!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) ! ! Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) ! ! MAPL Component ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" !> !### MODULE: `MAPL_MemUtilsMod` ! ! Author: GMAO SI-Team ! ! `MAPL_MemUtilsMod` -- A Module to query/print memory use per processor (Adapted by WMP from FMS memuse utility) ! module MAPL_MemUtilsMod use ESMF use MAPL_BaseMod use MAPL_CommsMod use MAPL_IOMod use MAPL_ShmemMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: INT64 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL64 use mpi !Author: Balaji (V.Balaji@noaa.gov) !Various operations for memory management !these currently include efficient methods for memory-to-memory copy !including strided data and arbitrary gather-scatter vectors !also various memory and cache inquiry operators implicit none private #ifdef _CRAYT3E integer :: pe, shmem_my_pe #endif integer(kind=INT64) :: l1_cache_line_size, l1_cache_size, l1_associativity integer(kind=INT64) :: l2_cache_line_size, l2_cache_size, l2_associativity logical :: memutils_initialized=.FALSE. interface memcpy module procedure memcpy_r8 module procedure memcpy_r8_gather module procedure memcpy_r8_scatter module procedure memcpy_r8_gather_scatter end interface interface MAPL_MemUtilsWrite module procedure MAPL_MemUtilsWriteVM module procedure MAPL_MemUtilsWriteComm end interface public MAPL_MemUtilsInit public MAPL_MemUtilsDisable public MAPL_MemUtilsWrite public MAPL_MemUtilsIsDisabled public MAPL_MemUtilsFree public MAPL_MemCommited public MAPL_MemUsed #ifdef _CRAY public :: hplen #endif #ifdef _CRAYT90 public :: stklen #endif #ifdef sysDarwin logical, save :: DISABLED = .true. #else logical, save :: DISABLED = .false. #endif integer, public, parameter :: MAPL_MemUtilsModeNode = 2 integer, public, parameter :: MAPL_MemUtilsModeFull = 1 integer, public, parameter :: MAPL_MemUtilsModeBase = 0 integer, save :: MAPL_MemUtilsMode real, save :: gmax_save contains !******************************************************** logical function MAPL_MemUtilsIsDisabled() MAPL_MemUtilsIsDisabled = DISABLED end function MAPL_MemUtilsIsDisabled !******************************************************** subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsDisable(RC) integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_MemUtilsDisable" DISABLED = .true. _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsDisable !******************************************************** !******************************************************** subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsInit(mode,RC) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: mode integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_MemUtilsInit" !initialize memutils module !currently sets default cache characteristics !(will provide overrides later) !also sets pe to my_pe on t3e #ifdef _CRAYT3E !all sizes in bytes l1_cache_line_size = 32 l1_cache_size = 8192 l1_associativity = 1 l2_cache_line_size = 64 l2_cache_size = 98304 l2_associativity = 3 #else !defaults l1_cache_line_size = 1 l1_cache_size = 1 l1_associativity = 1 l2_cache_line_size = 1 l2_cache_size = 1 l2_associativity = 1 #endif #ifdef _CRAYT3E pe = SHMEM_MY_PE() #endif memutils_initialized = .TRUE. gmax_save = 0.0 if (present(mode)) then MAPL_MemUtilsMode=mode else MAPL_memUtilsMode=MAPL_MemUtilsModeBase endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsInit !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !MEMCPY routines: <nelems> real*8 words are copied from RHS to LHS ! ! Either side can have constant stride (lhs_stride, rhs_stride) ! ! or indexed by a gather/scatter array (lhs_indx, rhs_indx) ! ! index arrays are 0-based (i.e C-like not fortran-like: this is ! ! for compatibility with the SHMEM_IXGET/PUT routines) ! ! ! ! EXAMPLES: ! ! ! !Replace ! ! a(0:n-1) = b(0:n-1) ! !with ! ! call memcpy(a,b,n) ! ! ! !Replace ! ! a(0:2*n-1:2) = b(0:3*n-1:3) ! !with ! ! call memcpy(a,b,dim,n,2,3) !dim.GE.3*n ! ! ! !Replace ! ! a(0:n-1) = b(indx(1:n)) ! !with ! ! call memcpy(a,b,dim,n,1,indx) !dim.GE.max(indx) ! ! ! !Replace ! ! a(indx(1:n)) = b(0:n-1) ! !with ! ! call memcpy(a,b,dim,n,indx,1) !dim.GE.max(indx) ! ! ! !Replace ! ! a(indxa(1:n)) = b(indxb(1:n)) ! !with ! ! call memcpy(a,b,dim,n,indx,indxb) !dim.GE.max(indxa,indxb) ! ! ! ! There are no error checks!!! (routines are built for speed) ! ! Specifically there is no bounds-checking: if the stride or ! ! indexing causes you to exceed <dim> you will have done a ! ! potentially unsafe memory load ! ! ! !T3E: we use the shmem routines on-processor to effect the transfer ! ! via the (faster) E-registers ! ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine memcpy_r8( lhs, rhs, dim, nelems, lhs_stride, rhs_stride ) !base routine: handles constant stride memcpy !default strides are of course 1 integer, intent(in) :: dim real(kind=REAL64), dimension(0:dim-1), intent(in) :: rhs real(kind=REAL64), dimension(0:dim-1), intent(out) :: lhs integer, intent(in), optional :: nelems, lhs_stride, rhs_stride integer :: n, rs, ls !defaults n = dim ls = 1 rs = 1 if( PRESENT(nelems) )then n = nelems !only check for stride if nelems is present if( PRESENT(lhs_stride) )ls = lhs_stride if( PRESENT(rhs_stride) )rs = rhs_stride endif if( ls.EQ.1 .AND. rs.EQ.1 )then #ifdef _CRAYT3E call SHMEM_GET( lhs(0), rhs(0), n, pe ) #else lhs(0:n-1) = rhs(0:n-1) #endif else #ifdef _CRAYT3E call SHMEM_IGET( lhs(0), rhs(0), ls, rs, n, pe ) #else lhs(0:n*ls-1:ls) = rhs(0:n*rs-1:rs) #endif endif return end subroutine memcpy_r8 subroutine memcpy_r8_gather( lhs, rhs, dim, nelems, lhs_stride, rhs_indx ) !memcpy routine with gather: copies nelems words from rhs(indx(:)) to lhs(:) integer, intent(in) :: dim, nelems, lhs_stride real(kind=REAL64), dimension(0:dim-1), intent(in) :: rhs real(kind=REAL64), dimension(0:dim-1), intent(out) :: lhs integer, intent(in), dimension(nelems) :: rhs_indx #ifdef _CRAYT3E !dir$ CACHE_BYPASS lhs, rhs, rhs_indx real(kind=REAL64), dimension(nelems) :: tmp if( lhs_stride.EQ.1 )then call SHMEM_IXGET( lhs(0), rhs(0), rhs_indx, nelems, pe ) else call SHMEM_IXGET( tmp, rhs(0), rhs_indx, nelems, pe ) call SHMEM_IGET( lhs(0), tmp, lhs_stride, 1, nelems, pe ) endif #else lhs(0:nelems*lhs_stride-1:lhs_stride) = rhs(rhs_indx(1:nelems)) #endif return end subroutine memcpy_r8_gather subroutine memcpy_r8_scatter( lhs, rhs, dim, nelems, lhs_indx, rhs_stride ) !memcpy routine with scatter: copies nelems words from rhs(:) to lhs(indx(:)) integer, intent(in) :: dim, nelems, rhs_stride real(kind=REAL64), dimension(0:dim-1), intent(in) :: rhs real(kind=REAL64), dimension(0:dim-1), intent(out) :: lhs integer, intent(in), dimension(nelems) :: lhs_indx #ifdef _CRAYT3E !dir$ CACHE_BYPASS lhs, rhs, lhs_indx real(kind=REAL64), dimension(nelems) :: tmp if( rhs_stride.EQ.1 )then call SHMEM_IXPUT( lhs(0), rhs(0), lhs_indx, nelems, pe ) else call SHMEM_IGET( tmp, rhs(0), rhs_stride, 1, nelems, pe ) call SHMEM_IXPUT( lhs(0), tmp, lhs_indx, nelems, pe ) endif call SHMEM_QUIET !required to ensure completion of put #else lhs(lhs_indx(1:nelems)) = rhs(0:nelems*rhs_stride-1:rhs_stride) #endif return end subroutine memcpy_r8_scatter subroutine memcpy_r8_gather_scatter( lhs, rhs, dim, nelems, lhs_indx, rhs_indx ) !memcpy routine with gather/scatter: copies nelems words from rhs(indx(:)) to lhs(indx(:)) integer, intent(in) :: dim, nelems real(kind=REAL64), dimension(0:dim-1), intent(in) :: rhs real(kind=REAL64), dimension(0:dim-1), intent(out) :: lhs integer, intent(in), dimension(nelems) :: lhs_indx, rhs_indx #ifdef _CRAYT3E !dir$ CACHE_BYPASS lhs, rhs, lhs_indx, rhs_indx real(kind=REAL64), dimension(nelems) :: tmp call SHMEM_IXGET( tmp, rhs(0), rhs_indx, nelems, pe ) call SHMEM_IXPUT( lhs(0), tmp, lhs_indx, nelems, pe ) call SHMEM_QUIET !required to ensure completion of put #else lhs(lhs_indx(1:nelems)) = rhs(rhs_indx(1:nelems)) #endif return end subroutine memcpy_r8_gather_scatter #ifdef _CRAY integer function hplen( hpalloc, hplargest, hpshrink, hpgrow, hpfirst, hplast ) !using IHPSTAT calls from SR-2165 v2.0 p535 !with no arguments returns heap length (in words on PVP, bytes on t3e) integer, intent(out), optional :: hpalloc, hplargest, hpshrink, hpgrow, hpfirst, hplast integer :: IHPSTAT hplen = IHPSTAT(1) !Heap length if( present(hpalloc ) )hpalloc = IHPSTAT( 4) !Blocks allocated if( present(hplargest) )hplargest = IHPSTAT(10) !Largest free block size if( present(hpshrink ) )hpshrink = IHPSTAT(11) !Amount heap can shrink if( present(hpgrow ) )hpgrow = IHPSTAT(12) !Amount heap can grow if( present(hpfirst ) )hpfirst = IHPSTAT(13) !First word address if( present(hplast ) )hplast = IHPSTAT(14) !Last word address return end function hplen #endif /* _CRAY */ #ifdef _CRAYT90 integer function stklen( stkhiwm, stknumber, stktotal, stkmost, stkgrew, stkgtimes ) !using STKSTAT(3C) struct integer, optional, intent(out) :: stkhiwm, stknumber, stktotal, stkmost, stkgrew, stkgtimes integer :: istat(20) call STKSTAT(istat) stklen = istat(1) !Stack length if( present(stkhiwm ) )stkhiwm = istat(2) !stack hiwatermark if( present(stknumber) )stknumber = istat(3) !current #stacks if( present(stktotal ) )stktotal = istat(4) !total #stacks if( present(stkmost ) )stkmost = istat(5) !most #stacks at one time if( present(stkgrew ) )stkgrew = istat(6) !#stacks that grew if( present(stkgtimes) )stkgtimes = istat(7) !#times stack grew return end function stklen #endif /* _CRAYT90 */ subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsWriteVM( vm, text, always, RC ) type(ESMF_VM) :: vm character(len=*), intent(in) :: text logical, intent(in), optional :: always integer, optional, intent(OUT ) :: RC character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_MemUtilsWriteVM" integer :: status integer :: comm call ESMF_VMGet(vm,mpicommunicator=comm,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if( PRESENT(always) )then if( .NOT.always ) then _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif call MAPL_MemUtilsWriteComm(text,comm=comm,always=always,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if( DISABLED ) then _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif call MAPL_MemUtilsWriteComm(text,comm=comm,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsWriteVM subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsWriteComm( text, comm, always, RC ) character(len=*), intent(in) :: text integer, optional :: Comm logical, intent(in), optional :: always integer, optional, intent(OUT ) :: RC real :: mhwm, mrss, memused, swapused real :: mmin, mmax, mavg, mstd real :: gmin, gmax, gavg, gstd real :: lhwm, ghwm real :: lmem, gmem, lswap, gswap real :: commitlimit, committed_as real :: lcommitlimit, lcommitted_as real :: gcommitlimit, gcommitted_as integer :: npes !memuse is an external function: works on SGI !use #ifdef to generate equivalent on other platforms. character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_MemUtilsWriteComm" integer :: status character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: outString integer :: comm_ if (present(comm)) then comm_=comm else comm_=MPI_COMM_WORLD end if if( PRESENT(always) )then if( .NOT.always ) then _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif else if( DISABLED ) then _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif end if #if defined(__sgi) || defined(__aix) || defined(__SX) m = memuse()*1e-3 #else call mem_dump(mhwm, mrss, memused, swapused, commitlimit, committed_as) #endif call MPI_Comm_Size(comm_,npes,status) if (MAPL_MemUtilsMode == MAPL_MemUtilsModeFull) then lhwm = mhwm; call MPI_AllReduce(lhwm,ghwm,1,MPI_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm_,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) mmin = mrss; call MPI_AllReduce(mmin,gmin,1,MPI_REAL,MPI_MIN,comm_,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) mmax = mrss; call MPI_AllReduce(mmax,gmax,1,MPI_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm_,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) mavg = mrss; call MPI_AllReduce(mavg,gavg,1,MPI_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm_,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) gavg = gavg/npes mstd = (mrss-gavg)**2; call MPI_AllReduce(mstd,gstd,1,MPI_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm_,status) gstd = sqrt( gstd/npes ) gmax_save = gmax lcommitlimit = commitlimit; call MPI_AllReduce(lcommitlimit,gcommitlimit,1,MPI_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm_,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) lcommitted_as = committed_as; call MPI_AllReduce(lcommitted_as,gcommitted_as,1,MPI_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm_,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if (MAPL_MemUtilsMode == MAPL_MemUtilsModeFull .or. MAPL_MemUtilsMode == MAPL_MemUtilsModeBase) then lmem = memused; call MPI_AllReduce(lmem,gmem,1,MPI_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm_,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) lswap = swapused; call MPI_AllReduce(lswap,gswap,1,MPI_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm_,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if (MAPL_MemUtilsMode == MAPL_MemUtilsModeBase) then write(outString,'(a64,2es11.3)') & 'Mem/Swap Used (MB) at '//trim(text)//'=', gmem, gswap call WRITE_PARALLEL(trim(outString),format='(a132)') end if if (MAPL_MemUtilsMode == MAPL_MemUtilsModeFull) then write(outString,'(a64,5es11.3)') & 'Memuse(MB) at '//trim(text)//'=', ghwm, gmax, gmin, gavg, gmax-gmax_save gmax_save = gmax call WRITE_PARALLEL(trim(outString),format='(a132)') write(outString,'(a64,2es11.3)') & 'Mem/Swap Used (MB) at '//trim(text)//'=', gmem, gswap call WRITE_PARALLEL(trim(outString),format='(a132)') write(outString,'(a64,2es11.3)') & 'CommitLimit/Committed_AS (MB) at '//trim(text)//'=', gcommitlimit, gcommitted_as call WRITE_PARALLEL(trim(outString),format='(a132)') end if if (MAPL_MemUtilsMode == MAPL_MemUtilsModeNode) then if (MAPL_AmNodeRoot) then write(*,'(a64,i3,a2,es11.3)')'Memory use at '//trim(text)//' on node ',MAPL_MyNodeNum,': ',memused end if end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsWriteComm !####################################################################### subroutine MAPL_MemUsed ( memtotal, used, percent_used, RC ) use MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod, only: MAPL_RTRN real, intent(out) :: memtotal, used, percent_used integer, optional, intent(OUT ) :: RC ! This routine returns the memory usage on Linux systems. ! It does this by querying a system file (file_name below). character(len=32) :: meminfo = '/proc/meminfo' character(len=32) :: string integer :: mem_unit real :: multiplier, available character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_MemUtils:MAPL_MemUsed" integer :: status #ifdef sysDarwin memtotal = 0.0 used = 0.0 percent_used = 0.0 RETURN_(ESMF_SUCCESS) #else available = -1 memtotal = -1 #endif call get_unit(mem_unit) open(UNIT=mem_unit,FILE=meminfo,FORM='formatted',IOSTAT=STATUS) !_VERIFY(STATUS) ! Note: On at least one CircleCI compute machine, this was returning IOSTAT=9, with an IOMSG of: ! permission to access file denied, unit 100, file /proc/meminfo ! So, instead, if we get this issue, just act like macOS and not return useful info rather ! than crashing the model if (STATUS /= 0) then memtotal = 0.0 used = 0.0 percent_used = 0.0 RETURN_(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if do read (mem_unit,'(a)', end=20) string if ( index ( string, 'MemTotal:' ) == 1 ) then ! High Water Mark read (string(10:LEN_trim(string)-2),*) memtotal multiplier = 1.0 if (trim(string(LEN_trim(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB memtotal = memtotal * multiplier endif if ( index ( string, 'MemAvailable:' ) == 1 ) then ! Resident Memory multiplier = 1.0 read (string(14:LEN_trim(string)-2),*) available if (trim(string(LEN_trim(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB available = available * multiplier endif enddo 20 close(mem_unit) if (memtotal >= 0 .and. available >= 0) then used = memtotal-available percent_used = 100.0*(used/memtotal) else ! fail, but don't crash used = -1 percent_used = -1 end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_MemUsed subroutine MAPL_MemCommited ( memtotal, committed_as, percent_committed, RC ) real, intent(out) :: memtotal, committed_as, percent_committed integer, optional, intent(OUT ) :: RC ! This routine returns the memory usage on Linux systems. ! It does this by querying a system file (file_name below). character(len=32) :: meminfo = '/proc/meminfo' character(len=32) :: string integer :: mem_unit real :: multiplier character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_MemUtils:MAPL_MemCommited" integer :: status #ifdef sysDarwin memtotal = 0.0 committed_as = 0.0 percent_committed = 0.0 _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) #endif multiplier = 1.0 call get_unit(mem_unit) open(UNIT=mem_unit,FILE=meminfo,FORM='formatted',IOSTAT=STATUS) !_VERIFY(STATUS) ! Note: On at least one CircleCI compute machine, this was returning IOSTAT=9, with an IOMSG of: ! permission to access file denied, unit 100, file /proc/meminfo ! So, instead, if we get this issue, just act like macOS and not return useful info rather ! than crashing the model if (STATUS /= 0) then memtotal = 0.0 committed_as = 0.0 percent_committed = 0.0 RETURN_(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if do; read (mem_unit,'(a)', end=20) string if ( INDEX ( string, 'MemTotal:' ) == 1 ) then ! High Water Mark read (string(10:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) memtotal if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB memtotal = memtotal * multiplier endif if ( INDEX ( string, 'Committed_AS:' ) == 1 ) then ! Resident Memory read (string(14:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) committed_as if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB committed_as = committed_as * multiplier endif enddo 20 close(mem_unit) percent_committed = 100.0*(committed_as/memtotal) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_MemCommited subroutine mem_dump ( memhwm, memrss, memused, swapused, commitlimit, committed_as, RC ) real, intent(out) :: memhwm, memrss, memused, swapused, commitlimit, committed_as integer, optional, intent(OUT ) :: RC ! This routine returns the memory usage on Linux systems. ! It does this by querying a system file (file_name below). character(len=32) :: proc_self = '/proc/self/status' character(len=32) :: meminfo = '/proc/meminfo' character(len=32) :: string integer(kind=INT64) :: memtot, memfree, swaptot, swapfree integer :: mem_unit real :: multiplier character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_MemUtils:mem_dump" integer :: status memhwm = 0.0 memrss = 0.0 multiplier = 1.0 call get_unit(mem_unit) open(UNIT=mem_unit,FILE=proc_self,FORM='formatted',IOSTAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do; read (mem_unit,'(a)', end=10) string if ( INDEX ( string, 'VmHWM:' ) == 1 ) then ! High Water Mark read (string(7:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) memhwm if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB memhwm = memhwm * multiplier endif if ( INDEX ( string, 'VmRSS:' ) == 1 ) then ! Resident Memory read (string(7:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) memrss if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB memrss = memrss * multiplier endif enddo 10 close(mem_unit) call get_unit(mem_unit) open(UNIT=mem_unit,FILE=meminfo,FORM='formatted',IOSTAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do; read (mem_unit,'(a)', end=20) string if ( INDEX ( string, 'MemTotal:' ) == 1 ) then ! High Water Mark read (string(10:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) memtot if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB memtot = memtot * multiplier endif if ( INDEX ( string, 'MemFree:' ) == 1 ) then ! High Water Mark read (string(9:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) memfree if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB memfree = memfree * multiplier endif if ( INDEX ( string, 'SwapTotal:' ) == 1 ) then ! Resident Memory read (string(11:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) swaptot if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB swaptot = swaptot * multiplier endif if ( INDEX ( string, 'SwapFree:' ) == 1 ) then ! Resident Memory read (string(10:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) swapfree if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB swapfree = swapfree * multiplier endif if ( INDEX ( string, 'CommitLimit:' ) == 1 ) then ! Resident Memory read (string(13:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) commitlimit if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB commitlimit = commitlimit * multiplier endif if ( INDEX ( string, 'Committed_AS:' ) == 1 ) then ! Resident Memory read (string(14:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) committed_as if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB committed_as = committed_as * multiplier endif enddo 20 close(mem_unit) memused = memtot-memfree swapused = swaptot-swapfree _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine mem_dump subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsFree ( totmemfree, RC ) real, intent(out) :: totmemfree integer, optional, intent(OUT ) :: RC ! This routine returns the amount of free memory on Linux systems. ! It does this by querying a system file (file_name below). character(len=32) :: meminfo = '/proc/meminfo' character(len=32) :: string real :: memfree, buffers, cached integer :: mem_unit real :: multiplier character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_MemUtilsFree" integer :: status totmemfree = 0.0 memfree = 0.0 buffers = 0.0 cached = 0.0 multiplier = 1.0 call get_unit(mem_unit) open(UNIT=mem_unit,FILE=meminfo,FORM='formatted',IOSTAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do; read (mem_unit,'(a)', end=20) string if ( INDEX ( string, 'MemFree:' ) == 1 ) then ! Free memory read (string(9:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) memfree if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB memfree = memfree * multiplier endif if ( INDEX ( string, 'Buffers:' ) == 1 ) then ! Buffers read (string(9:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) buffers if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB buffers = buffers * multiplier endif if ( INDEX ( string, 'Cached:' ) == 1 ) then ! Cached read (string(8:LEN_TRIM(string)-2),*) cached if (TRIM(string(LEN_TRIM(string)-1:)) == "kB" ) & multiplier = 1.0/1024. ! Convert from kB to MB cached = cached * multiplier endif enddo 20 close(mem_unit) totmemfree = memfree + cached + buffers _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_MemUtilsFree subroutine get_unit ( iunit ) implicit none ! integer i integer ios integer iunit logical lopen iunit = 0 do i = 1, 99 if ( i /= 5 .and. i /= 6 ) then inquire ( unit = i, opened = lopen, iostat = ios ) if ( ios == 0 ) then if ( .not. lopen ) then iunit = i return end if end if end if end do return end subroutine get_unit end module MAPL_MemUtilsMod