#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" module mapl_GathervSpec use mapl_GathervKernel use mapl_ErrorHandlingMod use fArgParse use mpi use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: INT64 implicit none private public :: GathervSpec public :: make_GathervSpec public :: make_GathervKernel type :: GathervSpec integer :: nx integer :: n_levs integer :: n_writers integer :: n_tries end type GathervSpec contains function make_GathervSpec(rc) result(spec) type(GathervSpec) :: spec integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type(ArgParser) :: parser type(StringUnlimitedMap) :: options class(*), pointer :: option parser = ArgParser() call add_cli_options(parser) options = parser%parse_args() option => options%at('nx') _ASSERT(associated(option), 'nx not found') call cast(option, spec%nx, _RC) option => options%at('n_levs') _ASSERT(associated(option), 'n_levs not found') call cast(option, spec%n_levs, _RC) option => options%at('n_writers') _ASSERT(associated(option), 'n_writers not found') call cast(option, spec%n_writers, _RC) option => options%at('n_tries') _ASSERT(associated(option), 'n_tries not found') call cast(option, spec%n_tries, _RC) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function make_GathervSpec subroutine add_cli_options(parser) type(ArgParser), intent(inout) :: parser call parser%add_argument('--nx', & help='dimension of cube face', & type='integer', & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--n_levs', & help='number of vertical levels', & type='integer', & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--n_writers', & help='number of simultaneous, independent writes to disk', & type='integer', & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--n_tries', & help='number of times to call kernel to get statistics', & type='integer', & default=1, & action='store') end subroutine add_cli_options ! (1) Allocate and initialize buffer ! (2) Open per-process file, and save i/o unit function make_GathervKernel(spec, comm, rc) result(kernel) type(GathervKernel) :: kernel type(GathervSpec), intent(in) :: spec integer, intent(in) :: comm integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status integer :: npes integer :: n call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, npes, _IERROR) n = int(spec%nx,kind=INT64)**2 * 6 * spec%n_levs / npes kernel = GathervKernel(n, comm) call kernel%init(_RC) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function make_GathervKernel end module mapl_GathervSpec