#include "MAPL_Generic.h" module MAPL_LatLonToLatLonRegridderMod use MAPL_AbstractRegridderMod use MAPL_GridSpecMod use MAPL_RegridderSpec use mapl_RegridMethods use MAPL_KeywordEnforcerMod use mapl_ErrorHandlingMod use MAPL_Constants use ESMF use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL32 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL64 implicit none private public :: LatLonToLatLonRegridder type :: Weights real(kind=REAL32), allocatable :: f(:) end type Weights type :: Mapping type (Weights), pointer :: WeightList(:) end type Mapping integer, parameter :: NUM_DIMS = 2 type, extends(AbstractRegridder) :: LatLonToLatLonRegridder private type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid_in type (ESMF_Grid) :: grid_out integer :: num_points_in(NUM_DIMS+1) integer :: num_points_out(NUM_DIMS+1) type (Mapping) :: mappings(NUM_DIMS) contains procedure :: initialize_subclass procedure :: regrid_scalar_2d_real32 => apply_weights_real32 procedure :: regrid_scalar_2d_real64 => apply_weights_real64 procedure :: regrid_scalar_3d_real32 end type LatLonToLatLonRegridder interface LatLonToLatLonRegridder module procedure newLatLonToLatLonRegridder end interface LatLonToLatLonRegridder real, parameter :: WEIGHT_THRESHOLD = 0.7 character(len=*), parameter :: MOD_NAME = 'MAPL_LatLonToLatLonRegridder::' contains function newLatLonToLatLonRegridder(grid_in, grid_out, regrid_method, unusable, rc) result(regridder) use ESMF type (LatLonToLatLonRegridder) :: regridder type (ESMF_Grid), intent(in) :: grid_in type (ESMF_Grid), intent(in) :: grid_out integer :: regrid_method class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc character(len=*), parameter :: Iam = 'newLatLonToLatLonRegridder' type (RegridderSpec) :: regridder_spec _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) regridder_spec = RegridderSpec(grid_in, grid_out, regrid_method) call regridder%initialize(regridder_spec) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function newLatLonToLatLonRegridder subroutine compute_linear_weights(Weight, Xin, Xout, rc) type(Weights), intent(inout) :: Weight(:) real(kind=REAL32), intent(in) :: Xin(:) real(kind=REAL32), intent(in) :: Xout(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc ! Compute weights for binned interpolation along a dimension. ! Xout are the N_in + 1 input bin edges. ! Xin are the N_out + 1 output bin edges ! Weigths are the mapping integer :: j_out, j0, j1 integer :: N_in integer :: status character(len=*), parameter :: Iam = 'compute_linear_weights' N_in = size(Xin ) do j_out=1,size(Weight) j0 = 1 do if(Xout(j_out ) <= Xin(j0+1)) exit j0=j0+1 _ASSERT(j0 < N_in, 'index error') end do j1 = j0 + 1 allocate(weight(j_out)%f(j0:j1), stat=status) _VERIFY(status) associate (b => weight(j_out)%f) b(j0 ) = (Xin(j1)-Xout(j_out))/(Xin(j1)-Xin(j0)) b(j0+1) = 1.0 - b(j0) end associate end do end subroutine compute_linear_weights subroutine compute_binning_weights(Weight,Xin,Xout,HasPoles,rc) type(Weights), intent(INOUT) :: Weight(:) real(kind=REAL32), intent(IN ) :: Xin(:), Xout(:) logical, intent(IN ) :: HasPoles integer, optional, intent(OUT ) :: rc ! Compute weights for binned interpolation along a dimension. ! Xout are the N_in + 1 input bin edges. ! Xin are the N_out + 1 output bin edges ! Weigths are the mapping integer :: j_out, j0, j1, j integer :: N_in, N_out integer :: status real :: dx, ff character(len=*), parameter :: Iam = 'compute_binning_weights' N_in = size(Xin )-1 N_out = size(Weight) do j_out=1,N_out j0 = 1 do if(Xout(j_out )>=Xin(j0) .and. Xout(j_out )<=Xin(j0+1)) exit j0=j0+1 _ASSERT(j0 <= N_in, 'index error') end do j1 = j0 do if(Xout(j_out+1)>=Xin(j1) .and. Xout(j_out+1)<=Xin(j1+1)) exit j1=j1+1 _ASSERT(j1 <= N_in, 'index error') end do allocate(weight(j_out)%f(j0:j1), stat=status) _VERIFY(status) associate (b => weight (j_out)%f) if(j0==j1) then b(j0) = 1. else dx = Xin(j0+1)-Xout(j_out) ff = dx b(j0) = dx do j=j0+1,j1-1 dx = Xin(j+1) - Xin(j) ff = ff + dx b(j) = dx end do dx = Xout(j_out+1)-Xin(j1) ff = ff + dx b(j1) = dx b = b/ff end if end associate end do if(HasPoles) then deallocate(Weight( 1)%f) deallocate(Weight(N_out)%f) allocate (Weight( 1)%f(1 :1 )) allocate (Weight(N_out)%f(N_in:N_in)) Weight( 1)%f = 1. Weight(N_out)%f = 1. endif end subroutine compute_binning_weights subroutine regrid_scalar_3d_real32(this, q_in, q_out, rc) use MAPL_CommsMod use MAPL_BaseMod class (LatLonToLatLonRegridder), intent(in) :: this real (kind=REAL32), intent(in) :: q_in(:,:,:) real (kind=REAL32), intent(out) :: q_out(:,:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status character(len=*), parameter :: Iam = MOD_NAME//'regrid_scalar_2d_real32' integer :: k type (RegridderSpec) :: spec logical :: redistribute _ASSERT(size(q_in,3) == size(q_out,3), 'inconsistent array shape') spec = this%get_spec() block integer :: N_in(NUM_DIMS) integer :: dims(5) call MAPL_GridGet(spec%grid_in, globalCellCountPerDim=dims, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) N_in = dims(1:2) if ((N_in(1) /= size(q_in,1)) .or. (N_in(2) /= size(q_in,2))) then redistribute = .true. else redistribute = .false. end if end block if (redistribute) then block real (kind=REAL32), pointer :: q_in_global(:,:,:) real (kind=REAL32), allocatable :: q_out_global(:,:,:) integer :: N_out(NUM_DIMS) integer :: dims(5) q_in_global=> null() call MAPL_CollectiveGather3D(spec%grid_in, q_in, q_in_global, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_GridGet(spec%grid_out, globalCellCountPerDim=dims, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) N_out = dims(1:2) allocate(q_out_global(n_out(1), n_out(2), size(q_in_global,3))) if (size(q_in_global) > 1) then do k = 1, size(q_in_global,3) call this%regrid(q_in_global(:,:,k), q_out_global(:,:,k), rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end do end if deallocate(q_in_global) call MAPL_CollectiveScatter3D(spec%grid_out, q_out_global, q_out, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) deallocate(q_out_global) end block else if (size(q_in) > 1) then do k = 1, size(q_in,3) call this%regrid(q_in(:,:,k), q_out(:,:,k), rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end do end if end if _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine regrid_scalar_3d_real32 subroutine apply_weights_real32(this, q_in, q_out, rc) class (LatLonToLatLonRegridder), intent(in) :: this real(kind=REAL32), intent(in) :: q_in(:,:) real(kind=REAL32), intent(out) :: q_out(:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: i integer :: j integer :: jj, jx, ix, ii real :: q, w, f real(kind=REAL32) :: undef _UNUSED_DUMMY(rc) undef = -HUGE(1.) do j = 1, this%num_points_out(2) associate(weights_y => this%mappings(2)%WeightList(j)%f) do i = 1, this%num_points_out(1) associate(weights_x => this%mappings(1)%WeightList(i)%f) q = 0.0 w = 0.0 do jj = lbound(weights_y,1), ubound(weights_y,1) if(jj > this%num_points_in(2)) then jx = jj - this%num_points_in(2) else jx = jj end if do ii = lbound(weights_x,1), ubound(weights_x,1) if(ii>this%num_points_in(1)) then ix = ii - this%num_points_in(1) else ix = ii end if if(q_in(ix,jx) /= undef) then f = weights_x(ii) * weights_y(jj) q = q + f*q_in(ix,jx) w = w + f end if end do end do if ( w >= WEIGHT_THRESHOLD ) then q_out(i,j) = q / w else q_out(i,j) = undef end if end associate end do end associate end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine apply_weights_real32 subroutine apply_weights_real64(this, q_in, q_out, rc) class (LatLonToLatLonRegridder), intent(in) :: this real(kind=REAL64), intent(in) :: q_in(:,:) real(kind=REAL64), intent(out) :: q_out(:,:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: i, j integer :: jj, jx, ix, ii real :: q, w, f real(kind=REAL64) :: undef _UNUSED_DUMMY(rc) undef = -HUGE(1.d0) do j = 1, this%num_points_out(2) associate(weights_y => this%mappings(2)%WeightList(j)%f) do i=1,this%num_points_out(1) associate(weights_x => this%mappings(1)%WeightList(i)%f) q = 0.0 w = 0.0 do jj = lbound(weights_y,1), ubound(weights_y,1) if(jj > this%num_points_in(2)) then jx = jj - this%num_points_in(2) else jx = jj end if do ii = lbound(weights_x,1), ubound(weights_x,1) if(ii>this%num_points_in(1)) then ix = ii - this%num_points_in(1) else ix = ii end if if(q_in(ix,jx) /= undef) then f = weights_x(ii) * weights_y(jj) q = q + f*q_in(ix,jx) w = w + f end if end do end do if ( w >= WEIGHT_THRESHOLD ) then q_out(i,j) = q / w else q_out(i,j) = undef end if end associate end do end associate end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine apply_weights_real64 ! Derived from getX() originally in MAPL_HorzTransform function get_coordinates(spec, input, stagger, rc) result(x) real, allocatable :: x(:) type (DimensionSpec), intent(in) :: spec logical, intent(in) :: input logical, optional, intent(in) :: stagger integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc logical :: stagger_ integer :: j, jm real :: dx _UNUSED_DUMMY(rc) if (present(stagger)) then stagger_ = stagger else stagger_ = .false. end if block integer n n = spec%num_points if (spec%topology == MAPL_DimTopoCyclic) then if (input) then jm = 2*n + 1 else jm = n + 1 end if else if (stagger_) then jm = n + 1 else jm = n end if end block allocate(x(jm)) if (spec%num_points > 1) then dx = (spec%x_max - spec%x_min) / (spec%num_points - 1) else dx = 0 end if if (stagger_ ) then x(1) = spec%x_min-0.5*dx else x(1) = spec%x_min end if do j = 2, jm x(j) = x(1) + (j - 1)*dx end do if(spec%topology == MAPL_DimTopoEdge ) then x(1) = spec%x_min x(jm) = spec%x_max end if end function get_coordinates real function get_range(spec) result(range) type (DimensionSpec), intent(in) :: spec range = (spec%x_max - spec%x_min) * spec%num_points / (spec%num_points - 1) end function get_range subroutine initialize_subclass(this, unusable, rc) use MAPL_KeywordEnforcerMod use MAPL_RegridderSpec use MAPL_BaseMod, only: MAPL_GridGet use MAPL_GetLatLonCoordMod use MAPL_Constants, only: MAPL_PI_R8 class (LatLonToLatLonRegridder), intent(inout) :: this class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status character(len=*), parameter :: Iam = 'initialize_subclass' type (RegridderSpec) :: spec logical :: cyclic_dim,hasPoles,stagger integer :: dim,nsize,nin type(Weights), pointer :: WeightList(:) => null() real(kind=REAL64), allocatable :: xg_in(:),xg_out(:) real(kind=REAL32), allocatable :: xf_in(:),xf_out(:) real(kind=REAL64) :: xMaxIn,xMaxOut,xMinIn,xMinOut,rngIn,rngOut type(dimensionSpec) :: dimspec character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: grid_type _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) spec = this%get_spec() ! Verify that grids are of the support type: 'LatLon' call ESMF_AttributeGet(spec%grid_in , name="GridType", value=grid_type, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) _ASSERT(trim(grid_type) == 'LatLon', 'unsupported grid_in type: '//trim(grid_type)) call ESMF_AttributeGet(spec%grid_out , name="GridType", value=grid_type, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) _ASSERT(trim(grid_type) == 'LatLon', 'unsupported grid_out type: '//trim(grid_type)) call MAPL_GridGet(spec%grid_in, globalCellCountPerDim=this%num_points_in, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_GridGet(spec%grid_out, globalCellCountPerDim=this%num_points_out, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) do dim = 1, NUM_DIMS nin = this%num_points_in(dim) nsize = this%num_points_out(dim) allocate(this%mappings(dim)%weightlist(nsize), stat=status) _VERIFY(status) Weightlist => this%mappings(dim)%WeightList allocate(xg_out(nsize),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(xg_in(nin),stat=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_GetLatLonCoord(spec%grid_in,dim,xg_in,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call MAPL_GetLatLonCoord(spec%grid_out,dim,xg_out,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) xMaxIn=maxval(xg_in) xMaxOut=maxval(xg_out) xMinIn=minval(xg_in) xMinOut=minval(xg_out) stagger=.false. cyclic_dim = (dim==1) hasPoles = (dim==2) dimspec%topology = MAPL_DimTopoEdge if (cyclic_dim) dimspec%topology = MAPL_DimTopoCyclic if (spec%regrid_method == REGRID_METHOD_BILINEAR) then stagger=.false. else if (spec%regrid_method == REGRID_METHOD_CONSERVE) then stagger=.true. end if dimspec%x_min=xMinIn dimspec%x_max=xMaxIn dimspec%num_points = this%num_points_in(dim) xf_in = get_coordinates(dimspec,.true.,stagger,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) dimspec%x_min=xMinOut dimspec%x_max=xMaxOut dimspec%num_points = this%num_points_out(dim) xf_out = get_coordinates(dimspec,.false.,stagger,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (cyclic_dim) then if (this%num_points_in(dim) > 1) then rngIn = ((xMaxIn - xMinIn)*this%num_points_in(dim))/(this%num_points_in(dim)-1) else rngIn = 0 end if if (this%num_points_out(dim) > 1) then rngOut = ((xMaxOut - xMinOut)*this%num_points_out(dim))/(this%num_points_out(dim)-1) else rngOut = 0 end if !!$ _ASSERT(abs( (rngIn-rngOut)/rngIn ) < 1.e-5, 'range to small') if(xf_out(1) < xf_in(1)) then xf_out = xf_out + int((xf_in(1)-xf_out(1))/rngIn+(MAPL_PI_R8/180.0d0))*rngIn else xf_out = xf_out + int((xf_in(1)-xf_out(1))/rngIn)*rngIn end if end if _ASSERT(xf_in(size(xf_in)) >= xf_out(size(xf_out)), 'incorrect bracketing?') _ASSERT(xf_in(1) <= xf_out(1),'incorrect bracketing?') select case (spec%regrid_method) case (REGRID_METHOD_BILINEAR) call compute_linear_weights(this%mappings(dim)%WeightList, xf_in, xf_out, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) case (REGRID_METHOD_CONSERVE) call compute_binning_weights(this%mappings(dim)%WeightList,xf_in,xf_out,hasPoles,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) case default _FAIL('unsupported regrid method') end select deallocate(xg_in,xg_out,xf_in,xf_out) end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine initialize_subclass end module MAPL_LatLonToLatLonRegridderMod