#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module pFIO_VariableMod use pFIO_UtilitiesMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use gFTL_StringVector use pFIO_StringVectorUtilMod use mapl_KeywordEnforcerMod use pFIO_ConstantsMod use pFIO_UnlimitedEntityMod use pFIO_AttributeMod use pFIO_StringAttributeMapMod use pFIO_StringAttributeMapUtilMod implicit none private public :: Variable public :: Variable_SERIALIZE_TYPE public :: Variable_deserialize integer, parameter :: Variable_SERIALIZE_TYPE = 100 type :: Variable private integer :: type = -1 type (StringVector) :: dimensions type (StringAttributeMap) :: attributes type (UnlimitedEntity) :: const_value integer :: deflation = 0 ! default no compression integer :: quantize_algorithm = 1 ! default bitgroom integer :: quantize_level = 0 ! default no quantize_level integer, allocatable :: chunksizes(:) contains procedure :: get_type procedure :: get_ith_dimension procedure :: get_dimensions procedure :: get_attributes procedure :: get_const_value procedure :: get_attribute generic :: add_attribute => add_attribute_0d generic :: add_attribute => add_attribute_1d procedure :: add_attribute_0d procedure :: add_attribute_1d procedure :: add_const_value procedure :: get_chunksizes procedure :: get_deflation procedure :: get_quantize_algorithm procedure :: get_quantize_level procedure :: is_attribute_present generic :: operator(==) => equal generic :: operator(/=) => not_equal procedure :: equal procedure :: not_equal procedure :: serialize end type Variable interface Variable module procedure new_Variable end interface Variable contains function new_Variable(unusable, type, dimensions, chunksizes,const_value, deflation, quantize_algorithm, quantize_level, rc) result(var) type (Variable) :: var integer, optional, intent(in) :: type class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: dimensions integer, optional, intent(in) :: chunksizes(:) type (UnlimitedEntity), optional, intent(in) :: const_value integer, optional, intent(in) :: deflation integer, optional, intent(in) :: quantize_algorithm integer, optional, intent(in) :: quantize_level integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer:: empty(0) var%type = -1 var%deflation = 0 var%quantize_algorithm = 1 var%quantize_level = 0 var%chunksizes = empty var%dimensions = StringVector() var%attributes = StringAttributeMap() var%const_value = UnlimitedEntity() if (present(type)) then var%type = type endif if (present(dimensions)) then call parse_dimensions() end if if (present(chunksizes)) then var%chunksizes = chunksizes end if if (present(const_value)) then var%const_value = const_value endif if (present(deflation)) then var%deflation = deflation endif if (present(quantize_algorithm)) then var%quantize_algorithm = quantize_algorithm endif if (present(quantize_level)) then var%quantize_level = quantize_level endif _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) contains subroutine parse_dimensions() character(len=:), allocatable :: dim_string integer :: idx dim_string = dimensions // pFIO_DIMENSION_SEPARATOR do idx = index(dim_string, pFIO_DIMENSION_SEPARATOR) if (idx == 0) exit if (idx == 1) exit call var%dimensions%push_back(dim_string(1:idx-1)) dim_string = dim_string(idx+1:) ! do not forget to skip separator ! end do end subroutine parse_dimensions end function new_Variable integer function get_type(this) result(type) class (Variable), intent(in) :: this type = this%type end function get_type function get_ith_dimension(this, i, unusable, rc) result(dimension_name) character(len=:), pointer :: dimension_name class (Variable), target, intent(in) :: this integer, intent(in) :: i class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc if (i <= 0 .or. i > this%dimensions%size()) then dimension_name => null() _RETURN(pFIO_ILLEGAL_DIMENSION_INDEX) else dimension_name => this%dimensions%at(i) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end if _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end function get_ith_dimension function get_dimensions(this) result(dimensions) class (Variable), target, intent(in) :: this type (StringVector), pointer :: dimensions dimensions => this%dimensions end function get_dimensions function get_attributes(this) result(attributes) class (Variable), target, intent(in) :: this type (StringAttributeMap), pointer :: attributes attributes => this%attributes end function get_attributes subroutine add_attribute_0d(this, attr_name, attr_value, rc) class (Variable), target, intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: attr_name class (*), intent(in) :: attr_value integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc type (Attribute) :: attr select type (q => attr_value) class is (Attribute) call this%attributes%insert(attr_name, q) class default call attr%set(q) call this%attributes%insert(attr_name, attr) end select _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine add_attribute_0d subroutine add_attribute_1d(this, attr_name, attr_values, rc) class (Variable), target, intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: attr_name class (*), intent(in) :: attr_values(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc call this%attributes%insert(attr_name, Attribute(attr_values)) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine add_attribute_1d function is_attribute_present(this, attr_name, rc) result(isPresent) type (Attribute), pointer :: attr class (Variable), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: attr_name integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc logical :: isPresent attr => this%attributes%at(attr_name) isPresent = associated(attr) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function is_attribute_present function get_attribute(this, attr_name, rc) result(attr) type (Attribute), pointer :: attr class (Variable), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: attr_name integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc attr => this%attributes%at(attr_name) _ASSERT(associated(attr), "no such attribute : " // trim(attr_name)) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function get_attribute subroutine add_const_value(this, const_value, rc) class (Variable), target, intent(inout) :: this type (UnlimitedEntity), intent(in) :: const_value integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: rank, dims !integer,allocatable :: shp(:), dims(:) rank = const_value%get_rank() dims = this%dimensions%size() _ASSERT( dims == rank, "dimensions and rank don't match. Add dimension first") this%const_value = const_value _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine add_const_value function get_const_value(this) result(const_value) class (Variable), target, intent(in) :: this type (UnlimitedEntity), pointer :: const_value const_value =>this%const_value end function get_const_value function get_chunksizes(this) result(chunksizes) class (Variable), target, intent(in) :: this integer, pointer :: chunksizes(:) if (allocated(this%chunksizes)) then chunksizes => this%chunksizes else nullify(chunksizes) end if end function get_chunksizes function get_deflation(this) result(deflateLevel) class (Variable), target, intent(In) :: this integer :: deflateLevel deflateLevel=this%deflation end function get_deflation function get_quantize_algorithm(this) result(quantizeAlgorithm) class (Variable), target, intent(In) :: this integer :: quantizeAlgorithm quantizeAlgorithm=this%quantize_algorithm end function get_quantize_algorithm function get_quantize_level(this) result(quantizeLevel) class (Variable), target, intent(In) :: this integer :: quantizeLevel quantizeLevel=this%quantize_level end function get_quantize_level logical function equal(a, b) class (Variable), target, intent(in) :: a type (Variable), target, intent(in) :: b type (StringAttributeMapIterator) :: iter type (Attribute), pointer :: attr_a, attr_b character(len=:), pointer :: attr_name ! special case : both are empty equal = (a%const_value == b%const_value) if (.not. equal) return equal = ( a%dimensions%size() == 0 .and. & b%dimensions%size() == 0 .and. & a%attributes%size() == 0 .and. & b%attributes%size() == 0 ) if (equal) return equal = (a%type == b%type) if (.not. equal) return equal = (a%dimensions == b%dimensions) if (.not. equal) return equal = (a%attributes%size() == b%attributes%size()) if (.not. equal) return iter = a%attributes%begin() do while (iter /= a%attributes%end()) attr_name => iter%key() attr_b => b%attributes%at(attr_name) equal = (associated(attr_b)) if (.not. equal) return attr_a => iter%value() equal = (attr_a == attr_b) if (.not. equal) return call iter%next() end do end function equal logical function not_equal(a, b) class (Variable), intent(in) :: a type (Variable), intent(in) :: b not_equal = .not. (a == b) end function not_equal subroutine serialize(this, buffer, rc) class (Variable), intent(in) :: this integer, allocatable, intent(inout) :: buffer(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer, allocatable :: tmp_buffer(:) integer :: length integer :: status if(allocated(buffer)) deallocate(buffer) call StringVector_serialize(this%dimensions, tmp_buffer) buffer =[serialize_intrinsic(this%type), tmp_buffer] call StringAttributeMap_serialize(this%attributes, tmp_buffer, status) _VERIFY(status) buffer = [buffer, tmp_buffer] call this%const_value%serialize(tmp_buffer, status) _VERIFY(status) buffer = [buffer, tmp_buffer] buffer = [buffer, serialize_intrinsic(this%deflation)] buffer = [buffer, serialize_intrinsic(this%quantize_algorithm)] buffer = [buffer, serialize_intrinsic(this%quantize_level)] if( .not. allocated(this%chunksizes)) then buffer =[buffer,[1]] else buffer =[buffer,serialize_intrinsic(this%chunksizes)] endif length = serialize_buffer_length(length) + serialize_buffer_length(Variable_SERIALIZE_TYPE) + size(buffer) buffer = [serialize_intrinsic(length), serialize_intrinsic(Variable_SERIALIZE_TYPE), buffer] _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine subroutine Variable_deserialize(buffer, var, rc) integer, intent(in) :: buffer(:) type (Variable), intent(inout) :: var integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status var = Variable() call deserialize(var, buffer, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) contains subroutine deserialize(this, buffer, rc) class (Variable), intent(inout) :: this integer,intent(in) :: buffer(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: n,length, v_type integer :: status n = 1 call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),length) _ASSERT(length == size(buffer), "length does not match") length = serialize_buffer_length(length) n = n+length call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),v_type) length = serialize_buffer_length(v_type) n = n+length call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),this%type) length = serialize_buffer_length(this%type) n = n+length call StringVector_deserialize(buffer(n:), this%dimensions, status) _VERIFY(status) call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),length) n = n + length call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),length) call StringAttributeMap_deserialize(buffer(n:n+length-1),this%attributes, status) _VERIFY(status) n = n + length call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),length) call UnlimitedEntity_deserialize(buffer(n:(n+length-1)), this%const_value, status) _VERIFY(status) n = n + length call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),this%deflation) length = serialize_buffer_length(this%deflation) n = n + length call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),this%quantize_algorithm) length = serialize_buffer_length(this%quantize_algorithm) n = n + length call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),this%quantize_level) length = serialize_buffer_length(this%quantize_level) n = n + length call deserialize_intrinsic(buffer(n:),this%chunksizes) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine deserialize end subroutine Variable_deserialize end module pFIO_VariableMod