#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module pFIO_StringVariableMapMod use pFIO_VariableMod use pFIO_CoordinateVariableMod ! Create a map (associative array) between names and pFIO_Variables. #include "types/key_deferredLengthString.inc" #define _value class (Variable) #define _value_allocatable #define _value_equal_defined ! Workarounds for Intel 18 - does not correctly assign to polymorphic subcomponents #define _ASSIGN(dest,src) allocate(dest%key,source=src%key); if(allocated(src%value)) allocate(dest%value,source=src%value) #define _MOVE(dest,src) call move_alloc(from=src%key,to=dest%key); if (allocated(src%value)) call move_alloc(from=src%value,to=dest%value) #define _FREE(x) deallocate(x%key,x%value) #define _map StringVariableMap #define _iterator StringVariableMapIterator #define _alt #include "templates/map.inc" #undef _alt #undef _map #undef _iterator #undef _value #undef _value_allocatable #undef _value_equal_defined end module pFIO_StringVariableMapMod module pFIO_StringVariableMapUtilMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use pFIO_UtilitiesMod use pFIO_VariableMod use pFIO_CoordinateVariableMod use pFIO_StringVariableMapMod implicit none private public :: StringVariableMap_get_length public :: StringVariableMap_serialize public :: StringVariableMap_deserialize contains integer function StringVariableMap_get_length(this) result(length) type (StringVariableMap), intent(in) :: this integer, allocatable :: buffer(:) call StringVariableMap_serialize(this, buffer) length = size(buffer) end function StringVariableMap_get_length subroutine StringVariableMap_serialize(map, buffer, rc) type (StringVariableMap) ,intent(in):: map integer, allocatable,intent(inout) :: buffer(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc type (StringVariableMapIterator) :: iter character(len=:),pointer :: key class(Variable),pointer :: var_ptr integer :: length, status integer, allocatable :: tmp_buffer(:) if (allocated(buffer)) deallocate(buffer) allocate(buffer(0)) iter = map%begin() do while (iter /= map%end()) key => iter%key() buffer=[buffer,serialize_intrinsic(key)] var_ptr => iter%value() call var_ptr%serialize(tmp_buffer, status) _VERIFY(status) buffer = [buffer, tmp_buffer] deallocate(tmp_buffer) call iter%next() enddo length = serialize_buffer_length(length)+size(buffer) buffer = [serialize_intrinsic(length),buffer] _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine StringVariableMap_serialize subroutine StringVariableMap_deserialize(buffer, map, rc) integer, intent(in) :: buffer(:) type (StringVariableMap), intent(inout) :: map integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc character(len=:),allocatable :: key integer :: length,n,n0,n1,n2, v_type type (Variable) :: v type (CoordinateVariable) :: c integer :: status n = 1 call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),length) _ASSERT(length <= size(buffer), "stringVarmap length does not match") n0 = serialize_buffer_length(length) n = n + n0 length = length - n0 map = StringVariableMap() do while (length > 0) call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),key) n1 = serialize_buffer_length(key) n = n + n1 ! the first one is length, the second one is type call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),n2) call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n+1:),v_type) if (v_type == Variable_SERIALIZE_TYPE) then call Variable_deserialize(buffer(n:n+n2-1),v, status) _VERIFY(status) call map%insert(key,v) else if (v_type == Coord_SERIALIZE_TYPE) then call CoordinateVariable_deserialize(buffer(n:n+n2-1),c, status) _VERIFY(status) call map%insert(key,c) endif n = n + n2 length = length - n1 - n2 deallocate(key) enddo _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine StringVariableMap_deserialize end module pFIO_StringVariableMapUtilMod