#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module pFIO_BaseServerMod use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_loc use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: INT64 use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_f_pointer use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use pFIO_UtilitiesMod, only: word_size, i_to_string use pFIO_ConstantsMod use pFIO_ServerThreadMod use pFIO_ServerThreadVectorMod use pFIO_AbstractSocketMod use pFIO_AbstractSocketVectorMod use pFIO_AbstractServerMod use gFTL_StringInteger64Map use pFIO_AbstractMessageMod use pFIO_AbstractDataReferenceMod use pFIO_ShmemReferenceMod use pFIO_RDMAReferenceMod use pFIO_AbstractDataMessageMod use pFIO_MpiSocketMod use pFIO_SimpleSocketMod use pFIO_MessageVectorMod use pFIO_MessageVectorUtilMod use pFIO_DummyMessageMod use pFIO_DoneMessageMod use pFIO_CollectiveStageDataMessageMod use mpi ! use pfio_base implicit none private public :: BaseServer type,extends (AbstractServer), abstract :: BaseServer type (ServerThreadVector) :: threads contains procedure :: receive_output_data procedure :: put_DataToFile procedure :: get_DataFromMem procedure :: add_connection procedure :: clear_RequestHandle procedure :: get_dmessage ! get done or dummy message procedure :: set_collective_request ! procedure :: create_remote_win end type BaseServer contains subroutine receive_output_data(this, rc) class (BaseServer),target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: i, client_num, status class (ServerThread),pointer :: threadPtr class (AbstractDataReference), pointer :: dataRefPtr if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("receive_data") client_num = this%threads%size() do i = 1, client_num threadPtr=>this%threads%at(i) ! receive output data and save them on Shmem_reference call threadPtr%receive_output_data(rc=status) _VERIFY(status) enddo do i = 1, this%dataRefPtrs%size() dataRefPtr => this%get_dataReference(i) call dataRefPtr%fence(rc=status) _VERIFY(status) enddo if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("receive_data") _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine receive_output_data subroutine put_DataToFile(this, rc) class (BaseServer),target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: n class (ServerThread),pointer :: threadPtr class (AbstractMessage),pointer :: msg type (MessageVectorIterator) :: iter type (StringInteger64MapIterator) :: request_iter integer,pointer :: i_ptr(:) type(c_ptr) :: offset_address integer :: collection_counter class (AbstractDataReference), pointer :: dataRefPtr class (RDMAReference), pointer :: remotePtr integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: offset, msize integer :: num_clients, status !real(KIND=REAL64) :: t0, t1 !t0 = 0.0d0 !t1 = -1.0d0 num_clients = this%threads%size() if (num_clients == 0) then _RETURN(_SUCCESS) endif if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("write_data") threadPtr=>this%threads%at(1) iter = threadPtr%request_backlog%begin() ! t0 = mpi_wtime() do while (iter /= threadPtr%request_backlog%end()) msg => iter%get() select type (q=>msg) type is (CollectiveStageDataMessage) if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("collection_"//i_to_string(q%collection_id)) collection_counter = this%stage_offset%of(i_to_string(q%collection_id)) dataRefPtr => this%get_dataReference(collection_counter) msize = this%stage_offset%of(i_to_string(MSIZE_ID+collection_counter)) call c_f_pointer(dataRefPtr%base_address,i_ptr,shape=[msize]) select type(dataRefPtr) type is (RDMAReference) remotePtr=>dataRefPtr class default _FAIL( "remote is a must") end select request_iter = this%stage_offset%find(i_to_string(q%request_id)//'done') if (request_iter == this%stage_offset%end() .and. this%rank == remotePtr%mem_rank ) then ! not read yet !print*, this%rank , " is wrinting this collection ", collection_counter ! (1) get address where data should put offset = this%stage_offset%at(i_to_string(q%request_id)) offset_address = c_loc(i_ptr(offset+1)) ! (2) write data call threadPtr%put_DataToFile(q,offset_address, _RC) ! (3) leave a mark, it has been written call this%stage_offset%insert(i_to_string(q%request_id)//'done',0_MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) !t1 = mpi_wtime() endif ! rank = mem_rank if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("collection_"//i_to_string(q%collection_id)) end select call iter%next() enddo ! do backlog loop do n = 1, num_clients threadPtr=>this%threads%at(n) call threadPtr%clear_backlog() call threadPtr%clear_hist_collections() call threadPtr%clear_subarray() enddo ! threads !if( t1-t0 > 0) then ! print*, "this rank",this%rank,"spending ", t1-t0, " seconds writing" !endif if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("write_data") _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine put_DataToFile subroutine get_DataFromMem(this, multi, rc) class (BaseServer),target, intent(inout) :: this logical, intent(in) :: multi integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: i, client_num, status class (ServerThread),pointer :: threadPtr client_num = this%threads%size() do i = 1, client_num threadPtr=>this%threads%at(i) ! get data from Shmem_reference and send it back to app call threadPtr%get_DataFromMem(multi, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) enddo _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine get_DataFromMem subroutine add_connection(this, socket) class (BaseServer), target, intent(inout) :: this class (AbstractSocket), target, intent(in) :: socket class(ServerThread), pointer :: thread_ptr integer :: k allocate(thread_ptr, source=ServerThread(socket, this)) k = this%threads%size() + 1 call thread_ptr%set_rank(k) call this%threads%push_Back(thread_ptr) nullify(thread_ptr) this%num_clients = this%num_clients + 1 end subroutine add_connection ! done message of dummy message function get_dmessage(this, rc) result(dmessage) class (BaseServer), target, intent(in) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc class(AbstractMessage), pointer :: dmessage class(ServerThread), pointer :: thread_ptr integer :: n n = this%threads%size() if (n <= 0 ) then allocate(dmessage,source = DummyMessage()) print*, "WARNING: no serverthread" _RETURN(_SUCCESS) endif thread_ptr=>this%threads%at(1) select type (socket => thread_ptr%get_connection()) type is (SimpleSocket) allocate(dmessage,source = DoneMessage()) type is (MpiSocket) allocate(dmessage,source = DummyMessage()) class default _FAIL( "wrong socket type") end select _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function subroutine clear_RequestHandle(this) class (BaseServer), target, intent(inout) :: this class(ServerThread), pointer :: thread_ptr integer :: i,n n = this%threads%size() do i = 1, n thread_ptr => this%threads%at(i) call thread_ptr%clear_RequestHandle() enddo end subroutine clear_RequestHandle subroutine set_collective_request(this, request, have_done) class (BaseServer), target, intent(inout) :: this logical, intent(in) :: request, have_done class(ServerThread), pointer :: thread_ptr integer :: i,n n = this%threads%size() do i = 1, n thread_ptr=>this%threads%at(i) call thread_ptr%set_collective_request(request, have_done) enddo end subroutine set_collective_request subroutine create_remote_win(this, rc) class (BaseServer), target, intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc class (AbstractDataReference), pointer :: remotePtr integer :: rank integer(KIND=INT64) :: msize_word integer(KIND=INT64),allocatable :: offsets(:), msize_words(:) type (MessageVectorIterator) :: iter type (StringInteger64MapIterator) :: request_iter class (AbstractMessage), pointer :: msg integer :: collection_counter, collection_total character(len=*),parameter :: Iam = 'create_remote_win' class (ServerThread) , pointer :: thread_ptr if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%start("create_shared_mem") this%stage_offset = StringInteger64map() collection_counter = 0 collection_total = 0 thread_ptr => this%threads%at(1) !(1) loop to get the total number of collection iter = thread_ptr%request_backlog%begin() do while (iter /= thread_ptr%request_backlog%end()) msg => iter%get() select type (q=>msg) type is (CollectiveStageDataMessage) request_iter = this%stage_offset%find(i_to_string(q%collection_id)) if ( request_iter == this%stage_offset%end()) then collection_total = collection_total + 1 call this%stage_offset%insert(i_to_string(q%collection_id),int(collection_total, kind=INT64)) endif end select call iter%next() end do !(2) loop to get the total size and offset of each collection and request allocate(offsets(collection_total), msize_words(collection_total)) offsets = 0 iter = thread_ptr%request_backlog%begin() do while (iter /= thread_ptr%request_backlog%end()) msg => iter%get() select type (q=>msg) type is (CollectiveStageDataMessage) collection_counter = this%stage_offset%of(i_to_string(q%collection_id)) request_iter = this%stage_offset%find(i_to_string(q%request_id)) if ( request_iter == this%stage_offset%end()) then ! insert local offset for each node call this%stage_offset%insert(i_to_string(q%request_id),offsets(collection_counter)) msize_word = word_size(q%type_kind)*product(int(q%global_count,INT64)) offsets(collection_counter) = offsets(collection_counter) + msize_word endif end select call iter%next() end do ! (3) allocate the memory msize_words = offsets do collection_counter = 1, collection_total rank = this%get_writing_PE(collection_counter) msize_word = msize_words(collection_counter) call this%stage_offset%insert(i_to_string(MSIZE_ID + collection_counter ),msize_word) allocate(remotePtr, source = RDMAReference(pFIO_INT32,msize_word, this%comm, rank )) call this%add_DataReference(remotePtr) remotePtr=>null() enddo if (associated(ioserver_profiler)) call ioserver_profiler%stop("create_shared_mem") _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine create_remote_win end module pFIO_BaseServerMod