#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" ! Motivation 1: Server calls connect once per collective client. ! Motivation 2: Server gets a new connection on each call to connect. ! These motivations are in conflict. ! Possible resolutions: DS maintains a list of requests and connect() pulls from the list each time connect is called. ! Requires Queue-like behavior ! Motivation 3: Server can control distribution of connections. ! Why? (1) This allows the server to do some form of load balancing ! (2) Allows variant strategies in which one server process satisfies an entire client. module pFIO_DirectoryServiceMod use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_f_pointer, c_ptr, c_sizeof use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use mapl_KeywordEnforcerMod use pFIO_AbstractServerMod use pFIO_ServerThreadMod use pFIO_BaseServerMod use pFIO_MpiMutexMod use pFIO_AbstractSocketMod use pFIO_SimpleSocketMod use pFIO_MpiSocketMod use pFIO_ProtocolParserMod use pFIO_AbstractSocketVectorMod use pFIO_AbstractDirectoryServiceMod use mpi implicit none private public :: Directory public :: DirectoryEntry public :: DirectoryService integer, parameter :: TERMINATE = -9999 ! MPI Tags integer, parameter :: DISCOVERY_TAG = 1 ! Exchange of _root_ rank between client and server integer, parameter :: NPES_TAG = 2 ! Client sends number of pes in client to server (on roots) integer, parameter :: RANKS_TAG = 3 ! Client sends ranks of client processes to server (on roots) integer, parameter :: CONNECT_TAG = 3 ! client and server individual processes exchange ranks type :: DirectoryEntry sequence character(len=MAX_LEN_PORT_NAME) :: port_name = '' integer :: partner_root_rank = -1 end type DirectoryEntry type :: Directory sequence type (DirectoryEntry) :: entries(MAX_NUM_PORTS) integer :: num_entries = 0 end type Directory type,extends(AbstractDirectoryService) :: DirectoryService private integer :: comm,rank type (MpiMutex) :: mutex integer :: win_server_directory integer :: win_client_directory type(c_ptr) :: server_dir type(c_ptr) :: client_dir type (ProtocolParser) :: parser ! TODO: make vector type (PortInfo) :: local_ports(MAX_NUM_PORTS) integer :: n_local_ports = 0 contains procedure :: connect_to_server procedure :: connect_to_client procedure :: publish procedure :: terminate_servers procedure :: get_win procedure :: get_directory procedure :: put_directory procedure :: free_directory_resources end type DirectoryService interface DirectoryService module procedure new_DirectoryService end interface DirectoryService contains function new_DirectoryService(comm, unusable, rc) result(ds) type (DirectoryService) :: ds integer, intent(in) :: comm class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: ierror type (Directory) :: empty_dir call MPI_Comm_dup(comm, ds%comm, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) call MPI_Comm_rank(ds%comm, ds%rank, ierror) _VERIFY(ierror) ! Create windows that will be used for coordination ! 1. lock - control modification of other windows ds%mutex = MpiMutex(ds%comm) ds%win_server_directory = make_directory_window(ds%comm, ds%server_dir) ds%win_client_directory = make_directory_window(ds%comm, ds%client_dir) if(ds%rank == 0) then call ds%put_directory(empty_dir, ds%win_client_directory) call ds%put_directory(empty_dir, ds%win_server_directory) end if ds%parser = ProtocolParser() ! Need to be sure that the directories have been initialized before ! proceeding call MPI_Barrier(comm, ierror) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end function new_DirectoryService integer function make_directory_window(comm, addr) result(win) integer, intent(in) :: comm type (c_ptr), intent(out) :: addr type (Directory), pointer :: dir type (Directory), target :: dirnull integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: sz #if !defined (SUPPORT_FOR_MPI_ALLOC_MEM_CPTR) integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: baseaddr #endif integer :: ierror, rank call MPI_Comm_Rank(comm, rank, ierror) if (rank == 0) then sz = sizeof_directory() #if defined(SUPPORT_FOR_MPI_ALLOC_MEM_CPTR) call MPI_Alloc_mem(sz, MPI_INFO_NULL, addr, ierror) #else call MPI_Alloc_mem(sz, MPI_INFO_NULL, baseaddr, ierror) addr = transfer(baseaddr, addr) #endif call c_f_pointer(addr, dir) else sz = 0 dir =>dirnull endif call MPI_Win_create(dir, sz, 1, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, win, ierror) end function make_directory_window subroutine connect_to_server(this, port_name, client, client_comm, unusable, server_size, rc) use pFIO_ClientThreadMod class (DirectoryService), target, intent(inout) :: this character(*), intent(in) :: port_name class (ClientThread), target, intent(inout) :: client integer, intent(in) :: client_comm class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: server_size integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc class (AbstractSocket), pointer :: sckt integer :: rank_in_client integer :: ierror integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) type (Directory) :: dir type (DirectoryEntry) :: dir_entry logical :: found integer :: n integer :: server_rank integer :: tmp_rank integer :: server_root_rank integer :: client_npes integer :: server_npes integer, allocatable :: client_ranks(:) integer, allocatable :: server_ranks(:) class(ServerThread), pointer :: server_thread_ptr class(BaseServer), pointer :: server_ptr type(SimpleSocket), target :: ss ! First, check ports to see if server is local, in which case ! a SimpleSocket is used for the connection. ! Note: In this scenario, the server _must_ always publish prior to this. do n = 1, this%n_local_ports if (trim(this%local_ports(n)%port_name) == port_name) then ss = SimpleSocket(client) allocate(sckt, source=ss) server_ptr => this%local_ports(n)%server_ptr call server_ptr%add_connection(sckt) server_thread_ptr => server_ptr%threads%at(1) ! should be "last" ss = SimpleSocket(server_thread_ptr) allocate(sckt, source=ss) call client%set_connection(sckt) nullify(sckt) if (present(server_size)) server_size = server_ptr%npes allocate(server_ptr%serverthread_done_msgs(1)) server_ptr%serverthread_done_msgs = .false. _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end if end do call MPI_Comm_rank(client_comm, rank_in_client, ierror) if (rank_in_client == 0) then call this%mutex%acquire() dir = this%get_directory(this%win_server_directory) found = .false. do n = 1, dir%num_entries if (port_name == dir%entries(n)%port_name) then if (dir%entries(n)%partner_root_rank >= 0) then found = .true. server_root_rank = dir%entries(n)%partner_root_rank end if exit end if end do if (.not. found) then ! advertise self dir = this%get_directory(this%win_client_directory) n = dir%num_entries + 1 dir%num_entries = n dir_entry%port_name = port_name call MPI_Comm_rank(this%comm, dir_entry%partner_root_rank, ierror) ! global comm dir%entries(n) = dir_entry call this%put_directory(dir, this%win_client_directory) end if call this%mutex%release() if (found) then call MPI_Send(this%rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, server_root_rank, DISCOVERY_TAG, this%comm, ierror) else call MPI_Recv(server_root_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, DISCOVERY_TAG, this%comm, status, ierror) end if end if ! complete handshake if (rank_in_client == 0) then call MPI_Comm_size(client_comm, client_npes, ierror) allocate(client_ranks(client_npes)) allocate(server_ranks(client_npes)) else allocate(client_ranks(1)) ! MPI does not like 0-sized arrays, even when they are unused allocate(server_ranks(1)) ! MPI does not like 0-sized arrays, even when they are unused end if call MPI_Gather(this%rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, client_ranks, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, client_comm, ierror) if (rank_in_client == 0) then call MPI_Send(client_npes, 1, MPI_INTEGER, server_root_rank, NPES_TAG, this%comm, ierror) call MPI_Send(client_ranks, client_npes, MPI_INTEGER, server_root_rank, RANKS_TAG, this%comm, ierror) call MPI_Recv(server_ranks, client_npes, MPI_INTEGER, server_root_rank, 0, this%comm, status, ierror) call MPI_Recv(server_npes, 1, MPI_INTEGER, server_root_rank, 0, this%comm, status, ierror) if (present(server_size)) server_size = server_npes end if call MPI_Scatter(server_ranks, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & & server_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, & & 0, client_comm, ierror) if (present(server_size)) call MPI_Bcast(server_size, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, client_comm,ierror) ! Construct the connection call MPI_Recv(tmp_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, server_rank, CONNECT_TAG, this%comm, status, ierror) _ASSERT(tmp_rank == server_rank, "shake the wrong hand") allocate(sckt, source=MpiSocket(this%comm, server_rank, this%parser)) call client%set_connection(sckt) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine connect_to_server subroutine connect_to_client(this, port_name, server, rc) class (DirectoryService), target, intent(inout) :: this character(*), intent(in) :: port_name class (BaseServer), intent(inout) :: server integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc class (AbstractSocket), pointer :: sckt type (Directory) :: dir integer, allocatable :: counts(:), displs(:) integer :: client_rank integer :: client_root_rank integer, allocatable :: client_ranks(:) integer, allocatable :: my_client_ranks(:) integer, allocatable :: server_ranks(:) integer, allocatable :: my_server_ranks(:) integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer :: p integer :: server_comm integer :: ierror logical :: found integer :: server_npes integer :: client_npes integer :: rank_in_server integer :: n integer :: cnts integer :: n_entries server%terminate = .false. server_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL server_comm = server%get_communicator() if (server_comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) then _RETURN(_SUCCESS) endif call MPI_Comm_rank(server_comm, rank_in_server, ierror) if (rank_in_server == 0) then call this%mutex%acquire() dir = this%get_directory(this%win_client_directory) client_root_rank = -1 found = .false. n_entries = dir%num_entries do n = 1, n_entries if (port_name == dir%entries(n)%port_name) then found = .true. client_root_rank = dir%entries(n)%partner_root_rank exit end if end do if (found) then ! Clear entry dir%entries(n:n_entries-1) = dir%entries(n+1:n_entries) dir%entries(n_entries)%port_name = '' dir%entries(n_entries)%partner_root_rank = -1 dir%num_entries = n_entries - 1 call this%put_directory(dir, this%win_client_directory) end if call this%mutex%release() if (found) then call MPI_Send(this%rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, client_root_rank, DISCOVERY_TAG, this%comm, ierror) else call MPI_Recv(client_root_rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, DISCOVERY_TAG, this%comm, status, ierror) end if if (client_root_rank /= TERMINATE) then ! not a termination signal call MPI_Recv(client_npes, 1, MPI_INTEGER, client_root_rank, NPES_TAG, this%comm, status, ierror) allocate(client_ranks(client_npes)) call MPI_Recv(client_ranks, client_npes, MPI_INTEGER, client_root_rank, RANKS_TAG, this%comm, status, ierror) else client_npes = TERMINATE end if end if call MPI_Comm_size(server_comm, server_npes, ierror) call MPI_Bcast(client_npes, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, server_comm, ierror) if (client_npes == TERMINATE) then server%terminate = .true. _RETURN(_SUCCESS) endif allocate(counts(0:server_npes-1), displs(0:server_npes-1)) do p = 0, server_npes - 1 counts(p) = ((p+1)*client_npes) / server_npes - (p*client_npes) / server_npes end do displs(0) = 0 do p = 1, server_npes-1 displs(p) = displs(p-1) + counts(p-1) end do cnts = counts(rank_in_server) allocate(my_client_ranks(cnts)) allocate(server_ranks(client_npes)) allocate(my_server_ranks(cnts)) my_server_ranks = this%rank call MPI_GatherV(my_server_ranks, cnts, MPI_INTEGER, & & server_ranks, counts, displs, MPI_INTEGER, & & 0, server_comm, ierror) if (rank_in_server == 0) then call MPI_Send(server_ranks, client_npes, MPI_INTEGER, client_root_rank, 0, this%comm, ierror) call MPI_Send(server_npes, 1, MPI_INTEGER, client_root_rank, 0, this%comm, ierror) endif if (rank_in_server /= 0) then allocate(client_ranks(1)) end if call MPI_ScatterV(client_ranks, counts, displs, MPI_INTEGER, & & my_client_ranks, cnts, MPI_INTEGER, & & 0, server_comm, ierror) do p = 1, cnts client_rank = my_client_ranks(p) call MPI_Send(this%rank, 1, MPI_INTEGER, client_rank, CONNECT_TAG, this%comm, ierror) allocate(sckt, source=MpiSocket(this%comm, client_rank, this%parser)) call server%add_connection(sckt) nullify(sckt) end do _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine connect_to_client ! This step is probably not actually needed at this time. ! But it would allow future implementation to query for servers ! or possibly to allow servers to satisfy multiple clients. subroutine publish(this, port, server, rc) class (DirectoryService), intent(inout) :: this type(PortInfo),target, intent(in) :: port class (BaseServer), intent(inout) :: server integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc character(len=MAX_LEN_PORT_NAME) :: port_name integer :: ierror integer :: rank_in_server integer :: n type (Directory) :: dir type (DirectoryEntry) :: dir_entry logical :: found integer :: server_comm character(len=*), parameter :: Iam = __FILE__ ! Update local ports this%n_local_ports = this%n_local_ports + 1 this%local_ports(this%n_local_ports) = port server_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL server_comm = server%get_communicator() if (server_comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) then _RETURN(_SUCCESS) endif call MPI_Comm_rank(server_comm, rank_in_server, ierror) port_name = port%port_name if (rank_in_server == 0) then call this%mutex%acquire() ! Get - modify - put dir = this%get_directory(this%win_server_directory) ! Verify that server has not already published. found = .false. do n = 1, dir%num_entries if (port_name == dir%entries(n)%port_name) then if (dir%entries(n)%partner_root_rank >= 0) then found = .true. end if exit end if end do _ASSERT(.not. found, 'not found port_name') n = dir%num_entries + 1 dir%num_entries = n dir_entry%port_name = port_name dir_entry%partner_root_rank = this%rank dir%entries(n) = dir_entry call this%put_directory(dir, this%win_server_directory) call this%mutex%release() end if _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine publish function sizeof_directory() result(sz) integer :: sz integer :: sizeof_char, sizeof_integer, sizeof_DirectoryEntry integer :: one_integer character :: one_char sizeof_integer = c_sizeof(one_integer) sizeof_char = c_sizeof(one_char) sizeof_DirectoryEntry = MAX_LEN_PORT_NAME*sizeof_char + 1*sizeof_integer sz = sizeof_integer + MAX_NUM_PORTS*sizeof_DirectoryEntry end function sizeof_directory integer function get_win(this, client_or_server) result(win) class (DirectoryService), intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: client_or_server select case (client_or_server) case ('server','server_directory') win = this%win_server_directory case ('client','client_directory') win = this%win_client_directory end select end function get_win function get_directory(this, win) result(dir) type (Directory) :: dir class (DirectoryService), intent(in) :: this integer, intent(in) :: win integer :: sz integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: disp integer :: ierror call MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, win, ierror) sz = sizeof_directory() disp = 0 call MPI_Get(dir, sz, MPI_BYTE, 0, disp, sz, MPI_BYTE, win, ierror) call MPI_Win_unlock(0, win, ierror) return _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end function get_directory subroutine put_directory(this, dir, win) class (DirectoryService), intent(in) :: this type (Directory), intent(in) :: dir integer, intent(in) :: win integer :: sz integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: disp integer :: ierror call MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, win, ierror) sz = sizeof_directory() disp = 0 call MPI_put(dir, sz, MPI_BYTE, 0, disp, sz, MPI_BYTE, win, ierror) call MPI_Win_unlock(0, win, ierror) return _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine put_directory subroutine terminate_servers(this, client_comm, rc) class (DirectoryService), intent(inout) :: this integer ,intent(in) :: client_comm integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc type (Directory) :: dir integer :: ierror, rank_in_client,i call MPI_Comm_rank(client_comm, rank_in_client, ierror) call MPI_BARRIER(client_comm,ierror) if (rank_in_client ==0) then write(6,*)"client0 terminates servers"; flush(6) dir = this%get_directory(this%win_server_directory) do i = 1, dir%num_entries call MPI_Send(TERMINATE, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dir%entries(i)%partner_root_rank, DISCOVERY_TAG, & & this%comm, ierror) enddo endif _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine terminate_servers subroutine free_directory_resources(this, rc) class (DirectoryService), intent(inout) :: this integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc type (Directory), pointer :: dir integer :: ierror ! Release resources call MPI_Barrier(this%comm, ierror) call this%mutex%free_mpi_resources() call MPI_Win_free(this%win_server_directory, ierror) call MPI_Win_free(this%win_client_directory, ierror) if (this%rank == 0) then call c_f_pointer(this%server_dir, dir) call MPI_Free_mem(dir, ierror) call c_f_pointer(this%client_dir, dir) call MPI_Free_mem(dir, ierror) end if call Mpi_Comm_free(this%comm, ierror) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine free_directory_resources end module pFIO_DirectoryServiceMod