#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" !BOP ! !MODULE: MAPL_Comms -- A Module to parallel comunications until ESMF fully supports it ! !INTERFACE: module MAPL_CommsMod use ESMF use MAPL_BaseMod use MAPL_ShmemMod use MAPL_Constants, only: MAPL_Unknown, MAPL_IsGather, MAPL_IsScatter use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use mpi implicit none private public MAPL_CommsBcast public MAPL_CommsScatterV public MAPL_CommsGatherV public MAPL_CommsAllGather public MAPL_CommsAllGatherV public MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin public MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax public MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum public MAPL_CommsSend public MAPL_CommsRecv public MAPL_CommsSendRecv public MAPL_AM_I_ROOT public MAPL_AM_I_RANK public MAPL_NPES public ArrayGather public ArrayScatter public MAPL_root public MAPL_CreateRequest public MAPL_CommRequest public MAPL_ArrayIGather public MAPL_ArrayIScatter public MAPL_CollectiveWait public MAPL_CollectiveScatter3D public MAPL_CollectiveGather3D public MAPL_RoundRobinPEList public MAPL_BcastShared type ArrPtr real, pointer :: A(:,:) end type ArrPtr public ArrPtr type MAPL_CommRequest integer, pointer :: i1(:),in(:),j1(:),jn(:),im(:),jm(:) integer :: im_world, jm_world, im0, jm0 integer, pointer :: recv(:)=>null() integer, pointer :: send(:)=>null() real, pointer :: var(:)=>null() real, pointer :: DstArray(:,:)=>null() real, pointer :: Local_Array(:,:)=>null() real, pointer :: Trans_Array(:,:,:)=>null() real, pointer :: Read_Array(:,:)=>null() type(ArrPtr), pointer :: Buff(:) integer :: nDEs, MYPE, comm, root logical :: active=.false., amRoot=.false. logical :: IsPrePosted integer :: RequestType=MAPL_Unknown integer :: tag, s_rqst end type MAPL_CommRequest interface MAPL_Am_I_Root module procedure MAPL_Am_I_Root_Layout module procedure MAPL_Am_I_Root_Vm end interface interface MAPL_Am_I_Rank module procedure MAPL_Am_I_Rank_Only module procedure MAPL_Am_I_Rank_Layout module procedure MAPL_Am_I_Rank_Vm end interface interface MAPL_NPES module procedure MAPL_NPES_Layout module procedure MAPL_NPES_Vm end interface interface MAPL_CommsBcast module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_STRING_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_L4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_I4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_R4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_R8_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_I4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcast_R8_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_STRING_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_L4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_I4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_R4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_R8_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_I4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsBcastVm_R8_2 end interface interface MAPL_BcastShared module procedure MAPL_BcastShared_1DR4 module procedure MAPL_BcastShared_2DR4 end interface interface MAPL_CommsScatterV module procedure MAPL_CommsScatterV_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsScatterV_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsScatterV_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsScatterV_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsScatterV_R8_2 end interface interface MAPL_CommsGatherV module procedure MAPL_CommsGatherV_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsGatherV_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsGatherV_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsGatherV_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsGatherV_R8_2 end interface interface MAPL_CommsAllGather module procedure MAPL_CommsAllGather_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllGather_L4_1 end interface interface MAPL_ArrayIGather module procedure MAPL_ArrayIGather_R4_2 end interface interface MAPL_ArrayIScatter module procedure MAPL_ArrayIScatter_R4_2 end interface interface MAPL_CommsAllGatherV module procedure MAPL_CommsAllGatherV_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllGatherV_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllGatherV_R8_1 end interface interface MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin_I4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin_R4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin_R8_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin_I4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMin_R8_2 end interface interface MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax_I4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax_R4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax_R8_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax_I4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceMax_R8_2 end interface interface MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum_I4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum_R4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum_R8_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum_I4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsAllReduceSum_R8_2 end interface interface MAPL_CommsSend module procedure MAPL_CommsSend_I4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsSend_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsSend_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsSend_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsSend_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsSend_R8_2 end interface interface MAPL_CommsRecv module procedure MAPL_CommsRecv_I4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsRecv_I4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsRecv_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsRecv_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsRecv_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsRecv_R8_2 end interface interface MAPL_CommsSendRecv module procedure MAPL_CommsSendRecv_I4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsSendRecv_R4_0 module procedure MAPL_CommsSendRecv_R4_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsSendRecv_R4_2 module procedure MAPL_CommsSendRecv_R8_1 module procedure MAPL_CommsSendRecv_R8_2 end interface interface ArrayScatter module procedure ArrayScatter_R4_1 module procedure ArrayScatter_R8_1 module procedure ArrayScatter_R4_2 module procedure ArrayScatter_R8_2 module procedure ArrayScatterRcvCnt_I4_1 module procedure ArrayScatterRcvCnt_R4_1 end interface interface ArrayGather module procedure ArrayGather_I4_1 module procedure ArrayGather_R4_1 module procedure ArrayGather_R8_1 module procedure ArrayGather_R4_2 module procedure ArrayGather_R8_2 module procedure ArrayGatherRcvCnt_I4_1 module procedure ArrayGatherRcvCnt_R4_1 end interface integer, parameter :: MAPL_root=0 integer, parameter :: msg_tag=11 contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------- !--------------------------- !--------------------------- function MAPL_Am_I_Root_Vm(VM) result(R) type (ESMF_VM), optional :: VM logical :: R if (present(VM)) then R = MAPL_Am_I_Rank(VM) else R = MAPL_Am_I_Rank() end if end function MAPL_Am_I_Root_Vm function MAPL_Am_I_Root_Layout(layout) result(R) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout logical :: R R = MAPL_Am_I_Rank(layout) end function MAPL_Am_I_Root_Layout function MAPL_Am_I_Rank_Vm(VM, rank) result(R) type (ESMF_VM) :: VM integer, optional :: rank logical :: R integer :: deId integer :: status integer :: rank_ rank_ = MAPL_Root if (present(rank)) rank_ = rank call ESMF_VMGet(VM, localPet=deId, rc=status) R = .false. if (deId == rank_) R = .true. end function MAPL_Am_I_Rank_Vm function MAPL_Am_I_Rank_Layout(layout, rank) result(R) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout integer, optional :: rank logical :: R integer :: status type (ESMF_VM) :: vm call ESMF_DELayoutGet(layout, vm=vm, rc=status) if (present(rank)) then R = MAPL_Am_I_Rank(vm, rank) else R = MAPL_Am_I_Rank(vm) end if end function MAPL_Am_I_Rank_Layout function MAPL_Am_I_Rank_Only(rank) result(R) integer, optional :: rank logical :: R integer :: status type (ESMF_VM) :: vm call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, rc=status) if (present(rank)) then R = MAPL_Am_I_Rank(vm, rank) else R = MAPL_Am_I_Rank(vm) end if end function subroutine MAPL_CreateRequest(grid, Root, request, tag, RequestType, & DstArray, PrePost, hw, rc) type (ESMF_Grid), intent(IN ) :: grid integer, intent(IN ) :: Root type (MAPL_CommRequest), intent(INOUT) :: request integer, intent(IN ) :: tag, RequestType real, target, optional, intent(IN ) :: DstArray(:,:) logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: PrePost integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: hw integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: rc ! Local variables integer :: status type (ESMF_VM) :: VM type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid integer, allocatable :: AL(:,:), AU(:,:) integer :: count integer :: displs integer :: n integer :: myPE, nDEs integer :: gridRank integer :: comm integer :: hw_ ! Begin !------ if (present(hw)) then hw_ = hw else hw_ = 0 end if _ASSERT(.not.request%active, 'request is already active') ! Communicator info all comes from the ESMF VM !--------------------------------------------- call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMGet (VM, mpiCommunicator =comm, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMGet (VM, localpet=MYPE, petcount=nDEs, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Does not support 1D grids !-------------------------- _ASSERT(gridRank > 1, 'rank 1 is not supported') ! Get the local grid bounds for all pes. We will use only ! the first 2 dimensions. !-------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, distGrid=distGrid, RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (AL(gridRank,0:nDEs-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (AU(gridRank,0:nDEs-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_DistGridGet (distgrid, minIndex=AL, maxIndex=AU, RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Allocate space for request variables !------------------------------------- allocate (request%i1(0:nDEs-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (request%in(0:nDEs-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (request%j1(0:nDEs-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (request%jn(0:nDEs-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (request%im(0:nDEs-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (request%jm(0:nDEs-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (request%RECV (0:nDEs-1 ), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (request%SEND (0:nDEs-1 ), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Fill the request variables !--------------------------- request%amRoot = (myPE == Root) request%active = .true. request%nDEs = nDEs request%myPE = myPE request%comm = comm request%root = root request%RequestType = RequestType request%tag = tag request%I1 = AL(1,:)-hw_ request%In = AU(1,:)+hw_ request%J1 = AL(2,:)-hw_ request%Jn = AU(2,:)+hw_ request%IM = request%IN-request%I1+1 request%JM = request%JN-request%J1+1 request%IM_WORLD = request%IN(nDEs-1)- request%I1(0) + 1 - (2*hw_) request%JM_WORLD = request%JN(nDEs-1)- request%J1(0) + 1 - (2*hw_) request%IM0 = request%IN(mype )- request%I1(mype) + 1 request%JM0 = request%JN(mype )- request%J1(mype) + 1 if(present(PrePost)) then request%IsPrePosted = PrePost else request%IsPrePosted = .false. end if deallocate(AL,AU) ! Verify that we have a valid destination area !--------------------------------------------- if(requestType==MAPL_IsGather) then if(request%amRoot) then if(present(DstArray)) then request%DstArray => DstArray _ASSERT(all(shape(DstArray)==(/ request%IM_WORLD, request%JM_WORLD/)), 'inconsistent shape') else allocate(request%DstArray(request%IM_WORLD, request%JM_WORLD),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if endif elseif(requestType==MAPL_IsScatter) then if(present(DstArray)) then request%DstArray => DstArray _ASSERT(all(shape(DstArray)==(/ request%IM0 , request%JM0 /)), 'inconsistent shape') else allocate(request%DstArray(request%IM0 , request%JM0 ),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if else _FAIL( 'unsupported action') end if ! Allocate a contiguous buffer for communication !----------------------------------------------- if(requestType==MAPL_IsGather .and. request%amRoot) then allocate (request%Var(0:request%IM_WORLD*request%JM_WORLD-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) elseif(requestType==MAPL_IsScatter) then allocate (request%Var(0:request%IM0*request%JM0-1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else allocate (request%Var(1), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif ! We also PrePost the request here !--------------------------------- POST_REQUEST: if(request%IsPrePosted) then if(requestType==MAPL_IsGather) then if(request%amRoot) then displs = 0 do n=0,nDEs-1 count = request%IM(n)*request%JM(n) if(n /= mype) then call MPI_IRecv(request%VAR(displs), count, MPI_REAL, & n, tag, comm, request%recv(n), status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if displs = displs + count end do endif else if(.not.request%amRoot) then call MPI_IRecv(request%Var, size(request%Var), MPI_REAL, & request%Root, tag, comm, request%recv(0), status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if end if POST_REQUEST _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CreateRequest !=================================================================== subroutine MAPL_ArrayIGather_R4_2(local_array, request, rc) real, intent(IN ) :: local_array (:,:) type (MAPL_CommRequest), intent(INOUT) :: request integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: rc ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: i1, in, j1, jn allocate(request%local_array(size(LOCAL_ARRAY,1),size(LOCAL_ARRAY,2)), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! In senders, copy input to contiguous buffer for safety !------------------------------------------------------- request%local_array = local_array if(request%amRoot) then i1 = request%i1(request%mype) in = request%in(request%mype) j1 = request%j1(request%mype) jn = request%jn(request%mype) request%DstArray(i1:in,j1:jn) = local_array else call MPI_ISend(request%Local_Array, size(Local_Array), MPI_REAL, & request%root, request%tag, request%comm, request%send(0), status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_ArrayIGather_R4_2 !=================================================================== subroutine MAPL_ArrayIScatter_R4_2(global_array, request, hw, rc) real, intent(IN ) :: global_array (:,:) type (MAPL_CommRequest), intent(INOUT) :: request integer, optional, intent( IN) :: hw integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: rc ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: i1,in,j1,jn integer :: n, count, hw_, j real, allocatable :: global_array_(:,:) if (present(hw)) then hw_ = hw else hw_ = 0 end if ! Post sends from all processors except root !------------------------------------------- if(request%amRoot) then !if have halo, make local copy and halo global if (hw_ > 0) then allocate(Global_Array_(1-hw_:request%im_world+hw_,1-hw_:request%jm_world+hw_)) Global_Array_(1:request%im_world,1:request%jm_world) = Global_Array do j=1,hw_ ! x-direction Global_Array_(1-j,:) = Global_Array_(request%im_world-j+1,:) Global_Array_(request%im_world+j,:) = Global_Array_(j,:) ! y-direction Global_Array_(:,1-j) = MAPL_UNDEF Global_Array_(:,request%jm_world+j) = MAPL_UNDEF enddo endif allocate(request%Buff(0:request%nDEs-1)) PEs: do n=0,request%nDEs-1 count = request%IM(n)*request%JM(n) i1 = request%i1(n) in = request%in(n) j1 = request%j1(n) jn = request%jn(n) if(n == request%mype) then if (hw_ > 0) then request%DstArray = Global_Array_(i1:in,j1:jn) else request%DstArray = Global_Array(i1:in,j1:jn) end if else allocate(request%Buff(n)%A(request%im(n), request%jm(n))) if (hw_ > 0) then request%Buff(n)%A = Global_Array_(i1:in,j1:jn) else request%Buff(n)%A = Global_Array(i1:in,j1:jn) end if call MPI_ISend(request%Buff(n)%A, count, MPI_REAL, & n, request%tag, request%comm, request%send(n), status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end do PEs if (hw_ > 0) deallocate(Global_Array_) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_ArrayIScatter_R4_2 !========================================================= subroutine MAPL_CollectiveWait(request, DstArray, rc) type (MAPL_COMMRequest), intent(INOUT) :: request real, pointer, optional :: DstArray(:,:) integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: rc integer :: status integer :: i,j,k,n integer :: count REQUEST_TYPE: if(request%RequestType==MAPL_IsGather) then ROOT_GATH: if(request%amRoot) then k = 0 PE_GATH: do n=0,request%nDEs-1 count = request%IM(n)*request%JM(n) if(request%mype/=n) then if(request%IsPrePosted) then call MPI_Wait(request%recv(n),MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call MPI_Recv(request%var(k), count, MPI_REAL, & n, request%tag, request%comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif do J=request%J1(n),request%JN(n) do I=request%I1(n),request%IN(n) request%DstArray(I,J) = request%var(k) k = k+1 end do end do else k = k + count end if end do PE_GATH if(present(DstArray)) DstArray => request%DstArray else call MPI_WAIT(request%send(0),MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif ROOT_GATH elseif(request%RequestType==MAPL_IsScatter) then ROOT_SCAT: if(.not.request%amRoot) then if(request%IsPrePosted) then call MPI_Wait(request%recv(0),MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call MPI_Recv(request%Var, size(request%Var), MPI_REAL, & request%Root, request%tag, request%comm, & MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, status) endif k=0 do J=1,request%JM0 do I=1,request%IM0 request%DstArray(I,J) = request%var(k) k = k+1 end do end do else PE_SCAT: do n=0,request%nDEs-1 if(n /= request%mype) then call MPI_Wait(request%send(n),MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(request%buff(n)%A) end if end do PE_SCAT deallocate(request%Buff) end if ROOT_SCAT if(present(DstArray)) DstArray => request%DstArray end if REQUEST_TYPE ! Destroy the request !-------------------- deallocate(request%var ) deallocate(request%recv) deallocate(request%send) deallocate(request%i1 ) deallocate(request%in ) deallocate(request%j1 ) deallocate(request%jn ) deallocate(request%im ) deallocate(request%jm ) nullify(request%var ) nullify(request%send ) nullify(request%recv ) nullify(request%DstArray) if(associated(request%Local_Array)) deallocate(request%Local_Array) nullify(request%Local_Array) request%active = .false. _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CollectiveWait !--------------------------- !--------------------------- !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_CollectiveGather3D(Grid, LocArray, GlobArray, & CoresPerNode, rc) type (ESMF_Grid), intent(INout) :: Grid real, intent(IN ) :: LocArray(:,:,:) real, pointer :: GlobArray(:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(In ) :: CoresPerNode integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: rc ! Locals !------- integer :: status type (MAPL_CommRequest) :: reqs(size(LocArray,3)) integer :: root(size(LocArray,3)) integer :: Nnodes integer :: nn integer :: LM, L, nc, npes, mype, dims(5) type(ESMF_VM) :: VM integer :: comm ! Begin !------ _ASSERT(.not.associated(GlobArray), 'GlobalArray already associated') call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(VM, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMGet(VM, petcount=npes, localpet=MYPE, mpiCommunicator=comm, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) LM = size(LocArray,3) nNodes = size(MAPL_NodeRankList) call MAPL_RoundRobinPEList(Root, nNodes, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(any(root==mype)) then call MAPL_GridGet ( grid, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) nc = count(Root==mype) allocate(GlobArray(dims(1),dims(2),nc),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else allocate(GlobArray(1,1,1) ,stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif nn = 0 do L=1,LM if(root(L) == mype) then nn = nn + 1 call MAPL_CreateRequest(GRID, Root(L), reqs(L), tag=L, & RequestType=MAPL_IsGather, & DstArray=GlobArray(:,:,nn), & PrePost=.true., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call MAPL_CreateRequest(GRID, Root(L), reqs(L), tag=L, & RequestType=MAPL_IsGather, & DstArray=GlobArray(:,:,1), & PrePost=.true., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if enddo ! Do not fuse with next do L=1,LM call MAPL_ArrayIGather (LocArray(:,:,L), reqs(L), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) enddo ! Do not fuse with next do L=1,LM call MAPL_CollectiveWait(reqs(L), rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(corespernode) end subroutine MAPL_CollectiveGather3D subroutine MAPL_CollectiveScatter3D(Grid, GlobArray, LocArray, hw, rc) type (ESMF_Grid), intent(IN ) :: Grid real, target, intent(INOUT) :: LocArray(:,:,:) real, intent(IN ) :: GlobArray(:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: hw integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: rc ! Locals !------- integer :: status type (MAPL_CommRequest) :: reqs(size(LocArray,3)) integer :: root(size(LocArray,3)) integer :: nNodes integer :: LM, L, nc, npes, mype integer :: nn type(ESMF_VM) :: VM logical :: HaveGlobal integer :: comm integer :: hw_ ! Begin !------ call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(VM, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMGet(VM, petcount=npes, localpet=MYPE, mpiCommunicator=comm, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(present(hw)) then hw_ = hw else hw_ = 0 endif nNodes = size(MAPL_NodeRankList) call MAPL_RoundRobinPEList(Root, nNodes, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) LM = size(LocArray,3) NC = count(Root==mype) HaveGlobal = NC>0 do L=1,LM call MAPL_CreateRequest(GRID, Root(L), reqs(L), tag=L, & RequestType=MAPL_IsScatter, & DstArray=LocArray(:,:,L), & PrePost=.true., hw=hw_, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) enddo if(HaveGlobal) then _ASSERT(size(GlobArray,3)==NC, 'inconsisntent rank') nn = 0 do L=1,LM if(Root(L)==mype) then nn = nn + 1 call MAPL_ArrayIScatter (GlobArray(:,:,nn), reqs(L), hw=hw_, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(nn==NC) exit endif enddo end if do L=1,LM call MAPL_CollectiveWait(reqs(L), rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_CollectiveScatter3D subroutine MAPL_RoundRobinPEList(List,nNodes,Root,UseFirstRank,FirstRank,RC) integer, intent( OUT) :: List(:) integer, intent(IN ) :: nNodes integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: Root logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: UseFirstRank integer, optional, intent(out ) :: FirstRank integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: status integer, allocatable :: filled(:),nPerNode(:) integer :: i,n,nlist,locRoot logical :: gotFirstRank,lUseFirstRank if (present(Root)) then locRoot = Root else locRoot = 1 endif if (present(UseFirstRank)) then lUseFirstRank=UseFirstRank else lUseFirstRank=.true. end if gotFirstRank = .false. if (present(UseFirstRank)) then lUseFirstRank=UseFirstRank else lUseFirstRank=.true. end if allocate(filled(nNodes),nPerNode(nNodes),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) do i=1,nNodes nPerNode(i) = size(MAPL_NodeRankList(locRoot+i-1)%rank) if (lUseFirstRank) then filled(i)=0 else filled(i)=MAPL_GetNewRank(locRoot+i-1,rc=status)-1 _VERIFY(status) end if enddo nlist = size(list) n=0 do do i=1,nNodes if (filled(i) < size(MAPL_NodeRankList(locRoot+i-1)%rank)) then filled(i) = filled(i) + 1 n=n+1 list(n) = MAPL_NodeRankList(locRoot+i-1)%rank(filled(i)) if (.not.gotFirstRank .and. present(FirstRank)) then gotFirstRank=.true. FirstRank = list(n) end if end if if (n == nlist) exit enddo if (n == nlist) exit if (All(filled == nPerNode)) filled = 0 enddo deallocate(filled,nPerNode) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_RoundRobinPEList !--------------------------- !--------------------------- !--------------------------- function MAPL_NPES_Vm(VM) result(R) type (ESMF_VM) :: VM integer :: R integer :: petCnt integer :: status call ESMF_VMGet(vm, petCount=petCnt, rc=status) R = petCnt return end function MAPL_NPES_Vm function MAPL_NPES_Layout(layout) result(R) type (ESMF_DELayout), optional :: layout integer :: R integer :: status type(ESMF_VM) :: vm call ESMF_DELayoutGet(layout, vm=vm, rc=status) R = MAPL_NPES_Vm(vm) return end function MAPL_NPES_Layout !--BCAST ----------------- subroutine MAPL_CommsBcast_STRING_0( layout, data, N, ROOT, RC) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout character(len=*), intent(INOUT) :: data integer, intent(in ) :: N integer, intent(in ) :: ROOT integer , intent( out), optional :: RC integer :: status type(ESMF_VM) :: vm call ESMF_DELayoutGet(layout, vm=vm, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, data=data, N=N, Root=Root, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) END SUBROUTINE MAPL_CommsBcast_STRING_0 subroutine MAPL_CommsBcastVM_STRING_0( vm, data, N, ROOT,RC) type (ESMF_VM) :: vm character(len=*), intent(INOUT) :: data integer, intent(in ) :: N integer, intent(in ) :: ROOT integer , intent( out), optional :: RC character(len=N) :: tmpString integer :: slen integer :: status integer :: comm integer :: deId call ESMF_VMGet(vm, mpiCommunicator=COMM, localPet=deId, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) tmpString = data if (deId == Root) then slen = len_trim(tmpString) end if call MPI_Bcast(slen, 1, MPI_INTEGER, ROOT, COMM, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(slen <= N, 'exceeded string length') call MPI_Bcast(tmpString, slen, MPI_BYTE, ROOT, COMM, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) data = "" data = tmpString(1:slen) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) END SUBROUTINE MAPL_CommsBcastVM_STRING_0 subroutine MAPL_BcastShared_1DR4(VM, Data, N, Root, RootOnly, rc) type(ESMF_VM) :: VM real, pointer, intent(INOUT) :: Data(:) integer, intent(IN ) :: N integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: Root logical, intent(IN ) :: RootOnly integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: rc integer :: status if(.not.MAPL_ShmInitialized) then if (RootOnly) then _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=Data, N=N, ROOT=Root, RC=status) _RETURN(STATUS) else call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_BroadcastToNodes(Data, N=N, ROOT=Root, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_BcastShared_1DR4 subroutine MAPL_BcastShared_2DR4(VM, Data, N, Root, RootOnly, rc) type(ESMF_VM) :: VM real, pointer, intent(INOUT) :: Data(:,:) integer, intent(IN ) :: N integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: Root logical, intent(IN ) :: RootOnly integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: rc integer :: status if(.not.MAPL_ShmInitialized) then if (RootOnly) then _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=Data, N=N, ROOT=Root, RC=status) _RETURN(STATUS) else call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_BroadcastToNodes(Data, N=N, ROOT=Root, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_BcastShared_2DR4 ! Rank 0 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "bcast.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 2 #include "bcast.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "bcast.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "bcast.H" ! Rank 1 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "bcast.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "bcast.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "bcast.H" ! Rank 2 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "bcast.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "bcast.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "bcast.H" !--AllReduceMin ----------------- ! Rank 0 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allreducemin.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allreducemin.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allreducemin.H" ! Rank 1 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allreducemin.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allreducemin.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allreducemin.H" ! Rank 2 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allreducemin.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allreducemin.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allreducemin.H" !--AllReduceMax ----------------- ! Rank 0 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allreducemax.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allreducemax.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allreducemax.H" ! Rank 1 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allreducemax.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allreducemax.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allreducemax.H" ! Rank 2 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allreducemax.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allreducemax.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allreducemax.H" !--AllReduceSum ----------------- ! Rank 0 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allreducesum.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allreducesum.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allreducesum.H" ! Rank 1 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allreducesum.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allreducesum.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allreducesum.H" ! Rank 2 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allreducesum.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allreducesum.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allreducesum.H" ! Scatter !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "scatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "scatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "scatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "scatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "scatter.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "gather.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "gather.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "gather.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "gather.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "gather.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allgather.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 2 #include "allgather.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "allgatherv.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "allgatherv.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "allgatherv.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "send.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "send.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "send.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "send.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "send.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "send.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "recv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "recv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "recv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "recv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "recv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "recv.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "sendrecv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "sendrecv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "sendrecv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "sendrecv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "sendrecv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "sendrecv.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "arrayscatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "arrayscatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "arrayscatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "arrayscatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "arrayscatterRcvCnt.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "arrayscatterRcvCnt.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "arraygather.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "arraygather.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "arraygather.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "arraygather.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "arraygather.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "arraygatherRcvCnt.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "arraygatherRcvCnt.H" !--------------------------- end module MAPL_CommsMod