!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) ! ! Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) ! ! MAPL Component ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! #include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #define DEALOC_(A) if(associated(A))then;if(MAPL_ShmInitialized)then;call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS);call MAPL_DeAllocNodeArray(A,rc=STATUS);else;deallocate(A,stat=STATUS);endif;_VERIFY(STATUS);NULLIFY(A);endif ! !> !### MODULE: `BinIO` ! ! Author: GMAO SI-Team ! ! `BinIO` - A Module to do I/O (ASCII+binary) until ESMF fully supports it ! module BinIOMod use FileIOSharedMod, only: ArrDescr, MAPL_TileMaskGet, WRITE_PARALLEL, alloc_, dealloc_ use FileIOSharedMod, only: STD_OUT_UNIT_NUMBER, LAST_UNIT, TAKEN, MTAKEN, mname use FileIOSharedMod, only: r4_2, r4_1, r8_2, r8_1, i4_1 use FileIOSharedMod, only: MEM_UNITS, munit, REC use ESMF use MAPL_BaseMod use MAPL_SortMod use MAPL_CommsMod use MAPL_ShmemMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env use mpi implicit none private ! public routines public READ_PARALLEL public GETFILEUNIT public GETFILE public FREE_FILE public MAPL_VarRead public MAPL_VarWrite public MAPL_Skip public MAPL_Backspace public MAPL_Rewind public MAPL_ClimUpdate public MAPL_DestroyFile public MAPL_MemFileInquire !#define TIME_MPIIO #ifdef TIME_MPIIO real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), save :: peak_ioread_bandwidth=0 real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), save :: mean_ioread_bandwidth=0 real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), save :: ioread_counter=0 real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), save :: peak_iowrite_bandwidth=0 real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), save :: mean_iowrite_bandwidth=0 real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), save :: iowrite_counter=0 #endif integer, parameter :: UNDEF = 999 interface READ_PARALLEL module procedure READ_PARALLEL_STRING_0 module procedure READ_PARALLEL_I4_0 module procedure READ_PARALLEL_I4_1 module procedure READ_PARALLEL_I4_2 module procedure READ_PARALLEL_R4_0 module procedure READ_PARALLEL_R4_1 module procedure READ_PARALLEL_R4_2 module procedure READ_PARALLEL_R8_0 module procedure READ_PARALLEL_R8_1 module procedure READ_PARALLEL_R8_2 end interface interface ArrayScatterShm module procedure ArrayScatterShmR4D1 end interface ArrayScatterShm interface MAPL_MemFileInquire module procedure InqFileMem end interface interface MAPL_VarRead !Binary procedures module procedure MAPL_StateVarRead module procedure MAPL_BundleRead module procedure MAPL_FieldRead module procedure MAPL_VarRead_R4_1D module procedure MAPL_VarRead_R4_2D module procedure MAPL_VarRead_R4_3d module procedure MAPL_VarRead_R4_4D module procedure MAPL_VarRead_R8_1D module procedure MAPL_VarRead_R8_2D module procedure MAPL_VarRead_R8_3D module procedure MAPL_VarRead_R8_4D end interface interface MAPL_VarWrite !Binary procedures module procedure MAPL_StateVarWrite module procedure MAPL_BundleWrite module procedure MAPL_FieldWrite module procedure MAPL_VarWrite_I4_1D module procedure MAPL_VarWrite_R4_1D module procedure MAPL_VarWrite_R4_2d module procedure MAPL_VarWrite_R4_3D module procedure MAPL_VarWrite_R4_4D module procedure MAPL_VarWrite_R8_1D module procedure MAPL_VarWrite_R8_2D module procedure MAPL_VarWrite_R8_3D module procedure MAPL_VarWrite_R8_4D end interface contains !-READS -------------------- ! Rank 0 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 0 #include "read_parallel.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "read_parallel.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "read_parallel.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 0 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "read_parallel.H" ! Rank 1 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "read_parallel.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "read_parallel.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "read_parallel.H" ! Rank 2 !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 1 #include "read_parallel.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "read_parallel.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "read_parallel.H" LOGICAL FUNCTION INQFILEMEM(name) IMPLICIT NONE character(LEN=*), intent(in ) :: Name integer :: i logical :: found found = .false. do i = 3, last_unit if(name==Mname(i)) then found = .true. exit end if end do InqFileMem = found return end FUNCTION INQFILEMEM INTEGER FUNCTION GETFILEUNIT(name, RC ) IMPLICIT NONE character(LEN=*), intent(in ) :: Name integer , intent( out), OPTIONAL :: RC integer :: i logical :: found found = .false. do i = 2, last_unit if(name==Mname(i)) then found = .true. exit end if end do if (.not. found) then do i = 2,last_unit if(.not.MTAKEN(i)) then found = .true. exit endif enddo end if if (.not. found) then if(present(rc)) rc = 1 return endif mname(i) = name mtaken(i) = .true. getfileunit = i if(present(rc)) rc = 0 return end function getfileunit !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE FREE_FILE(UNIT, RC) implicit none integer , intent(out), OPTIONAL :: RC integer :: UNIT if(UNIT < 0) then _ASSERT(-UNIT<=LAST_UNIT, 'illegal io unit') _ASSERT(MTAKEN(-UNIT), 'illegal io unit') MEM_units(-unit)%PREVREC=0 ELSE if (UNIT == STD_OUT_UNIT_NUMBER) return if (UNIT /= UNDEF) then close(UNIT) IF (UNIT.LT.1 .OR. UNIT.GT.LAST_UNIT) THEN WRITE (0,*) ' BAD UNIT NUMBER ZFILCLR UNIT = ', UNIT _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) ELSE TAKEN(UNIT) = .FALSE. MTAKEN(UNIT) = .FALSE. ENDIF end if END IF _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) END SUBROUTINE FREE_FILE !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine MAPL_DestroyFile(unit, RC ) IMPLICIT NONE integer , intent(in ) :: unit integer , intent( out), OPTIONAL :: RC integer :: i,k !ALT: Currently, this is NOP except for RAM files if (unit < 0) then ! this is RAM "file", do it! i = -unit if (associated(mem_units(i)%records)) then do k=1,size(mem_units(i)%records) call dealloc_(mem_units(i)%records(k)) end do deallocate(mem_units(i)%records) nullify(mem_units(i)%records) end if mtaken(i) = .false. mname(i) = '' end if if(present(rc)) rc = 0 return end subroutine MAPL_DestroyFile !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine MAPL_StateVarRead(UNIT, STATE, NAME, arrdes, bootstrapable, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_State) , intent(INOUT) :: STATE character(len=*), optional, intent(IN ) :: NAME type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: bootstrapable integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local vars type (ESMF_FieldBundle) :: bundle type (ESMF_Field) :: field type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid integer :: status integer :: I integer :: ITEMCOUNT type (ESMF_StateItem_Flag), pointer :: ITEMTYPES(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR ), pointer :: ITEMNAMES(:) logical, pointer :: DOIT(:) integer :: DIMS integer, pointer :: MASK(:) => null() logical :: skipReading integer :: RST integer :: dna logical :: ignoreEOF logical :: bootstrapable_ logical :: isPresent integer, allocatable :: orderlist(:) integer :: jj character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: attrName character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: currList(:) integer :: natt call ESMF_StateGet(STATE,ITEMCOUNT=ITEMCOUNT,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(ITEMCOUNT>0, 'itemcount must be > 0') allocate(ITEMNAMES(ITEMCOUNT),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(ITEMTYPES(ITEMCOUNT),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate( DOIT(ITEMCOUNT),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_StateGet(STATE,ITEMNAMELIST=ITEMNAMES,& ITEMTYPELIST=ITEMTYPES,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(present(NAME)) then DOIT = ITEMNAMES==NAME _ASSERT(count(DOIT)/=0, 'cont(doit) must be > 0') else DOIT = .true. endif attrName = MAPL_StateItemOrderList call ESMF_AttributeGet(state, NAME=attrName, itemcount=natt, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(natt > 0, 'natt not > 0') allocate(orderlist(natt), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(currList(natt), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! get the current list call ESMF_AttributeGet(state, NAME=attrName, VALUELIST=currList, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) orderList = -1 ! not found do i = 1, natt ! search loop do jj = 1, ITEMCOUNT if (itemNames(jj) == currList(i)) then orderList(i) = jj exit end if end do end do deallocate(currList) if (present(bootstrapable)) then bootstrapable_ = bootstrapable else bootstrapable_ = .false. end if do JJ = 1, natt I = ORDERLIST(JJ) if (DOIT(I)) then #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call write_parallel(itemnames(i)) #endif if (ITEMTYPES(I) == ESMF_StateItem_FieldBundle) then call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemnames(i), bundle, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) skipReading = .false. call ESMF_AttributeGet(bundle, name='RESTART', isPresent=isPresent, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(bundle, name='RESTART', value=RST, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else RST = MAPL_RestartOptional end if skipReading = (RST == MAPL_RestartSkip) if (skipReading) cycle if (RST == MAPL_RestartRequired) then bootstrapable_ = .true. end if call MAPL_BundleRead(unit, bundle, arrdes=arrdes, & bootstrapable=bootstrapable_, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if (ITEMTYPES(I) == ESMF_StateItem_Field) then call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemnames(i), field, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) skipReading = .false. call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='RESTART', isPresent=isPresent, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='RESTART', value=RST, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else RST = MAPL_RestartOptional end if skipReading = (RST == MAPL_RestartSkip) if (skipReading) cycle call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='doNotAllocate', isPresent=isPresent, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='doNotAllocate', value=dna, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) skipReading = (dna /= 0) end if if (skipReading) cycle ignoreEOF = .false. if (bootstrapable_ .and. (RST == MAPL_RestartOptional)) then ignoreEOF = .true. end if if(.not.associated(MASK)) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='DIMS', value=DIMS, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call ESMF_FieldGet (field, grid=grid, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_TileMaskGet(grid, mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) !@ else !@ allocate(Mask(1)) endif endif call MAPL_FieldRead(unit, field, arrdes=arrdes, HomePE=Mask, ignoreEOF=ignoreEOF, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) !ALT else !ALT _FAIL('failed mapl_statevarread') end if end if end do deallocate(orderlist) deallocate(ITEMNAMES) deallocate(ITEMTYPES) deallocate( DOIT) if(associated(MASK)) then DEALOC_(MASK) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_StateVarRead !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_BundleRead(UNIT,BUNDLE, ARRDES, BOOTSTRAPABLE, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_FieldBundle) , intent(INOUT) :: BUNDLE type(ArrDescr), optional , intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES logical, optional , intent(IN ) :: BOOTSTRAPABLE integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: status integer :: J, N, fieldCount type (ESMF_Field) :: field character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR),allocatable :: nameList(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: BundleName integer :: RST logical :: ignoreEOF logical :: skipReading logical :: bootstrapable_ logical :: isPresent call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundle, fieldCount=N, name=BundleName, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(namelist(N), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundle, fieldNameList=nameList, fieldCount=FieldCount, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(N==fieldCount, 'inconsistent fieldCount') if (present(bootstrapable)) then bootstrapable_ = bootstrapable else bootstrapable_ = .false. end if do J = 1, N call MAPL_FieldBundleGet(bundle, fieldIndex=J, field=field, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='RESTART', isPresent=isPresent, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='RESTART', value=RST, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else RST = MAPL_RestartOptional end if skipReading = (RST == MAPL_RestartSkip) if (skipReading) cycle ignoreEOF=.false. if (bootstrapable_ .and. (RST == MAPL_RestartOptional)) then ignoreEOF = .true. end if call MAPL_FieldRead(unit, field, arrdes=ARRDES, ignoreEOF=ignoreEOF, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_BundleRead subroutine MAPL_FieldRead(UNIT,FIELD, ARRDES, HomePE, ignoreEOF, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Field) , intent(INOUT) :: field type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, target, optional , intent(IN ) :: HomePE(:) logical, optional , intent(IN ) :: ignoreEOF integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local vars type (ESMF_Array) :: array type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_Grid) :: GRID integer :: rank integer :: status real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer, dimension(:) :: var_1d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: var_2d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: var_3d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: var_4d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer, dimension(:) :: vr8_1d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: vr8_2d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: vr8_3d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: vr8_4d type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag) :: tk character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: FORMATTED integer :: dims integer :: J, K integer, pointer :: mask(:) type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid integer :: stat logical :: ignoreEOF_ if (unit < 0 .or. present(arrdes)) then FORMATTED = "NO" else inquire(unit=UNIT, formatted=FORMATTED) end if if (present(ignoreEOF)) then ignoreEOF_ = ignoreEOF else ignoreEOF_ = .false. end if call ESMF_FieldGet(field, grid=grid, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (ignoreEOF_ .and. (unit > 0)) then ! test for end-of-file by ! making a blank read followed by backspace if (MAPL_am_i_root(layout)) then read (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, status, n=1, ROOT=MAPL_Root, rc=stat) _VERIFY(STAT) if (status == IOSTAT_END) then _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_Backspace(UNIT, layout, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='DIMS', value=DIMS, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then if(present(HomePE)) then mask => HomePE else call MAPL_TileMaskGet(grid, mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif end if call ESMF_FieldGet(field, Array=array, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, typekind=tk, rank=rank, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (rank == 1) then if (tk == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=var_1d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(var_1d)) then if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, var_1d, arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsVertOnly .or. DIMS==MAPL_DimsNone) then call READ_PARALLEL(layout, var_1d, unit, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) else _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif end if else call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=vr8_1d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(vr8_1d)) then if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, vr8_1d, arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsVertOnly .or. DIMS==MAPL_DimsNone) then call READ_PARALLEL(layout, vr8_1d, unit, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) else _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif end if end if else if (rank == 2) then if (tk == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=var_2d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(var_2d)) then !ALT: temp kludge if (FORMATTED=="YES") THEN call READ_PARALLEL(layout, & var_2d(lbound(var_2d,1),:), unit, rc=status) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly) then do J = 1,size(var_2d,2) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, var_2d(:,J), arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) end do else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, var_2d, arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) else call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, var_2d, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) end if end if end if else call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=vr8_2d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(vr8_2d)) then !ALT: temp kludge if (FORMATTED=="YES") THEN call READ_PARALLEL(layout, & vr8_2d(lbound(vr8_2d,1),:), unit, rc=status) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly) then do J = 1,size(vr8_2d,2) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, vr8_2d(:,J), arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) end do else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, vr8_2d, arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) else call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, vr8_2d, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) end if end if end if endif else if (rank == 3) then if (tk == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=var_3d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(var_3d)) then !ALT: temp kludge if (FORMATTED=="YES") THEN call READ_PARALLEL(layout, & var_3d(lbound(var_3d,1),lbound(var_3d,2),:), unit) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly) then do J = 1,size(var_3d,2) do K = 1,size(var_3d,3) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, var_3d(:,J,K), arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) end do end do else call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, var_3d, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) end if endif end if else call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=vr8_3d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(vr8_3d)) then !ALT: temp kludge if (FORMATTED=="YES") THEN call READ_PARALLEL(layout, & vr8_3d(lbound(vr8_3d,1),lbound(vr8_3d,2),:), unit) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly) then do J = 1,size(vr8_3d,2) do K = 1,size(vr8_3d,3) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, vr8_3d(:,J,K), arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) end do end do else call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, vr8_3d, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) end if endif end if endif else if (rank == 4) then if (tk == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=var_4d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, var_4d, rc=status) else call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=vr8_4d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarRead(unit, grid, vr8_4d, rc=status) end if else _FAIL( "ERROR: unsupported RANK") endif _VERIFY(STATUS) if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then if(.not.present(HomePE)) then DEALOC_(mask) end if end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_FieldRead !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R4_1d(UNIT, GRID, A, MASK, arrdes, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) , intent( OUT) :: A(:) integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer :: VAR(:) integer :: IM_WORLD integer :: status integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distgrid integer, allocatable :: msk(:), sendcounts(:), displs(:) integer, allocatable :: idx(:) integer :: nrdrs, mype, npes, recvcount integer :: mypeRd integer :: Rsize, first, last integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: loffset integer :: i, k, n, i1, in real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) :: dummy integer :: group, newgroup integer :: thiscomm integer :: nactive integer :: ntransl integer, allocatable :: pes(:) integer, allocatable :: r2g(:) integer, allocatable :: rpes(:) integer, allocatable :: activeranks(:) integer, allocatable :: activesendcounts(:) integer :: numread, mpistatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer :: cnt logical :: amIRoot if(present(arrdes)) then _ASSERT(present(mask), 'mask must be present if arrdes is present') IM_WORLD = arrdes%im_world call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%ioscattercomm,npes ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(arrdes%readers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%readers_comm,mypeRd ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%readers_comm,nrdrs,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else mypeRd = -1 endif call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, nrdrs, 1, 0, rc = status) Rsize = im_world/nrdrs + 1 first = mypeRd*Rsize + 1 if(mypeRd >= mod(im_world,nrdrs)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (mypeRd-mod(im_world,nrdrs)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO if (mypeRd <= nrdrs-1) write(*,'(5i)') mypeRd, IM_WORLD, first, last, Rsize #endif allocate(VAR(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(msk(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (sendcounts(0:npes-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (r2g(0:nrdrs-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(arrdes%readers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 4 else offset = arrdes%offset endif loffset = offset + (first-1)*4 cnt = Rsize call MPI_FILE_READ_AT_ALL(UNIT, loffset, VAR, cnt, MPI_REAL, mpistatus, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GET_COUNT( mpistatus, MPI_REAL, numread, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(cnt == numread, 'inconsistent numread') #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO write(*,'(3i,1f)') IM_WORLD, loffset, numread, VAR(1) #endif _ASSERT( (lbound(mask,1) <= first), 'location not in bounds') _ASSERT( (ubound(mask,1) >= last ), 'location not in bounds') msk = mask(first:last) allocate(idx(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) do i=1,Rsize idx(i) = i enddo msk = mask(first:last) call MAPL_Sort(msk,idx) msk = mask(first:last) call MAPL_Sort(msk,var) arrdes%offset = offset + IM_WORLD*4 + 8 endif call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ioscattercomm,mype ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_GROUP (arrdes%ioscattercomm, GROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) #if 1 if (arrdes%readers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then allocate(rpes(0:nrdrs-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_GROUP (arrdes%readers_comm, NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do n=0,nrdrs-1 rpes(n) = n end do call MPI_Group_translate_ranks(newgroup, nrdrs, rpes, group, r2g, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GROUP_FREE (NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(rpes) end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, r2g, nrdrs, 0, rc = status) #else do n=0,nrdrs-1 r2g(n) = (npes/nrdrs)*n end do #endif offset = 1 do n=0,nrdrs-1 Rsize = im_world/nrdrs + 1 first = n*Rsize + 1 if(n >= mod(im_world,nrdrs)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (n-mod(im_world,nrdrs)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 sendcounts = 0 do i=first,last sendcounts(mask(i)) = sendcounts(mask(i)) + 1 enddo ! Reader "n" must be included in the mpi group + evevybody that need the data nactive = count(sendcounts > 0) if (sendcounts(r2g(n)) == 0) then nactive = nactive + 1 end if allocate (activeranks(0:nactive-1), activesendcounts(0:nactive-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(pes(0:nactive-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (displs(0:nactive), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) k = 0 do i=0, npes-1 if (sendcounts(i) > 0) then pes(k) = i k = k+1 end if enddo if (k /= nactive) then k = k+1 _ASSERT(k == nactive, 'inconsistent nactive') _ASSERT(sendcounts(r2g(n)) == 0, 'sendcounts should be 0') pes(nactive-1) = r2g(n) end if call MPI_GROUP_INCL (GROUP, nactive, PES, newgroup, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_CREATE(arrdes%ioscattercomm, newgroup, thiscomm, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_Group_translate_ranks(group, nactive, pes, newgroup, activeranks, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GROUP_FREE (NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (thiscomm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then activesendcounts = 0 do i=0,nactive-1 activesendcounts(activeranks(i)) = sendcounts(pes(i)) if (pes(i) == r2g(n)) ntransl = activeranks(i) end do displs(0) = 0 do i=1,nactive displs(i) = displs(i-1) + activesendcounts(i-1) enddo if(n==mypeRd) then do i=0,nactive-1 if(activesendcounts(i)>0) then i1 = displs(i ) + 1 in = displs(i+1) call MAPL_Sort(idx(i1:in),var(i1:in)) endif end do endif recvcount = sendcounts(mype) if (recvcount == 0) then call MPI_SCATTERV( var, activesendcounts, displs, MPI_REAL, & dummy, recvcount, MPI_REAL, & ntransl, thiscomm, status ) else call MPI_SCATTERV( var, activesendcounts, displs, MPI_REAL, & a(offset), recvcount, MPI_REAL, & ntransl, thiscomm, status ) endif _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_Comm_Free(thiscomm, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) offset = offset + recvcount end if deallocate (displs) deallocate(pes) deallocate (activesendcounts, activeranks) enddo call MPI_Barrier(arrdes%ioscattercomm, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GROUP_FREE (GROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(var,msk) deallocate (r2g) deallocate(sendcounts) if(arrdes%readers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then deallocate(idx) end if elseif(unit < 0) then _ASSERT(-UNIT<=LAST_UNIT, 'illegal unit') munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + 1 _ASSERT(associated(munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R4_1), 'unassociated pointer') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R4_1), 'inconsistent array size') A = munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R4_1 else call MAPL_GridGet(grid, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) amIRoot = MAPL_am_i_root(layout) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) if (.not. MAPL_ShmInitialized) then if (amIRoot) then allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else allocate(VAR(0), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if else call MAPL_AllocNodeArray(var,(/IM_WORLD/),rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if (amIRoot) then read (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) VAR _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if (.not. MAPL_ShmInitialized) then call ArrayScatter(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(VAR) else call ArrayScatterShm(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_DeAllocNodeArray(VAR,rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R4_1d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R4_2d(UNIT, GRID, A, MASK, arrdes, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) , intent( OUT) :: A(:,:) integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), allocatable :: VAR(:,:) real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer :: VAR1d(:) integer :: IM_WORLD integer :: JM_WORLD integer :: status integer :: gridRank integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), allocatable :: buf(:) integer :: I,J,N,K,L,myrow,myiorank,ndes_x integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset integer :: jsize, jprev, num_io_rows integer, allocatable :: sendcounts(:), displs(:) integer :: numread, mpistatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer :: cnt logical :: am_i_root #ifdef TIME_MPIIO real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) :: itime_beg, itime_end, bwidth #endif #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) itime_beg = MPI_Wtime() #endif if(present(arrdes)) then if(present(mask)) then JM_WORLD = size(A,2) ! arrdes%offset = 0 do j=1,jm_world call MAPL_VarRead(Unit, Grid, a(:,j), mask, arrdes, rc=status) arrdes%offset = arrdes%offset - 8 enddo arrdes%offset = arrdes%offset + 8 else ndes_x = size(arrdes%in) IM_WORLD = arrdes%im_world JM_WORLD = arrdes%jm_world call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ycomm,myrow,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ioscattercomm,myiorank,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%ioscattercomm,num_io_rows,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) num_io_rows=num_io_rows/ndes_x allocate (sendcounts(ndes_x*num_io_rows), displs(ndes_x*num_io_rows), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(myiorank==0) then do j=1,num_io_rows jsize = arrdes%jn(myrow+j) - arrdes%j1(myrow+j) + 1 sendcounts((j-1)*ndes_x+1:(j-1)*ndes_x+ndes_x) = ( arrdes%IN - arrdes%I1 + 1) * jsize enddo displs(1) = 0 do i=2,ndes_x*num_io_rows displs(i) = displs(i-1) + sendcounts(i-1) enddo jsize = 0 do j=1,num_io_rows jsize=jsize + (arrdes%jn(myrow+j) - arrdes%j1(myrow+j) + 1) enddo allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD,jsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(buf(IM_WORLD*jsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 4 else offset = arrdes%offset endif offset = offset + (arrdes%j1(myrow+1)-1)*IM_WORLD*4 cnt = IM_WORLD*jsize call MPI_FILE_READ_AT_ALL(UNIT, offset, VAR, cnt, MPI_REAL, mpistatus, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GET_COUNT( mpistatus, MPI_REAL, numread, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(cnt == numread, 'inconsistent numread') offset = offset - (arrdes%j1(myrow+1)-1)*IM_WORLD*4 arrdes%offset = offset + IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*4 + 8 #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO print*, offset, numread, IM_WORLD*jsize, VAR(1,1) #endif jprev = 0 k=1 do l=1,num_io_rows jsize = arrdes%jn(myrow+l) - arrdes%j1(myrow+l) + 1 do n=1,ndes_x do j=1,jsize do i=arrdes%i1(n),arrdes%in(n) buf(k) = VAR(i,jprev+j) k=k+1 end do end do end do jprev = jprev + jsize end do end if !DSK avoid "Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable BUF when it is not allocated" if(myiorank/=0) then allocate(buf(0), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif call mpi_scatterv( buf, sendcounts, displs, MPI_REAL, & a, size(a), MPI_REAL, & 0, arrdes%ioscattercomm, status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(myiorank==0) then deallocate(VAR, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! deallocate(buf, stat=status) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) endif deallocate(buf, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate (sendcounts, displs, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if elseif(unit < 0) then _ASSERT(-UNIT<=LAST_UNIT, 'illegal unit') munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + 1 _ASSERT(associated(munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R4_2), 'pointer not associated') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R4_2), 'inconsistent array size') A = munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R4_2 else call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) JM_WORLD = DIMS(2) if (present(MASK)) JM_WORLD=size(A,2) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) am_i_root = MAPL_am_i_root(layout) if (am_i_root) then allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD,JM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) read (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) VAR _VERIFY(STATUS) else allocate(VAR(0,JM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if (MAPL_ShmInitialized .and. present(mask)) then call MAPL_AllocNodeArray(var1d,(/IM_WORLD/),rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do j=1,JM_WORLD if (am_i_root) then var1d = var(:,j) end if call ArrayScatterShm(A(:,j), VAR1d, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do call MAPL_DeAllocNodeArray(VAR1d,rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call ArrayScatter(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(VAR) _VERIFY(STATUS) END IF #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) itime_end = MPI_Wtime() bwidth = REAL(IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*4/1024.0/1024.0,kind=8) bwidth = bwidth/(itime_end-itime_beg) if (bwidth > peak_ioread_bandwidth) peak_ioread_bandwidth = bwidth mean_ioread_bandwidth = (mean_ioread_bandwidth + bwidth) ioread_counter=ioread_counter+1 if (mod(ioread_counter,72.d0)==0) then if (MAPL_AM_I_Root()) write(*,'(a64,3es11.3)') 'MPIIO Read Bandwidth (MB per second): ', peak_ioread_bandwidth, bwidth, mean_ioread_bandwidth/ioread_counter endif #endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R4_2d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R4_3d(UNIT, GRID, A, Arrdes, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) , intent( OUT) :: A(:,:,:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: L do L = 1, size(A,3) call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT, GRID, A(:,:,L), ARRDES=arrdes, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R4_3d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R4_4d(UNIT, GRID, A, Arrdes, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) , intent( OUT) :: A(:,:,:,:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: L do L = 1, size(A,4) call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT, GRID, A(:,:,:,L), ARRDES=arrdes, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R4_4d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R8_1d(UNIT, GRID, A, MASK, arrdes, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) , intent( OUT) :: A(:) integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: VAR(:) integer :: IM_WORLD integer :: status integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGRID integer, allocatable :: msk(:), sendcounts(:), displs(:) integer, allocatable :: idx(:) integer :: nrdrs, mype, npes, recvcount integer :: mypeRd integer :: Rsize, first, last integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: loffset integer :: i, k, n, i1, in real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) :: dummy integer :: group, newgroup integer :: thiscomm integer :: nactive integer :: ntransl integer, allocatable :: pes(:) integer, allocatable :: r2g(:) integer, allocatable :: rpes(:) integer, allocatable :: activeranks(:) integer, allocatable :: activesendcounts(:) integer :: numread, mpistatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer :: cnt if(present(arrdes)) then _ASSERT(present(mask), 'mask must be present if arrdes is present') IM_WORLD = arrdes%im_world call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%ioscattercomm,npes ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(arrdes%readers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%readers_comm,mypeRd ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%readers_comm,nrdrs,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else mypeRd = -1 endif call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, nrdrs, 1, 0, rc = status) Rsize = im_world/nrdrs + 1 first = mypeRd*Rsize + 1 if(mypeRd >= mod(im_world,nrdrs)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (mypeRd-mod(im_world,nrdrs)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO if (mypeRd <= nrdrs-1) write(*,'(5i)') mypeRd, IM_WORLD, first, last, Rsize #endif allocate(VAR(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(msk(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (sendcounts(0:npes-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (r2g(0:nrdrs-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(arrdes%readers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 4 else offset = arrdes%offset endif loffset = offset + (first-1)*8 cnt = Rsize call MPI_FILE_READ_AT_ALL(UNIT, loffset, VAR, cnt, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpistatus, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GET_COUNT( mpistatus, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, numread, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(cnt == numread, 'inconsistent numread') #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO write(*,'(3i,1f)') IM_WORLD, loffset, numread, VAR(1) #endif _ASSERT( (lbound(mask,1) <= first), 'out of bounds' ) _ASSERT( (ubound(mask,1) >= last ), 'out of bounds' ) msk = mask(first:last) allocate(idx(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) do i=1,Rsize idx(i) = i enddo msk = mask(first:last) call MAPL_Sort(msk,idx) msk = mask(first:last) call MAPL_Sort(msk,var) arrdes%offset = offset + IM_WORLD*8 + 8 endif call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ioscattercomm,mype ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_GROUP (arrdes%ioscattercomm, GROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) #if 1 if (arrdes%readers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then allocate(rpes(0:nrdrs-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_GROUP (arrdes%readers_comm, NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do n=0,nrdrs-1 rpes(n) = n end do call MPI_Group_translate_ranks(newgroup, nrdrs, rpes, group, r2g, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GROUP_FREE (NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(rpes) end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, r2g, nrdrs, 0, rc = status) #else do n=0,nrdrs-1 r2g(n) = (npes/nrdrs)*n end do #endif offset = 1 do n=0,nrdrs-1 Rsize = im_world/nrdrs + 1 first = n*Rsize + 1 if(n >= mod(im_world,nrdrs)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (n-mod(im_world,nrdrs)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 sendcounts = 0 do i=first,last sendcounts(mask(i)) = sendcounts(mask(i)) + 1 enddo ! Reader "n" must be included in the mpi group + evevybody that need the data nactive = count(sendcounts > 0) if (sendcounts(r2g(n)) == 0) then nactive = nactive + 1 end if allocate (activeranks(0:nactive-1), activesendcounts(0:nactive-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(pes(0:nactive-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (displs(0:nactive), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) k = 0 do i=0, npes-1 if (sendcounts(i) > 0) then pes(k) = i k = k+1 end if enddo if (k /= nactive) then k = k+1 _ASSERT(k == nactive, 'inconsistent nactive') _ASSERT(sendcounts(r2g(n)) == 0, 'sendcounts should be 0') pes(nactive-1) = r2g(n) end if call MPI_GROUP_INCL (GROUP, nactive, PES, newgroup, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_CREATE(arrdes%ioscattercomm, newgroup, thiscomm, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_Group_translate_ranks(group, nactive, pes, newgroup, activeranks, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GROUP_FREE (NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (thiscomm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then activesendcounts = 0 do i=0,nactive-1 activesendcounts(activeranks(i)) = sendcounts(pes(i)) if (pes(i) == r2g(n)) ntransl = activeranks(i) end do displs(0) = 0 do i=1,nactive displs(i) = displs(i-1) + activesendcounts(i-1) enddo if(n==mypeRd) then do i=0,nactive-1 if(activesendcounts(i)>0) then i1 = displs(i ) + 1 in = displs(i+1) call MAPL_Sort(idx(i1:in),var(i1:in)) endif end do endif recvcount = sendcounts(mype) if (recvcount == 0) then call MPI_SCATTERV( var, activesendcounts, displs, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & dummy, recvcount, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & ntransl, thiscomm, status ) else call MPI_SCATTERV( var, activesendcounts, displs, & MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & a(offset), recvcount, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & ntransl, thiscomm, status ) endif _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_Comm_Free(thiscomm, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) offset = offset + recvcount end if deallocate (displs) deallocate(pes) deallocate (activesendcounts, activeranks) enddo call MPI_GROUP_FREE (GROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(var,msk) deallocate (r2g) deallocate(sendcounts) if(arrdes%readers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then deallocate(idx) end if elseif(unit < 0) then _ASSERT(-UNIT<=LAST_UNIT, 'illegal unit') munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + 1 _ASSERT(associated(munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R8_1), 'pointer not associated') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R8_1), 'inconsistent array size') A = munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R8_1 else call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (MAPL_am_i_root(layout)) then read (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) VAR _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call ArrayScatter(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(VAR) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R8_1d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R8_2d(UNIT, GRID, A, MASK, arrdes, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) , intent( OUT) :: A(:,:) integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: VAR(:,:) integer :: IM_WORLD integer :: JM_WORLD integer :: status integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) integer :: gridRank type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: buf(:) integer :: I,J,N,K,L,myrow,myiorank,ndes_x integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset integer :: jsize, jprev integer :: num_io_rows integer, allocatable :: sendcounts(:), displs(:) integer :: numread, mpistatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer :: cnt #ifdef TIME_MPIIO real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) :: itime_beg, itime_end, bwidth #endif #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) itime_beg = MPI_Wtime() #endif if(present(arrdes)) then if(present(mask)) then JM_WORLD = size(A,2) arrdes%offset = 0 do j=1,jm_world call MAPL_VarRead(Unit, Grid, a(:,j), mask, arrdes, rc=status) arrdes%offset = arrdes%offset - 8 enddo arrdes%offset = arrdes%offset + 8 else ndes_x = size(arrdes%in) IM_WORLD = arrdes%im_world JM_WORLD = arrdes%jm_world call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ycomm,myrow,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ioscattercomm,myiorank,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%ioscattercomm,num_io_rows,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) num_io_rows=num_io_rows/ndes_x allocate (sendcounts(ndes_x*num_io_rows), displs(ndes_x*num_io_rows), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(myiorank==0) then do j=1,num_io_rows jsize = arrdes%jn(myrow+j) - arrdes%j1(myrow+j) + 1 sendcounts((j-1)*ndes_x+1:(j-1)*ndes_x+ndes_x) = ( arrdes%IN - arrdes%I1 + 1) * jsize enddo displs(1) = 0 do i=2,ndes_x*num_io_rows displs(i) = displs(i-1) + sendcounts(i-1) enddo jsize = 0 do j=1,num_io_rows jsize=jsize + (arrdes%jn(myrow+j) - arrdes%j1(myrow+j) + 1) enddo allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD,jsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(buf(IM_WORLD*jsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 4 else offset = arrdes%offset endif offset = offset + (arrdes%j1(myrow+1)-1)*IM_WORLD*8 cnt = IM_WORLD*jsize call MPI_FILE_READ_AT_ALL(UNIT, offset, VAR, cnt, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpistatus, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GET_COUNT( mpistatus, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, numread, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(cnt == numread, 'inconsistent numread') offset = offset - (arrdes%j1(myrow+1)-1)*IM_WORLD*8 arrdes%offset = offset + IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*8 + 8 #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO print*, offset, numread, VAR(1,1) #endif jprev = 0 k=1 do l=1,num_io_rows jsize = arrdes%jn(myrow+l) - arrdes%j1(myrow+l) + 1 do n=1,ndes_x do j=1,jsize do i=arrdes%i1(n),arrdes%in(n) buf(k) = VAR(i,jprev+j) k=k+1 end do end do end do jprev = jprev + jsize end do end if !DSK avoid "Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable BUF when it is not allocated" if(myiorank/=0) then allocate(buf(0), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif call mpi_scatterv( buf, sendcounts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & a, size(a), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & 0, arrdes%ioscattercomm, status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(myiorank==0) then deallocate(VAR, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! deallocate(buf, stat=status) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) endif deallocate(buf, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate (sendcounts, displs, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif elseif(unit < 0) then _ASSERT(-UNIT<=LAST_UNIT, 'illegal unit') munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + 1 _ASSERT(associated(munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R8_2), 'pointer not associated') _ASSERT(size(A)==size(munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R8_2), 'array size mismatch') A = munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R8_2 else call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) JM_WORLD = DIMS(2) if(present(MASK)) JM_WORLD=size(A,2) allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD,JM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (MAPL_am_i_root(layout)) then read (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) VAR _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call ArrayScatter(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(VAR) END IF #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) itime_end = MPI_Wtime() bwidth = REAL(IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*8/1024.0/1024.0,kind=8) bwidth = bwidth/(itime_end-itime_beg) if (bwidth > peak_ioread_bandwidth) peak_ioread_bandwidth = bwidth mean_ioread_bandwidth = (mean_ioread_bandwidth + bwidth) ioread_counter=ioread_counter+1 if (mod(ioread_counter,72.d0)==0) then if (MAPL_AM_I_Root()) write(*,'(a64,3es11.3)') 'MPIIO Read Bandwidth (MB per second): ', peak_ioread_bandwidth, bwidth, mean_ioread_bandwidth/ioread_counter endif #endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R8_2d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R8_3d(UNIT, GRID, A, arrdes, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) , intent( OUT) :: A(:,:,:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: L do L = 1, size(A,3) call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT, GRID, A(:,:,L), ARRDES=arrdes, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R8_3d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R8_4d(UNIT, GRID, A, arrdes, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) , intent( OUT) :: A(:,:,:,:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: L do L = 1, size(A,4) call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT, GRID, A(:,:,:,L), ARRDES=arrdes, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarRead_R8_4d !--------------------------- ! Write routines !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_StateVarWrite(UNIT, STATE, NAME, ARRDES, forceWriteNoRestart, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_State) , intent(INout) :: STATE character(len=*), optional, intent(IN ) :: NAME type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: forceWriteNoRestart integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local vars type (ESMF_FieldBundle) :: bundle type (ESMF_Field) :: field type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid integer :: status integer :: I, ITEMCOUNT type (ESMF_StateItem_Flag), pointer :: ITEMTYPES(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR ), pointer :: ITEMNAMES(:) logical, pointer :: DOIT(:) logical :: skipWriting integer :: RST, dna logical :: forceWriteNoRestart_ integer :: DIMS integer, pointer :: MASK(:) => null() integer, allocatable :: orderlist(:) integer :: jj character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: attrName character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable :: currList(:) integer :: natt logical :: isPresent call ESMF_StateGet(STATE,ITEMCOUNT=ITEMCOUNT,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(ITEMCOUNT>0, 'itemcount must be > 0') allocate(ITEMNAMES(ITEMCOUNT),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(ITEMTYPES(ITEMCOUNT),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(DOIT (ITEMCOUNT),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_StateGet(STATE,ITEMNAMELIST=ITEMNAMES,itemTypeList=ITEMTYPES,RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) forceWriteNoRestart_ = .false. if(present(forceWriteNoRestart)) then forceWriteNoRestart_ = forceWriteNoRestart endif if(present(NAME)) then DOIT = ITEMNAMES==NAME _ASSERT(count(DOIT)/=0, 'count(doit) should not be 0') else DOIT = .true. endif attrName = MAPL_StateItemOrderList call ESMF_AttributeGet(state, NAME=attrName, itemcount=natt, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(natt > 0, 'natt not > 0') allocate(orderlist(natt), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(currList(natt), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! get the current list call ESMF_AttributeGet(state, NAME=attrName, VALUELIST=currList, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) orderList = -1 ! not found do i = 1, natt ! search loop do jj = 1, ITEMCOUNT if (itemNames(jj) == currList(i)) then orderList(i) = jj exit end if end do end do deallocate(currList) do JJ = 1, natt I = ORDERLIST(JJ) IF (DOIT (I)) then #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call write_parallel(itemnames(i)) #endif IF (ITEMTYPES(I) == ESMF_StateItem_FieldBundle) then call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemnames(i), bundle, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) skipWriting = .false. if (.not. forceWriteNoRestart_) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(bundle, name='RESTART', isPresent=isPresent, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(bundle, name='RESTART', value=RST, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) skipWriting = (RST == MAPL_RestartSkip) end if end if if (skipWriting) cycle call MAPL_BundleWrite(unit, bundle, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ELSE IF (ITEMTYPES(I) == ESMF_StateItem_Field) THEN call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemnames(i), field, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) skipWriting = .false. if (.not. forceWriteNoRestart_) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='RESTART', isPresent=isPresent, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='RESTART', value=RST, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) skipWriting = (RST == MAPL_RestartSkip) end if end if if (skipWriting) cycle call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='doNotAllocate', isPresent=isPresent, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (isPresent) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='doNotAllocate', value=dna, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) skipWriting = (dna /= 0) endif if (skipWriting) cycle if(.not.associated(MASK)) then call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='DIMS', value=DIMS, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call ESMF_FieldGet (field, grid=grid, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_TileMaskGet(grid, mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif endif call MAPL_FieldWrite(unit, field, arrdes=arrdes, HomePE=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end IF END IF END DO deallocate(orderlist) deallocate(ITEMNAMES) deallocate(ITEMTYPES) deallocate(DOIT ) if(associated(MASK)) then DEALOC_(MASK) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_StateVarWrite !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_BundleWrite(UNIT,BUNDLE, ARRDES, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_FieldBundle) , intent(INOUT) :: BUNDLE type(ArrDescr), optional , intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: status integer :: J, N, fieldCount type (ESMF_Field) :: field character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR),allocatable :: nameList(:) character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: BundleName call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundle, fieldCount=N, name=BundleName, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(namelist(N), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(bundle, fieldNameList=nameList, fieldCount=FieldCount, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(N==fieldCount, 'inconsistent fieldcount') DO J = 1, N call MAPL_FieldBundleGet(bundle, fieldIndex=J, field=field, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_FieldWrite(unit, field, arrdes=ARRDES, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) END DO deallocate(nameList) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_BundleWrite !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_FieldWrite(UNIT,FIELD, ARRDES, HomePE, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Field) , intent(INOUT) :: field !ALT: intent(in) type(ArrDescr), optional , intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, target, optional , intent(IN ) :: HomePE(:) integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local vars type (ESMF_Array) :: array type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_Grid) :: GRID integer :: rank integer :: status integer :: DIMS real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer, dimension(:) :: var_1d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: var_2d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: var_3d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: var_4d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer, dimension(:) :: vr8_1d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: vr8_2d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: vr8_3d real(KIND=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: vr8_4d type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag) :: tk integer, pointer :: mask(:) => NULL() character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: FORMATTED integer :: J,K type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid if (unit < 0 .or. present(arrdes)) then FORMATTED = "NO" else inquire(unit=UNIT, formatted=FORMATTED) end if call ESMF_FieldGet(field, grid=grid, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name='DIMS', value=DIMS, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then if(present(HomePE)) then mask => HomePE else call MAPL_TileMaskGet(grid, mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif end if call ESMF_FieldGet(field, Array=array, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, typekind=tk, rank=rank, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (rank == 1) then if (tk == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=var_1d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(var_1d)) then if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, var_1d, arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsVertOnly .or. DIMS==MAPL_DimsNone) then call WRITE_PARALLEL(var_1d, unit, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) else _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end if end if else call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=vr8_1d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(vr8_1d)) then if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, vr8_1d, arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsVertOnly .or. DIMS==MAPL_DimsNone) then call WRITE_PARALLEL(vr8_1d, unit, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) else _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end if end if endif else if (rank == 2) then if (tk == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=var_2d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(var_2d)) then !ALT: temp kludge if (FORMATTED=="YES") THEN call WRITE_PARALLEL( & var_2d(lbound(var_2d,1),:), unit, rc=status) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly) then do J = 1,size(var_2d,2) call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, var_2d(:,J), arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) end do else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, var_2d, arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) else call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, var_2d, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) end if end if end if else call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=vr8_2d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(vr8_2d)) then !ALT: temp kludge if (FORMATTED=="YES") THEN call WRITE_PARALLEL( & vr8_2d(lbound(vr8_2d,1),:), unit, rc=status) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly) then do J = 1,size(vr8_2d,2) call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, vr8_2d(:,J), arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) end do else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, vr8_2d, mask=mask, rc=status) else call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, vr8_2d, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) end if end if end if endif else if (rank == 3) then if (tk == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=var_3d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(var_3d)) then !ALT: temp kludge if (FORMATTED=="YES") THEN call WRITE_PARALLEL( & var_3d(lbound(var_3d,1),lbound(var_3d,2),:), unit) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly) then do J = 1,size(var_3d,2) do K = 1,size(var_3d,3) call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, var_3d(:,J,K), arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) end do end do else call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, var_3d, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) endif endif end if else call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=vr8_3d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (associated(vr8_3d)) then !ALT: temp kludge if (FORMATTED=="YES") THEN call WRITE_PARALLEL( & vr8_3d(lbound(vr8_3d,1),lbound(vr8_3d,2),:), unit) else if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly) then do J = 1,size(vr8_3d,2) do K = 1,size(vr8_3d,3) call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, vr8_3d(:,J,K), arrdes=arrdes, mask=mask, rc=status) end do end do else call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, vr8_3d, arrdes=arrdes, rc=status) end if endif end if endif else if (rank == 4) then if (tk == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=var_4d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, var_4d, rc=status) else call ESMF_ArrayGet(array, localDE=0, farrayptr=vr8_4d, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_VarWrite(unit, grid, vr8_4d, rc=status) endif else print *, "ERROR: unsupported RANK" _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif _VERIFY(STATUS) if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .or. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then if(.not.present(HomePE)) then DEALOC_(mask) end if end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_FieldWrite !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_I4_1d(UNIT, GRID, A, MASK, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID integer(kind=ESMF_KIND_I4) , intent(IN ) :: A(:) integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer(kind=ESMF_KIND_I4), allocatable :: VAR(:) integer :: IM_WORLD integer :: status integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid if(unit < 0) then munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + 1 if(.not.associated(munit%Records)) then allocate(munit%Records(16),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) elseif(size(munit%Records)< munit%prevrec) then allocate(REC(munit%prevrec*2),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) REC(:munit%prevrec-1) = munit%Records deallocate(munit%Records) munit%Records => REC endif call alloc_(munit%Records(munit%prevrec),i4_1,size(A),rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%I4_1 = A else call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ArrayGather(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (MAPL_am_i_root(layout)) then write (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) VAR _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(VAR) endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_I4_1d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R4_1d(UNIT, GRID, A, MASK, arrdes, writeFCtrl, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) , intent(IN ) :: A(:) integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES logical, optional , intent(IN ) :: writeFCtrl ! if not present default is .true. integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), allocatable :: VAR(:) real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), allocatable :: GVAR(:) integer :: IM_WORLD integer :: status integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid integer, allocatable :: msk(:), recvcounts(:), displs(:) integer :: nwrts, mype, npes, sendcount integer :: mypeWr integer :: Rsize, first, last integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: loffset integer :: i, k, n integer :: ii real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) :: dummy integer :: group, newgroup integer :: thiscomm integer :: nactive integer :: ntransl integer, allocatable :: pes(:) integer, allocatable :: inv_pes(:) integer, allocatable :: r2g(:) integer, allocatable :: rpes(:) integer, allocatable :: activeranks(:) integer, allocatable :: activerecvcounts(:) integer :: recl logical :: useWriteFCtrl integer :: mpistatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) logical :: amIRoot if(present(writeFCtrl)) then useWriteFCtrl = writeFCtrl else useWriteFCtrl = .true. end if if(present(arrdes)) then _ASSERT(present(mask), 'mask must be present if arrdes is present') IM_WORLD = arrdes%im_world recl = IM_WORLD*4 call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%iogathercomm,npes ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%writers_comm,mypeWr ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%writers_comm,nwrts,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else mypeWr = -1 endif call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, nwrts, 1, 0, rc = status) Rsize = im_world/nwrts + 1 first = mypeWr*Rsize + 1 if(mypeWr >= mod(im_world,nwrts)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (mypeWr-mod(im_world,nwrts)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO if (mypeWr <= nwrts-1) write(*,'(5i)') mypeWr, IM_WORLD, first, last, Rsize #endif if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then allocate(GVAR(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if allocate(VAR(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(msk(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (recvcounts(0:npes-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (r2g(0:nwrts-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(inv_pes(0:npes-1),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%iogathercomm,mype ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_GROUP (arrdes%iogathercomm, GROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) #if 1 if (arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then allocate(rpes(0:nwrts-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_GROUP (arrdes%writers_comm, NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do n=0,nwrts-1 rpes(n) = n end do call MPI_Group_translate_ranks(newgroup, nwrts, rpes, group, r2g, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GROUP_FREE (NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(rpes) end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, r2g, nwrts, 0, rc = status) #else do n=0,nrdrs-1 r2g(n) = (npes/nrdrs)*n end do #endif offset = 1 do n=0,nwrts-1 Rsize = im_world/nwrts + 1 first = n*Rsize + 1 if(n >= mod(im_world,nwrts)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (n-mod(im_world,nwrts)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 recvcounts = 0 do i=first,last recvcounts(mask(i)) = recvcounts(mask(i)) + 1 enddo ! Writer "n" must be included in the mpi group + evevybody that need the data nactive = count(recvcounts > 0) if (recvcounts(r2g(n)) == 0) then nactive = nactive + 1 end if allocate (activeranks(0:nactive-1), activerecvcounts(0:nactive-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(pes(0:nactive-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (displs(0:nactive), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) k = 0 do i=0, npes-1 if (recvcounts(i) > 0) then pes(k) = i k = k+1 end if enddo if (k /= nactive) then k = k+1 _ASSERT(k == nactive, 'inconsistent nactive') _ASSERT(recvcounts(r2g(n)) == 0, 'recvcounts must be 0') pes(nactive-1) = r2g(n) end if call MPI_GROUP_INCL (GROUP, nactive, PES, newgroup, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_CREATE(arrdes%iogathercomm, newgroup, thiscomm, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_Group_translate_ranks(group, nactive, pes, newgroup, activeranks, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GROUP_FREE (NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) inv_pes = -1 ! initialized to invalid do i=0,nactive-1 inv_pes(pes(i)) = i end do if (thiscomm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then activerecvcounts = 0 do i=0,nactive-1 activerecvcounts(activeranks(i)) = recvcounts(pes(i)) if (pes(i) == r2g(n)) ntransl = activeranks(i) end do displs(0) = 0 do i=1,nactive displs(i) = displs(i-1) + activerecvcounts(i-1) enddo sendcount = recvcounts(mype) if (sendcount == 0) then call MPI_GATHERV( dummy, sendcount, MPI_REAL, & var, activerecvcounts, displs, MPI_REAL, & ntransl, thiscomm, status ) else call MPI_GATHERV( a(offset), sendcount, MPI_REAL, & var, activerecvcounts, displs, MPI_REAL, & ntransl, thiscomm, status ) endif _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_Comm_Free(thiscomm, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(n==mypeWr) then msk = mask(first:last) do I=1,Rsize K = inv_pes(MSK(I)) II = displs(K)+1 ! var is 1-based GVAR(I) = VAR(II) displs(K) = displs(K) + 1 end do endif offset = offset + sendcount end if deallocate (displs) deallocate(pes) deallocate (activerecvcounts, activeranks) enddo if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 4 else offset = arrdes%offset endif if(useWriteFCtrl .and. mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset-4, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif Rsize = im_world/nwrts + 1 first = mypeWr*Rsize + 1 if(mypeWr >= mod(im_world,nwrts)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (mypeWr-mod(im_world,nwrts)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 _ASSERT( (lbound(mask,1) <= first), 'out of bounds' ) _ASSERT( (ubound(mask,1) >= last ), 'out of bounds' ) loffset = offset + (first-1)*4 call MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT_ALL(UNIT, loffset, GVAR, Rsize, MPI_REAL, mpistatus, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO call MPI_GET_COUNT( mpistatus, MPI_REAL, numwrite, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) write(*,'(4i,1f)') IM_WORLD, loffset, numwrite, GVAR(1) #endif if(useWriteFCtrl .and. mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset+recl, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif arrdes%offset = offset + recl + 8 endif call MPI_GROUP_FREE (GROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(var,msk) deallocate (inv_pes) deallocate (r2g) deallocate(recvcounts) if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then deallocate(gvar) end if elseif(unit < 0) then munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + 1 if(.not.associated(munit%Records)) then allocate(munit%Records(16),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) elseif(size(munit%Records)< munit%prevrec) then allocate(REC(munit%prevrec*2),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) REC(:munit%prevrec-1) = munit%Records deallocate(munit%Records) munit%Records => REC endif call alloc_(munit%Records(munit%prevrec),R4_1,size(A),rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R4_1 = A else call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) amIRoot = MAPL_am_i_root(layout) if (amIRoot) then allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else allocate(VAR(0), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call ArrayGather(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (MAPL_am_i_root(layout)) then write (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) VAR _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(VAR) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R4_1d !--------------------------- !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R4_2d(UNIT, GRID, A, MASK, ARRDES, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) , intent(IN ) :: A(:,:) integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), allocatable :: VAR(:,:) integer :: IM_WORLD integer :: JM_WORLD integer :: status integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) integer :: gridRank type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), allocatable :: buf(:) integer :: I,J,N,K,L,myrow,myiorank,ndes_x integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset integer :: jsize, jprev, num_io_rows integer, allocatable :: sendcounts(:), displs(:) integer :: mypeWr integer :: recl integer :: mpistatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) logical :: amIRoot #ifdef TIME_MPIIO real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) :: itime_beg, itime_end, bwidth #endif #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) itime_beg = MPI_Wtime() #endif if(present(arrdes)) then IM_WORLD = arrdes%im_world JM_WORLD = arrdes%jm_world mypeWr = -1 !mark it invalid if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%writers_comm,mypeWr ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if(present(mask)) then JM_WORLD=size(a,2) ! arrdes%offset = 0 ! write Fortran control if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 4 else offset = arrdes%offset endif recl = IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*4 if(mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset-4, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif end if do j=1,jm_world call MAPL_VarWrite(Unit, Grid, a(:,j), mask, arrdes, writeFCtrl=.false., rc=status) arrdes%offset = arrdes%offset - 8 enddo arrdes%offset = arrdes%offset + 8 ! write Fortran control if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then if(mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset+recl, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif end if else ndes_x = size(arrdes%in) call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ycomm,myrow,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%iogathercomm,myiorank,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%iogathercomm,num_io_rows,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) num_io_rows=num_io_rows/ndes_x allocate (sendcounts(ndes_x*num_io_rows), displs(ndes_x*num_io_rows), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(myiorank==0) then do j=1,num_io_rows jsize = arrdes%jn(myrow+j) - arrdes%j1(myrow+j) + 1 sendcounts((j-1)*ndes_x+1:(j-1)*ndes_x+ndes_x) = ( arrdes%IN - arrdes%I1 + 1) * jsize enddo displs(1) = 0 do i=2,ndes_x*num_io_rows displs(i) = displs(i-1) + sendcounts(i-1) enddo jsize = 0 do j=1,num_io_rows jsize=jsize + (arrdes%jn(myrow+j) - arrdes%j1(myrow+j) + 1) enddo allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD,jsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(buf(IM_WORLD*jsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if !DSK avoid "Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable BUF when it is not allocated" if(myiorank/=0) then allocate(buf(0), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif call mpi_gatherv( a, size(a), MPI_REAL, buf, sendcounts, displs, MPI_REAL, & 0, arrdes%iogathercomm, status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(myiorank==0) then jprev = 0 k=1 do l=1,num_io_rows jsize = arrdes%jn(myrow+l) - arrdes%j1(myrow+l) + 1 do n=1,ndes_x do j=1,jsize do i=arrdes%i1(n),arrdes%in(n) VAR(i,jprev+j) = buf(k) k=k+1 end do end do end do jprev = jprev + jsize end do jsize=jprev if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 0 else offset = arrdes%offset endif recl = IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*4 if (mypeWr==0) then #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO print*, offset, recl, offset + IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*4 + 8 #endif call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif offset = offset + 4 offset = offset + (arrdes%j1(myrow+1)-1)*IM_WORLD*4 call MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT_ALL(UNIT, offset, VAR, IM_WORLD*jsize, MPI_REAL, mpistatus, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) offset = offset - (arrdes%j1(myrow+1)-1)*IM_WORLD*4 offset = offset + IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*4 if (mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif arrdes%offset = offset + 4 end if if(myiorank==0) then deallocate(VAR, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! deallocate(buf, stat=status) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) endif deallocate(buf, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate (sendcounts, displs, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif elseif(unit < 0) then munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + 1 if(.not.associated(munit%Records)) then allocate(munit%Records(16),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) elseif(size(munit%Records)< munit%prevrec) then allocate(REC(munit%prevrec*2),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) REC(:munit%prevrec-1) = munit%Records deallocate(munit%Records) munit%Records => REC endif call alloc_(munit%Records(munit%prevrec),r4_2,size(A,1),size(a,2),rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R4_2 = A else call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) JM_WORLD = DIMS(2) if(present(MASK)) JM_WORLD=size(a,2) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) amIRoot = MAPL_am_i_root(layout) if (amIRoot) then allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD,JM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else allocate(VAR(0,JM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call ArrayGather(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (amIRoot) then write (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) VAR _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(VAR) end if #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) itime_end = MPI_Wtime() bwidth = REAL(IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*4/1024.0/1024.0,kind=8) bwidth = bwidth/(itime_end-itime_beg) if (bwidth > peak_iowrite_bandwidth) peak_iowrite_bandwidth = bwidth mean_iowrite_bandwidth = (mean_iowrite_bandwidth + bwidth) iowrite_counter=iowrite_counter+1 if (mod(iowrite_counter,72.d0)==0) then if (MAPL_AM_I_Root()) write(*,'(a64,3es11.3)') 'MPIIO Write Bandwidth (MB per second): ', peak_iowrite_bandwidth, bwidth, mean_iowrite_bandwidth/iowrite_counter endif #endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R4_2d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R4_3d(UNIT, GRID, A, ARRDES, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) , intent(IN ) :: A(:,:,:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: L do L = 1, size(A,3) call MAPL_VarWrite(UNIT, GRID, A(:,:,L), ARRDES=ARRDES, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R4_3d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R4_4d(UNIT, GRID, A, ARRDES, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4) , intent(IN ) :: A(:,:,:,:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: L do L = 1, size(A,4) call MAPL_VarWrite(UNIT, GRID, A(:,:,:,L), ARRDES=ARRDES, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R4_4d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R8_1d(UNIT, GRID, A, MASK, arrdes, writeFCtrl, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) , intent(IN ) :: A(:) integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES logical, optional , intent(IN ) :: writeFCtrl ! if not present default is .true. integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: VAR(:) real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: GVAR(:) integer :: IM_WORLD integer :: status integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid integer, allocatable :: msk(:), recvcounts(:), displs(:) integer :: nwrts, mype, npes, sendcount integer :: mypeWr integer :: Rsize, first, last integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: loffset integer :: i, k, n integer :: ii real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) :: dummy integer :: group, newgroup integer :: thiscomm integer :: nactive integer :: ntransl integer, allocatable :: pes(:) integer, allocatable :: inv_pes(:) integer, allocatable :: r2g(:) integer, allocatable :: rpes(:) integer, allocatable :: activeranks(:) integer, allocatable :: activerecvcounts(:) integer :: recl logical :: useWriteFCtrl integer :: mpistatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) if(present(writeFCtrl)) then useWriteFCtrl = writeFCtrl else useWriteFCtrl = .true. end if if(present(arrdes)) then _ASSERT(present(mask), 'mask must be present if arrdes is present') IM_WORLD = arrdes%im_world recl = IM_WORLD*8 call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%iogathercomm,npes ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%writers_comm,mypeWr ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%writers_comm,nwrts,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) else mypeWr = -1 endif call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, nwrts, 1, 0, rc = status) Rsize = im_world/nwrts + 1 first = mypeWr*Rsize + 1 if(mypeWr >= mod(im_world,nwrts)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (mypeWr-mod(im_world,nwrts)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO if (mypeWr <= nwrts-1) write(*,'(5i)') mypeWr, IM_WORLD, first, last, Rsize #endif if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then allocate(GVAR(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if allocate(VAR(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(msk(Rsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (recvcounts(0:npes-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (r2g(0:nwrts-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(inv_pes(0:npes-1),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%iogathercomm,mype ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_GROUP (arrdes%iogathercomm, GROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) #if 1 if (arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then allocate(rpes(0:nwrts-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_GROUP (arrdes%writers_comm, NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do n=0,nwrts-1 rpes(n) = n end do call MPI_Group_translate_ranks(newgroup, nwrts, rpes, group, r2g, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GROUP_FREE (NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(rpes) end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(layout, r2g, nwrts, 0, rc = status) #else do n=0,nrdrs-1 r2g(n) = (npes/nrdrs)*n end do #endif offset = 1 do n=0,nwrts-1 Rsize = im_world/nwrts + 1 first = n*Rsize + 1 if(n >= mod(im_world,nwrts)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (n-mod(im_world,nwrts)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 recvcounts = 0 do i=first,last recvcounts(mask(i)) = recvcounts(mask(i)) + 1 enddo ! Writer "n" must be included in the mpi group + evevybody that need the data nactive = count(recvcounts > 0) if (recvcounts(r2g(n)) == 0) then nactive = nactive + 1 end if allocate (activeranks(0:nactive-1), activerecvcounts(0:nactive-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(pes(0:nactive-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (displs(0:nactive), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) k = 0 do i=0, npes-1 if (recvcounts(i) > 0) then pes(k) = i k = k+1 end if enddo if (k /= nactive) then k = k+1 _ASSERT(k == nactive, 'inconsistent nactive') _ASSERT(recvcounts(r2g(n)) == 0, 'recvcounts must be 0') pes(nactive-1) = r2g(n) end if call MPI_GROUP_INCL (GROUP, nactive, PES, newgroup, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_COMM_CREATE(arrdes%iogathercomm, newgroup, thiscomm, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_Group_translate_ranks(group, nactive, pes, newgroup, activeranks, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_GROUP_FREE (NEWGROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) inv_pes = -1 ! initialized to invalid do i=0,nactive-1 inv_pes(pes(i)) = i end do if (thiscomm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then activerecvcounts = 0 do i=0,nactive-1 activerecvcounts(activeranks(i)) = recvcounts(pes(i)) if (pes(i) == r2g(n)) ntransl = activeranks(i) end do displs(0) = 0 do i=1,nactive displs(i) = displs(i-1) + activerecvcounts(i-1) enddo sendcount = recvcounts(mype) if (sendcount == 0) then call MPI_GATHERV( dummy, sendcount, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & var, activerecvcounts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & ntransl, thiscomm, status ) else call MPI_GATHERV( a(offset), sendcount, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & var, activerecvcounts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & ntransl, thiscomm, status ) endif _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_Comm_Free(thiscomm, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(n==mypeWr) then msk = mask(first:last) do I=1,Rsize K = inv_pes(MSK(I)) II = displs(K)+1 ! var is 1-based GVAR(I) = VAR(II) displs(K) = displs(K) + 1 end do endif offset = offset + sendcount end if deallocate (displs) deallocate(pes) deallocate (activerecvcounts, activeranks) enddo if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 4 else offset = arrdes%offset endif if(useWriteFCtrl .and. mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset-4, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif Rsize = im_world/nwrts + 1 first = mypeWr*Rsize + 1 if(mypeWr >= mod(im_world,nwrts)) then Rsize = Rsize - 1 first = first - (mypeWr-mod(im_world,nwrts)) endif last = first + Rsize - 1 _ASSERT( (lbound(mask,1) <= first), 'out of bounds') _ASSERT( (ubound(mask,1) >= last ), 'out of bounds' ) loffset = offset + (first-1)*8 call MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT_ALL(UNIT, loffset, GVAR, Rsize, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpistatus, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO call MPI_GET_COUNT( mpistatus, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, numwrite, STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) write(*,'(4i,1f)') IM_WORLD, loffset, numwrite, GVAR(1) #endif if(useWriteFCtrl .and. mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset+recl, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif arrdes%offset = offset + recl + 8 endif call MPI_GROUP_FREE (GROUP, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(var,msk) deallocate (inv_pes) deallocate (r2g) deallocate(recvcounts) if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then deallocate(gvar) end if elseif(unit < 0) then munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + 1 if(.not.associated(munit%Records)) then allocate(munit%Records(16),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) elseif(size(munit%Records)< munit%prevrec) then allocate(REC(munit%prevrec*2),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) REC(:munit%prevrec-1) = munit%Records deallocate(munit%Records) munit%Records => REC endif call alloc_(munit%Records(munit%prevrec),R8_1,size(A),rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R8_1 = A else call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ArrayGather(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (MAPL_am_i_root(layout)) then write (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) VAR _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(VAR) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R8_1d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R8_2d(UNIT, GRID, A, MASK, ARRDES, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) , intent(IN ) :: A(:,:) integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: VAR(:,:) integer :: IM_WORLD integer :: JM_WORLD integer :: status integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) integer :: gridRank type (ESMF_DELayout) :: layout type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: buf(:) integer :: I,J,N,K,L,myrow,myiorank,ndes_x integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset integer :: jsize, jprev, num_io_rows integer, allocatable :: sendcounts(:), displs(:) integer :: mypeWr integer :: recl integer :: mpistatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) #ifdef TIME_MPIIO real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) :: itime_beg, itime_end, bwidth #endif #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) itime_beg = MPI_Wtime() #endif if(present(arrdes)) then IM_WORLD = arrdes%im_world JM_WORLD = arrdes%jm_world mypeWr = -1 !mark it invalid if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%writers_comm,mypeWr ,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if(present(mask)) then _ASSERT(JM_WORLD==size(A,2), 'inconsistent array shape') ! arrdes%offset = 0 ! write Fortran control if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 4 else offset = arrdes%offset endif recl = IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*8 if(mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset-4, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif end if do j=1,jm_world call MAPL_VarWrite(Unit, Grid, a(:,j), mask, arrdes, writeFCtrl=.false., rc=status) arrdes%offset = arrdes%offset - 8 enddo arrdes%offset = arrdes%offset + 8 ! write Fortran control if(arrdes%writers_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then if(mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset+recl, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif end if else ndes_x = size(arrdes%in) call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%ycomm,myrow,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_rank(arrdes%iogathercomm,myiorank,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_comm_size(arrdes%iogathercomm,num_io_rows,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) num_io_rows=num_io_rows/ndes_x allocate (sendcounts(ndes_x*num_io_rows), displs(ndes_x*num_io_rows), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(myiorank==0) then do j=1,num_io_rows jsize = arrdes%jn(myrow+j) - arrdes%j1(myrow+j) + 1 sendcounts((j-1)*ndes_x+1:(j-1)*ndes_x+ndes_x) = ( arrdes%IN - arrdes%I1 + 1) * jsize enddo displs(1) = 0 do i=2,ndes_x*num_io_rows displs(i) = displs(i-1) + sendcounts(i-1) enddo jsize = 0 do j=1,num_io_rows jsize=jsize + (arrdes%jn(myrow+j) - arrdes%j1(myrow+j) + 1) enddo allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD,jsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(buf(IM_WORLD*jsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if !DSK avoid "Attempt to fetch from allocatable variable BUF when it is not allocated" if(myiorank/=0) then allocate(buf(0), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif call mpi_gatherv( a, size(a), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, buf, sendcounts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & 0, arrdes%iogathercomm, status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(myiorank==0) then jprev = 0 k=1 do l=1,num_io_rows jsize = arrdes%jn(myrow+l) - arrdes%j1(myrow+l) + 1 do n=1,ndes_x do j=1,jsize do i=arrdes%i1(n),arrdes%in(n) VAR(i,jprev+j) = buf(k) k=k+1 end do end do end do jprev = jprev + jsize end do jsize=jprev if(arrdes%offset<=0) then offset = 0 else offset = arrdes%offset endif recl = IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*8 if (mypeWr==0) then #ifdef DEBUG_MPIIO print*, offset, recl, offset + IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*8 + 8 #endif call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif offset = offset + 4 offset = offset + (arrdes%j1(myrow+1)-1)*IM_WORLD*8 call MPI_FILE_WRITE_AT_ALL(UNIT, offset, VAR, IM_WORLD*jsize, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpistatus, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) offset = offset - (arrdes%j1(myrow+1)-1)*IM_WORLD*8 offset = offset + IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*8 if (mypeWr==0) then call MPI_FILE_SEEK(UNIT, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(UNIT, recl, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif arrdes%offset = offset + 4 end if if(myiorank==0) then deallocate(VAR, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! deallocate(buf, stat=status) ! _VERIFY(STATUS) endif deallocate(buf, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate (sendcounts, displs, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif elseif(unit < 0) then munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + 1 if(.not.associated(munit%Records)) then allocate(munit%Records(16),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) elseif(size(munit%Records)< munit%prevrec) then allocate(REC(munit%prevrec*2),stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) REC(:munit%prevrec-1) = munit%Records deallocate(munit%Records) munit%Records => REC endif call alloc_(munit%Records(munit%prevrec),r8_2,size(A,1),size(a,2),rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) munit%Records(munit%prevrec)%R8_2 = A else call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) JM_WORLD = DIMS(2) if (present(MASK)) JM_WORLD=size(A,2) allocate(VAR(IM_WORLD,JM_WORLD), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGrid, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ArrayGather(A, VAR, grid, mask=mask, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (MAPL_am_i_root(layout)) then write (UNIT, IOSTAT=status) VAR _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(VAR) end if #ifdef TIME_MPIIO call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD,STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) itime_end = MPI_Wtime() bwidth = REAL(IM_WORLD*JM_WORLD*8/1024.0/1024.0,kind=8) bwidth = bwidth/(itime_end-itime_beg) if (bwidth > peak_iowrite_bandwidth) peak_iowrite_bandwidth = bwidth mean_iowrite_bandwidth = (mean_iowrite_bandwidth + bwidth) iowrite_counter=iowrite_counter+1 if (mod(iowrite_counter,72.d0)==0) then if (MAPL_AM_I_Root()) write(*,'(a64,3es11.3)') 'MPIIO Write Bandwidth (MB per second): ', peak_iowrite_bandwidth, bwidth, mean_iowrite_bandwidth/iowrite_counter endif #endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R8_2d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R8_3d(UNIT, GRID, A, ARRDES, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) , intent(IN ) :: A(:,:,:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: L do L = 1, size(A,3) call MAPL_VarWrite(UNIT, GRID, A(:,:,L), ARRDES=ARRDES, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R8_3d !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R8_4d(UNIT, GRID, A, ARRDES, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_Grid) , intent(INout) :: GRID real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8) , intent(IN ) :: A(:,:,:,:) type(ArrDescr), optional, intent(INOUT) :: ARRDES integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: status integer :: L do L = 1, size(A,4) call MAPL_VarWrite(UNIT, GRID, A(:,:,:,L), ARRDES=ARRDES, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_VarWrite_R8_4d !--------------------------- !--------------------------- !--------------------------- !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "arrayscatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 1 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "arrayscatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 3 #include "arrayscatter.H" !--------------------------- #define RANK_ 2 #define VARTYPE_ 4 #include "arrayscatter.H" !--------------------------- !--------------------------- subroutine MAPL_ClimUpdate ( STATE, BEFORE, AFTER, & CURRENT_TIME, NAMES, FILE, RC ) type(ESMF_State), intent(INOUT) :: STATE type(ESMF_Time), intent( out) :: BEFORE, AFTER type(ESMF_Time), intent(inout) :: CURRENT_TIME !ALT:intent(in) character(len=*), intent(in ) :: NAMES(:) character(len=*), intent(in ) :: FILE integer, optional, intent( out) :: RC integer :: STATUS integer :: I, M, M1, M2 integer :: NFLD integer :: UNIT integer :: DONE type (ESMF_Field ), pointer :: PREV(:) type (ESMF_Field ), pointer :: NEXT(:) type (ESMF_DELayout) :: LAYOUT type (ESMF_Grid ) :: GRID type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGRID ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate the number of fileds in the file ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NFLD = size(NAMES) _ASSERT(NFLD>0, 'NFLD must be > 0') allocate(PREV(NFLD),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(NEXT(NFLD),stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get the fields from the state ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do I=1,NFLD call ESMF_StateGet ( STATE, trim(NAMES(I))//'_PREV', PREV(I), RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_StateGet ( STATE, trim(NAMES(I))//'_NEXT', NEXT(I), RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do call ESMF_FieldGet(PREV(1), GRID=GRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet (GRID, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGRID, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Find out the times of next, prev from the field attributes ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- call MAPL_FieldGetTime ( PREV(1), BEFORE, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_FieldGetTime ( NEXT(1), AFTER , RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check to see if albedos need to be refreshed in the ! ESMF Internal State (prev, next need to surround ! the current time) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_TimeGet ( BEFORE, yy=I, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) DONE = 0 if( I > 0) then if( (BEFORE <= CURRENT_TIME) .and. (AFTER >= CURRENT_TIME)) then DONE = 1 end if end if if(DONE /= 1) then ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get the midmonth times for the months before and after the current time ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- call MAPL_GetClimMonths ( CURRENT_TIME, BEFORE, AFTER, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_TimeGet ( BEFORE, MM=M1, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_TimeGet ( AFTER , MM=M2, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read the albedo climatologies from file ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIT = GETFILE(FILE, form="unformatted", RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) DONE = 0 do M=1,12 if (M==M1) then do I=1,NFLD call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT, PREV(I), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do if(DONE==1) exit DONE = DONE + 1 elseif(M==M2) then do I=1,NFLD call MAPL_VarRead(UNIT, NEXT(I), RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do if(DONE==1) exit DONE = DONE + 1 else call MAPL_Skip(UNIT,LAYOUT,COUNT=NFLD,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if end do call FREE_FILE ( Unit ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Reset the time on all fields ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do I=1,NFLD call MAPL_FieldSetTime ( PREV(I), BEFORE, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_FieldSetTime ( NEXT(I), AFTER , rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do endif deallocate(NEXT) deallocate(PREV) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_ClimUpdate subroutine MAPL_GetClimMonths ( CURRENT_TIME, BEFORE, AFTER, RC ) type(ESMF_Time), intent(inout) :: CURRENT_TIME !ALT: intent(in) type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: BEFORE, AFTER integer,optional,intent(out) :: RC integer :: STATUS integer :: MonthCurr type(ESMF_Time ) :: midMonth type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: oneMonth call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(oneMonth, MM = 1, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_TimeGet(CURRENT_TIME, midMonth=midMonth, mm=MonthCurr, RC=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) if( CURRENT_TIME < midMonth ) then AFTER = midMonth midMonth = midMonth - oneMonth call ESMF_TimeGet (midMonth, midMonth=BEFORE, rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) else BEFORE = midMonth midMonth = midMonth + oneMonth call ESMF_TimeGet (midMonth, midMonth=AFTER , rc=STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_GetClimMonths subroutine MAPL_Skip(UNIT, LAYOUT, COUNT, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_DELayout) , intent(IN ) :: LAYOUT integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: COUNT integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: STATUS integer :: N, NN if(present(COUNT)) then NN=COUNT else NN=1 endif if (unit < 0) then munit => MEM_units(-unit) munit%prevrec = munit%prevrec + NN _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif if (MAPL_AM_I_ROOT(LAYOUT)) then do N=1,NN read (unit=UNIT, IOSTAT=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_Skip subroutine MAPL_Backspace(UNIT, LAYOUT, COUNT, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_DELayout) , intent(IN ) :: LAYOUT integer, optional , intent(IN ) :: COUNT integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: STATUS integer :: N, NN if (MAPL_AM_I_ROOT(LAYOUT)) then if(present(COUNT)) then NN=COUNT else NN=1 endif do N=1,NN backspace(unit=UNIT, IOSTAT=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_Backspace subroutine MAPL_Rewind(UNIT, LAYOUT, RC) integer , intent(IN ) :: UNIT type (ESMF_DELayout) , intent(IN ) :: LAYOUT integer, optional , intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: STATUS if (MAPL_AM_I_ROOT(LAYOUT)) then rewind(unit=UNIT, IOSTAT=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_Rewind subroutine ArrayScatterShmR4D1(local_array, global_array, grid, mask, rc) ! Mask is really a permutation on the first dimension real, intent( OUT) :: local_array(:) ! TYPE_(kind=EKIND_), target, intent(IN ) :: global_array DIMENSIONS_ real, target :: global_array(:) type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: mask(:) integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: rc ! Local variables integer :: status real, pointer :: myglob(:) => null() real, pointer :: VAR(:) type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distGrid type(ESMF_DELayout) :: LAYOUT type (ESMF_VM) :: vm integer, allocatable :: AL(:,:) integer, allocatable :: AU(:,:) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: SENDCOUNTS, DISPLS integer :: KK integer :: nDEs integer :: recvcount integer :: I, K, II, deId integer :: gridRank integer :: LX integer :: srcPE integer :: ISZ logical :: alloc_var logical :: use_shmem ! Works only on 1D and 2D arrays ! Note: for tile variables the gridRank is 1 ! and the case RANK_=2 needs additional attention ! use_shmem controls communication (bcastToNodes+local copy vs scatterv) use_shmem = .true. ! temporary Shmem restricted only to 1d and tile vars if (.not.present(mask)) use_shmem = .false. ! Optional change of source PE. Default=MAPL_Root srcPE = MAPL_Root ! Initialize alloc_var = .true. ! Get grid and layout information call ESMF_GridGet (GRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=STATUS);_VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGet (GRID, distGrid=distGrid, rc=STATUS);_VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DistGridGet(distGRID, delayout=layout, rc=STATUS);_VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_DELayoutGet(layout, vm=vm, rc=status);_VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VmGet(vm, localPet=deId, petCount=nDEs, rc=status);_VERIFY(STATUS) if (use_shmem) then srcPE = deId end if allocate (AL(gridRank,0:nDEs-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (AU(gridRank,0:nDEs-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate (sendcounts(0:nDEs-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_DistGridGet(distgrid, & minIndex=AL, maxIndex=AU, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ISZ = size(GLOBAL_ARRAY,1) if (use_shmem) then call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_BroadcastToNodes(global_array, N=ISZ, ROOT=MAPL_Root, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! Compute count to be sent to each PE if(present(mask)) then sendcounts = 0 do II = 1,ISZ sendcounts(mask(ii)) = sendcounts(mask(ii)) + 1 enddo else do I = 0,nDEs-1 LX = AU(1,I) - AL(1,I) + 1 sendcounts(I) = LX end do end if ! Count I will recieve recvcount = sendcounts(deId) ! Put VAR together at the srcPE if (deId == srcPE) then allocate(DISPLS(0:nDEs ), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Compute displacements into the VAR vector displs(0) = 0 do I = 1,nDEs displs(I) = displs(I-1) + sendcounts(I-1) end do myglob => global_array ! Fill the VAR vector if (present(mask)) then allocate(VAR(displs(deId):displs(deId+1)-1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) KK = DISPLS(deId) do I=1,ISZ K = MASK(I) if(K == deId) then II = KK VAR(II) = MYGLOB(I) KK = KK + 1 end if end do else var => myglob alloc_var = .false. endif ! present(mask) else allocate(var(0:1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(DISPLS(0:nDEs), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! I am srcPEa ! Do the communications if (use_shmem) then ! copy my piece from var (var is local but was filled from shared array) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) local_array = var(displs(deId):displs(deId+1)-1) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else call MAPL_CommsScatterV(layout, var, sendcounts, displs, & local_array, recvcount, srcPE, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! Clean-up deallocate(displs, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(alloc_var) then deallocate(VAR, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(sendcounts, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(AU, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(AL, stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! All done _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine ArrayScatterShmR4D1 INTEGER FUNCTION GETFILE( NAME, DO_OPEN, FORM, ALL_PES, & BLOCKSIZE, NUMBUFFERS, RC ) IMPLICIT NONE character(LEN=*), intent(in ) :: Name integer , intent(in ), OPTIONAL :: DO_OPEN character(LEN=*), intent(in ), OPTIONAL :: Form logical , intent(in ), OPTIONAL :: ALL_PES integer , intent(in ), OPTIONAL :: BLOCKSIZE integer , intent(in ), OPTIONAL :: NUMBUFFERS integer , intent( out), OPTIONAL :: RC INTEGER I integer :: DO_OPEN_ logical :: ALL_PES_ integer :: status LOGICAL FILEOPEN, UNITOPEN, FOUND if(INDEX(NAME,'*') /= 0) then getfile = getfilemem(name,rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) endif if (NAME == "stdout" .or. NAME== "STDOUT") then GETFILE = STD_OUT_UNIT_NUMBER _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if if (.not. present(DO_OPEN)) then DO_OPEN_ = 1 else DO_OPEN_ = DO_OPEN end if ALL_PES_ = .false. if (present(ALL_PES)) then ALL_PES_ = ALL_PES end if if (.not. MAPL_AM_I_ROOT() .and. .not. ALL_PES_) then GETFILE = UNDEF _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end if ! Check if the file is already open INQUIRE ( FILE=NAME, NUMBER=GETFILE, OPENED=FILEOPEN ) ! If the file isnt already open THEN IF ( .NOT. FILEOPEN ) THEN I = 20 FOUND = .FALSE. DO WHILE ( I.LE.LAST_UNIT .AND. .NOT.FOUND ) IF ( .NOT. TAKEN(I) ) THEN TAKEN(I) = .TRUE. INQUIRE ( UNIT=I, OPENED=UNITOPEN ) IF ( .NOT. UNITOPEN ) THEN status = 0 if ( DO_OPEN_ .NE. 0 ) then call MAPL_open(UNIT=i,FILE=Name,FORM=FORM, & BLOCKSIZE= BLOCKSIZE, NUMBUFFERS=NUMBUFFERS, RC=STATUS) endif if ( status /= 0 ) then write (0,*) 'ERROR opening "',trim(Name),'" using GETFILE' write (0,*) ' IOSTAT = ',status _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) endif GETFILE = I FOUND = .TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF I = I + 1 ENDDO ! ! IF there are no available logical units THEN ! Write an error message ! Return Error status ! ENDIF there are no available logical units ! IF ( .NOT. FOUND ) THEN WRITE (0,*) ' COULD NOT FIND ANY AVAILABLE UNITS ' _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) ENDIF ENDIF ! the file isnt already open _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) END FUNCTION GETFILE INTEGER FUNCTION GETFILEMEM(name, RC ) IMPLICIT NONE character(LEN=*), intent(in ) :: Name integer , intent( out), OPTIONAL :: RC integer :: i logical :: found found = .false. do i = 3, last_unit if(name==Mname(i)) then found = .true. exit end if end do if (.not. found) then do i = 3,last_unit if(.not.MTAKEN(i)) then found = .true. exit endif enddo end if if (.not. found) then if(present(rc)) rc = 1 return endif mname(i) = name mtaken(i) = .true. getfilemem = -i if(present(rc)) rc = 0 return end function getfilemem subroutine MAPL_OPEN(UNIT,FILE,FORM,BLOCKSIZE, NUMBUFFERS, RC) implicit none integer , optional, intent(out) :: RC integer , intent(in) :: UNIT character(LEN=*), intent(in) :: FILE character(LEN=*), optional, intent(in) :: FORM integer, optional, intent(in) :: BLOCKSIZE, NUMBUFFERS integer :: status character(LEN=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: usableFORM if(MAPL_AM_I_ROOT()) then if(.not.present(BLOCKSIZE) .and. .not.present(NUMBUFFERS)) then print *, "NOT using buffer I/O for file: ", trim(file) else print *, "Using buffer I/O for file: ", trim(file) endif endif if (present(FORM)) then usableFORM = FORM else usableFORM = "unformatted" end if open(UNIT,FILE=FILE,FORM=usableFORM,IOSTAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_OPEN end module BinIOMod