optional, pointer :: ATTR_RNAMES(:) integer, optional, pointer :: ATTR_IVALUES(:) real, optional, pointer :: ATTR_RVALUES(:) integer, optional, pointer :: UNGRIDDED_DIMS(:) character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: UNGRIDDED_UNIT character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: UNGRIDDED_NAME real, optional, pointer :: UNGRIDDED_COORDS(:) integer, optional :: FIELD_TYPE integer, optional :: STAGGERING integer, optional :: ROTATION type(ESMF_Grid) , optional , intent(OUT) :: GRID logical , optional , intent(OUT) :: doNotAllocate logical , optional , intent(OUT) :: alwaysAllocate logical , optional , intent(OUT) :: depends_on_children character(len=:), allocatable, optional, intent(OUT) :: depends_on(:) integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif if(present(STAT)) then STAT = SPEC%SPECPtr%STAT endif if(present(SHORT_NAME)) then SHORT_NAME = SPEC%SPECPtr%SHORT_NAME endif if(present(LONG_NAME)) then LONG_NAME = SPEC%SPECPtr%LONG_NAME endif if(present(UNITS)) then UNITS = SPEC%SPECPtr%UNITS endif if(present(FRIENDLYTO)) then FRIENDLYTO = SPEC%SPECPtr%FRIENDLYTO endif if(present(DIMS)) then DIMS = SPEC%SPECPtr%DIMS endif if(present(VLOCATION)) then VLOCATION = SPEC%SPECPtr%LOCATION endif if(present(NUM_SUBTILES)) then NUM_SUBTILES = SPEC%SPECPtr%NUM_SUBTILES endif if(present(ACCMLT_INTERVAL)) then ACCMLT_INTERVAL = SPEC%SPECPtr%ACCMLT_INTERVAL endif if(present(COUPLE_INTERVAL)) then COUPLE_INTERVAL = SPEC%SPECPtr%COUPLE_INTERVAL endif if(present(OFFSET)) then OFFSET = SPEC%SPECPtr%OFFSET endif if(present(LABEL)) then LABEL = SPEC%SPECPtr%LABEL endif if(present(DEFAULT)) then DEFAULT = SPEC%SPECPtr%DEFAULT endif if(present(defaultProvided)) then defaultProvided= SPEC%SPECPtr%defaultProvided endif if(present(FIELD)) then FIELD = SPEC%SPECPtr%FIELD endif if(present(BUNDLE)) then BUNDLE = SPEC%SPECPtr%BUNDLE endif if(present(STATE)) then STATE = SPEC%SPECPtr%STATE endif if(present(HALOWIDTH)) then HALOWIDTH = SPEC%SPECPtr%HALOWIDTH endif if(present(PRECISION)) then PRECISION = SPEC%SPECPtr%PRECISION endif if(present(RESTART)) then RESTART = SPEC%SPECPtr%RESTART endif if(present(ATTR_INAMES)) then ATTR_INAMES => SPEC%SPECPtr%ATTR_INAMES endif if(present(ATTR_RNAMES)) then ATTR_RNAMES => SPEC%SPECPtr%ATTR_RNAMES endif if(present(ATTR_IVALUES)) then ATTR_IVALUES => SPEC%SPECPtr%ATTR_IVALUES endif if(present(ATTR_RVALUES)) then ATTR_RVALUES => SPEC%SPECPtr%ATTR_RVALUES endif if(present(UNGRIDDED_DIMS)) then UNGRIDDED_DIMS => SPEC%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_DIMS endif if(present(UNGRIDDED_UNIT)) then UNGRIDDED_UNIT = SPEC%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_UNIT endif if(present(UNGRIDDED_NAME)) then UNGRIDDED_NAME = SPEC%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_NAME endif if(present(UNGRIDDED_COORDS)) then UNGRIDDED_COORDS => SPEC%SPECPtr%UNGRIDDED_COORDS endif if(present(FIELD_TYPE)) then FIELD_TYPE = SPEC%SPECPtr%FIELD_TYPE endif if(present(STAGGERING)) then STAGGERING = SPEC%SPECPtr%STAGGERING endif if(present(ROTATION)) then ROTATION = SPEC%SPECPtr%ROTATION endif if(present(GRID)) then GRID = SPEC%SPECPtr%GRID endif if(present(doNotAllocate)) then doNotAllocate = SPEC%SPECPtr%doNotAllocate endif if(present(alwaysAllocate)) then alwaysAllocate = SPEC%SPECPtr%alwaysAllocate endif if(present(depends_on_children)) then depends_on_children = SPEC%SPECPtr%depends_on_children end if if(present(depends_on)) then if(allocated(SPEC%SPECPtr%depends_on)) then depends_on = SPEC%SPECPtr%depends_on end if end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetRegular subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetNew(SPEC, SHORT_NAME, LONG_NAME, UNITS, & Dims, VLocation, FIELD, BUNDLE, STATE, & NUM_SUBTILES, & STAT, ACCMLT_INTERVAL, COUPLE_INTERVAL, & OFFSET, LABEL, DEFAULT, defaultProvided, & FRIENDLYTO, & RESTART, & HALOWIDTH, & PRECISION, & ATTR_RNAMES, ATTR_INAMES, & ATTR_RVALUES, ATTR_IVALUES, & UNGRIDDED_DIMS, & UNGRIDDED_UNIT, & UNGRIDDED_NAME, & UNGRIDDED_COORDS, & FIELD_TYPE, & STAGGERING, & ROTATION, & GRID, & doNotAllocate, & alwaysAllocate, & RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpecType), intent(IN ) :: SPEC character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: SHORT_NAME character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: LONG_NAME character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: UNITS integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: DIMS integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: VLOCATION integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: NUM_SUBTILES integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: ACCMLT_INTERVAL integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: COUPLE_INTERVAL integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: OFFSET integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: STAT integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: LABEL real , optional , intent(OUT) :: DEFAULT logical , optional , intent(OUT) :: defaultProvided type(ESMF_Field) , optional , intent(OUT) :: FIELD type(ESMF_FieldBundle) , optional , intent(OUT) :: BUNDLE type(ESMF_State) , optional , intent(OUT) :: STATE character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: FRIENDLYTO integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: HALOWIDTH integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: PRECISION integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RESTART character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), optional, pointer :: ATTR_INAMES(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), optional, pointer :: ATTR_RNAMES(:) integer, optional, pointer :: ATTR_IVALUES(:) real, optional, pointer :: ATTR_RVALUES(:) integer, optional, pointer :: UNGRIDDED_DIMS(:) character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: UNGRIDDED_UNIT character(len=*) , optional , intent(OUT) :: UNGRIDDED_NAME real, optional, pointer :: UNGRIDDED_COORDS(:) integer, optional :: FIELD_TYPE integer, optional :: STAGGERING integer, optional :: ROTATION type(ESMF_Grid) , optional , intent(OUT) :: GRID logical , optional , intent(OUT) :: doNotAllocate logical , optional , intent(OUT) :: alwaysAllocate integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC if(present(STAT)) then STAT = SPEC%STAT endif if(present(SHORT_NAME)) then SHORT_NAME = SPEC%SHORT_NAME endif if(present(LONG_NAME)) then LONG_NAME = SPEC%LONG_NAME endif if(present(UNITS)) then UNITS = SPEC%UNITS endif if(present(FRIENDLYTO)) then FRIENDLYTO = SPEC%FRIENDLYTO endif if(present(DIMS)) then DIMS = SPEC%DIMS endif if(present(VLOCATION)) then VLOCATION = SPEC%LOCATION endif if(present(NUM_SUBTILES)) then NUM_SUBTILES = SPEC%NUM_SUBTILES endif if(present(ACCMLT_INTERVAL)) then ACCMLT_INTERVAL = SPEC%ACCMLT_INTERVAL endif if(present(COUPLE_INTERVAL)) then COUPLE_INTERVAL = SPEC%COUPLE_INTERVAL endif if(present(OFFSET)) then OFFSET = SPEC%OFFSET endif if(present(LABEL)) then LABEL = SPEC%LABEL endif if(present(DEFAULT)) then DEFAULT = SPEC%DEFAULT endif if(present(defaultProvided)) then defaultProvided= SPEC%defaultProvided endif if(present(FIELD)) then FIELD = SPEC%FIELD endif if(present(BUNDLE)) then BUNDLE = SPEC%BUNDLE endif if(present(STATE)) then STATE = SPEC%STATE endif if(present(HALOWIDTH)) then HALOWIDTH = SPEC%HALOWIDTH endif if(present(PRECISION)) then PRECISION = SPEC%PRECISION endif if(present(RESTART)) then RESTART = SPEC%RESTART endif if(present(ATTR_INAMES)) then ATTR_INAMES => SPEC%ATTR_INAMES endif if(present(ATTR_RNAMES)) then ATTR_RNAMES => SPEC%ATTR_RNAMES endif if(present(ATTR_IVALUES)) then ATTR_IVALUES => SPEC%ATTR_IVALUES endif if(present(ATTR_RVALUES)) then ATTR_RVALUES => SPEC%ATTR_RVALUES endif if(present(UNGRIDDED_DIMS)) then UNGRIDDED_DIMS => SPEC%UNGRIDDED_DIMS endif if(present(UNGRIDDED_UNIT)) then UNGRIDDED_UNIT = SPEC%UNGRIDDED_UNIT endif if(present(UNGRIDDED_NAME)) then UNGRIDDED_NAME = SPEC%UNGRIDDED_NAME endif if(present(UNGRIDDED_COORDS)) then UNGRIDDED_COORDS => SPEC%UNGRIDDED_COORDS endif if(present(FIELD_TYPE)) then FIELD_TYPE = SPEC%FIELD_TYPE endif if(present(STAGGERING)) then STAGGERING = SPEC%STAGGERING endif if(present(ROTATION)) then ROTATION = SPEC%ROTATION endif if(present(GRID)) then GRID = SPEC%GRID endif if(present(doNotAllocate)) then doNotAllocate = SPEC%doNotAllocate endif if(present(alwaysAllocate)) then alwaysAllocate = SPEC%alwaysAllocate endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetNew subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetFieldPtr(SPEC, FIELDPTR, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: SPEC type(ESMF_Field) , pointer :: FIELDPTR integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif FIELDPTR => SPEC%SPECPtr%FIELD _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetFieldPtr subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetBundlePtr(SPEC, BundlePTR, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: SPEC type(ESMF_FieldBundle) , pointer :: BUNDLEPTR integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif BUNDLEPTR => SPEC%SPECPtr%BUNDLE _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetBundlePtr subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetStatePtr(SPEC, StatePTR, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: SPEC type(ESMF_State) , pointer :: STATEPTR integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif STATEPTR => SPEC%SPECPtr%STATE _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetStatePtr subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddChildName(SPEC,CN,RC) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: SPEC(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), intent(IN ) :: CN integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer K DO K=1,SIZE(SPEC) SPEC(K)%SPECptr%LONG_NAME = trim(SPEC(K)%SPECptr%LONG_NAME) // trim(CN) END DO _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) END subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddChildName subroutine MAPL_VarSpecReconnect(SPEC,ITEM,RC) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: SPEC(:) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(INOUT) :: ITEM integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS type(ESMF_Field), pointer :: FIELD type(ESMF_FieldBundle), pointer :: BUNDLE type(ESMF_State), pointer :: STATE integer I if(.not.associated(ITEM%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif if(.not.associated(SPEC)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif I=MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(SPEC, ITEM, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (I == -1) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif if (associated(ITEM%SPECptr%FIELD)) then deallocate(ITEM%SPECptr%FIELD, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC(I), FIELDPTR=FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarSpecSet(ITEM, FIELDPTR=FIELD, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(ITEM%SPECptr%BUNDLE)) then deallocate(ITEM%SPECptr%BUNDLE, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC(I), BUNDLEPTR=BUNDLE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarSpecSet(ITEM, BUNDLEPTR=BUNDLE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(ITEM%SPECptr%STATE)) then deallocate(ITEM%SPECptr%STATE, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC(I), STATEPTR=STATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarSpecSet(ITEM, STATEPTR=STATE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! deallocate(ITEM%SPECptr, stat=status) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) ! ITEM%SPECptr => SPEC(I)%SPECPtr _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecReconnect function MAPL_VarSpecEQ(s1, s2) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(in) :: s1, s2 logical :: MAPL_VarSpecEQ MAPL_VarSpecEQ = .FALSE. if (S1%SPECPtr%SHORT_NAME /= S2%SPECPtr%SHORT_NAME ) RETURN !ALT: for now we do not compare LONG_NAME nor UNITS !BMA: we also are not comparing FIELD_TYPE i.e. vector or scalar if (S1%SPECPtr%DIMS /= S2%SPECPtr%DIMS ) RETURN if (S1%SPECPtr%LOCATION /= S2%SPECPtr%LOCATION ) RETURN if (S1%SPECPtr%HALOWIDTH /= S2%SPECPtr%HALOWIDTH ) RETURN if (S1%SPECPtr%PRECISION /= S2%SPECPtr%PRECISION ) RETURN #if 0 if (IOR(S1%SPECPtr%STAT,MAPL_CplSATISFIED) & /= IOR(S2%SPECPtr%STAT,MAPL_CplSATISFIED)) then RETURN end if #endif if (S1%SPECPtr%ACCMLT_INTERVAL /= 0 .and. & S2%SPECPtr%ACCMLT_INTERVAL /= 0) then if (S1%SPECPtr%ACCMLT_INTERVAL /= S2%SPECPtr%ACCMLT_INTERVAL ) RETURN if (S1%SPECPtr%COUPLE_INTERVAL /= S2%SPECPtr%COUPLE_INTERVAL ) RETURN end if MAPL_VarSpecEQ = .TRUE. RETURN end function MAPL_VarSpecEQ function MAPL_VarSpecSamePrec(s1, s2) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(in) :: s1, s2 logical :: MAPL_VarSpecSamePrec MAPL_VarSpecSamePrec = .FALSE. if (S1%SPECPtr%PRECISION /= S2%SPECPtr%PRECISION ) RETURN MAPL_VarSpecSamePrec = .TRUE. RETURN end function MAPL_VarSpecSamePrec subroutine MAPL_VarSpecPrintOne(SPEC, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: SPEC integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC class(Logger), pointer :: lgr if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif call lgr%info('NAME = %a~:%a~:%i3.3', & trim(spec%specptr%short_name), trim(spec%specptr%long_name), spec%specptr%label) call lgr%info('ACCUMT = %i0',SPEC%SPECPtr%ACCMLT_INTERVAL) call lgr%info('COUPLE = %i0',SPEC%SPECPtr%COUPLE_INTERVAL) !C$ call lgr%info('DIMS = %i0',SPEC%SPECPtr%DIMS) !C$ call lgr%info('LOCATION = %dims = %i0',SPEC%SPECPtr%location) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecPrintOne subroutine MAPL_VarSpecPrintMany(SPEC, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: SPEC(:) integer , optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS integer :: I ! if(.not.associated(SPEC)) then ! _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) ! endif DO I = 1, size(SPEC) call MAPL_VarSpecPrint(Spec(I), RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) END DO _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecPrintMany subroutine MAPL_VarSpecPrintCSV(SPEC, compName, RC ) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(in ) :: spec(:) character(len=*), intent(in ) :: compName integer , optional , intent(out) :: RC integer :: status integer :: i do I = 1, size(spec) call MAPL_VarSpecPrint1CSV(Spec(I), compName, RC=status) _VERIFY(status) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecPrintCSV subroutine MAPL_VarSpecPrint1CSV(spec, compName, rc ) use pFlogger type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(in ) :: spec character(len=*), intent(in ) :: compName integer , optional , intent(out) :: RC class(Logger), pointer :: lgr character(len=:), allocatable :: item_type if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif if (iand(spec%specptr%stat,MAPL_BundleItem) /= 0) then item_type = "esmf_bundle" else if (iand(spec%specptr%stat,MAPL_StateItem) /=0) then item_type = "esmf_state" else item_type = "esmf_field" end if lgr => logging%get_logger('MAPL.GENERIC') call lgr%info('%a~, %a~, %a~, %a~, %i3~, %a~ ', & trim(compName), trim(spec%specptr%short_name), trim(spec%specptr%long_name), & trim(spec%specptr%units),spec%specptr%dims,item_type) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecPrint1CSV subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddRefFromItem(SPEC, ITEM, ALLOW_DUPLICATES, RC) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: SPEC(:) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: ITEM logical, optional , intent(IN) :: ALLOW_DUPLICATES integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: TMP(:) => null() integer :: I logical :: usableALLOW_DUPLICATES class(Logger), pointer :: lgr if(present(ALLOW_DUPLICATES)) then usableALLOW_DUPLICATES=ALLOW_DUPLICATES else usableALLOW_DUPLICATES=.FALSE. endif if(.not.associated(ITEM%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif if(associated(SPEC)) then if (.not. usableALLOW_DUPLICATES) then I = MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(SPEC, ITEM, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(I /= -1) then if (SPEC(I) == ITEM) THEN if(present(RC)) then RC=MAPL_DuplicateEntry end if return else lgr => logging%get_logger('MAPL.GENERIC') call lgr%error("Duplicate SHORT_NAME %a with different attributes.", trim(ITEM%SPECPtr%short_name)) call MAPL_VarSpecPrint(ITEM) call MAPL_VarSpecPrint(SPEC(I)) _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end if endif end if else allocate(SPEC(0),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif I = size(SPEC) allocate(TMP(I+1),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) TMP(1:I) = SPEC deallocate(SPEC) TMP(I+1)%SPECPtr => ITEM%SPECPtr SPEC => TMP _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddRefFromItem subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddRefFromList(SPEC,ITEM,RC) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), pointer :: SPEC(:) type (MAPL_VarSpec ), intent(IN ) :: ITEM(:) integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS integer I do I=1,size(ITEM) call MAPL_VarSpecAddRefFromItem(SPEC,ITEM(I),RC=STATUS) IF (STATUS /= MAPL_DuplicateEntry) then _VERIFY(STATUS) END IF enddo _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecAddRefFromList function MAPL_VarSpecGetIndexByName(SPEC, NAME, RC) result (INDEX) type (MAPL_VarSpec ) , intent(in) :: SPEC(:) character (len=*) , intent(IN) :: NAME integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: INDEX integer :: I do I = 1, size(SPEC) if(.not.associated(SPEC(I)%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif if (trim(SPEC(I)%SPECPtr%SHORT_NAME) == trim(NAME)) then INDEX = I _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif enddo INDEX = -1 ! not found _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end function MAPL_VarSpecGetIndexByName subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetDataByName(SPEC, NAME, PTR1, PTR2, PTR3, RC) type (MAPL_VarSpec ) , intent(INout):: SPEC(:) character (len=*) , intent(IN) :: NAME real, optional, pointer :: PTR1(:) real, optional, pointer :: PTR2(:,:) real, optional, pointer :: PTR3(:,:,:) integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS integer :: I do I = 1, size(SPEC) if(.not.associated(SPEC(I)%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif if (trim(SPEC(I)%SPECPtr%SHORT_NAME) == trim(NAME)) then call MAPL_VarSpecGetData(SPEC(I),PTR1,PTR2,PTR3,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif enddo _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetDataByName subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetData(SPEC, PTR1, PTR2, PTR3, RC) type (MAPL_VarSpec ) , intent(INout):: SPEC real, optional, pointer :: PTR1(:) real, optional, pointer :: PTR2(:,:) real, optional, pointer :: PTR3(:,:,:) integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS type(ESMF_Array) :: ARRAY if(.not.associated(SPEC%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif call ESMF_FieldGet(SPEC%SPECPtr%FIELD,Array=ARRAY,rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (present(PTR1)) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(ARRAY, localDE=0, farrayptr=PTR1, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(.not.present(PTR2),'needs informative message') _ASSERT(.not.present(PTR3),'needs informative message') _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif if (present(PTR2)) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(ARRAY, localDE=0, farrayptr=PTR2, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(.not.present(PTR3),'needs informative message') _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif if (present(PTR3)) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(ARRAY, localDE=0, farrayptr=PTR3, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecGetData function MAPL_VarSpecGetIndexOfItem(SPEC, ITEM, RC) result (INDEX) type (MAPL_VarSpec ) , intent(in) :: SPEC(:) type (MAPL_VarSpec ) , intent(in) :: ITEM integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: INDEX integer :: I do I = 1, size(SPEC) if(.not.associated(SPEC(I)%SPECPtr)) then _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif if (trim(SPEC(I)%SPECPtr%SHORT_NAME) == trim(ITEM%SPECPtr%SHORT_NAME)) then if (SPEC(I) == ITEM) then INDEX = I _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if endif enddo INDEX = -1 ! not found _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end function MAPL_VarSpecGetIndexOfItem end module MAPL_VarSpecMod