#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module pFIO_MultiGroupServerMod use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_loc use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL64, INT32, INT64 use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_f_pointer use mapl_KeywordEnforcerMod use MAPL_Profiler use MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod use pFIO_ConstantsMod use pFIO_CollectiveStageDataMessageMod use pFIO_UtilitiesMod use pFIO_AbstractDirectoryServiceMod use pFIO_ServerThreadMod use pFIO_ServerThreadVectorMod use pFIO_AbstractSocketMod use pFIO_AbstractSocketVectorMod use pFIO_AbstractServerMod use gFTL_StringInteger64Map use pFIO_AbstractMessageMod use pFIO_AbstractCollectiveDataMessageMod use pFIO_AbstractDataMessageMod use pFIO_AbstractDataReferenceMod use pFIO_AbstractDataReferenceVectorMod use pFIO_ShmemReferenceMod use pFIO_RDMAReferenceMod use pFIO_LocalMemReferenceMod use pFIO_MessageVectorMod use pFIO_MessageVectorUtilMod use pFIO_ForwardDataAndMessageMod use pFIO_NetCDF4_FileFormatterMod use pFIO_HistoryCollectionMod use pFIO_HistoryCollectionVectorMod use pFIO_HistoryCollectionVectorUtilMod use pFIO_BaseServerMod use pFIO_AttributeMod use pFIO_StringAttributeMapMod use pFIO_StringAttributeMapUtilMod use MAPL_SplitCommunicatorMod use MAPL_SimpleCommSplitterMod use pFIO_MpiSocketMod use gFTL_IntegerVector use pFIO_AbstractRequestHandleMod use pFIO_FileMetadataMod use pFIO_IntegerMessageMapMod use gFTL2_StringSet use mpi use pFlogger, only: logging, Logger implicit none private public :: MultiGroupServer type :: vector_array integer :: request integer, allocatable :: buffer(:) end type type,extends (BaseServer) :: MultiGroupServer character(len=:), allocatable :: port_name integer :: front_Comm integer :: back_Comm integer :: server_Comm integer :: nwriter ! nback or number of back end integer :: nfront ! number of front end logical :: I_am_front_root logical :: I_am_back_root integer, allocatable :: back_ranks(:) integer, allocatable :: front_ranks(:) class(vector_array), allocatable :: buffers(:) type(SimpleCommSplitter) :: splitter contains procedure :: start procedure :: start_back procedure :: get_communicator procedure :: receive_output_data procedure :: create_remote_win procedure :: put_dataToFile procedure :: clean_up procedure :: terminate_backend_server end type MultiGroupServer interface MultiGroupServer module procedure new_MultiGroupServer end interface MultiGroupServer integer, parameter :: FNAME_LEN = 512 contains function new_MultiGroupServer(server_comm, port_name, nwriter_per_node, with_profiler, rc) result(s) type (MultiGroupServer) :: s integer, intent(in) :: server_comm character(*), intent(in) :: port_name integer, intent (in) :: nwriter_per_node logical, optional, intent(in) :: with_profiler integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: s_rank, s_size integer :: ierror, status, local_rank type (SplitCommunicator) :: s_comm character(len=:), allocatable :: s_name integer :: MPI_STAT(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) type (MpiSocket), target :: dummy_socket integer :: nwriter integer, allocatable :: node_sizes(:) s%server_comm = server_comm call MPI_Comm_size(s%server_comm, s_size , ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) s%splitter = SimpleCommsplitter(s%server_comm) node_sizes = s%splitter%get_node_sizes() ! if oserver size is smaller than one-node, than it means oserver and model coexist in one node if (s_size < node_sizes(1)) then call s%splitter%add_group(npes = s_size - nwriter_per_node, name="o_server_front", isolate_nodes=.false.) call s%splitter%add_group(npes = nwriter_per_node, name="o_server_back", isolate_nodes=.false.) else call s%splitter%add_group(npes_per_node = node_sizes(1)-nwriter_per_node, name="o_server_front", isolate_nodes=.false.) call s%splitter%add_group(npes_per_node = nwriter_per_node, name="o_server_back", isolate_nodes=.false.) endif s_comm = s%splitter%split(_RC) nwriter = nwriter_per_node*size(node_sizes) s%front_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL s%back_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL s%nwriter = nwriter s%nfront = s_size - nwriter s%threads = ServerThreadVector() allocate(s%back_ranks(nwriter)) allocate(s%front_ranks(s%nfront)) call MPI_Comm_rank(s%server_comm, s_rank, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) s_name = s_comm%get_name() s%I_am_front_root = .false. s%I_am_back_root = .false. if (index(s_name, 'o_server_front') /=0) then s%front_comm = s_comm%get_subcommunicator() call s%init(s%front_comm, s_name, with_profiler = with_profiler, _RC) s%port_name = trim(port_name) call MPI_Comm_rank(s%front_comm, local_rank, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) if (s_rank == 0) then _ASSERT( local_rank == 0, "re-arrange the rank of the server_comm") s%I_am_front_root = .true. call MPI_recv(s%back_ranks, nwriter, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 666, s%server_comm, MPI_STAT,ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) endif call MPI_Bcast(s%back_ranks, nwriter, MPI_INTEGER, 0, s%front_comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) call MPI_AllGather(s_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, s%front_ranks, 1, MPI_INTEGER, s%front_comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) if (local_rank ==0 ) then call MPI_Send(s%front_ranks, s_size-nwriter, MPI_INTEGER, s%back_ranks(1), 777, s%server_comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) endif allocate(s%buffers(s%nwriter)) endif if (index(s_name, 'o_server_back') /=0) then s%back_comm = s_comm%get_subcommunicator() call MPI_AllGather(s_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, s%back_ranks, 1, MPI_INTEGER, s%back_comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) call MPI_Comm_rank(s%back_comm, local_rank, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) if (local_rank ==0 ) then s%I_am_back_root = .true. call MPI_Send(s%back_ranks, nwriter, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 666, s%server_comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) endif if (s_rank == s%back_ranks(1)) then _ASSERT( local_rank == 0, "re-arrange the rank of the server_comm") call MPI_recv(s%front_ranks, s%nfront, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 777, s%server_comm, MPI_STAT,ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) endif call MPI_Bcast(s%front_ranks, s%nfront, MPI_INTEGER, 0, s%back_comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) call s%set_status(1) call s%add_connection(dummy_socket) allocate(s%buffers(s%nfront)) call s%init(s%back_comm, s_name, _RC) endif if (s_rank == 0) print*, "MultiServer Start: nfront, nwriter", s%nfront, s%nwriter-1 _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function new_MultiGroupServer subroutine start(this, rc) class (MultiGroupServer), target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status if ( this%front_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call start_front(_RC) endif if ( this%back_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then call this%start_back(_RC) endif call this%splitter%free_sub_comm() _RETURN(_SUCCESS) contains subroutine start_front(rc) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc class (ServerThread), pointer :: thread_ptr => null() integer :: i,client_size, status logical, allocatable :: mask(:) client_size = this%threads%size() allocate(this%serverthread_done_msgs(client_size)) this%serverthread_done_msgs(:) = .false. allocate(mask(client_size)) mask = .false. ! loop untill terminate do while (.true.) do i = 1,client_size if ( mask(i)) cycle thread_ptr=>this%threads%at(i) !handle the message call thread_ptr%run(_RC) !delete the thread object if it terminates if(thread_ptr%do_terminate()) then mask(i) = .true. endif enddo if (all(mask)) exit enddo call this%threads%clear() call this%terminate_backend_server(_RC) call this%report_profile(_RC) deallocate(mask) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine start_front end subroutine start subroutine create_remote_win(this, rc) class (MultiGroupServer), target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine create_remote_win subroutine put_DataToFile(this, rc) class (MultiGroupServer),target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc if (this%front_Comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) then _FAIL("hey backend does not call this") else _RETURN(_SUCCESS) endif end subroutine put_DataToFile subroutine clean_up(this, rc) class(MultiGroupServer), target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: num_clients, n class (ServerThread),pointer :: thread_ptr if (this%front_Comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) then _RETURN(_SUCCESS) endif if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("clean up") num_clients = this%threads%size() do n = 1, num_clients thread_ptr=>this%threads%at(n) call thread_ptr%clear_backlog() call thread_ptr%clear_hist_collections() enddo ! threads call this%clear_RequestHandle() call this%set_AllBacklogIsEmpty(.true.) this%serverthread_done_msgs(:) = .false. call this%prefetch_offset%clear() call this%stage_offset%clear() if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("clean up") _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine clean_up integer function get_communicator(this) result(communicator) class (MultiGroupServer), intent(in) :: this communicator = this%front_comm end function get_communicator subroutine receive_output_data(this, rc) class (MultiGroupServer),target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: i, client_num class (ServerThread),pointer :: thread_ptr type (MessageVectorIterator) :: iter type (StringInteger64MapIterator) :: request_iter class (AbstractMessage), pointer :: msg integer :: collection_counter, collection_total, collection_id, ierror integer :: MPI_STAT(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer :: msg_size, words, local_size, back_local_rank integer, allocatable :: buffer(:) type (IntegerVector) :: collection_ids type (ForwardDataAndMessage), allocatable :: f_d_ms(:) type (HistoryCollection), pointer :: hist_collection integer, pointer :: i_ptr(:) class (AbstractRequestHandle), pointer :: handle character(len=FNAME_LEN) :: FileName if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("receive_data") client_num = this%threads%size() this%stage_offset = StringInteger64map() !(1) loop to get the total number of collection collection_counter = 0 collection_total = 0 thread_ptr=> this%threads%at(1) iter = thread_ptr%request_backlog%begin() do while (iter /= thread_ptr%request_backlog%end()) msg => iter%get() select type (q=>msg) type is (CollectiveStageDataMessage) request_iter = this%stage_offset%find(i_to_string(q%collection_id)) if ( request_iter == this%stage_offset%end()) then collection_total = collection_total + 1 call this%stage_offset%insert(i_to_string(q%collection_id),int(collection_total, kind=INT64)) call collection_ids%push_back(q%collection_id) endif end select call iter%next() end do ! pack the data and message for each collection id allocate(f_d_ms(collection_total)) do i = 1, client_num thread_ptr=>this%threads%at(i) iter = thread_ptr%request_backlog%begin() do while (iter /= thread_ptr%request_backlog%end()) msg => iter%get() select type (q=>msg) class is (AbstractCollectiveDataMessage) if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("collection_"//i_to_string(q%collection_id)) handle => thread_ptr%get_RequestHandle(q%request_id) call handle%wait() words = word_size(q%type_kind) local_size = product(q%count)*words if (local_size > 0) then collection_counter = this%stage_offset%at(i_to_string(q%collection_id)) call c_f_pointer(handle%data_reference%base_address, i_ptr, shape=[local_size]) call f_d_ms(collection_counter)%add_data_message(q, i_ptr) endif if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("collection_"//i_to_string(q%collection_id)) class default _FAIL( "yet to implemented") end select call iter%next() end do ! iter enddo ! client_num if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("receive_data") if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("forward_data") ! serializes and send data_and_message to writer do collection_counter = 1, collection_total ! root asks for idle writer and sends axtra file metadata if (this%I_am_front_root) then collection_id = collection_ids%at(collection_counter) call Mpi_Send(collection_id, 1, MPI_INTEGER, this%back_ranks(1), this%back_ranks(1), this%server_comm, ierror) msg =>f_d_ms(collection_counter)%msg_vec%at(1) ! just pick first one. All messages should have the same filename select type (q=>msg) class is (AbstractCollectiveDataMessage) Filename = q%file_name call Mpi_Send(FileName, FNAME_LEN, MPI_CHARACTER, this%back_ranks(1), this%back_ranks(1), this%server_comm, ierror) class default _FAIL( "yet to implemented") end select ! here thread_ptr can point to any thread hist_collection => thread_ptr%hist_collections%at(collection_id) call hist_collection%fmd%serialize(buffer) endif call Mpi_Bcast( collection_id, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, this%front_comm, ierror) if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("collection_"//i_to_string(collection_id)) if (this%I_am_front_root) then call Mpi_Recv(back_local_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, this%back_ranks(1), & this%front_ranks(1), this%server_comm, MPI_STAT, ierror) msg_size= size(buffer) call Mpi_send(msg_size,1, MPI_INTEGER, this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), & this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), this%server_comm, ierror) call Mpi_send(buffer,msg_size, MPI_INTEGER, this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), & this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), this%server_comm, ierror) endif call Mpi_Bcast( back_local_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, this%front_comm, ierror) if (allocated(this%buffers(back_local_rank+1)%buffer)) call MPI_Wait(this%buffers(back_local_rank+1)%request, MPI_STAT, ierror) call f_d_ms(collection_counter)%serialize(this%buffers(back_local_rank+1)%buffer) msg_size= size(this%buffers(back_local_rank+1)%buffer) call Mpi_send(msg_size,1, MPI_INTEGER, this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), & this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), this%server_comm, ierror) call Mpi_Isend(this%buffers(back_local_rank+1)%buffer, msg_size, MPI_INTEGER, this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), & this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), this%server_comm, this%buffers(back_local_rank+1)%request,ierror) if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("collection_"//i_to_string(collection_id)) enddo if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("forward_data") deallocate(f_d_ms) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine receive_output_data ! the logic is similar to pfio_writer subroutine start_back(this, rc) class (MultiGroupServer),target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer, parameter :: stag = 6782 integer :: status type (StringSet) :: FilesBeingWritten allocate(this%serverthread_done_msgs(1)) this%serverthread_done_msgs(:) = .false. if ( this%I_am_back_root ) then call start_back_captain(_RC) else call start_back_writers(_RC) endif _RETURN(_SUCCESS) contains subroutine start_back_captain(rc) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: collection_id integer :: nwriter_per_node integer, allocatable :: idleRank(:,:) ! idle processors integer, allocatable :: num_idlePEs(:) ! how many idle processors in each node of backend server integer :: local_rank, node_rank, nth_writer integer :: terminate, ierr integer :: MPI_STAT(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) character(len=FNAME_LEN) :: FileName nwriter_per_node = this%nwriter/this%Node_Num allocate(num_idlePEs(0:this%Node_Num-1)) allocate(idleRank(0:this%Node_Num-1, 0:nwriter_per_node-1), source=-1) ! all local ranks are idle at the beginning do local_rank = 1, this%nwriter-1 node_rank = this%node_ranks(local_rank) nth_writer = mod(local_rank, nwriter_per_node) idleRank(node_rank, nth_writer) = local_rank enddo num_idlePEs = count(idleRank /=-1, dim = 2) do while (.true.) ! 1) captain node of back_comm is waiting command from front_comm call MPI_recv( collection_id, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & this%front_ranks(1), this%back_ranks(1), this%server_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) if (collection_id == -1) exit call MPI_recv( FileName, FNAME_LEN , MPI_CHARACTER, & this%front_ranks(1), this%back_ranks(1), this%server_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) ! 2) get an idle processor and notify front root call dispatch_work(collection_id, idleRank, num_idlePEs, FileName, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) enddo ! while .true. ! terminate writers ( or soldiers) first call terminate_back_writers(idleRank, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) ! at the end , send done message to root of oserver ! this serves the syncronization with oserver terminate = -1 call MPI_send(terminate, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, 0, this%server_comm, ierr) deallocate(num_idlePEs, idleRank) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine start_back_captain subroutine dispatch_work(collection_id, idleRank, num_idlePEs, FileName, rc) integer, intent(in) :: collection_id integer, intent(inout) :: idleRank(0:,0:) integer, intent(inout) :: num_idlePEs(0:) character(*), intent(in) :: FileName integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: MPI_STAT(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer :: local_rank, idle_writer, nth_writer, node_rank integer :: i, ierr, nwriter_per_node logical :: flag character(len=FNAME_LEN) :: FileDone type (StringSetIterator) :: iter logical :: found ! 2.1) try to retrieve idle writers ! keep looping (waiting) until there are idle processors nwriter_per_node = size(idleRank,2) found = .false. do while (.not. found) ! non block probe writers do local_rank = 1, this%nwriter-1 flag = .false. call MPI_Iprobe( local_rank, stag, this%back_comm, flag, MPI_STAT, ierr) if (flag) then call MPI_recv(idle_writer, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & local_rank, stag, this%back_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) _ASSERT(local_rank == idle_writer, "local_rank and idle_writer should match") node_rank = this%node_ranks(local_rank) num_idlePEs(node_rank) = num_idlePEs(node_rank) + 1 nth_writer = mod(local_rank, nwriter_per_node) idleRank(node_rank, nth_writer) = local_rank call MPI_recv(FileDone, FNAME_LEN, MPI_CHARACTER, & local_rank, stag+1, this%back_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) iter = FilesBeingWritten%find(FileDone) _ASSERT( iter /= FilesBeingWritten%end(), "FileDone should be in the set") iter = FilesBeingWritten%erase(iter) endif enddo ! if there is no idle processor, get back to probe if (all(num_idlePEs == 0)) cycle ! if this file is still being written, get back to probe iter = FilesBeingWritten%find(FileName) if (iter /= FilesBeingWritten%end()) cycle ! get the node with the most idle processors node_rank = maxloc(num_idlePEs, dim=1) - 1 do i = 0, nwriter_per_node -1 if (idleRank(node_rank,i) /= -1) then idle_writer = idleRank(node_rank,i) idleRank(node_rank,i) = -1 ! set to -1 when it becomes busy num_idlePEs(node_rank) = num_idlePEs(node_rank)-1 exit end if enddo _ASSERT(1<= idle_writer .and. idle_writer <= this%nwriter-1, "wrong local rank of writer") call FilesBeingWritten%insert(FileName) found = .true. ! exit the loop after get one idle processor and the file is done enddo ! while, get one idle writer ! 2.2) tell front comm which idel_worker is ready call MPI_send(idle_writer, 1, MPI_INTEGER, this%front_ranks(1), & this%front_ranks(1), this%server_comm, ierr) ! 2.3) forward the collection_id to the idle_writer call MPI_send(collection_id, 1, MPI_INTEGER, idle_writer, idle_writer,this%back_comm, ierr) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine dispatch_work subroutine terminate_back_writers(idleRank, rc) integer, intent(in) :: idleRank(0:,0:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: MPI_STAT(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer :: node_rank, local_rank, nth_writer integer :: ierr, no_job, nwriter_per_node, idle_writer character(len=FNAME_LEN) :: FileDone no_job = -1 nwriter_per_node = size(idleRank, 2) do local_rank = 1, this%nwriter -1 node_rank = this%node_ranks(local_rank) nth_writer = mod(local_rank, nwriter_per_node) if (idleRank(node_rank, nth_writer) >=1) then ! send no_job directly to terminate call MPI_send(no_job, 1, MPI_INTEGER, local_rank, local_rank, this%back_comm, ierr) else ! For busy worker, wait to receive idle_writer and the send no_job call MPI_recv( idle_writer, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & local_rank, stag, this%back_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) call MPI_recv( FileDone, FNAME_LEN, MPI_CHARACTER, & local_rank, stag+1, this%back_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) _ASSERT(local_rank == idle_writer, "local_rank and idle_writer should match") call MPI_send(no_job, 1, MPI_INTEGER, local_rank, local_rank, this%back_comm, ierr) endif enddo _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine terminate_back_writers subroutine start_back_writers(rc) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: collection_id integer :: i, j integer :: msg_size, back_local_rank, status integer :: MPI_STAT(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), ierr class (AbstractMessage), pointer :: msg class(ServerThread), pointer :: thread_ptr integer, allocatable :: buffer_fmd(:) integer, pointer :: g_1d(:), l_1d(:), g_2d(:,:), l_2d(:,:), g_3d(:,:,:), l_3d(:,:,:) integer, pointer :: g_4d(:,:,:,:), l_4d(:,:,:,:), g_5d(:,:,:,:,:), l_5d(:,:,:,:,:) integer :: d_rank, request_id integer(kind=INT64) :: msize_word, s0, e0, s1, e1, s2, e2, s3, e3, s4, e4, s5, e5 type (StringAttributeMap) :: vars_map type (StringAttributeMapIterator) :: var_iter type (IntegerMessageMap) :: msg_map type (IntegerMessageMapIterator) :: msg_iter class (*), pointer :: x_ptr(:) integer , allocatable :: buffer_v(:) type (Attribute), pointer :: attr_ptr type (Attribute) :: attr_tmp type (c_ptr) :: address type (ForwardDataAndMessage), target :: f_d_m type (FileMetaData) :: fmd type(AdvancedMeter) :: file_timer real(kind=REAL64) :: time character(len=:), allocatable :: filename character(len=FNAME_LEN) :: FileDone real(kind=REAL64) :: file_size, speed class(Logger), pointer :: lgr back_local_rank = this%rank thread_ptr => this%threads%at(1) file_timer = AdvancedMeter(MpiTimerGauge()) do while (.true.) ! 1) get collection id from captain call MPI_recv( collection_id, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & 0, back_local_rank, this%back_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) if (collection_id == -1 ) exit ! exit when get terminate signal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! sync with create_remote_win from front_com !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i = 1, this%nfront ! receive extra metadata from front root if (i == 1) then call MPI_recv( msg_size, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & this%front_ranks(i), this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), this%server_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) allocate(buffer_fmd(msg_size)) call MPI_recv( buffer_fmd(1), msg_size, MPI_INTEGER, & this%front_ranks(i), this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), this%server_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) endif call MPI_recv( msg_size, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & this%front_ranks(i), this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), this%server_comm, & MPI_STAT, ierr) if (allocated(this%buffers(i)%buffer)) deallocate (this%buffers(i)%buffer) allocate(this%buffers(i)%buffer(msg_size)) call MPI_Irecv( this%buffers(i)%buffer(1), msg_size, MPI_INTEGER, & this%front_ranks(i), this%back_ranks(back_local_rank+1), this%server_comm, this%buffers(i)%request, & ierr) enddo ! nfront ! re-org data vars_map = StringAttributeMap() msg_map = IntegerMessageMap() file_size = 0. do i = 1, this%nfront s0 = 1 f_d_m = ForwardDataAndMessage() call MPI_Wait(this%buffers(i)%request, MPI_STAT, ierr) call f_d_m%deserialize(this%buffers(i)%buffer) deallocate(this%buffers(i)%buffer) if (size(f_d_m%idata) ==0) cycle file_size = file_size + size(f_d_m%idata) do j = 1, f_d_m%msg_vec%size() msg => f_d_m%msg_vec%at(j) select type (q=>msg) type is (CollectiveStageDataMessage) var_iter = vars_map%find(i_to_string(q%request_id)) if (var_iter == vars_map%end()) then msize_word = word_size(q%type_kind)*product(int(q%global_count, INT64)) allocate(buffer_v(msize_word), source = -1) attr_tmp = Attribute(buffer_v) deallocate(buffer_v) call vars_map%insert(i_to_string(q%request_id),attr_tmp) call attr_tmp%destroy() var_iter = vars_map%find(i_to_string(q%request_id)) call msg_map%insert(q%request_id, q) endif attr_ptr => var_iter%value() x_ptr => attr_ptr%get_values() select type (ptr=>x_ptr) type is (integer(INT32)) address = c_loc(ptr(1)) end select d_rank = size(q%global_count) ! first dimension increases q%global_count(1) = word_size(q%type_kind)*q%global_count(1) q%count(1) = word_size(q%type_kind)*q%count(1) q%start(1) = word_size(q%type_kind)*(q%start(1)-1)+1 select case (d_rank) case (0) _FAIL( "scalar ?? ") case (1) call c_f_pointer(address, g_1d, shape=q%global_count) msize_word = product(q%count) e0 = s0 + msize_word - 1 l_1d(1:q%count(1))=> f_d_m%idata(s0:e0) s1 = q%start(1) e1 = s1 + q%count(1) - 1 g_1d(s1:e1) = l_1d(:) s0 = e0 + 1 case (2) call c_f_pointer(address, g_2d, shape=q%global_count) msize_word = product(q%count) e0 = s0 + msize_word - 1 l_2d(1:q%count(1),1:q%count(2))=> f_d_m%idata(s0:e0) s1 = q%start(1) e1 = s1 + q%count(1) - 1 s2 = q%start(2) e2 = s2 + q%count(2) - 1 g_2d(s1:e1,s2:e2) = l_2d(:,:) s0 = e0 + 1 case (3) call c_f_pointer(address, g_3d, shape=q%global_count) msize_word = product(q%count) e0 = s0 + msize_word - 1 l_3d(1:q%count(1),1:q%count(2),1:q%count(3))=> f_d_m%idata(s0:e0) s1 = q%start(1) e1 = s1 + q%count(1) - 1 s2 = q%start(2) e2 = s2 + q%count(2) - 1 s3 = q%start(3) e3 = s3 + q%count(3) - 1 g_3d(s1:e1,s2:e2,s3:e3) = l_3d(:,:,:) s0 = e0 + 1 case (4) call c_f_pointer(address, g_4d, shape=q%global_count) msize_word = product(q%count) e0 = s0 + msize_word - 1 l_4d(1:q%count(1),1:q%count(2),1:q%count(3),1:q%count(4))=> f_d_m%idata(s0:e0) s1 = q%start(1) e1 = s1 + q%count(1) - 1 s2 = q%start(2) e2 = s2 + q%count(2) - 1 s3 = q%start(3) e3 = s3 + q%count(3) - 1 s4 = q%start(4) e4 = s4 + q%count(4) - 1 g_4d(s1:e1,s2:e2,s3:e3,s4:e4) = l_4d(:,:,:,:) s0 = e0 + 1 case (5) call c_f_pointer(address, g_5d, shape=q%global_count) msize_word = product(q%count) e0 = s0 + msize_word - 1 l_5d(1:q%count(1),1:q%count(2),1:q%count(3),1:q%count(4), 1:q%count(5))=> f_d_m%idata(s0:e0) s1 = q%start(1) e1 = s1 + q%count(1) - 1 s2 = q%start(2) e2 = s2 + q%count(2) - 1 s3 = q%start(3) e3 = s3 + q%count(3) - 1 s4 = q%start(4) e4 = s4 + q%count(4) - 1 s5 = q%start(5) e5 = s5 + q%count(5) - 1 g_5d(s1:e1,s2:e2,s3:e3,s4:e4,s5:e5) = l_5d(:,:,:,:,:) s0 = e0 + 1 end select ! return to its orignal value q%global_count(1) = q%global_count(1)/word_size(q%type_kind) q%count(1) = q%count(1)/word_size(q%type_kind) q%start(1) = (q%start(1)-1)/word_size(q%type_kind)+1 end select end do ! message vec size if(allocated(f_d_m%idata))deallocate(f_d_m%idata) enddo ! nfront call FileMetadata_deserialize(buffer_fmd, fmd) call thread_ptr%hist_collections%push_back(HistoryCollection(fmd)) msg_iter = msg_map%begin() do while (msg_iter /= msg_map%end()) request_id = msg_iter%key() msg =>msg_iter%value() var_iter = vars_map%find(i_to_string(request_id)) attr_ptr =>var_iter%value() x_ptr => attr_ptr%get_values() select type (ptr=>x_ptr) type is (integer(INT32)) address = c_loc(ptr(1)) end select select type (q=>msg) class is (AbstractDataMessage) filename =q%file_name call file_timer%start() call thread_ptr%put_dataToFile(q, address, _RC) call file_timer%stop() end select call msg_iter%next() enddo call thread_ptr%clear_hist_collections() call thread_ptr%hist_collections%clear() time = file_timer%get_total() file_size = file_size*4./1024./1024. ! 4-byte integer, unit is converted to MB speed = file_size/time lgr => logging%get_logger('MAPL.pfio') call lgr%info(" Writing time: %f9.3 s, speed: %f9.3 MB/s, size: %f9.3 MB, at server node: %i0~:%i0~, file: %a", time, speed, file_size, this%node_rank, this%innode_rank, filename) call file_timer%reset() deallocate (buffer_fmd) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! telling captain it is idle by sending its own rank !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call MPI_send(back_local_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, stag, this%back_comm , ierr) FileDone = Filename call MPI_send(FileDone, FNAME_LEN, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, stag+1, this%back_comm , ierr) enddo _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine start_back_writers end subroutine start_back subroutine terminate_backend_server(this, rc) class (MultiGroupServer), intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: terminate integer :: ierr, i integer :: MPI_STAT(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) terminate = -1 ! starting from 2, no backend root do i = 2, this%nwriter if (allocated(this%buffers(i)%buffer)) then call MPI_Wait(this%buffers(i)%request, MPI_STAT, ierr) _VERIFY(ierr) endif enddo ! The front root rank sends termination signal to the back root ! The back root send terminate back for synchronization if (this%I_am_front_root) then call MPI_send(terminate, 1, MPI_INTEGER, this%back_ranks(1), & this%back_ranks(1), this%server_comm, ierr) _VERIFY(ierr) call MPI_recv(terminate, 1, MPI_INTEGER, this%back_ranks(1), & this%front_ranks(1), this%server_comm, MPI_STAT, ierr) _VERIFY(ierr) endif _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine terminate_backend_server end module pFIO_MultiGroupServerMod