! This type should be private to generic layer. #include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" module MAPL_VarSpecTypeMod use ESMF, only: ESMF_MAXSTR, ESMF_SUCCESS use ESMF, only: ESMF_Grid use ESMF, only: ESMF_Field, ESMF_FieldBundle, ESMF_State use mapl_ErrorHandlingMod use oomph, only: HorizontalStaggerLoc use oomph, only: VerticalStaggerLoc use oomph, only: UngriddedDimSpec use oomph, only: DimsSpec use oomph, only: FieldSpec implicit none private public :: MAPL_VarSpecType public :: MAPL_VarSpecSet type :: MAPL_VarSpecType ! new type(FieldSpec) :: field_spec ! legacy character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: SHORT_NAME character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: LONG_NAME character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: UNITS character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: FRIENDLYTO character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: VECTOR_PAIR character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer :: ATTR_INAMES(:) => null() character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer :: ATTR_RNAMES(:) => null() integer, pointer :: ATTR_IVALUES(:) => null() real, pointer :: ATTR_RVALUES(:) => null() integer, pointer :: UNGRIDDED_DIMS(:) => null() character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: UNGRIDDED_UNIT character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: UNGRIDDED_NAME real, pointer :: UNGRIDDED_COORDS(:) integer :: DIMS integer :: LOCATION integer :: NUM_SUBTILES integer :: STAT integer :: ACCMLT_INTERVAL integer :: COUPLE_INTERVAL integer :: OFFSET integer :: LABEL integer :: HALOWIDTH integer :: PRECISION integer :: FIELD_TYPE integer :: VECTOR_ORDER integer :: STAGGERING integer :: ROTATION integer :: RESTART logical :: defaultProvided logical :: doNotAllocate logical :: alwaysAllocate ! meant for export specs logical :: depends_on_children character(len=:), allocatable :: depends_on(:) real :: DEFAULT type(ESMF_Field), pointer :: FIELD => null() type(ESMF_FieldBundle), pointer :: BUNDLE => null() type(ESMF_State), pointer :: STATE => null() type(ESMF_Grid) :: GRID contains procedure :: MAPL_VarSpecSetNew generic :: MAPL_VarSpecSet => MAPL_VarSpecSetNew end type MAPL_VarSpecType interface MAPL_VarSpecSet module procedure MAPL_VarSpecSetNew end interface MAPL_VarSpecSet contains subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetNew(spec, short_name, long_name, units, & dims, vlocation, field, bundle, state, & stat, accmlt_interval, couple_interval, & offset, label, & friendlyto, & field_type, & staggering, & rotation, & grid, & donotallocate, & alwaysallocate, & rc ) class(mapl_varspectype), intent(inout) :: spec character(len=*) , optional , intent(in) :: short_name character(len=*) , optional , intent(in) :: long_name character(len=*) , optional , intent(in) :: units integer , optional , intent(in) :: dims integer , optional , intent(in) :: vlocation integer , optional , intent(in) :: accmlt_interval integer , optional , intent(in) :: couple_interval integer , optional , intent(in) :: offset integer , optional , intent(in) :: stat integer , optional , intent(in) :: label type(ESMF_field) , optional , intent(in) :: field type(ESMF_fieldbundle) , optional , intent(in) :: bundle type(ESMF_state) , optional , intent(in) :: state character(len=*) , optional , intent(in) :: friendlyto integer , optional , intent(in) :: field_type integer , optional , intent(in) :: staggering integer , optional , intent(in) :: rotation type(ESMF_grid) , optional , intent(in) :: grid logical , optional , intent(in) :: donotallocate logical , optional , intent(in) :: alwaysallocate integer , optional , intent(out) :: rc if(present(short_name)) then spec%short_name = short_name endif if(present(long_name)) then spec%long_name = long_name endif if(present(units)) then spec%units = units endif if(present(friendlyto)) then spec%friendlyto = friendlyto endif if(present(stat)) then spec%stat=stat endif if(present(dims)) then spec%dims=dims endif if(present(vlocation)) then spec%location=vlocation endif if(present(accmlt_interval)) then spec%accmlt_interval=accmlt_interval endif if(present(couple_interval)) then spec%couple_interval=couple_interval endif if(present(offset)) then spec%offset=offset endif if(present(label)) then spec%label=label endif if(present(field)) then spec%field = field endif if(present(bundle)) then spec%bundle = bundle endif if(present(state)) then spec%state = state endif if(present(grid)) then spec%grid = grid endif if(present(field_type)) then spec%field_type = field_type endif if(present(staggering)) then spec%staggering = staggering endif if(present(rotation)) then spec%rotation = rotation endif if(present(donotallocate)) then spec%donotallocate = donotallocate endif if(present(alwaysallocate)) then spec%alwaysallocate = alwaysallocate endif associate( & horz_spec => create_horz_stagger_spec(spec), & vert_spec => create_vert_stagger_spec(spec), & ungr_spec => create_ungridded_dim_specs(spec), & tk_spec => create_tk_spec(spec)) associate( dims_spec => DimsSpec(horz_spec, vert_spec, ungr_spec, spec%halowidth)) spec%field_spec = FieldSpec(spec%long_name, dims_spec, tk_spec) end associate end associate _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) contains function create_horz_stagger_spec(this) result(horz_spec) type(HorizontalStaggerLoc) :: horz_spec type(MAPL_VarSpecType), intent(in) :: this end function create_horz_stagger_spec function create_vert_stagger_spec(this) result(vert_spec) type(VerticalStaggerLoc) :: vert_spec type(MAPL_VarSpecType), intent(in) :: this end function create_vert_stagger_spec function create_ungridded_dim_specs(this) result(ungr_spec) type(UngriddedDimSpec), allocatable :: ungr_spec(:) type(MAPL_VarSpecType), intent(in) :: this end function create_ungridded_dim_specs function create_tk_spec(this) result(tk_spec) use esmf, only: ESMF_KIND_R4, ESMF_KIND_R8 use esmf, only: ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4, ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8 use esmf, only: ESMF_TYPEKIND_FLAG type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag) :: tk_spec type(MAPL_VarSpecType), intent(in) :: this select case (this%precision) case (ESMF_KIND_R4) tk_spec = ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4 case (ESMF_KIND_R8) tk_spec = ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8 case default error stop end select end function create_tk_spec end subroutine MAPL_VarSpecSetNew end module MAPL_VarSpecTypeMod