!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) ! ! Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) ! ! MAPL Component ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! #include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #define DEALOC_(A) if(associated(A))then;A=0;if(MAPL_ShmInitialized)then; call MAPL_DeAllocNodeArray(A,rc=STATUS);else; deallocate(A,stat=STATUS);endif;_VERIFY(STATUS);NULLIFY(A);endif #define DEALOC__(A) if(associated(A))then;A=.false.;if(MAPL_ShmInitialized)then; call MAPL_DeAllocNodeArray(A,rc=STATUS);else; deallocate(A,stat=STATUS);endif;_VERIFY(STATUS);NULLIFY(A);endif #include "unused_dummy.H" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> !### MODULE: `MAPL_LocStreamMod` ! ! Author: GMAO SI-Team ! ! The module `MAPL_LocStreamMod` manipulates location streams. ! module MAPL_LocStreamMod ! !USES: use ESMF use ESMFL_Mod use MAPL_BaseMod use MAPL_Constants use MAPL_IOMod use MAPL_CommsMod use MAPL_HashMod use MAPL_ShmemMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL64, INT64 use mpi implicit none private ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public MAPL_LocStreamCreate public MAPL_LocStreamAdjustNsubtiles public MAPL_LocStreamTransform public MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated public MAPL_LocStreamXformIsAssociated public MAPL_LocStreamGet public MAPL_LocStreamCreateXform public MAPL_LocStreamFracArea public MAPL_GridCoordAdjust public MAPL_LocStreamTileWeight #undef DO_NOT_USE_FCOLLECT #if defined(TWO_SIDED_COMM) || defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM) #define DO_NOT_USE_FCOLLECT #endif ! !PUBLIC TYPES: type, public :: MAPL_LocStream private type(MAPL_LocStreamType), pointer :: Ptr=>null() end type MAPL_LocStream type, public :: MAPL_LocStreamXform private type(MAPL_LocStreamXformType), pointer :: Ptr=>null() end type MAPL_LocStreamXform !EOP integer, parameter :: NumGlobalVars=4 integer, parameter :: NumLocalVars =4 type MAPL_GeoLocation integer :: T !! 1st Type designation real :: A !! Stream area real :: X !! Stream coordinate real :: Y !! Stream coordinate end type MAPL_GeoLocation type MAPL_IndexLocation integer :: I !! Global index into associated grid integer :: J !! Global index into associated grid real :: W !! Weight at I J end type MAPL_IndexLocation type MAPL_Tiling character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength) :: NAME="" integer :: IM=0 integer :: JM=0 !C type(MAPL_IndexLocation), pointer :: Global_IndexLocation(:)=>null() !C Locations in local PE end type MAPL_Tiling type MAPL_LocStreamType character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ROOTNAME="" character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength) :: NAME="" integer :: NT_GLOBAL=0 !! Total number locations integer :: NT_LOCAL=0 !! Number locations on local PE integer :: N_GRIDS=0 !! Number of associated grids integer :: Current_tiling=-1 !! Grid tiling currently attached type(ESMF_GRID) :: GRID !! Grid currently attached type(ESMF_GRID) :: TILEGRID !! the next best thing to LocStream grid integer, pointer :: GLOBAL_Id(:) =>null() !! All Location Ids in file order integer, pointer :: LOCAL_Id (:) =>null() !! Location Ids on local PE type(MAPL_GeoLocation), pointer :: Global_GeoLocation (:)=>null() !! All GeoLocations !C type(MAPL_IndexLocation), pointer :: Global_IndexLocation(:)=>null() !C All IndexLocations for attach grid type(MAPL_GeoLocation), pointer :: Local_GeoLocation (:)=>null() !! GeoLocations on local PE type(MAPL_IndexLocation), pointer :: Local_IndexLocation (:)=>null() !! Local IndexLocations for attach grid type(MAPL_Tiling), pointer :: Tiling(:) =>null() !! Grid associated tilings real, pointer :: D(:,:,:)=>null() !! Bilinear weights logical :: IsTileAreaValid integer :: pfafstetter_catchments end type MAPL_LocStreamType type MAPL_LocStreamXformType character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength) :: NAME="" type(MAPL_LocStream) :: InputStream type(MAPL_LocStream) :: OutputStream integer ,pointer :: IndexIn (:)=>null() integer ,pointer :: IndexOut(:)=>null() logical :: do_not_use_fcollect integer ,pointer :: Len(:)=>null() integer ,pointer :: Senders(:)=>null() #if defined(TWO_SIDED_COMM) integer ,pointer :: Receivers(:)=>null() #elif defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM) real ,pointer :: Buff(:) integer :: window #endif integer :: InputLen, Comm, myId integer :: Count integer :: LastLocal logical :: Local end type MAPL_LocStreamXformType ! Overloads !---------- interface MAPL_LocStreamCreate module procedure MAPL_LocStreamCreateFromFile module procedure MAPL_LocStreamCreateFromStream end interface interface MAPL_LocStreamTransform module procedure MAPL_LocStreamTransformField module procedure MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2G module procedure MAPL_LocStreamTransformG2T module procedure MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2T module procedure MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2TR4R8 module procedure MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2TR8R4 end interface contains !=================================================================== logical function MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated(LocStream, RC) type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStream integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated = associated(LocStream%Ptr) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end function MAPL_LocStreamIsAssociated !=================================================================== logical function MAPL_LocStreamXformIsAssociated(Xform, RC) type(MAPL_LocStreamXform), intent(IN ) :: Xform integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC MAPL_LocStreamXformIsAssociated = associated(Xform%Ptr) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end function MAPL_LocStreamXformIsAssociated !=================================================================== subroutine MAPL_LocStreamGet(LocStream, NT_LOCAL, nt_global, TILETYPE, TILEKIND, & TILELONS, TILELATS, TILEAREA, & TILEGRID, & GRIDIM, GRIDJM, GRIDNAMES, & ATTACHEDGRID, LOCAL_ID, local_i, local_j,RC) type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStream integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: NT_LOCAL integer, optional, pointer :: TILETYPE(:) integer, optional, pointer :: TILEKIND(:) real , optional, pointer :: TILELONS(:) real , optional, pointer :: TILELATS(:) real , optional, pointer :: TILEAREA(:) ! integer, optional, pointer :: TILEI(:) ! integer, optional, pointer :: TILEJ(:) integer, optional, pointer :: GRIDIM(:) integer, optional, pointer :: GRIDJM(:) integer, optional, pointer :: LOCAL_ID(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: nt_global character(len=*), optional, pointer :: GRIDNAMES(:) type(ESMF_Grid), optional, intent( OUT) :: TILEGRID type(ESMF_Grid), optional, intent( OUT) :: ATTACHEDGRID integer, optional, pointer, intent( OUT) :: local_i(:) integer, optional, pointer, intent( OUT) :: local_j(:) integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! MAT These GFORTRAN workarounds are needed because without them ! runs of GEOS do not layout regress. That is a 4x24 run is not ! zero-diff with a 3x18 run. If you decide to remove these, test ! to make sure this works. #ifdef __GFORTRAN__ integer :: i integer, pointer :: tmp_iptr(:) => null() real, pointer :: tmp_rptr(:) => null() character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength), pointer :: tmp_strptr(:) => null() #endif ! Local variables if (present(NT_LOCAL)) then NT_LOCAL = locstream%Ptr%NT_LOCAL end if if (present(nt_global)) then nt_global = locstream%ptr%nt_global end if if (present(tiletype)) then tiletype => locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation(:)%t end if if (present(tilekind)) then PRINT *, 'IN LocStreamGet TILEKIND NO LONGER VALID ARGUMENT' _FAIL('needs informative message') ! tilekind => locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation(:)%u end if ! MAT These GFORTRAN workarounds are needed because without them ! runs of GEOS do not layout regress. That is a 4x24 run is not ! zero-diff with a 3x18 run. If you decide to remove these, test ! to make sure this works. if (present(tilelons)) then #ifdef __GFORTRAN__ allocate(tmp_rptr(lbound(locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation,1):ubound(locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation,1))) do i = lbound(locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation,1), ubound(locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation,1) tmp_rptr(i) = locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation(i)%x enddo tilelons => tmp_rptr #else tilelons => locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation(:)%x #endif end if if (present(tilelats)) then #ifdef __GFORTRAN__ allocate(tmp_rptr(lbound(locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation,1):ubound(locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation,1))) do i = lbound(locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation,1), ubound(locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation,1) tmp_rptr(i) = locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation(i)%y enddo tilelats => tmp_rptr #else tilelats => locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation(:)%y #endif end if if (present(tilearea)) then if (locstream%Ptr%IsTileAreaValid) then tilearea => locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation(:)%a else tilearea => null() end if end if if (present(gridim)) then gridim => locstream%Ptr%tiling(:)%im end if if (present(gridjm)) then gridjm => locstream%Ptr%tiling(:)%jm end if if (present(local_id)) then local_id => locstream%Ptr%local_id end if if (present(gridnames)) then gridnames => locstream%Ptr%tiling(:)%name end if if (present(attachedgrid)) then attachedgrid = locstream%Ptr%grid end if if (present(tilegrid)) then tilegrid = locstream%Ptr%TILEGRID end if if (present(local_i)) then local_i => locstream%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(:)%i end if if (present(local_j)) then local_j => locstream%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(:)%j end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamGet !=================================================================== !> ! Creates a location stream from a file. This does ! not decompose the location stream; so the global stream is ! described in each processor. The stream can be decomposed ! later in various ways. Currently we only decompose it by ! "attaching" it to a decomposed grid. ! subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateFromFile(LocStream, LAYOUT, FILENAME, NAME, MASK, GRID, NewGridNames, use_pfaf, RC) !ARGUMENTS: type(MAPL_LocStream), intent( OUT) :: LocStream type(ESMF_DELayout), intent(IN ) :: LAYOUT character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: FILENAME character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: NAME integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) type(ESMF_Grid), optional, intent(INout) :: GRID logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: NewGridNames logical, optional, intent(In ) :: use_pfaf integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: STATUS integer :: UNIT integer :: N, I, K, L, NT type(MAPL_LocStreamType), pointer :: STREAM real, pointer :: AVR(:,:), AVR_transpose(:,:) logical, pointer :: MSK(:) real :: X, Y, X0, Y0, XE, DX, DY integer :: II, JJ logical :: DoCoeffs character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength):: gname integer :: irec integer(kind=1) :: byte(4) integer :: I1, IN, J1, JN integer :: iostat logical :: isascii logical :: read_always logical, pointer :: ISMINE(:) type(MAPL_Tiling ), pointer :: TILING type (ESMF_VM) :: vm logical :: NewGridNames_ integer :: hdr(2) #ifdef NEW_INTERP_CODE integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed real :: lon, lat real, pointer :: lons(:,:), lats(:,:) real, allocatable :: hlons(:,:), hlats(:,:) #endif logical :: use_pfaf_ ! Begin !------ NewGridNames_ = .false. if (present(NewGridNames)) then NewGridNames_ = NewGridNames end if if (present(use_pfaf)) then use_pfaf_=use_pfaf else use_pfaf_=.false. end if ! Allocate the Location Stream !----------------------------- call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, rc=status) LocStream%Ptr => null() allocate(LocStream%Ptr, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) STREAM => LocStream%Ptr ! Use the filename as identifier. NAME is thus the ! same for all streams made from this file !------------------------------------------------- STREAM%NAME = NAME STREAM%ROOTNAME = FILENAME ! Use some heuristics to determine filetype (choices are BINARY and ASCII) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! just get the unit UNIT = GETFILE(FILENAME, DO_OPEN=0, ALL_PES=.true., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) INQUIRE(IOLENGTH=IREC) BYTE open (UNIT=UNIT, FILE=FILENAME, FORM='unformatted', ACCESS='DIRECT', RECL=IREC, IOSTAT=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) read (UNIT, REC=1, ERR=100) BYTE call FREE_FILE(UNIT) isascii = .true. do i=1,size(byte) if (BYTE(I) < 7) then isascii = .false. exit end if end do if (isascii) then ! Open file and read header info !------------------------------- UNIT = GETFILE(FILENAME, form='FORMATTED', RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Total number of tiles in exchange grid !--------------------------------------- if (use_pfaf_) then call READ_PARALLEL(layout, hdr, UNIT=UNIT, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) nt=hdr(1) stream%pfafstetter_catchments=hdr(2) else call READ_PARALLEL(layout, nt, UNIT=UNIT, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! Number of grids that can be attached !------------------------------------- call READ_PARALLEL(layout, STREAM%N_GRIDS, unit=UNIT, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! The exchange grid is used to tile each attached grid !----------------------------------------------------- allocate(STREAM%TILING(STREAM%N_GRIDS), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! The names and sizes of the grids to be tiled !--------------------------------------------- do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS call READ_PARALLEL(layout, STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME, unit=UNIT, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (NewGridNames_) then call GenOldGridName_(STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME) end if call READ_PARALLEL(layout, STREAM%TILING(N)%IM, unit=UNIT, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call READ_PARALLEL(layout, STREAM%TILING(N)%JM, unit=UNIT, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) enddo if (use_pfaf_) then STREAM%TILING(2)%IM = stream%pfafstetter_catchments STREAM%TILING(2)%JM = 1 STREAM%TILING(2)%name = "CATCHMENT_GRID" end if ! Read location stream file into AVR !--------------------------------------- if(index(STREAM%TILING(1)%NAME,'EASE') /=0 ) then allocate(AVR(NT,9), STAT=STATUS) ! 9 columns for EASE grid _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(AVR_transpose(9,NT)) else allocate(AVR(NT,NumGlobalVars+NumLocalVars*STREAM%N_GRIDS), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(AVR_transpose(NumGlobalVars+NumLocalVars*STREAM%N_GRIDS,NT), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif call READ_PARALLEL(layout, AVR_transpose(:,:), unit=UNIT, rc=status) AVR= transpose(AVR_transpose) deallocate(AVR_transpose) ! adjust EASE grid starting index. Internally, the starting index is 1 instead of 0. do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS if(index(STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME,'EASE') /=0 ) then AVR(:,NumGlobalVars+1+NumLocalVars*(N-1)) = AVR(:,NumGlobalVars+1+NumLocalVars*(N-1))+1 AVR(:,NumGlobalVars+2+NumLocalVars*(N-1)) = AVR(:,NumGlobalVars+2+NumLocalVars*(N-1))+1 endif enddo !if (use_pfaf_) then !AVR(:,NumGlobalVars+2+NumLocalVars) = 1 !end if call FREE_FILE(UNIT) ! Allocate msk for which tiles to include in the stream being created. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(MSK(NT), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! We include any tile whose type matches any element of the mask !--------------------------------------------------------------- if(present(MASK)) then do N=1,NT if (nint(AVR(N,1)) < 0) AVR(N,1) = MAPL_Ocean MSK(N) = any(nint(AVR(N,1))==MASK(:)) end do else MSK = .true. end if ! The number of tiles in the new stream !-------------------------------------- STREAM%NT_GLOBAL = count(MSK) if (present(GRID)) then allocate(ISMINE(STREAM%NT_GLOBAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ISMINE = .false. call MAPL_GRID_INTERIOR (GRID, I1,IN,J1,JN) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, name=gname, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) read_always = .false. else gname = "" read_always = .true. end if ! Fill ISMINE (Pick off local tiles) !------------------------------------ if (present(GRID)) then do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS if (gname == STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME) then K = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 II = nint(AVR(I,NumGlobalVars+1+NumLocalVars*(N-1))) if (use_pfaf_ .and. (n==2)) then !JJ = nint(AVR(I,NumGlobalVars+2+NumLocalVars*(N-1))) JJ = 1 else JJ = nint(AVR(I,NumGlobalVars+2+NumLocalVars*(N-1))) !JJ=1 end if ISMINE(K) = I1<=II .and. IN>=II .and. & J1<=JJ .and. JN>=JJ endif end do endif end do STREAM%NT_LOCAL = count(ISMINE) allocate(STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(STREAM%NT_LOCAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS if (gname == STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME) then K = 0 L = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (ISMINE(K)) then L = L + 1 II = nint(AVR(I,NumGlobalVars+1+NumLocalVars*(N-1))) JJ = nint(AVR(I,NumGlobalVars+2+NumLocalVars*(N-1))) STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(L)%I = II STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(L)%J = JJ STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(L)%W = AVR(I,NumGlobalVars+3+NumLocalVars*(N-1)) end if end if end do endif end do end if ! Allocate space for global versions of stream parameters !-------------------------------------------------------- allocate(STREAM%GLOBAL_ID (STREAM%NT_GLOBAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(STREAM%GLOBAL_GEOLOCATION(STREAM%NT_GLOBAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) !C do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS !C allocate(STREAM%TILING(N)%GLOBAL_IndexLocation(STREAM%NT_GLOBAL), STAT=STATUS) !C _VERIFY(STATUS) !C end do ! Fill global stream parameters subject to mask !---------------------------------------------- K = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 STREAM%GLOBAL_ID (K) = I STREAM%GLOBAL_GeoLocation(K)%T = nint(AVR(I,1)) !if (STREAM%GLOBAL_GeoLocation(K)%T < 0) STREAM%GLOBAL_GeoLocation(K)%T = MAPL_Ocean STREAM%GLOBAL_GeoLocation(K)%A = AVR(I,2) STREAM%GLOBAL_GeoLocation(K)%X = AVR(I,3) * (MAPL_PI/180.) STREAM%GLOBAL_GeoLocation(K)%Y = AVR(I,4) * (MAPL_PI/180.) !C X = AVR(I,3) !C Y = AVR(I,4) !C do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS !C STREAM%Tiling(N)%GLOBAL_IndexLocation(K)%I = nint(AVR(I,NumGlobalVars+1+NumLocalVars*(N-1))) !C STREAM%Tiling(N)%GLOBAL_IndexLocation(K)%J = nint(AVR(I,NumGlobalVars+2+NumLocalVars*(N-1))) !C STREAM%Tiling(N)%GLOBAL_IndexLocation(K)%W = AVR(I,NumGlobalVars+3+NumLocalVars*(N-1)) !C end do end if end do STREAM%IsTileAreaValid = .true. deallocate(MSK) deallocate(AVR) else ! BINARY ! Open file and read header info !------------------------------- UNIT = GETFILE(FILENAME, form='UNFORMATTED', RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Total number of tiles in exchange grid !--------------------------------------- if (use_pfaf_) then if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) NT,stream%pfafstetter_catchments call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=NT, N=1, ROOT=0, RC=status) call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=stream%pfafstetter_catchments, N=1, ROOT=0, RC=status) else if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) NT call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=NT, N=1, ROOT=0, RC=status) end if ! Number of grids that can be attached !------------------------------------- if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) STREAM%N_GRIDS call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=STREAM%N_GRIDS, N=1, ROOT=0, RC=status) ! The exchange grid is used to tile each attached grid !----------------------------------------------------- allocate(STREAM%TILING(STREAM%N_GRIDS), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! The names and sizes of the grids to be tiled !--------------------------------------------- do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) then read(UNIT) STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME read(UNIT) STREAM%TILING(N)%IM read(UNIT) STREAM%TILING(N)%JM endif call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME, N=MAPL_TileNameLength, ROOT=0, RC=status) if (NewGridNames_) then call GenOldGridName_(STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME) end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=STREAM%TILING(N)%IM, N=1, ROOT=0, RC=status) call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=STREAM%TILING(N)%JM, N=1, ROOT=0, RC=status) enddo if (use_pfaf_) then STREAM%TILING(2)%IM = stream%pfafstetter_catchments STREAM%TILING(2)%JM = 1 STREAM%TILING(2)%name = "CATCHMENT_GRID" end if ! Read location stream file into AVR !--------------------------------------- call MAPL_AllocateShared(AVR, (/NT,1/), TransRoot=.true., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) then read(UNIT) AVR read(unit) read(unit) endif call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) ! Allocate msk for which tiles to include in the stream being created. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- call MAPL_AllocateShared(MSK, (/NT/), TransRoot=.true., RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! We include any tile whose type matches any element of the mask !--------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. MAPL_ShmInitialized .or. MAPL_AmNodeRoot) then if(present(MASK)) then do N=1,NT if (nint(AVR(N,1)) < 0) AVR(N,1) = MAPL_Ocean MSK(N) = any(nint(AVR(N,1))==MASK(:)) end do else MSK = .true. end if end if call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) ! The number of tiles in the new stream !-------------------------------------- STREAM%NT_GLOBAL = count(MSK) if (present(GRID)) then allocate(ISMINE(STREAM%NT_GLOBAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ISMINE = .false. call MAPL_GRID_INTERIOR (GRID, I1,IN,J1,JN) call ESMF_GridGet(grid, name=gname, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) read_always = .false. else gname = "" read_always = .true. end if ! Fill ISMINE (Pick off local tiles) !------------------------------------ if (present(GRID)) then do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS if (read_always .or. gname == STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME) then call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) AVR call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) K = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (gname==STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME) then ISMINE(K) = (I1<=nint(AVR(I,1)) .and. IN>=nint(AVR(I,1))) endif end if end do call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) AVR call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) !if (use_pfaf_) avr(:,1)=1 K = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if ((gname==STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME) .and. (ISMINE(K))) then ISMINE(K) = (J1<=nint(AVR(I,1)) .and. JN>=nint(AVR(I,1))) endif end if end do if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) else if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) endif end do STREAM%NT_LOCAL = count(ISMINE) allocate(STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(STREAM%NT_LOCAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) then rewind(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) endif ! Allocate space for local versions of stream parameters !-------------------------------------------------------- ! Fill global stream parameters subject to mask !---------------------------------------------- do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS if (read_always .or. gname == STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME) then call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) AVR call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) K = 0 L = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (ISMINE(K)) then L = L + 1 STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(L)%I = nint(AVR(I,1)) endif end if end do call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) AVR call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) K = 0 L = 0 !if (use_pfaf_) avr(:,1)=1 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (ISMINE(K)) then L = L + 1 STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(L)%J = nint(AVR(I,1)) endif end if end do call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) AVR call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) K = 0 L = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (ISMINE(K)) then L = L + 1 STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(L)%W = AVR(I,1) endif end if end do else if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) endif end do end if ! If grid is present attach that grid to the stream. ! It must be one of the possible grids described in ! the tile file. This is ascertained by name. !--------------------------------------------------- if (present(GRID)) then call MAPL_LocStreamAttachGrid(LocStream, GRID, & ISMINE=ISMINE, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Allocate Local arrays. Note STREAM%NT_LOCAL was defined in call to attach !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(STREAM%LOCAL_ID (STREAM%NT_LOCAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(STREAM%NT_LOCAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(STREAM%D (-1:1,-1:1,STREAM%NT_LOCAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if ! For flat files we economize on space by rereading the file to get ! the girds information. ASCII files are very inefficient anyway ! and are expensive to reread. !------------------------------------------------------------------ if(.not.isascii) then if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) then rewind(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) read(UNIT) endif K = 0 L = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (ISMINE(K)) then L = L + 1 STREAM%LOCAL_ID(L) = I endif end if end do call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) AVR call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) K = 0 L = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (ISMINE(K)) then L = L + 1 STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(L)%T = nint(AVR(I,1)) !if (STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(L)%T < 0) STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(L)%T = MAPL_Ocean endif end if end do call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) AVR call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) K = 0 L = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (ISMINE(K)) then L = L + 1 STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(L)%X = AVR(I,1) * (MAPL_PI/180.) endif end if end do call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) read(UNIT) AVR call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) K = 0 L = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (ISMINE(K)) then L = L + 1 STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(L)%Y = AVR(I,1) * (MAPL_PI/180.) endif end if end do call MAPL_SyncSharedMemory(RC=STATUS); _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( MAPL_am_I_root() ) then do I=1, 3*STREAM%N_GRIDS ! skip I,J,W read(UNIT) end do read(UNIT, iostat=iostat) AVR end if call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=iostat, N=1, ROOT=0, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) STREAM%IsTileAreaValid = iostat == 0 if (STREAM%IsTileAreaValid) then call MAPL_BcastShared(vm, DATA=AVR, N=NT, ROOT=0, RootOnly=.false., RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) K = 0 L = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 if (ISMINE(K)) then L = L + 1 STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(L)%A = AVR(I,1) endif end if end do end if call FREE_FILE(UNIT) DEALOC__(MSK) DEALOC_(AVR) else ! .not.isascii if(present(GRID)) then STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation = pack(STREAM%GLOBAL_GeoLocation, ISMINE) STREAM%LOCAL_ID = pack(STREAM%GLOBAL_ID, ISMINE) deallocate(STREAM%GLOBAL_GeoLocation) deallocate(Stream%Global_id) end if endif if(present(Grid) .and. (.not.use_pfaf_)) then ! A grid was attached deallocate(ISMINE) DoCoeffs = .true. TILING => STREAM%TILING(STREAM%CURRENT_TILING) ! Compute coefficients for interpolating in G2T if the grid is lat-lon !--------------------------------------------------------------------- DX = 360./real(tiling%IM) I = index(TILING%NAME,'-',.true.) !bmaa got rid if ( I <=0) then _ASSERT(index(TILING%NAME,'EASE') /=0, "The new EASE grid name only contains underscore _ ") endif I = I+1 if (TILING%NAME(I:I+1)=='DC') then X0 = -180. XE = 180.0-0.5*DX elseif(TILING%NAME(I:I+1)=='DE') then X0 = -180. + DX*0.5 XE = 200. else DoCoeffs = .false. end if if (TILING%NAME(1:2)=='PE') then DY = 180./real(tiling%JM ) Y0 = -90. + DY*0.5 elseIF(TILING%NAME(1:2)=='PC') then DY = 180./real(tiling%JM-1) Y0 = -90. else DoCoeffs = .false. end if #ifdef NEW_INTERP_CODE DoCoeffs = .true. #endif if(DoCoeffs) then #ifdef NEW_INTERP_CODE call ESMFL_GridCoordGet(GRID, LATS , & Name = "Latitude" , & Location = ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER , & Units = MAPL_UnitsRadians , & RC = STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMFL_GridCoordGet(GRID, LONS , & Name = "Longitude" , & Location = ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER , & Units = MAPL_UnitsRadians , & RC = STATUS ) _VERIFY(STATUS) isc = lbound(LATS,1) iec = ubound(LATS,1) jsc = lbound(LATS,2) jec = ubound(LATS,2) isd = isc - 1 ied = iec + 1 jsd = jsc - 1 jed = jec + 1 allocate(hlats(isd:ied,jsd:jed), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(hlons(isd:ied,jsd:jed), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) hlats(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = lats hlons(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = lons call ESMFL_Halo(grid, hlats, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMFL_Halo(grid, hlons, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) #else call MAPL_GRID_INTERIOR (GRID, I1,IN,J1,JN) #endif do I = 1, size(STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation) #ifdef NEW_INTERP_CODE lon = STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(I)%X lat = STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(I)%Y II = STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(I)%I JJ = STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(I)%J call GetBilinearCoeffs(hlons(ii-1:ii+1,jj-1:jj+1),& hlats(ii-1:ii+1,jj-1:jj+1),& lon,lat,Stream%D(:,:,I),RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) #else X = STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(I)%X*(180./MAPL_PI) if(X>XE) X = X - 360.0 Y = STREAM%LOCAL_GeoLocation(I)%Y*(180./MAPL_PI) II = STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(I)%I + I1 - 1 JJ = STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(I)%J + J1 - 1 call GetBilinearCoeffs(X0,Y0,DX,DY,X,Y,II,JJ, & Stream%D(:,:,I),RC=STATUS) #endif end do #ifdef NEW_INTERP_CODE deallocate(lats, lons) deallocate(hlats, hlons) #endif else do I = 1, size(STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation) Stream%D(:,:,I) = 0.0 Stream%D(0,0,I) = 1.0 end do endif endif ! Create a tile grid !------------------- call MAPL_LocStreamCreateTileGrid(LocStream, GRID, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) 100 _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) contains #ifndef NEW_INTERP_CODE subroutine GetBilinearCoeffs(X0,Y0,DX,DY,X,Y,II,JJ,D,RC) real, intent(IN ) :: X, Y, X0, Y0, DX, DY integer, intent(IN ) :: II, JJ real, intent( OUT) :: D(-1:,-1:) integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS real :: DX0, DY0 real :: X00, Y00 integer :: I X00 = X0 + (II-1)*DX Y00 = Y0 + (JJ-1)*DY DX0 = (X - X00)/DX DY0 = (Y - Y00)/DY D = 0.0 if (DX0 >= 0.0 .and. DY0 >= 0.0) then D( 1, 0) = DX0*(1.0-DY0) D( 0, 1) = DY0*(1.0-DX0) D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0)*(1.0-DY0) D( 1, 1) = DX0*DY0 elseif(DX0 >= 0.0 .and. DY0 <= 0.0) then DY0 = -DY0 D( 1, 0) = DX0*(1.0-DY0) D( 0,-1) = DY0*(1.0-DX0) D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0)*(1.0-DY0) D( 1,-1) = DX0*DY0 elseif(DX0 <= 0.0 .and. DY0 >= 0.0) then DX0 = -DX0 D(-1, 0) = DX0*(1.0-DY0) D( 0, 1) = DY0*(1.0-DX0) D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0)*(1.0-DY0) D(-1, 1) = DX0*DY0 else DX0 = -DX0 DY0 = -DY0 D(-1, 0) = DX0*(1.0-DY0) D( 0,-1) = DY0*(1.0-DX0) D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0)*(1.0-DY0) D(-1,-1) = DX0*DY0 end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine GetBilinearCoeffs #else subroutine GetBilinearCoeffs(lons,lats,lon,lat,D,RC) real, intent(IN ) :: lons(-1:1,-1:1), lats(-1:1,-1:1) real, intent(IN ) :: lon,lat real, intent( OUT) :: D(-1:,-1:) integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS real, dimension(3) :: pp, p0, dp, dpx, dpy real :: DX0, DY0 D = 0.0 #define ToXYZ(lon,lat) (/ cos(lat)*sin(lon), cos(lat)*cos(lon), sin(lat) /) p0 = ToXYZ(lons(0,0), lats(0,0)) dp = ToXYZ(lon , lat ) - p0 dpx = ToXYZ(lons(1,0), lats(1,0)) - p0 dpy = ToXYZ(lons(0,1), lats(0,1)) - p0 DX0 = dot_product(dp,dpx) DY0 = dot_product(dp,dpy) if(DX0 >= 0.0 ) then if (DY0 >= 0.0) then if (DX0 /= 0.0) DX0 = DX0/dot_product(dpx,dpx) if (DY0 /= 0.0) DY0 = DY0/dot_product(dpy,dpy) if(lons(1,1) /= MAPL_UNDEF) then D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0)*(1.0-DY0) D( 1, 0) = DX0*(1.0-DY0) D( 0, 1) = DY0*(1.0-DX0) D( 1, 1) = DX0*DY0 else D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0-DY0) D( 1, 0) = DX0 D( 0, 1) = DY0 D( 1, 1) = 0. endif else dpy = ToXYZ(lons(0,-1), lats(0,-1)) - p0 DY0 = dot_product(dp,dpy) if (DX0 /= 0.0) DX0 = DX0/dot_product(dpx,dpx) if (DY0 /= 0.0) DY0 = DY0/dot_product(dpy,dpy) if(lons(1,-1) /= MAPL_UNDEF) then D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0)*(1.0-DY0) D( 1, 0) = DX0*(1.0-DY0) D( 0,-1) = DY0*(1.0-DX0) D( 1,-1) = DX0*DY0 else D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0-DY0) D( 1, 0) = DX0 D( 0, -1) = DY0 D( 1, -1) = 0. end if end if else dpx = ToXYZ(lons(-1,0), lats(-1,0)) - p0 DX0 = dot_product(dp,dpx) if(DY0 >= 0.0) then if (DX0 /= 0.0) DX0 = DX0/dot_product(dpx,dpx) if (DY0 /= 0.0) DY0 = DY0/dot_product(dpy,dpy) if(lons(-1,1) /= MAPL_UNDEF) then D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0)*(1.0-DY0) D(-1, 0) = DX0*(1.0-DY0) D( 0, 1) = DY0*(1.0-DX0) D(-1, 1) = DX0*DY0 else D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0-DY0) D(-1, 0) = DX0 D( 0, 1) = DY0 D(-1, 1) = 0. end if else dpy = ToXYZ(lons(0,-1), lats(0,-1)) - p0 DY0 = dot_product(dp,dpy) if (DX0 /= 0.0) DX0 = DX0/dot_product(dpx,dpx) if (DY0 /= 0.0) DY0 = DY0/dot_product(dpy,dpy) if(lons(-1,-1) /= MAPL_UNDEF) then D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0)*(1.0-DY0) D(-1, 0) = DX0*(1.0-DY0) D( 0,-1) = DY0*(1.0-DX0) D(-1,-1) = DX0*DY0 else D( 0, 0) = (1.0-DX0-DY0) D(-1, 0) = DX0 D( 0,-1) = DY0 D(-1,-1) = 0. end if end if end if #undef ToXYZ _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine GetBilinearCoeffs #endif subroutine GenOldGridName_(name) character(len=*) :: name integer :: im, jm integer :: nn, xpos character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength) :: gridname character(len=2) :: dateline, pole character(len=8) :: imsz, jmsz character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength) :: imstr, jmstr ! Parse name for grid info !------------------------- Gridname = AdjustL(name) nn = len_trim(Gridname) xpos = index(Gridname,'x') imsz = Gridname(3:xpos-1) dateline = Gridname(1:2) pole = Gridname(xpos+1:xpos+2) if (pole=='6C') then ! cubed-sphere dateline='CF' pole='PE' read(IMSZ,*) IM jm = 6*im else jmsz = Gridname(xpos+3:nn) read(IMSZ,*) IM read(JMSZ,*) JM endif write(imstr,*) im write(jmstr,*) jm gridname = pole // trim(adjustl(imstr))//'x'//& trim(adjustl(jmstr))//'-'//dateline name = gridname end subroutine GenOldGridName_ end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateFromFile !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> ! Creates a location stream as a subset of another according to mask. ! subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateFromStream(LocStreamOut, LocStreamIn, NAME, MASK, RC) ! !ARGUMENTS: type(MAPL_LocStream), intent( OUT) :: LocStreamOut type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStreamIn character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: NAME integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: STATUS integer :: N, I, K, NT type(MAPL_LocStreamType), pointer :: STREAMOUT type(MAPL_LocStreamType), pointer :: STREAMIN integer :: NT_LOCAL(1) logical, pointer :: MSK(:) type(ESMF_VM) :: VM ! Begin !------ _ASSERT( associated(LocStreamIn %Ptr),'needs informative message') ! Allocate the Location Stream !----------------------------- LocStreamOut%Ptr => null() allocate(LocStreamOut%Ptr, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) STREAMOUT => LocStreamOut%Ptr STREAMIN => LocStreamIn %Ptr ! Make sure that the input stream is attached !-------------------------------------------- _ASSERT(STREAMIN%CURRENT_TILING > 0,'needs informative message') ! New stream has the same identifier as old !------------------------------------------ STREAMOUT%NAME = NAME STREAMOUT%ROOTNAME = STREAMIN%ROOTNAME STREAMOUT%N_GRIDS = STREAMIN%N_GRIDS STREAMOUT%CURRENT_TILING = STREAMIN%CURRENT_TILING STREAMOUT%GRID = STREAMIN%GRID STREAMOUT%isTileAreaValid = STREAMIN%isTileAreaValid ! Allocate the allowed tilings and copy the names and sizes of the grids !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(STREAMOUT%TILING(STREAMOUT%N_GRIDS), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) STREAMOUT%Tiling = STREAMIN%Tiling ! Local number of tiles in input stream !-------------------------------------- NT = STREAMIN%NT_LOCAL ! Allocate msk for which tiles to include in the stream being created. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(MSK(NT), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! We include any tile whose type matches any element of the mask !--------------------------------------------------------------- if(present(MASK)) then do N=1,NT MSK(N) = any(STREAMIN%Local_GeoLocation(N)%T==MASK) end do else MSK = .true. end if ! The number of tiles in the new stream !-------------------------------------- STREAMOUT%NT_LOCAL = count(MSK) NT_LOCAL(1) = STREAMOUT%NT_LOCAL call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMAllFullReduce(vm, sendData=nt_local, recvData=STREAMOUT%NT_GLOBAL, & count=1, reduceflag=ESMF_REDUCE_SUM, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Allocate space for local versions of stream parameters !-------------------------------------------------------- allocate(STREAMOUT%LOCAL_ID (STREAMOUT%NT_LOCAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(STREAMOUT%LOCAL_GEOLOCATION(STREAMOUT%NT_LOCAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(STREAMOUT%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(STREAMOUT%NT_LOCAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(STREAMOUT%D(-1:1,-1:1,STREAMOUT%NT_LOCAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Fill local stream parameters subject to mask !---------------------------------------------- K = 0 do I=1, NT if(MSK(I)) then K = K + 1 STREAMOUT%LOCAL_ID (K) = STREAMIN%LOCAL_ID (I) STREAMOUT%LOCAL_GeoLocation(K)%T = STREAMIN%LOCAL_GeoLocation(I)%T STREAMOUT%LOCAL_GeoLocation(K)%A = STREAMIN%LOCAL_GeoLocation(I)%A STREAMOUT%LOCAL_GeoLocation(K)%X = STREAMIN%LOCAL_GeoLocation(I)%X STREAMOUT%LOCAL_GeoLocation(K)%Y = STREAMIN%LOCAL_GeoLocation(I)%Y STREAMOUT%LOCAL_IndexLocation(K)%I = STREAMIN%LOCAL_IndexLocation(I)%I STREAMOUT%LOCAL_IndexLocation(K)%J = STREAMIN%LOCAL_IndexLocation(I)%J STREAMOUT%LOCAL_IndexLocation(K)%W = STREAMIN%LOCAL_IndexLocation(I)%W STREAMOUT%D(:,:,K) = STREAMIN%D(:,:,I) end if end do deallocate(MSK) ! Create a tile grid !------------------- call MAPL_LocStreamCreateTileGrid(LocStreamOut, STREAMIN%GRID, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateFromStream !====================================================== subroutine MAPL_LocStreamAttachGrid(LocStream, GRID, ISMINE, RC) type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(INOUT) :: LocStream type(ESMF_Grid), intent(INout) :: Grid logical, optional, pointer :: ISMINE(:) integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: STATUS type(MAPL_LocStreamType), pointer :: STREAM type(MAPL_Tiling ), pointer :: TILING integer :: IM_WORLD, JM_WORLD integer :: I1, IN, J1, JN integer :: gridRank integer :: DIMS(ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM) ! Begin !------ _UNUSED_DUMMY(ISMINE) ! Make sure Location stream has been created !------------------------------------------- _ASSERT(associated(LocStream%Ptr),'needs informative message') ! Alias to the pointer !--------------------- STREAM => LocStream%Ptr ! Location stream must have some allowed grids !--------------------------------------------- _ASSERT(STREAM%N_GRIDS>0,'needs informative message') ! Find the given grid among the allowed grids !-------------------------------------------- STREAM%CURRENT_TILING = GRIDINDEX(STREAM, GRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) TILING => STREAM%TILING(STREAM%CURRENT_TILING) !C STREAM%GLOBAL_INDEXLOCATION => TILING%GLOBAL_INDEXLOCATION ! Put associated ESMF_LogRectGrid in stream and query grid info !-------------------------------------------------------------- STREAM%GRID = GRID ! Verify that the grid is the right size !--------------------------------------- call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, dimCount=gridRank, rc=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, globalCellCountPerDim=DIMS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM_WORLD = DIMS(1) JM_WORLD = DIMS(2) _ASSERT(IM_WORLD==TILING%IM,'needs informative message') if (JM_WORLD /= TILING%JM) then print *,'error tiling jm/jm ',jm_world, tiling%jm _RETURN(_FAILURE) end if ! Find out which tiles are in local PE !------------------------------------- call MAPL_GRID_INTERIOR (GRID, I1,IN,J1,JN) ! Local location uses local indexing !----------------------------------- STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(:)%I = STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(:)%I-I1+1 STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(:)%J = STREAM%LOCAL_IndexLocation(:)%J-J1+1 _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamAttachGrid !====================================================== subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateTileGrid(LocStream, GRID, RC) type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(INOUT) :: LocStream type(ESMF_Grid), intent(INout) :: Grid integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: STATUS type(MAPL_LocStreamType), pointer :: STREAM type (ESMF_Grid) :: TILEGRID type (ESMF_DistGrid) :: distgrid character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength):: GNAME integer :: arbIndexCount integer, allocatable :: arbIndex(:,:) integer, parameter :: DUMMY_NSUBTILES=1 integer(kind=INT64) :: ADDR ! Begin !------ ! Make sure Location stream has been created !------------------------------------------- _ASSERT(associated(LocStream%Ptr),'needs informative message') ! Alias to the pointer !--------------------- STREAM => LocStream%Ptr ! Get the attached grid's info !----------------------------- call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, NAME=GNAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Create TILEGRID !---------------- distgrid = ESMF_DistGridCreate( & arbSeqIndexList=STREAM%LOCAL_ID, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) TILEGRID = ESMF_GridEmptyCreate(rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) arbIndexCount = size(STREAM%LOCAL_ID) allocate(arbIndex(arbIndexCount,1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) arbIndex(:,1) = STREAM%LOCAL_ID call ESMF_GridSet(tilegrid, & name="tile_grid_"//trim(Stream%NAME)//'@'//trim(GNAME), & distgrid=distgrid, & indexFlag=ESMF_INDEX_DELOCAL, & distDim = (/1/), & localArbIndexCount=arbIndexCount, & localArbIndex=arbIndex, & minIndex=(/1/), & maxIndex=(/STREAM%NT_GLOBAL/), & rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) deallocate(arbIndex) call ESMF_GridCommit(tilegrid, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_AttributeSet(tilegrid, name='GRID_EXTRADIM', value=DUMMY_NSUBTILES, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) STREAM%TILEGRID = TILEGRID !ALT: here we are using a C routine to get the pointer to LocStream ! and we are going to store it in TILEGRID as INTEGER*8 attribute call c_MAPL_LocStreamRetrievePtr(LocStream, ADDR) call ESMF_AttributeSet(tilegrid, name='TILEGRID_LOCSTREAM_ADDR', & value=ADDR, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateTileGrid !====================================================== subroutine MAPL_LocStreamAdjustNsubtiles(LocStream, NSUBTILES, RC) type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(INOUT) :: LocStream integer, intent(IN ) :: NSUBTILES integer, optional, intent( OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: STATUS type(MAPL_LocStreamType), pointer :: STREAM ! Alias to the pointer !--------------------- STREAM => LocStream%Ptr !====================================================== ! Check if the location stream is already attached !------------------------------------------------- if (stream%current_tiling > 0) then call ESMF_AttributeSet(stream%tilegrid, name='GRID_EXTRADIM', & value=NSUBTILES, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamAdjustNsubtiles !====================================================== !BOPI ! !IROUTINE: MAPL_LocStreamTransform ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_LocStreamTransformField --- Transform field !INTERFACE: subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformField (LocStream, OUTPUT, INPUT, MASK, & GRID_ID, GLOBAL, ISMINE, INTERP, RC ) !ARGUMENTS: type(ESMF_Field), intent(OUT) :: OUTPUT type(ESMF_Field), intent(INout) :: INPUT type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStream integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: ISMINE(:), INTERP logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: GLOBAL integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: GRID_ID integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! Local variables integer :: STATUS integer :: N, NT integer :: OutRank integer :: InRank type(ESMF_GRID) :: INGRID type(ESMF_GRID) :: OUTGRID type(ESMF_ARRAY) :: INARRAY type(ESMF_ARRAY) :: OUTARRAY real, pointer :: TILEVAR(:) real, pointer :: GRIDVAR(:,:) logical, pointer :: MSK(:) ! Begin NT = LocStream%Ptr%NT_LOCAL allocate(MSK(NT),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if(present(MASK)) then do N = 1, NT MSK(N) = any(LocSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_GEOLOCATION(N)%T==MASK) end do else MSK = .true. end if call ESMF_FieldGet (OUTPUT, GRID=OUTGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldGet(OUTPUT, Array=OUTARRAY, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_ArrayGet (OUTARRAY, RANK=OUTRANK, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldGet (INPUT, GRID=INGRID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_FieldGet(INPUT, Array=INARRAY, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_ArrayGet (INARRAY, RANK=INRANK, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if ( INRANK==1 .and. OUTRANK==2) then ! T2G call ESMF_ArrayGet(OUTARRAY, localDE=0, farrayptr=GRIDVAR, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_ArrayGet( INARRAY, localDE=0, farrayptr=TILEVAR, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(size(TILEVAR)==NT,'needs informative message') call MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2G (LOCSTREAM, GRIDVAR, TILEVAR, MASK=MSK, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) elseif( OUTRANK==1 .and. INRANK==2) then ! G2T call ESMF_ArrayGet(OUTARRAY, localDE=0, farrayptr=TILEVAR, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_ArrayGet( INARRAY, localDE=0, farrayptr=GRIDVAR, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) _ASSERT(size(TILEVAR)==NT,'needs informative message') call MAPL_LocStreamTransformG2T(LOCSTREAM, TILEVAR, GRIDVAR, MSK, & GRID_ID, GLOBAL, ISMINE, INTERP, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) else _RETURN(ESMF_FAILURE) end if deallocate(MSK) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformField subroutine MAPL_LocStreamFracArea (LocStream, TYPE, AREA, RC ) type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStream integer, intent(IN ) :: TYPE real, intent(OUT) :: AREA(:,:) integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: II, JJ, N ! Make sure Location stream has been created... !---------------------------------------------- _ASSERT(associated(LocStream%Ptr),'needs informative message') ! and a grid attached... !----------------------- _ASSERT(LocStream%Ptr%Current_Tiling > 0,'needs informative message') ! Compute area over masked locations !----------------------------------------------- AREA = 0.0 do N = 1, size(LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION) if(LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_GEOLOCATION(N)%T == TYPE) then II = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%I JJ = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%J AREA (II,JJ) = AREA (II,JJ) + LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%W end if end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamFracArea !BOPI ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2G --- T2G !INTERFACE: subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2G (LocStream, OUTPUT, INPUT, MASK, SAMPLE, TRANSPOSE, variance, RC ) !ARGUMENTS: type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStream real, intent(INOUT) :: OUTPUT(:,:) real, intent(INOUT) :: INPUT(:) logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: MASK(:) logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: SAMPLE logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: TRANSPOSE logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: variance integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! Local variables integer :: STATUS real, allocatable :: FF(:,:),tmpOut(:,:) integer :: II, JJ, N, I1, IN, J1, JN logical, allocatable :: usableMASK(:) logical :: uSAMPLE logical :: usableTRANSPOSE logical :: computeVariance ! Make sure Location stream has been created... !---------------------------------------------- _ASSERT(associated(LocStream%Ptr),'needs informative message') ! and a grid attached... !----------------------- _ASSERT(LocStream%Ptr%Current_Tiling > 0,'needs informative message') ! that's the size of the output array !------------------------------------ call MAPL_GRID_INTERIOR (LocStream%Ptr%GRID, I1,IN,J1,JN) _ASSERT(IN-I1+1==size(OUTPUT,1),'needs informative message') _ASSERT(JN-J1+1==size(OUTPUT,2),'needs informative message') ! Allocate space for mask and cumulative weight at each grid point !------------------------------------------------------------ allocate(FF(size(OUTPUT,1),size(OUTPUT,2)), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) FF = 0.0 allocate(usableMASK(size(INPUT)), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Make usable mask from optional argument !---------------------------------------- if (present(MASK)) then usableMASK = MASK else usableMASK = .TRUE. end if if (present(SAMPLE)) then uSAMPLE = SAMPLE else uSAMPLE = .false. end if if (present(variance)) then computeVariance=variance else computeVariance=.false. end if if(present(TRANSPOSE)) then usableTRANSPOSE = TRANSPOSE else usableTRANSPOSE = .false. end if if (computeVariance .and. usableTranspose) then _FAIL("Can not compute variance and transpose in LocStream!") end if if (computeVariance .and. uSample) then _FAIL("Can not compute variance and sample in LocStream!") end if ! Compute weighted average over masked locations !----------------------------------------------- if (usableTRANSPOSE) then INPUT = 0.0 else OUTPUT = 0.0 if(uSample) then OUTPUT = MAPL_Undef end if endif do N = 1, size(INPUT) if(usableMASK(N) .and. INPUT(N)/=MAPL_UNDEF) then II = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%I JJ = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%J if(uSample) then if( LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%W > FF(II,JJ)) then OUTPUT(II,JJ) = INPUT(N) FF (II,JJ) = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%W end if else if(usableTRANSPOSE) then INPUT(N) = INPUT(N) + LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%W * OUTPUT(II,JJ) else OUTPUT(II,JJ) = OUTPUT(II,JJ) + LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%W * INPUT(N) !jk FF (II,JJ) = FF (II,JJ) + LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%W endif endif end if end do if (usableTRANSPOSE) then OUTPUT=0. endif if(.not.uSample) then if (usableTRANSPOSE) then else where(FF>0) !jk OUTPUT = OUTPUT / FF end where endif endif if (usableTRANSPOSE) then else where(FF<=0) !jk OUTPUT = MAPL_Undef end where endif if (computeVariance) then allocate(tmpOut(size(OUTPUT,1),size(OUTPUT,2)), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) tmpOut=Output outPut=0.0 ff=0.0 do N = 1, size(INPUT) if(usableMASK(N) .and. INPUT(N)/=MAPL_UNDEF) then II = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%I JJ = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%J OUTPUT(II,JJ) = OUTPUT(II,JJ) + LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%W * (INPUT(N)-tmpOut(II,JJ))**2 FF (II,JJ) = FF (II,JJ) + LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%W end if end do where (FF>0) output=output/ff end where where (ff<=0) output=mapl_undef end where deallocate(tmpOut) end if deallocate(usableMASK) deallocate(FF) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2G !BOPI ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_LocStreamTransformG2T --- G2T !INTERFACE: subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformG2T ( LocStream, OUTPUT, INPUT, & MASK, GRID_ID, GLOBAL, ISMINE, & INTERP, TRANSPOSE, RC ) !ARGUMENTS: type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStream real, intent(INOUT) :: OUTPUT(:) real, intent(INOUT) :: INPUT(:,:) logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: MASK(:), ISMINE(:), INTERP logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: GLOBAL integer, optional, intent(IN ) :: GRID_ID logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: TRANSPOSE integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! Local variables integer :: STATUS integer :: N, I1, IN, J1, JN, I, J, IM, JM logical, allocatable :: usableMASK(:) logical :: usableATTACHED logical :: usableGLOBAL logical :: usableINTERP logical :: usableTRANSPOSE real, pointer :: ghostedINPUT(:,:) real :: D(-1:1,-1:1) real :: val, wt integer, parameter :: HALOWIDTH = 1 _UNUSED_DUMMY(ISMINE) IM = size(INPUT,1) JM = size(INPUT,2) if(present(INTERP)) then usableINTERP = INTERP else usableINTERP = .false. end if if(present(GRID_ID)) then usableATTACHED = .false. else usableATTACHED = .true. end if if(present(GLOBAL)) then usableGLOBAL = GLOBAL else usableGLOBAL = .false. end if if(present(TRANSPOSE)) then usableTRANSPOSE = TRANSPOSE else usableTRANSPOSE = .false. end if ! Make sure Location stream has been created... !---------------------------------------------- _ASSERT(associated(LocStream%Ptr),'needs informative message') ! and a grid attached... !----------------------- if (usableATTACHED) then _ASSERT(LocStream%Ptr%Current_Tiling > 0,'needs informative message') ! that's the size of the output array !------------------------------------ call MAPL_GRID_INTERIOR (LocStream%Ptr%GRID, I1,IN,J1,JN) _ASSERT(IN-I1+1==IM,'needs informative message') _ASSERT(JN-J1+1==JM,'needs informative message') else _ASSERT(GRID_ID <= LocStream%Ptr%N_GRIDS,'needs informative message') endif ! Make usable mask from optional argument !---------------------------------------- allocate(usableMASK(size(OUTPUT)), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (present(MASK)) then usableMASK = MASK else usableMASK = .TRUE. end if if(usableINTERP) then allocate(ghostedINPUT(1-HALOWIDTH:IM+HALOWIDTH,1-HALOWIDTH:JM+HALOWIDTH),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ghostedINPUT = MAPL_UNDEF ! ALT: this initializion should not be necessary ! but ifort is not happy in SendRecv ghostedINPUT(1:IM,1:JM) = INPUT call ESMFL_HALO(LocStream%Ptr%GRID, ghostedINPUT, rc=status) end if ! Fill output subject to mask !---------------------------- if (usableTRANSPOSE) then INPUT =0. endif if (usableGLOBAL) then PRINT *, 'IN G2T GLOBAL NO LONGER VALID ARGUMENT' _FAIL('needs informative message') else do N = 1, size(OUTPUT) if(usableMASK(N)) then if(usableINTERP) then OUTPUT(N) = 0.0 WT = 0.0 D = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%D(:,:,N) do J=-1,1 do I=-1,1 val = GHOSTEDINPUT(LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%I+I, & LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%J+J ) if(VAL /= MAPL_Undef) then OUTPUT(N) = OUTPUT(N) + ( VAL * D(I,J) ) wt = wt + D(I,J) endif end do end do if(WT/=0.0) then OUTPUT(N) = OUTPUT(N)/WT else OUTPUT(N) = MAPL_Undef end if else if (usableTRANSPOSE) then INPUT(LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%I, & LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%J ) = & INPUT(LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%I, & LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%J ) + OUTPUT(N) else OUTPUT(N) = INPUT(LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%I, & LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%J ) endif end if end if end do if (usableTRANSPOSE) then OUTPUT=0. endif endif if(usableINTERP) then deallocate(ghostedINPUT,STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if deallocate(usableMASK) _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformG2T subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTileWeight ( LocStream, OUTPUT, INPUT, RC ) type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStream real, intent(OUT) :: OUTPUT(:) real, intent(IN ) :: INPUT(:,:) integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: N ! Fill output subject to mask !---------------------------- do N = 1, size(OUTPUT) OUTPUT(N) = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%W * & INPUT(LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%I, & LOCSTREAM%Ptr%LOCAL_INDEXLOCATION(N)%J ) end do _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTileWeight !BOPI ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2T --- T2T !INTERFACE: subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2T ( OUTPUT, XFORM, INPUT, RC ) !ARGUMENTS: real, intent(OUT) :: OUTPUT(:) type(MAPL_LocStreamXform), intent(IN ) :: XFORM real, intent(IN ) :: INPUT(:) integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! Local variables integer :: STATUS integer :: N, offset integer :: me real, allocatable :: FULLINPUT(:) #if defined(TWO_SIDED_COMM) integer, allocatable :: request(:) integer :: msg_tag integer :: count integer :: NumReceivers integer :: mpstatus(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) #elif defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM) logical :: use_lock use_lock = .false. #endif _ASSERT(associated(Xform%PTR),'needs informative message') do N = 1,Xform%PTR%LastLocal OUTPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexOut(N)) = INPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexIn(N)) end do if(.not.Xform%PTR%Local) then if (Xform%PTR%do_not_use_fcollect) then me = Xform%PTR%myId #if defined(TWO_SIDED_COMM) msg_tag = me count = size(input) NumReceivers = size(Xform%PTR%receivers) allocate(request(NumReceivers), stat=status) _VERIFY(status) do n=1, NumReceivers call MPI_ISend(input, count, MPI_REAL, & Xform%PTR%receivers(n), msg_tag, & Xform%PTR%Comm, request(n), status) _VERIFY(status) end do #elif defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM) if (use_lock) then call MPI_WIN_LOCK(MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, me, 0, Xform%PTR%window, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if Xform%Ptr%Buff = input if (use_lock) then call MPI_WIN_UNLOCK(me, Xform%PTR%window, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_Barrier(Xform%PTR%Comm,STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if #endif allocate(FULLINPUT(Xform%Ptr%InputLen),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) #if defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM) if (.not. use_lock) then call mpi_win_fence(0, Xform%PTR%window, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif #endif offset = 1 if (associated(Xform%PTR%senders)) then do n=1,size(Xform%PTR%senders) #if defined(TWO_SIDED_COMM) ! ALT: the senders' id is also used as a mpi_tag msg_tag = Xform%PTR%senders(N) call MPI_RECV(FULLINPUT(offset), Xform%PTR%len(N), MPI_REAL, & Xform%PTR%senders(N), msg_tag, & Xform%Ptr%Comm, mpstatus, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) #elif defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM) if (use_lock) then call MPI_WIN_LOCK(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, Xform%PTR%senders(N), & 0, Xform%PTR%window, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if call MPI_GET(FULLINPUT(offset), Xform%PTR%len(N), MPI_REAL, & Xform%PTR%senders(N), 0, Xform%PTR%len(N), MPI_REAL, & Xform%PTR%window, STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) if (use_lock) then call MPI_WIN_UNLOCK(Xform%PTR%senders(N), Xform%PTR%window, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end if #endif offset = offset + Xform%PTR%len(N) enddo endif #if defined(TWO_SIDED_COMM) do n=1, NumReceivers call MPI_Wait(request(n),MPI_STATUS_IGNORE,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do if (allocated(request)) deallocate(request) #elif defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM) if (.not. use_lock) then call mpi_win_fence(0, Xform%PTR%window, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif #endif else allocate(FULLINPUT(Xform%Ptr%InputStream%Ptr%NT_GLOBAL),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMFL_FCOLLECT(Xform%Ptr%InputStream%Ptr%TILEGRID, FULLINPUT, INPUT, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) endif do N = Xform%PTR%LastLocal+1,Xform%PTR%Count OUTPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexOut(N)) = FULLINPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexIn(N)) end do deallocate(FULLINPUT) end if _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2T !BOPI ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2TR4R8 --- T2TR4R8 !INTERFACE: subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2TR4R8 ( OUTPUT, XFORM, INPUT, RC ) !ARGUMENTS: real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(OUT) :: OUTPUT(:) type(MAPL_LocStreamXform), intent(IN ) :: XFORM real, intent(IN ) :: INPUT(:) integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! Local variables integer :: STATUS #ifdef OLD_RUN integer :: N real, allocatable :: FULLINPUT(:) _ASSERT(associated(Xform%PTR),'needs informative message') do N = 1,Xform%PTR%LastLocal OUTPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexOut(N)) = INPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexIn(N)) end do if(.not.Xform%PTR%Local) then allocate(FULLINPUT(Xform%Ptr%InputStream%Ptr%NT_GLOBAL),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMFL_FCOLLECT(Xform%Ptr%InputStream%Ptr%TILEGRID, FULLINPUT, INPUT, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do N = Xform%PTR%LastLocal+1,Xform%PTR%Count OUTPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexOut(N)) = FULLINPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexIn(N)) end do deallocate(FULLINPUT) end if #else real, allocatable :: OUTPUTR4(:) integer :: OUTSIZE OUTSIZE = size(OUTPUT) allocate(OUTPUTR4(OUTSIZE),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) OUTPUTR4 = OUTPUT call MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2T( OUTPUTR4, XFORM, INPUT, RC ) OUTPUT = OUTPUTR4 deallocate(OUTPUTR4) #endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2TR4R8 !BOPI ! !IIROUTINE: MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2TR8R4 --- T2TR8R4 !INTERFACE: subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2TR8R4 ( OUTPUT, XFORM, INPUT, RC ) !ARGUMENTS: real, intent(OUT) :: OUTPUT(:) type(MAPL_LocStreamXform), intent(IN ) :: XFORM real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(IN ) :: INPUT(:) integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC !EOPI ! Local variables integer :: STATUS #ifdef OLD_RUN integer :: N real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: FULLINPUT(:) _ASSERT(associated(Xform%PTR),'needs informative message') do N = 1,Xform%PTR%LastLocal OUTPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexOut(N)) = real(INPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexIn(N))) end do if(.not.Xform%PTR%Local) then allocate(FULLINPUT(Xform%Ptr%InputStream%Ptr%NT_GLOBAL),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMFL_FCOLLECT(Xform%Ptr%InputStream%Ptr%TILEGRID, FULLINPUT, INPUT, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) do N = Xform%PTR%LastLocal+1,Xform%PTR%Count OUTPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexOut(N)) = FULLINPUT(Xform%PTR%IndexIn(N)) end do deallocate(FULLINPUT) end if #else real, allocatable :: INPUTR4(:) integer :: INPUTSIZE INPUTSIZE = size(INPUT) allocate(INPUTR4(INPUTSIZE),STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) INPUTR4 = INPUT call MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2T( OUTPUT, XFORM, INPUTR4, RC ) deallocate(INPUTR4) #endif _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamTransformT2TR8R4 subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateXform ( Xform, LocStreamOut, LocStreamIn, NAME, MASK_OUT, & UseFCollect, RC ) type(MAPL_LocStreamXform), intent(OUT) :: Xform type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStreamOut type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: LocStreamIn character(len=*), intent(IN ) :: NAME logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: MASK_OUT(:) logical, optional, intent(IN ) :: UseFCollect integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC ! Local variables integer :: STATUS integer :: N, M, MM logical :: DONE(LocStreamOut%Ptr%NT_local) logical, pointer :: ISDONE(:) logical :: dn(1) type (ESMF_VM) :: vm integer :: NDES, hash integer, pointer :: GLOBAL_IdByPe(:) =>null() ! All Location Ids in PE order integer :: I, First, Last logical, allocatable :: IsNeeded(:) integer, allocatable :: PELens(:), Begs(:), Ends(:) integer :: NumSenders integer :: myId integer :: MyLen(1) #if defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM) integer :: SizeOfReal #endif ! Both streams must be subsets of same parent. ! The parent stream is usually an exchange grid. !----------------------------------------------- _ASSERT(trim(LocStreamOut%PTR%ROOTNAME)==trim(LocStreamIn%PTR%ROOTNAME),'needs informative message') allocate(XFORM%Ptr, STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) Xform%Ptr%InputStream = LocStreamIn Xform%Ptr%OutputStream = LocStreamOut Xform%Ptr%Name = NAME Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect = .false. ! defaults to FCOLLECT for now #ifdef DO_NOT_USE_FCOLLECT Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect = .true. #endif if (present(UseFCollect)) then Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect = .not. UseFCollect end if ! We have to fill all output locations where mask is true !-------------------------------------------------------- if(present(MASK_OUT)) then DONE = .not. MASK_OUT else DONE = .false. end if Xform%Ptr%count = count(.not.DONE) ALLOCATE(Xform%Ptr%IndexOut(Xform%Ptr%count), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ALLOCATE(Xform%Ptr%IndexIn (Xform%Ptr%count), stat=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) MM=1 Hash = MAPL_HashCreate(8*1024) do M = 1, LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_local n = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,LocStreamIn%Ptr%Local_Id(M)) _ASSERT(N==M,'needs informative message') enddo do N = 1, LocStreamOut%Ptr%NT_local if(DONE(N)) cycle M = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,LocStreamOut%Ptr%Local_Id(N)) if(m<=LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_local) then Xform%Ptr%IndexOut(MM) = N Xform%Ptr%IndexIn (MM) = M DONE (N) = .TRUE. MM=MM+1 endif end do call MAPL_HashDestroy(Hash) Xform%Ptr%LastLocal = MM-1 ! Otherwise, assume nothing and do a full collect. !------------------------------------------------- call ESMF_VMGetCurrent ( vm, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_VMGet ( vm, petCount=nDEs, & mpiCommunicator=Xform%Ptr%Comm, rc=status ) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(IsDone(NDES)) dn(1) = all(done) call MAPL_CommsAllGather(vm, dn, 1, & isdone, 1, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) Xform%Ptr%Local = all(isdone) deallocate(IsDone) NEED_COMM: if(.not.Xform%Ptr%Local) then if (Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect) then allocate(PELens(NDES),Begs(NDES),Ends(NDES),IsNeeded(Ndes)) #if defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM) allocate(Xform%Ptr%Buff(LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_LOCAL)) allocate(Xform%Ptr%Len(NDES), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) CALL MPI_TYPE_GET_EXTENT(MPI_REAL, lb, SizeOfReal, status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call mpi_Win_Create(Xform%Ptr%Buff,LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_LOCAL*SizeOfReal, & SizeOfReal,MPI_INFO_NULL,Xform%Ptr%Comm,Xform%Ptr%Window,status) _VERIFY(STATUS) #endif MyLen(1) = LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_LOCAL call MAPL_CommsAllGather(vm, MyLen, 1, & PELens, 1, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) Begs(1) = 1 Ends(1) = PELens(1) do i=2,NDES Begs(i) = Ends(i-1) + 1 Ends(i) = Ends(i-1) + PELens(i) end do _ASSERT(Ends(NDES) == LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_GLOBAL,'needs informative message') endif allocate(GLOBAL_IdByPe(LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_GLOBAL), STAT=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Collect all tile ides in the input stream's pe order !----------------------------------------------------- call ESMFL_FCOLLECT(LocStreamIn%Ptr%TILEGRID, GLOBAL_IdByPe, & LocStreamIn%Ptr%LOCAL_ID, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! Make a Hash of the tile locations by input order !------------------------------------------------- Hash = MAPL_HashCreate(8*1024) do M = 1, LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_global n = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,Global_IdByPe(M)) _ASSERT(N==M,'needs informative message') enddo if(Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect) then ! Find out which processors have output tiles we need !---------------------------------------------------- IsNeeded = .false. do N = 1, LocStreamOut%Ptr%NT_local if(.not.DONE(N)) then M = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,LocStreamOut%Ptr%Local_Id(N)) do i=1,ndes if(M>=Begs(i) .and. M<=Ends(i)) then IsNeeded(i) = .true. exit end if enddo end if end do ! Allocate my senders and their size in the Xform. ! Note that fullinput has all tiles from all of those ! pes that have tiles we need. !----------------------------------------------------- NumSenders = count(IsNeeded) allocate(Xform%Ptr%senders(NumSenders), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(Xform%Ptr% len(NumSenders), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) First = 1 Last = 0 M = 0 do I=1,NDES if(Isneeded(i)) then m = m + 1 Last = Last + PELens(i) Global_IdByPe(First:Last) & = Global_IdByPe(Begs(i):Ends(i)) First = First + PELens(i) Xform%Ptr%senders(m) = i-1 Xform%Ptr% len(m) = PELens(i) end if end do deallocate(PELens,Begs,Ends,IsNeeded) Xform%Ptr%InputLen = Last call ESMF_VmGet(VM, localPet=MYID, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) Xform%Ptr%myId = myid #if defined(TWO_SIDED_COMM) block integer, allocatable :: allSenders(:,:) integer :: NumReceivers integer :: k #if 0 allocate(allSenders(ndes,ndes), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allSenders(:,myId+1) = -1 if (m>0) allSenders(1:M,myId+1) = Xform%Ptr%senders do I=1,NDES call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=allSenders(:,I), N=ndes, ROOT=I-1, RC=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) end do NumReceivers = count(allSenders == myId) allocate(Xform%Ptr%receivers(NumReceivers), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) M = 0 do I=1,NDES if(myId == I-1) cycle ! skip myself do K=1,NDES if(allSenders(K,I) < 0) exit !senders are packed. we have reached end ... if(allSenders(K,I) == myId) then M = M+1 Xform%Ptr%receivers(m) = i-1 exit end if end do end do _ASSERT(NumReceivers==M,'needs informative message') deallocate(allSenders) #else allocate(allSenders(ndes,1), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) block integer :: lNumReceivers do I=1,NDES lNumReceivers = 0 if (m>0) lNumReceivers = count(Xform%Ptr%senders == I-1) call MPI_GATHER( lNumReceivers, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & allSenders(:,1), 1, MPI_INTEGER, & I-1, Xform%Ptr%Comm, status ) enddo end block call ESMF_VMBarrier(vm, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) NumReceivers = 0 do I=1,NDES NumReceivers = NumReceivers + allSenders(I,1) end do allocate(Xform%Ptr%receivers(NumReceivers), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) M = 0 do I=1,NDES if(myId == I-1) cycle ! skip myself do K=1,allSenders(I,1) M = M+1 Xform%Ptr%receivers(M) = I-1 end do end do _ASSERT(NumReceivers==M,'needs informative message') deallocate(allSenders) #endif end block #endif ! Put the tiles we being brought over into a hash table !------------------------------------------------------ call MAPL_HashDestroy(Hash) Hash = MAPL_HashCreate(8*1024) do M = 1, Xform%Ptr%InputLen n = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,Global_IdByPe(M)) _ASSERT(N==M,'needs informative message') enddo ! Pick out the ones we need fromthose brought over !------------------------------------------------- endif do N = 1, LocStreamOut%Ptr%NT_local if(.not.DONE(N)) then M = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,LocStreamOut%Ptr%Local_Id(N)) Xform%Ptr%IndexOut(MM) = N Xform%Ptr%IndexIn (MM) = M DONE (N) = .TRUE. MM=MM+1 end if end do call MAPL_HashDestroy(Hash) deallocate(GLOBAL_IdByPe) end if NEED_COMM ! Make sure that did it !---------------------- _ASSERT(all(DONE),'needs informative message') _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateXform integer function GRIDINDEX(STREAM,GRID,RC) type(MAPL_LocStreamType), intent(IN ) :: Stream type(ESMF_Grid), intent(IN ) :: Grid integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC integer :: STATUS integer :: N character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength) :: NAME ! Find the given grid among the allowed grids !-------------------------------------------- call ESMF_GridGet(GRID, NAME=NAME, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) GridIndex = 0 do N=1,STREAM%N_GRIDS if(STREAM%TILING(N)%NAME==NAME) then GridIndex = N exit end if end do if (trim(name)=="CATCHMENT_GRID") GridIndex=2 _ASSERT(GridIndex/=0,'needs informative message') _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end function GRIDINDEX subroutine MAPL_GridCoordAdjust(GRID, LOCSTREAM, RC) type(ESMF_Grid), intent(INout ) :: Grid type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(IN ) :: Locstream integer, optional, intent(OUT) :: RC ! local vars !------------ integer :: STATUS integer :: NGRIDS integer :: I, J, N integer :: IM, JM logical :: found integer :: COUNTS(3) integer :: NT, IG character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength) :: GRIDNAME character(len=MAPL_TileNameLength), pointer :: GNAMES(:) real(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: X, Y, W real(ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: sumw(:,:), sumxw(:,:), sumyw(:,:) real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: gridx(:,:), gridy(:,:) ! get grid name call ESMF_GridGet(grid, name=gridname, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call MAPL_LocstreamGet(LOCSTREAM, GRIDNAMES = GNAMES, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) ! query loc_in for ngrids ngrids = size(gnames) _ASSERT(ngrids==2,'needs informative message') ! validate that gridname_in is there found = .false. DO I = 1, NGRIDS IF (GNAMES(I) == GRIDNAME) THEN FOUND = .TRUE. exit ENDIF ENDDO _ASSERT(FOUND,'needs informative message') ! get id of the grid we just found IG = I _ASSERT(IG == LocStream%Ptr%Current_Tiling,'needs informative message') ! get IM, JM and IM_WORLD, JM_WORLD call MAPL_GridGet(GRID, localCellCountPerDim=COUNTS, RC=STATUS) _VERIFY(STATUS) IM = COUNTS(1) JM = COUNTS(2) ! Retrieve the coordinates so we can set them call ESMF_GridGetCoord(grid, coordDim=1, localDE=0, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & farrayPtr=gridX, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) call ESMF_GridGetCoord(grid, coordDim=2, localDE=0, & staggerloc=ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER, & farrayPtr=gridY, rc=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) allocate(sumxw(IM, JM), sumyw(IM, JM), sumw (IM, JM), stat=status) _VERIFY(STATUS) SUMW = 0.0 SUMXW = 0.0 SUMYW = 0.0 NT = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%NT_Local ! loop over tiles DO N = 1, NT I = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%Local_IndexLocation(N)%I J = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%Local_IndexLocation(N)%J W = LOCSTREAM%Ptr%Local_IndexLocation(N)%W X = locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation(N)%X Y = locstream%Ptr%Local_GeoLocation(N)%Y SUMW(I,J) = SUMW(I,J) + W SUMXW(I,J) = SUMXW(I,J) + X * W SUMYW(I,J) = SUMYW(I,J) + Y * W END DO WHERE (SUMW == 0.0) SUMXW = MAPL_UNDEF SUMYW = MAPL_UNDEF ELSEWHERE SUMXW = SUMXW / SUMW SUMYW = SUMYW / SUMW ! Make sure the longitudes are between -180 and 180 degrees SUMXW = mod(SUMXW + 72180._REAL64,360._REAL64) - 180._REAL64 ! -180<= lon0 <180 ! Convert to radians SUMXW = SUMXW * (MAPL_PI_R8)/180._REAL64 SUMYW = SUMYW * (MAPL_PI_R8)/180._REAL64 END WHERE ! Modify grid coordinates !------------------------ GRIDX = SUMXW GRIDY = SUMYW ! Clean-up !--------- deallocate(sumw) deallocate(sumyw) deallocate(sumxw) ! All done !--------- _RETURN(ESMF_SUCCESS) end subroutine MAPL_GridCoordAdjust end module MAPL_LocStreamMod