ESMF_Initialize Subroutine

public subroutine ESMF_Initialize(keywordEnforcer, configFilenameFromArgNum, configFilename, configKey, defaultDefaultCalKind, defaultCalKind, defaultDefaultLogFilename, defaultLogFilename, defaultLogAppendFlag, logAppendFlag, defaultLogKindFlag, logKindFlag, mpiCommunicator, ioUnitLBound, ioUnitUBound, defaultGlobalResourceControl, globalResourceControl, config, vm, rc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ESMF_KeywordEnforcer), optional :: keywordEnforcer
integer, intent(in), optional :: configFilenameFromArgNum
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: configFilename
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: configKey(:)
type(ESMF_CalKind_Flag), intent(in), optional :: defaultDefaultCalKind
type(ESMF_CalKind_Flag), intent(in), optional :: defaultCalKind
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: defaultDefaultLogFilename
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: defaultLogFilename
logical, intent(in), optional :: defaultLogAppendFlag
logical, intent(in), optional :: logAppendFlag
type(ESMF_LogKind_Flag), intent(in), optional :: defaultLogKindFlag
type(ESMF_LogKind_Flag), intent(in), optional :: logKindFlag
integer, intent(in), optional :: mpiCommunicator
integer, intent(in), optional :: ioUnitLBound
integer, intent(in), optional :: ioUnitUBound
logical, intent(in), optional :: defaultGlobalResourceControl
logical, intent(in), optional :: globalResourceControl
type(ESMF_Config), intent(out), optional :: config
type(ESMF_VM), intent(out), optional :: vm
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Source Code

      subroutine ESMF_Initialize(keywordEnforcer, configFilenameFromArgNum, &
        configFilename, configKey, &
        defaultDefaultCalKind, defaultCalKind, &
        defaultDefaultLogFilename, defaultLogFilename, &
        defaultLogAppendFlag, logAppendFlag, defaultLogKindFlag, logKindFlag, &
        mpiCommunicator,  ioUnitLBound, ioUnitUBound, &
        defaultGlobalResourceControl, globalResourceControl, config, vm, rc)
type(ESMF_KeywordEnforcer), optional:: keywordEnforcer ! must use keywords below
      integer,                 intent(in),  optional :: configFilenameFromArgNum
      character(len=*),        intent(in),  optional :: configFilename
      character(len=*),        intent(in),  optional :: configKey(:)
      type(ESMF_CalKind_Flag), intent(in),  optional :: defaultDefaultCalKind
      type(ESMF_CalKind_Flag), intent(in),  optional :: defaultCalKind
      character(len=*),        intent(in),  optional :: defaultDefaultLogFilename
      character(len=*),        intent(in),  optional :: defaultLogFilename
      logical,                 intent(in),  optional :: defaultLogAppendFlag
      logical,                 intent(in),  optional :: logAppendFlag
      type(ESMF_LogKind_Flag), intent(in),  optional :: defaultLogKindFlag
      type(ESMF_LogKind_Flag), intent(in),  optional :: logKindFlag
      integer,                 intent(in),  optional :: mpiCommunicator
      integer,                 intent(in),  optional :: ioUnitLBound
      integer,                 intent(in),  optional :: ioUnitUBound
      logical,                 intent(in),  optional :: defaultGlobalResourceControl
      logical,                 intent(in),  optional :: globalResourceControl
      type(ESMF_Config),       intent(out), optional :: config
      type(ESMF_VM),           intent(out), optional :: vm
      integer,                 intent(out), optional :: rc

! \begin{itemize}
! \item\apiStatusCompatibleVersion{5.2.0r}
! \item\apiStatusModifiedSinceVersion{5.2.0r}
! \begin{description}
! \item[7.0.0] Added argument {\tt logAppendFlag} to allow specifying that the
!              existing log files will be overwritten.
! \item[8.2.0] Added argument {\tt globalResourceControl} to support ESMF-aware
!              threading and resource control on the global VM level.\newline
!              Added argument {\tt config} to return default handle to the
!              defaultConfig.\newline
!              Renamed argument {\tt defaultConfigFilename} to
!              {\tt configFilename}, in order to clarify that provided settings
!              in the Config file are {\em not} defaults, but final
!              overrides.\newline
!              Introduce {\tt default} prefixed arguments:
!              {\tt defaultDefaultLogFilename},
!              {\tt defaultLogAppendFlag}, {\tt defaultLogKindFlag},
!              {\tt defaultGlobalResourceControl}. These arguments allow
!              specification of defaults for the associated settings. This
!              default can be overridden via the associated argument, without
!              the extra {\tt default} prefix, either specified in the call, or
!              within the specified Config file.
! \item[8.5.0] Added argument {\tt configKey} to support custom location of the
!              map of predefined initialization options for YAML
!              configurations.\newline
!              Added argument {\tt configFilenameFromArgNum} to support config
!              file specification via the command line.
! \item[8.6.0] Added {\tt defaultDefaultCalKind} argument to allow specifiation
!              of a default for {\tt defaultCalKind}.
! \end{description}
! \end{itemize}
!     This method must be called once on each PET before
!     any other ESMF methods are used.  The method contains a
!     barrier before returning, ensuring that all processes
!     made it successfully through initialization.
!     Typically {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()} will call {\tt MPI\_Init()} 
!     internally unless MPI has been initialized by the user code before
!     initializing the framework. If the MPI initialization is left to
!     {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()} it inherits all of the MPI implementation 
!     dependent limitations of what may or may not be done before 
!     {\tt MPI\_Init()}. For instance, it is unsafe for some MPI
!     implementations, such as MPICH1, to do I/O before the MPI environment
!     is initialized. Please consult the documentation of your MPI
!     implementation for details.
!     Note that when using MPICH1 as the MPI library, ESMF needs to use
!     the application command line arguments for {\tt MPI\_Init()}. However,
!     ESMF acquires these arguments internally and the user does not need
!     to worry about providing them. Also, note that ESMF does not alter
!     the command line arguments, so that if the user obtains them they will
!     be as specified on the command line (including those which MPICH1 would
!     normally strip out).
!     {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()} supports running ESMF inside a user MPI program.
!     Details of this feature are discussed under the VM example 
!     \ref{vm_inside_user_mpi}. It is not necessary that all MPI ranks are
!     handed to ESMF. Section \ref{vm_nesting_esmf} shows how an MPI
!     communicator can be used to execute ESMF on a subset of MPI ranks.
!     {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()} supports running multiple concurrent
!     instances of ESMF under the same user MPI program. This feature is
!     discussed under \ref{vm_multi_instance_esmf}.
!     In order to use any of the advanced resource management functions that
!     ESMF provides via the {\tt ESMF\_*CompSetVM*()} methods, the MPI
!     environment must be thread-safe. {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()} handles this
!     automatically if it is in charge of initializing MPI. However, if the
!     user code initializes MPI before calling into {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()},
!     it must do so via {\tt MPI\_Init\_thread()}, specifying
!     {\tt MPI\_THREAD\_SERIALIZED} or above for the required level of thread
!     support.
!     In cases where {\tt ESMF\_*CompSetVM*()} methods are used to move
!     processing elements (PEs), i.e. CPU cores, between persistent execution
!     threads (PETs), ESMF uses POSIX signals between PETs. In order to do so
!     safely, the proper signal handlers must be installed {\em before} MPI is
!     initialized. {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()} handles this automatically if it is
!     in charge of initializing MPI. If, however, MPI is explicitly initialized
!     by user code, then to ensure correct signal handling it is necessary to
!     call {\tt ESMF\_InitializePreMPI()} from the user code prior to the MPI
!     initialization.
!     By default, {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()} opens multiple error log files,
!     one per processor.  This is very useful for debugging purpose.  However,
!     when running the application on a large number of tasks, opening a
!     large number of log files and writing log messages from all the tasks
!     can become a performance bottleneck.  Therefore, it is recommended
!     for production runs to set {\tt logKindFlag} to ESMF\_LOGKIND\_NONE, or
!     {\tt ESMF\_LOGKIND\_Multi\_On\_Error}. The latter only creates log files
!     when an error occurs.
!     When integrating ESMF with applications where Fortran unit number conflicts
!     exist, the optional {\tt ioUnitLBound} and {\tt ioUnitUBound} arguments may be
!     used to specify an alternate unit number range.  See section \ref{fio:unitnumbers}
!     for more information on how ESMF uses Fortran unit numbers.
!     Before exiting the application the user must call {\tt ESMF\_Finalize()}
!     to release resources and clean up ESMF gracefully. See the
!     {\tt ESMF\_Finalize()} documentation about details relating to the MPI
!     environment.
!     The arguments are:
!     \begin{description}
!     \item [{[configFilenameFromArgNum]}]
!           Index of the command line argument specifying the config file
!           name. If the specified command line argument does not exist, or
!           {\tt configFilenameFromArgNum} was not specified, the
!           {\tt configFilename} argument, if provided, is used by default.
!     \item [{[configFilename]}]
!           Name of the configuration file for the entire application.
!           If this argument is specified, the configuration file must exist.
!           Its content is read during {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()}, and
!           returned in optional argument {\tt config} if present.
!           The traditional {\tt ESMF\_Config} format and the YAML format
!           are supported. The latter is identified by file suffix {\tt .yaml}
!           and {\tt .yml}, including all lower/upper case letter combinations
!           that map to either suffix.
!           In the case of the traditional {\tt ESMF\_Config} format, the
!           predefined labels of initialization options discussed below are
!           expected on the top level of the configuration. The expected
!           termination character for this case is a single colon following
!           each label.
!           For the YAML case, the predefined initialization option labels are
!           expected as the keys of a map. If the optional argument
!           {\tt configKey} is specified, it is used to locate this map. The
!           map is expected as the terminal value of a succession of mappings:
!           \begin{verbatim}
!             configKey(1) : 
!               configKey(2) : 
!                 ...
!                   configKey(size(configKey)) :
!                     {map of specified init options}
!           \end{verbatim}
!           By default, in the absence of argument {\tt configKey}, the top
!           level itself is searched for a mapping of predefined labels,
!           analogous to the traditional case.
!           If any of the following predefined labels are found in the specified
!           configuration file (as per the above defined rules), their
!           {\em values} are used to set the associated {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()}
!           argument, overriding any defaults.
!           If the same argument is also specified in the
!           {\tt ESMF\_Initialize()} call directly, an error is returned,
!           and ESMF is not initialized.
!           The supported config labels are:
!           \begin{itemize}
!              \item {\tt defaultCalKind}
!              \item {\tt defaultLogFilename}
!              \item {\tt logAppendFlag}
!              \item {\tt logKindFlag}
!              \item {\tt globalResourceControl}
!           \end{itemize}
!           ESMF allows the user to affect certain details about the execution
!           of an application through a number of run-time environment variables.
!           The following list of variables are checked within the specified
!           configuration file. If a matching label is found, the respective
!           value is set, potentially overriding the value defined within the
!           user environment for the same variable.
!           \begin{itemize}
!              \item {\tt ESMF\_RUNTIME\_PROFILE}
!              \item {\tt ESMF\_RUNTIME\_PROFILE\_OUTPUT}
!              \item {\tt ESMF\_RUNTIME\_PROFILE\_PETLIST}
!              \item {\tt ESMF\_RUNTIME\_TRACE}
!              \item {\tt ESMF\_RUNTIME\_TRACE\_CLOCK}
!              \item {\tt ESMF\_RUNTIME\_TRACE\_PETLIST}
!              \item {\tt ESMF\_RUNTIME\_TRACE\_COMPONENT}
!              \item {\tt ESMF\_RUNTIME\_TRACE\_FLUSH}
!              \item {\tt ESMF\_RUNTIME\_COMPLIANCECHECK}
!           \end{itemize}
!     \item [{[configKey]}]
!           If present, use {\tt configKey} to find the map of predefined
!           initialization options that are used during ESMF initialization.
!           The default is to search the top level of the configuration for the
!           labels directly.
!           The {\tt configKey} option is only supported for YAML configurations.
!           An error is returned if {\tt configKey} is specified for the
!           traditional {\tt ESMF\_Config} case.
!     \item [{[defaultDefaultCalKind]}]
!           Default value for argument {\tt defaultCalKind}, the calendar
!           used by ESMF Time Manger by default.
!           If not specified, defaults to {\tt ESMF\_CALKIND\_NOCALENDAR}.
!     \item [{[defaultCalKind]}]
!           Sets the default calendar to be used by ESMF Time Manager.
!           See section \ref{const:calkindflag} for a list of valid options.
!           If not specified,
!           defaults according to {\tt defaultDefaultCalKind}.
!     \item [{[defaultDefaultLogFilename]}]
!           Default value for argument {\tt defaultLogFilename}, the name of
!           the default log file for warning and error messages.
!           If not specified, the default is {\tt ESMF\_LogFile}.
!     \item [{[defaultLogFilename]}]
!           Name of the default log file for warning and error messages.
!           If not specified,
!           defaults according to {\tt defaultDefaultLogFilename}.
!     \item [{[defaultLogAppendFlag]}]
!           Default value for argument {\tt logAppendFlag}, indicating the
!           overwrite behavior in case the default log file already exists.
!           If not specified, the default is {\tt .true.}.
!     \item [{[logAppendFlag]}]
!           If the default log file already exists, a value of {\tt .false.}
!           will set the file position to the beginning of the file.  A value
!           of {\tt .true.} sets the position to the end of the file.
!           If not specified,
!           defaults according to {\tt defaultLogAppendFlag}.
!     \item [{[defaultLogKindFlag]}]
!           Default value for argument {\tt logKindFlag}, setting the LogKind
!           of the default ESMF log.
!           If not specified, the default is {\tt ESMF\_LOGKIND\_MULTI}.
!     \item [{[logKindFlag]}]
!           Sets the LogKind of the default ESMF log. See section
!           \ref{const:logkindflag} for a list of valid options.
!           If not specified,
!           defaults according to {\tt defaultLogKindFlag}.
!     \item [{[mpiCommunicator]}]
!           MPI communicator defining the group of processes on which the
!           ESMF application is running.
!           See section \ref{vm_nesting_esmf} and \ref{vm_multi_instance_esmf}
!           for details.
!           If not specified, defaults to {\tt MPI\_COMM\_WORLD}.
!     \item [{[ioUnitLBound]}]
!           Lower bound for Fortran unit numbers used within the ESMF library.
!           Fortran units are primarily used for log files.  Legal unit numbers
!           are positive integers.  A value higher than 10 is recommended
!           in order to avoid the compiler-specific
!           reservations which are typically found on the first few units.
!           If not specified, defaults to {\tt ESMF\_LOG\_FORT\_UNIT\_NUMBER},
!           which is distributed with a value of 50.
!     \item [{[ioUnitUBound]}]
!           Upper bound for Fortran unit numbers used within the ESMF library.
!           Must be set to a value at least 5 units higher than {\tt ioUnitLBound}.
!           If not specified, defaults to {\tt ESMF\_LOG\_UPPER}, which is
!           distributed with a value of 99.
!     \item [{[defaultGlobalResourceControl]}]
!           Default value for argument {\tt globalResourceControl}, indicating
!           whether PETs of the global VM are pinned to PEs and the OpenMP
!           threading level is reset.
!           If not specified, the default is {\tt .false.}.
!     \item [{[globalResourceControl]}]
!           For {\tt .true.}, each global PET is pinned to the corresponding
!           PE (i.e. CPU core) in order. Further, if OpenMP support is enabled
!           for the ESMF installation (during build time), the
!           {\tt OMP\_NUM\_THREADS} is set to {\tt 1} on every PET, regardless
!           of the setting in the launching environment. The {\tt .true.}
!           setting is recommended for applications that utilize the ESMF-aware
!           threading and resource control features.
!           For {\tt .false.}, global PETs are {\em not} pinned by ESMF, and
!           {\tt OMP\_NUM\_THREADS} is {\em not} modified.
!           If not specified,
!           defaults according to {\tt defaultGlobalResourceControl}.
!     \item [{[config]}]
!           Returns the default {\tt ESMF\_Config} if the
!           {\tt configFilename} argument was provided. Otherwise the
!           presence of this argument triggers an error.
!     \item [{[vm]}]
!           Returns the global {\tt ESMF\_VM} that was created 
!           during initialization.
!     \item [{[rc]}]
!           Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
!     \end{description}
      integer       :: localrc                        ! local return code
      type(ESMF_VM) :: localvm

      ! assume failure until success
      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL

      ! initialize the framework
      call ESMF_FrameworkInternalInit(lang=ESMF_MAIN_F90, &
        configFilenameFromArgNum=configFilenameFromArgNum, &
        configFilename=configFilename, configKey=configKey, &
        defaultDefaultCalKind=defaultDefaultCalKind, &
        defaultCalKind=defaultCalKind, &
        defaultDefaultLogFilename=defaultDefaultLogFilename, &
        defaultLogFilename=defaultLogFilename, &
        defaultLogAppendFlag=defaultLogAppendFlag, &
        logAppendFlag=logAppendFlag, &
        defaultLogKindFlag=defaultLogKindFlag, logKindFlag=logKindFlag, &
        mpiCommunicator=mpiCommunicator, &
        ioUnitLBound=ioUnitLBound, ioUnitUBound=ioUnitUBound, &
        defaultGlobalResourceControl=defaultGlobalResourceControl, &
        globalResourceControl=globalResourceControl, &
        config=config, rc=localrc)
      ! on failure LogErr is not initialized -> explicit print on error
      if (localrc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
        write (ESMF_UtilIOStderr,*) ESMF_METHOD, ": Error initializing framework"
      ! on success LogErr is assumed to be functioning

      ! obtain global VM
      call ESMF_VMGetGlobal(localvm, rc=localrc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
        ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
      if (present(vm)) vm=localvm

      ! block on all PETs
      call ESMF_VMBarrier(localvm, rc=localrc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
        ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
      end subroutine ESMF_Initialize