#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module pFIO_NetCDF4_FileFormatterMod use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: INT32, INT64 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: REAL32, REAL64 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use pFIO_ConstantsMod use pFIO_UnlimitedEntityMod use pFIO_AttributeMod use pFIO_VariableMod use pFIO_CoordinateVariableMod use pFIO_FileMetadataMod use mapl_KeywordEnforcerMod use gFTL_StringVector use gFTL_StringIntegerMap use pFIO_StringVariableMapMod use pFIO_StringAttributeMapMod use pfio_NetCDF_Supplement use netcdf use mpi implicit none private public :: NetCDF4_FileFormatter type :: NetCDF4_FileFormatter !$$ private character(len=:), allocatable :: origin_file integer :: ncid = -1 logical :: parallel = .false. integer :: comm = -1 integer :: info = -1 contains procedure :: create procedure :: create_par procedure :: open procedure :: close procedure :: read procedure :: write procedure :: add_variable #include "new_overload.macro" procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,string,0) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,string,1) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,int32,0) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,int32,1) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,int32,2) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,int32,3) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,int32,4) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,int64,0) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,int64,1) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,int64,2) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,int64,3) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real32,0) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real32,1) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real32,2) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real32,3) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real32,4) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real32,5) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real64,0) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real64,1) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real64,2) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real64,3) procedure :: ___SUB(get_var,real64,4) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,string,0) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,string,1) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,int32,0) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,int32,1) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,int32,2) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,int32,3) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,int32,4) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,int64,0) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,int64,1) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,int64,2) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,int64,3) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real32,0) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real32,1) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real32,2) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real32,3) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real32,4) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real32,5) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real64,0) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real64,1) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real64,2) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real64,3) procedure :: ___SUB(put_var,real64,4) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,string,0) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,string,1) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,int32,0) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,int32,1) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,int32,2) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,int32,3) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,int32,4) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,int64,0) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,int64,1) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,int64,2) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,int64,3) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real32,0) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real32,1) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real32,2) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real32,3) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real32,4) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real32,5) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real64,0) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real64,1) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real64,2) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real64,3) generic :: get_var => ___SUB(get_var,real64,4) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,string,0) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,string,1) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,int32,0) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,int32,1) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,int32,2) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,int32,3) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,int32,4) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,int64,0) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,int64,1) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,int64,2) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,int64,3) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real32,0) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real32,1) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real32,2) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real32,3) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real32,4) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real32,5) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real64,0) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real64,1) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real64,2) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real64,3) generic :: put_var => ___SUB(put_var,real64,4) #include "undo_overload.macro" procedure, private :: def_dimensions procedure, private :: put_attributes procedure, private :: put_var_attributes procedure, private :: def_variables procedure, private :: inq_dimensions procedure, private :: inq_variables procedure, private :: inq_attributes procedure, private :: inq_var_attributes procedure, private :: write_const_variables procedure, private :: write_coordinate_variables procedure :: inq_dim procedure :: is_coordinate_dimension end type NetCDF4_FileFormatter contains subroutine create(this, file, unusable, mode, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: file class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(in) :: mode integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer :: mode_ integer :: pfio_mode if (present(mode)) then pfio_mode=mode else pfio_mode=PFIO_NOCLOBBER end if select case (pfio_mode) case (pFIO_CLOBBER) mode_ = NF90_CLOBBER case (pFIO_NOCLOBBER) mode_ = NF90_NOCLOBBER end select !$omp critical status = nf90_create(file, IOR(mode_, NF90_NETCDF4), this%ncid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine create subroutine create_par(this, file, unusable, mode, comm, info, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: file class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(in) :: mode integer, optional, intent(in) :: comm integer, optional, intent(in) :: info integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: comm_ integer :: info_ integer :: status integer :: mode_ integer :: pfio_mode if (present(mode)) then pfio_mode=mode else pfio_mode=PFIO_NOCLOBBER end if select case (pfio_mode) case (pFIO_CLOBBER) mode_ = NF90_CLOBBER case (pFIO_NOCLOBBER) mode_ = NF90_NOCLOBBER end select if (present(comm)) then comm_ = comm else comm_ = MPI_COMM_WORLD end if if (present(info)) then info_ = info else info_ = MPI_INFO_NULL end if this%parallel = .true. this%comm = comm_ this%info = info_ mode_ = IOR(mode_, NF90_NETCDF4) mode_ = IOR(mode_, NF90_SHARE) mode_ = IOR(mode_, NF90_MPIIO) !$omp critical status = nf90_create(file, mode_, comm=comm_, info=info_, ncid=this%ncid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine create_par subroutine open(this, file, mode, unusable, comm, info, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: file integer, intent(in) :: mode class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(in) :: comm integer, optional, intent(in) :: info integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: omode integer :: status select case (mode) case (pFIO_READ) omode = NF90_NOWRITE case (pFIO_WRITE) omode = NF90_WRITE case default _FAIL("read or write mode") end select if (present(comm)) then this%comm = comm this%parallel=.true. end if if (present(info)) then this%info = info else this%info = MPI_INFO_NULL end if !$omp critical if (this%parallel) then status = nf90_open(file, IOR(omode, NF90_MPIIO), comm=this%comm, info=this%info, ncid=this%ncid) else status = nf90_open(file, IOR(omode, NF90_SHARE), this%ncid) end if if (status /= nf90_noerr) then write(error_unit, fmt='("nf90_open: returned error code (", I0,") opening ", A, " [", A,"]")') & status,trim(file),trim(nf90_strerror(status)) end if !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) this%origin_file = file _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine open subroutine close(this, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status !$omp critical status = nf90_close(this%ncid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine close subroutine write(this, cf, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), intent(in) :: cf class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status call this%def_dimensions(cf, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call this%def_variables(cf, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call this%put_attributes(cf, NF90_GLOBAL, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) !$omp critical status= nf90_enddef(this%ncid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call this%write_coordinate_variables(cf, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call this%write_const_variables(cf, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine write subroutine def_dimensions(this, cf, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), target, intent(in) :: cf class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer :: dimid type (StringIntegerMap), pointer :: dims type (StringIntegerMapIterator) :: iter character(len=:), pointer :: dim_name integer, pointer :: dim_len integer :: nf90_len dims => cf%get_dimensions() iter = dims%begin() do while (iter /= dims%end()) dim_name => iter%key() dim_len => iter%value() select case (dim_len) case (pFIO_UNLIMITED) nf90_len = NF90_UNLIMITED case default nf90_len = dim_len end select !$omp critical status = nf90_def_dim(this%ncid, dim_name, nf90_len, dimid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call iter%next() end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine def_dimensions subroutine put_attributes(this, cf, varid, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), target, intent(in) :: cf integer, intent(in) :: varid class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type (StringAttributeMap), pointer :: attributes type (StringAttributeMapIterator) :: iter character(len=:), pointer :: attr_name integer, allocatable :: shp(:) type (Attribute), pointer :: p_attribute class (*), pointer :: attr_values(:) class (*), pointer :: attr_value attributes => cf%get_attributes() iter = attributes%begin() do while (iter /= attributes%end()) attr_name => iter%key() p_attribute => iter%value() shp = p_attribute%get_shape() if (size(shp) > 0) then attr_values => p_attribute%get_values() _ASSERT(associated(attr_values), "should have values") select type (q => attr_values) type is (integer(INT32)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (integer(INT64)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (real(REAL32)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (real(REAL64)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical class default status = _FAILURE end select _VERIFY(status) call iter%next() else attr_value => p_attribute%get_value() _ASSERT(associated(attr_value), "should have value") select type (q => attr_value) type is (integer(INT32)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (integer(INT64)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (real(REAL32)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (real(REAL64)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (character(len=*)) ! treat as scalar !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical class default status = _FAILURE end select _VERIFY(status) call iter%next() end if end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine put_attributes subroutine write_const_variables(this, cf, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), target, intent(in) :: cf class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type (StringVariableMap), pointer :: vars type (StringVariableMapIterator) :: var_iter type (UnlimitedEntity), pointer :: const_value_ptr character(len=:), pointer :: var_name type (Variable), pointer :: var integer, allocatable :: shp(:) class (*), pointer :: var_values(:) vars => cf%get_variables() var_iter = vars%begin() do while (var_iter /= vars%end()) var_name => var_iter%key() var => var_iter%value() const_value_ptr => var%get_const_value() if ( .not. const_value_ptr%is_empty()) then shp = const_value_ptr%get_shape() var_values => const_value_ptr%get_values() select type(q => var_values) type is (integer(INT32)) call this%put_var(trim(var_name), q, count=shp, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) type is (integer(INT64)) call this%put_var(trim(var_name), q, count=shp, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) type is (real(REAL32)) call this%put_var(trim(var_name), q, count=shp, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) type is (real(REAL64)) call this%put_var(trim(var_name), q, count=shp, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) class default status = _FAILURE _VERIFY(status) end select end if call var_iter%next() enddo _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine write_const_variables subroutine write_coordinate_variables(this, cf, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), target, intent(in) :: cf class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type (StringVariableMap), pointer :: vars type (StringVariableMapIterator) :: var_iter character(len=:), pointer :: var_name type (CoordinateVariable), pointer :: var class (*), pointer :: dim_var_values(:) vars => cf%get_variables() var_iter = vars%begin() do while (var_iter /= vars%end()) var_name => var_iter%key() var => cf%get_coordinate_variable(trim(var_name),rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (associated(var)) then ! is a coordinate variable dim_var_values => var%get_coordinate_data() select type(q => dim_var_values) type is (integer(INT32)) call this%put_var(trim(var_name),q,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) type is (integer(INT64)) call this%put_var(trim(var_name),q,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) type is (real(REAL32)) call this%put_var(trim(var_name),q,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) type is (real(REAL64)) call this%put_var(trim(var_name),q,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) class default status = _FAILURE end select end if call var_iter%next() enddo _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine write_coordinate_variables subroutine put_var_attributes(this, var, varid, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this class (Variable), target, intent(in) :: var integer, intent(in) :: varid class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type (StringAttributeMap), pointer :: attributes type (StringAttributeMapIterator) :: iter character(len=:), pointer :: attr_name integer, allocatable :: shp(:) type (Attribute), pointer :: p_attribute class (*), pointer :: attr_value class (*), pointer :: attr_values(:) attributes => var%get_attributes() iter = attributes%begin() do while (iter /= attributes%end()) attr_name => iter%key() p_attribute => iter%value() shp = p_attribute%get_shape() if (size(shp) == 0) then ! scalar attr_value => p_attribute%get_value() select type (q => attr_value) type is (integer(INT32)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (integer(INT64)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (real(REAL32)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (real(REAL64)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (character(len=*)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (stringWrap) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q%value) !$omp end critical class default status = _FAILURE end select else attr_values => p_attribute%get_values() select type (q => attr_values) type is (integer(INT32)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (integer(INT64)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (real(REAL32)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical type is (real(REAL64)) !$omp critical status = nf90_put_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, q) !$omp end critical class default status = _FAILURE end select end if _VERIFY(status) call iter%next() end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine put_var_attributes subroutine add_variable(this, cf, varname, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), target, intent(in) :: cf character(*), intent(in) :: varname class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable !integer, optional, intent(in) :: chunksizes(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer:: status !$omp critical status=nf90_redef(this%ncid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call this%def_variables(cf, varname=varname, _RC) !$omp critical status=nf90_enddef(this%ncid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine add_variable subroutine def_variables(this, cf, unusable, varname, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), target, intent(in) :: cf class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable !integer, optional, intent(in) :: chunksizes(:) character(*), optional,intent(in) :: varname integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type (StringVariableMap), pointer :: vars type (StringVector) :: order type (StringVectorIterator) :: var_iter type (StringVectorIterator) :: dim_iter integer :: xtype type (StringVector), pointer :: var_dims integer :: idim integer, allocatable :: dimids(:) integer, pointer :: chunksizes(:) integer :: deflation integer :: quantize_algorithm integer :: quantize_level character(len=:), pointer :: var_name character(len=:), pointer :: dim_name class (Variable), pointer :: var integer :: varid vars => cf%get_variables() order = cf%get_order() var_iter = order%begin() do while (var_iter /= order%end()) var_name => var_iter%get() if ( present (varname)) then if (var_name /= varname) then call var_iter%next() cycle endif endif var => vars%at(var_name) xtype = get_xtype(var%get_type(),rc=status) _VERIFY(status) var_dims => var%get_dimensions() allocate(dimids(var_dims%size())) dim_iter = var_dims%begin() idim = 1 do while (dim_iter /= var_dims%end()) dim_name => dim_iter%get() !$omp critical status = nf90_inq_dimid(this%ncid, dim_name, dimids(idim)) !$omp end critical call dim_iter%next() idim = idim + 1 end do _VERIFY(status) !$omp critical status = nf90_def_var(this%ncid, var_name, xtype, dimids, varid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) !$omp critical status = nf90_def_var_fill(this%ncid, varid, NF90_NOFILL, 0) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) chunksizes => var%get_chunksizes() if (size(chunksizes) > 0) then !$omp critical status = nf90_def_var_chunking(this%ncid, varid, NF90_CHUNKED, chunksizes=chunksizes) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) end if deflation = var%get_deflation() if (deflation > 0) then !$omp critical status = nf90_def_var_deflate(this%ncid, varid, 1, 1, deflation) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) end if quantize_algorithm = var%get_quantize_algorithm() quantize_level = var%get_quantize_level() if (quantize_level /= 0) then #ifdef NF_HAS_QUANTIZE !$omp critical status = nf90_def_var_quantize(this%ncid, varid, quantize_algorithm, quantize_level) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) #else _FAIL("netcdf was not built with quantize support") #endif end if call this%put_var_attributes(var, varid, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) deallocate(dimids) call var_iter%next() end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine def_variables integer function get_xtype(fio_type, rc) result(xtype) integer, intent(in) :: fio_type integer, intent(out) :: rc rc = _SUCCESS select case (fio_type) case (pFIO_INT32) xtype = NF90_INT case (pFIO_INT64) xtype = NF90_INT64 case (pFIO_REAL32) xtype = NF90_FLOAT case (pFIO_REAL64) xtype = NF90_DOUBLE case (pFIO_CHAR) xtype = NF90_CHAR case (pFIO_STRING) xtype = NF90_STRING case default rc = _FAILURE end select return end function get_xtype integer function get_fio_type(xtype, rc) result(fio_type) integer, intent(in) :: xtype integer, intent(out) :: rc rc = _SUCCESS select case (xtype) case (NF90_INT) fio_type = pFIO_INT32 case (NF90_INT64) fio_type = pFIO_INT64 case (NF90_FLOAT) fio_type = pFIO_REAL32 case (NF90_DOUBLE) fio_type = pFIO_REAL64 case (NF90_CHAR) fio_type = pFIO_CHAR case (NF90_STRING) fio_type = pFIO_STRING case default rc = _FAILURE end select return end function get_fio_type function read(this, unusable, rc) result(cf) type (FileMetadata), target :: cf class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status call this%inq_dimensions(cf, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call this%inq_variables(cf, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call this%inq_attributes(cf, NF90_GLOBAL, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) if (allocated(this%origin_file)) call cf%set_source_file(this%origin_file) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end function read subroutine inq_dimensions(this, cf, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), target, intent(inout) :: cf class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer :: dim_len integer :: dimid integer :: nDimensions type (StringIntegerMap), pointer :: cf_dims character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: dim_name !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire(this%ncid, nDimensions=nDimensions) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) cf_dims => cf%get_dimensions() do dimid = 1, nDimensions !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire_dimension(this%ncid, dimid, dim_name, dim_len) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call cf_dims%insert(trim(dim_name), dim_len) end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine inq_dimensions subroutine inq_attributes(this, cf, varid, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), target, intent(inout) :: cf integer, intent(in) :: varid class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer :: attnum, nAttributes integer :: xtype integer :: len integer(kind=INT32), allocatable :: i32(:) integer(kind=INT64), allocatable :: i64(:) real(kind=REAL32), allocatable :: r32(:) real(kind=REAL64), allocatable :: r64(:) character(len=:), allocatable :: str character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: attr_name !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire(this%ncid, nAttributes=nAttributes) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) do attnum = 1, nAttributes !$omp critical status = nf90_inq_attname(this%ncid, varid, attnum, attr_name) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire_attribute(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), xtype, len) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) select case (xtype) case (NF90_INT) allocate(i32(len)) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), i32) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call cf%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), i32) deallocate(i32) case (NF90_INT64) allocate(i64(len)) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), i64) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call cf%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), i64) deallocate(i64) case (NF90_FLOAT) allocate(r32(len)) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), r32) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call cf%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), r32) deallocate(r32) case (NF90_DOUBLE) allocate(r64(len)) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), r64) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call cf%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), r64) deallocate(r64) case (NF90_CHAR) allocate(character(len=len) :: str) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), str) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call cf%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), str) deallocate(str) case (NF90_STRING) !$omp critical status = pfio_get_att_string(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), str) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call cf%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), str) deallocate(str) case default _RETURN(_FAILURE) end select end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine inq_attributes subroutine inq_var_attributes(this, var, varid, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this class (Variable), target, intent(inout) :: var integer, intent(in) :: varid class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer :: attnum, nAttributes integer :: xtype integer :: len integer(kind=INT32), allocatable :: i32(:) integer(kind=INT64), allocatable :: i64(:) real(kind=REAL32), allocatable :: r32(:) real(kind=REAL64), allocatable :: r64(:) character(len=:), allocatable :: str character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: attr_name !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire_variable(this%ncid, varid, nAtts=nAttributes) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) do attnum = 1, nAttributes !$omp critical status = nf90_inq_attname(this%ncid, varid, attnum, attr_name) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire_attribute(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, xtype, len) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) select case (xtype) case (NF90_INT) allocate(i32(len)) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, attr_name, i32) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call var%add_attribute(attr_name, i32) deallocate(i32) case (NF90_INT64) allocate(i64(len)) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), i64) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call var%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), i64) deallocate(i64) case (NF90_FLOAT) allocate(r32(len)) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), r32) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call var%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), r32) deallocate(r32) case (NF90_DOUBLE) allocate(r64(len)) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), r64) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call var%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), r64) deallocate(r64) case (NF90_CHAR) allocate(character(len=len) :: str) !$omp critical status = nf90_get_att(this%ncid, varid, trim(attr_name), str) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) call var%add_attribute(trim(attr_name), str) deallocate(str) case (NF90_STRING) !W.Y. Note: pfio does not support variable's string attribute ! It only supports global 1-d string attribute cycle case default _RETURN(_FAILURE) end select end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine inq_var_attributes subroutine inq_variables(this, cf, unusable, rc) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(inout) :: this type (FileMetadata), target, intent(inout) :: cf class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer :: nVariables integer :: varid integer :: xtype character(len=:), allocatable :: dim_string integer :: idim, ndims integer, allocatable :: dimids(:) character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: var_name character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: dim_name class (Variable), allocatable :: var class (*), allocatable :: coordinate_data(:) integer(kind=INT32), allocatable :: data_int32(:) integer(kind=INT64), allocatable :: data_int64(:) real(kind=REAL32), allocatable :: data_real32(:) real(kind=REAL64), allocatable :: data_real64(:) integer :: len integer :: dimid integer :: iotype type(Variable) :: v integer :: fio_type type(Variable) :: concrete_var !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire(this%ncid, nVariables=nVariables) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) do varid = 1, nVariables !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire_variable(this%ncid, varid, name=var_name, xtype=xtype, ndims=ndims) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) allocate(dimids(ndims)) !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire_variable(this%ncid, varid, dimids=dimids) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) dim_string = '' do idim = 1, ndims !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire_dimension(this%ncid, dimids(idim), name=dim_name) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) dim_string = dim_string // trim(dim_name) if(idim < ndims) dim_string = dim_string // pFIO_DIMENSION_SEPARATOR end do deallocate(dimids) if ( this%is_coordinate_dimension(trim(var_name))) then !$omp critical status = nf90_inq_dimid(this%ncid, dim_string, dimid=dimid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire_dimension(this%ncid, dimid, len=len) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) select case (xtype) case (NF90_INT) allocate(data_int32(len)) call this%get_var(trim(var_name), data_int32, count=[len], rc=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(coordinate_data, source=data_int32) deallocate(data_int32) case (NF90_INT64) allocate(data_int64(len)) call this%get_var(trim(var_name), data_int64, count=[len], rc=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(coordinate_data, source=data_int64) deallocate(data_int64) case (NF90_FLOAT) allocate(data_real32(len)) call this%get_var(trim(var_name), data_real32, count=[len],rc=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(coordinate_data, source=data_real32) deallocate(data_real32) case (NF90_DOUBLE) allocate(data_real64(len)) call this%get_var(trim(var_name), data_real64, count=[len], rc=status) _VERIFY(status) allocate(coordinate_data, source=data_real64) deallocate(data_real64) case default ! Cannot be string _RETURN(_FAILURE) end select iotype = get_fio_type(xtype,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) v = Variable(type=iotype , dimensions=dim_string) allocate(var, source=CoordinateVariable(v, coordinate_data)) deallocate(coordinate_data) else Fio_type = get_fio_type(xtype, rc=status); _VERIFY(status) Concrete_var = Variable(type=fio_type, dimensions=dim_string) allocate(var, source=concrete_var) end if call this%inq_var_attributes(var, varid, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) call cf%add_variable(trim(var_name), var,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) deallocate(var) end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine inq_variables ! INT32 #define _VARTYPE 1 # define _RANK 0 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 1 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 2 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 3 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 4 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK #undef _VARTYPE ! INT64 #define _VARTYPE 2 # define _RANK 0 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 1 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 2 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 3 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK #undef _VARTYPE ! REAL32 #define _VARTYPE 4 # define _RANK 0 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 1 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 2 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 3 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 4 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 5 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK #undef _VARTYPE ! REAL64 #define _VARTYPE 5 # define _RANK 0 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 1 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 2 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 3 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 4 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK #undef _VARTYPE ! string #define _VARTYPE 0 # define _RANK 0 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK # define _RANK 1 # include "NetCDF4_get_var.H" # include "NetCDF4_put_var.H" # undef _RANK #undef _VARTYPE ! Kludge to support parallel write with UNLIMITED dimension integer function inq_dim(this, dim_name, unusable, rc) result(length) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: dim_name class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: dimid integer :: status !$omp critical status = nf90_inq_dimid(this%ncid, name=dim_name, dimid=dimid) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) length = 0 !$omp critical status = nf90_inquire_dimension(this%ncid, dimid, len=length) !$omp end critical _VERIFY(status) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end function inq_dim logical function is_coordinate_dimension(this, name) class (NetCDF4_FileFormatter), intent(in) :: this character(*), intent(in) :: name integer :: dimid integer :: status !$omp critical status = nf90_inq_dimid(this%ncid, name=name, dimid=dimid) !$omp end critical ! Sucess means that a dimension exists of the name name is_coordinate_dimension = (status == 0) end function is_coordinate_dimension end module pFIO_NetCDF4_FileFormatterMod module pFIO_FormatterPtrVectorMod use pFIO_NetCDF4_FileFormatterMod #define _type type(NetCDF4_FileFormatter) #define _vector FormatterPtrVector #define _iterator FormatterPtrVectorIterator #include "templates/vector.inc" #undef _iterator #undef _vector #undef _type end module pFIO_FormatterPtrVectorMod module pFIO_StringNetCDF4_FileFormatterMapMod use pFIO_NetCDF4_FileFormatterMod #include "types/key_deferredLengthString.inc" #define _value type (NetCDF4_FileFormatter) #define _value_equal_defined #define _map StringNetCDF4_FileFormatterMap #define _iterator StringNetCDF4_FileFormatterMapIterator #define _alt #include "templates/map.inc" #undef _alt #undef _iterator #undef _map #undef _value #undef _key #undef _value_equal_defined end module pFIO_StringNetCDF4_FileFormatterMapMod