program ESMF_ConfigOverviewEx
!ESMF_EXAMPLE String used by test script to count examples.
! This example/test code performs simple Config/Resource File routines. It does not
! include attaching a Config to a component. The important thing to remember there
! is that you can have one Config per component.
! There are two methodologies for accessing data in a Resource File. This example will
! demonstrate both.
! Note the API section contains a complete description of arguments in
! the methods/functions demonstrated in this example.
#include "ESMF.h"
! ESMF Framework module
use ESMF
use ESMF_TestMod
implicit none
! Local variables
integer :: i, j, result
type(ESMF_VM) :: vm
character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: testname
character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: failMsg
!\subsubsection{Variable declarations}
! The following are the variable declarations used as arguments in the following code
! fragments. They represent the locals names for the variables listed in the Resource
! File (RF). Note they do not need to be the same.
character(ESMF_MAXPATHLEN) :: fname ! config file name
character(ESMF_MAXPATHLEN) :: fn1, fn2, fn3, input_file ! strings to be read in
integer :: rc ! error return code (0 is OK)
integer :: i_n ! the first constant in the RF
real :: param_1 ! the second constant in the RF
real :: radius ! radius of the earth
real :: table(7,3) ! an array to hold the table in the RF
type(ESMF_Config) :: cf ! the Config itself
type(ESMF_HConfig) :: hconfig ! HConfig variable
! Set up the status messages and initialize the program
integer :: finalrc
finalrc = ESMF_SUCCESS ! Establish initial success
write(failMsg, *) "Example failure"
write(testname, *) "Example ESMF_ConfigOverviewEx"
call ESMF_Initialize(defaultlogfilename="ConfigOverviewEx.Log", &
logkindflag=ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI, rc=rc) ! Initialize
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****'call ESMF_Initialize' failed"
call ESMF_VMGetGlobal(vm, rc=rc) ! Establish the VM
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call to ESMF_VMGetGlobal' failed"
! Begin the Example
!\subsubsection{Creation of a Config}
! While there are two methodologies for accessing the data within a Resource File,
! there is only one way to create the initial Config and load its ASCII text into
! memory. This is the first step in the process.
! Note that subsequent calls to {\tt ESMF\_ConfigLoadFile} will OVERWRITE the current
! Config NOT append to it. There is no means of appending to a Config.
cf = ESMF_ConfigCreate(rc=rc) ! Create the empty Config
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigCreate' failed"
fname = "myResourceFile.rc" ! Name the Resource File
call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile(cf, fname, rc=rc) ! Load the Resource File
! into the empty Config
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile' failed"
! First Method of Retrieval
!\subsubsection{How to retrieve a label with a single value}
! The first method for retrieving information from the
! Resource File takes advantage of the <label,value> relationship
! within the file and access the data in a dictionary-like manner. This is the
! simplest methodology, but it does imply the use of only one value per label
! in the Resource File.
! Remember,
! that the order in which a particular label/value pair is retrieved
! is not dependent upon the order which they exist within the Resource File.
call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(cf, radius, label='radius_of_the_earth:', &
default=1.0, rc=rc)
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute' for radius failed"
print*, "---------------------------------------------------------------"
print*, "Results from using the dictionary-like method of data retrieval"
print*, "The radius of the earth was retrieved from the Resource File"
print*, "Its value is: ", radius
print*, "---------------------------------------------------------------"
if(radius .ne. 6.37E6)then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "******** Radius not retrieved correctly"
print*, trim (input_file)
! Note that the colon must be included in the label string when using this
! methodology. It is also important to provide a default value in case the label
! does not exist in the file
! This methodology works for all types. The following is an example of retrieving a
! string:
call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(cf, input_file, label='input_file_name:', &
default="./", rc=rc)
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute' for input_file failed"
print*, "Results from using the dictionary-like method of data retrieval of a string"
print*, "The input file name (a string) was retrieved from the Resource File"
print*, "Its value is: ", trim (input_file)
print*, "---------------------------------------------------------------"
if(input_file .ne. "")then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "******* input_file not retrieved correctly"
print*, trim (input_file)
! The same code fragment can be used to demonstrate what happens when the label is not
! present. Note that "file\_name" does not exist in the Resource File. The result of
! its absence is the default value provided in the call.
call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(cf, input_file, label='file_name:', &
default="./", rc=rc)
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute' for input_file failed"
print*, "Results when the label in the call does not exist in the Resource File"
print*, "The default value is returned."
print*, "Its value is: ", trim (input_file)
print*, "---------------------------------------------------------------"
if (input_file .ne. "./") then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "****** Demonstration of default value (input_file) not working correctly"
print*, trim (input_file)
! Second Method of Retrieval
!\subsubsection{How to retrieve a label with multiple values}
! When there are multiple, mixed-typed values associated with a label, the
! values can be retrieved in two steps: 1) Use ESMF\_ConfigFindLabel()
! to find the label in the Config class; 2) use
! ESMF\_ConfigGetAttribute() without the optional 'label' argument to
! retrieve the values one at a time, reading from left to right in
! the record.
! A second reminder that the order in which a particular label/value pair is
! retrieved is not dependent upon the order which they exist within the
! Resource File. The label used in this method allows the user to skip to
! any point in the file.
call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel(cf, 'constants:', rc=rc) ! Step a) Find the
! label
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel' failed"
! Two constants, radius and i\_n, can now be retrieved without having to specify their
! label or use an array. They are also different types.
call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(cf, param_1, rc=rc) ! Step b) read in the
! first constant in
! the sequence
call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(cf, i_n, rc=rc) ! Step c) read in the
! second constant in
! the sequence
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute' failed"
print*, "Results from retrieving multiple values:"
print*, "The first constant was was retrieved from the Resource File"
print*, "Its value is: ", param_1
print*, "The second constant was was retrieved from the Resource File"
print*, "Its value is: ", i_n
print*, "---------------------------------------------------------------"
if (param_1 .ne. 3.1415 .or. i_n .ne. 25) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****The constants param_1 and i_n did not retrieve correctly from the file"
! This methodology also works with strings.
call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel(cf, 'my_file_names:', &
rc=rc) ! Step a) find the label
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel' failed"
call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(cf, fn1, &
rc=rc) ! Step b) retrieve the 1st filename
call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(cf, fn2, &
rc=rc) ! Step c) retrieve the 2nd filename
call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(cf, fn3, &
rc=rc) ! Step d) retrieve the 3rd filename
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute' for multiple file name retrieval failed"
print*, "Results from retrieving multi-value strings:"
print*, "The first file name was was retrieved from the Resource File"
print*, "Its value is: ", trim (fn1)
print*, "The second file name was was retrieved from the Resource File"
print*, "Its value is: ", trim (fn2)
print*, "The third file name was was retrieved from the Resource File"
print*, "Its value is: ", trim (fn3)
print*, "---------------------------------------------------------------"
if ('jan87.dat' .or.'jan88.dat' .or.'jan89.dat') then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****The file names not retrieved correctly using the multi-value method"
! Retrieval of a Table
!\subsubsection{How to retrieve a table}
! To access tabular data, the user must use the multi-value method.
call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel(cf, 'my_table_name::', &
rc=rc) ! Step a) Set the label location to the
! beginning of the table
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel' failed"
! Subsequently, {\tt call ESMF\_ConfigNextLine()} is used to move the location
! to the next row of the table. The example table in the Resource File contains
! 7 rows and 3 columns (7,3).
do i = 1, 7
call ESMF_ConfigNextLine(cf, rc=rc) ! Step b) Increment the rows
do j = 1, 3 ! Step c) Fill in the table
call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(cf, table(i,j), rc=rc)
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute' for table retrieval failed"
print*, "Results from retrieving a table"
print*, "The (1,3) table value should be 263.0"
print*, "Its retrieved value is: ", table(1,3)
print*, "The (6,1) table value should be 400"
print*, "Its retrieved value is: ", table(6,1)
print*, "---------------------------------------------------------------"
if(table(1,3) .ne. 263.0 .or. table(6,1) .ne. 400)then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "***** Tables values are incorrect"
! Destruction of a Config
!\subsubsection{Destruction of a Config}
! The work with the Config object {\tt cf} is finalized by callling
! {\tt ESMF\_ConfigDestroy()}.
call ESMF_ConfigDestroy(cf, rc=rc) ! Destroy the Config object
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****'call ESMF_ConfigDestroy' failed"
end if
! YAML File
!\subsubsection{Loading a YAML file}
! The Config class supports loading of YAML files. As before, an empty Config
! object is created with {\tt ESMF\_ConfigCreate()} and then populated via the
! {\tt ESMF\_ConfigLoadFile()} method.
cf = ESMF_ConfigCreate(rc=rc) ! Create the empty Config object
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigCreate' failed"
! Files ending in {\tt .yaml}, {\tt .yml}, or any combination of upper and lower
! case letters that can be mapped to these two options, are interpreted as YAML
! files. All other names are interpreted as classic Config {\em RFs} as
! documented earlier.
call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile(cf, "myResourceFile.yaml", & ! Load the YAML File
rc=rc) ! into the empty Config object
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile' failed"
! Here the {\tt myResourceFile.yaml} contains a YAML version of the previously
! used {\tt myResourceFile.rc} file contents:
! \begin{verbatim}
!# YAML representation of the myResourceFile.rc RF
!# mapping to sequences
!my_file_names: [jan87.dat, jan88.dat, jan89.dat] # all strings
!constants: [3.1415, 25] # float and integer
!my_favorite_colors: [green, blue, 022]
!# mapping to scalars
!radius_of_the_earth: 6.37E6
!parameter_1: 89
!parameter_2: 78.2
!# represent table as mapping to sequence of sequences
!- [1000, 3000, 263.0]
!- [ 925, 3000, 263.0]
!- [ 850, 3000, 263.0]
!- [ 700, 3000, 269.0]
!- [ 500, 3000, 287.0]
!- [ 400, 3000, 295.8]
!- [ 300, 3000, 295.8]
! \end{verbatim}
! Notice that YAML support is limited to a small subset of the full YAML
! language specification, allowing access through the classic Config API.
! Specifically, the top level in the YAML file is expected to be a mapping
! (dictionary) of scalar keys to any of the following three value options:
! \begin{itemize}
! \item Scalars
! \item List of scalars
! \item List of lists of scalars
! \end{itemize}
! All other YAML constructs are silently ignored when loaded through this
! interface. Constructs successfully ingested become available in the
! {\tt cf} object, and can be accessed via the regular {\tt ESMF\_Config}
! methods as outlined in the previous sections.
! As an example, access the {\tt my\_table\_name} element:
call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel(cf, 'my_table_name::', &
rc=rc) ! Step a) Set the label location to the
! beginning of the table
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel' failed"
! When done, the resources held by the Config object are released by calling
! the {\tt ESMF\_ConfigDestroy()} method.
call ESMF_ConfigDestroy(cf, rc=rc) ! Destroy the Config object
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****'call ESMF_ConfigDestroy' failed"
end if
! YAML HConfig
!\subsubsection{Creating from HConfig object}
! The Config class supports creating a Config object from a HConfig object.
! Here the HConfig object is created from the same YAML file as used before.
! Create HConfig object
hconfig = ESMF_HConfigCreate(filename="myResourceFile.yaml", rc=rc)
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_HConfigCreate' failed"
! The {\tt myResourceFile.yaml} contains the following YAML contents:
! \begin{verbatim}
!# YAML representation of the myResourceFile.rc RF
!# mapping to sequences
!my_file_names: [jan87.dat, jan88.dat, jan89.dat] # all strings
!constants: [3.1415, 25] # float and integer
!my_favorite_colors: [green, blue, 022]
!# mapping to scalars
!radius_of_the_earth: 6.37E6
!parameter_1: 89
!parameter_2: 78.2
!# represent table as mapping to sequence of sequences
!- [1000, 3000, 263.0]
!- [ 925, 3000, 263.0]
!- [ 850, 3000, 263.0]
!- [ 700, 3000, 269.0]
!- [ 500, 3000, 287.0]
!- [ 400, 3000, 295.8]
!- [ 300, 3000, 295.8]
! \end{verbatim}
! A Config object can be created from the HConfig object simply by passing
! {\tt hconfig} into {\tt ESMF\_CreateConfig()} as argument.
! Create Config object from HConfig
cf = ESMF_ConfigCreate(hconfig=hconfig, rc=rc)
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****'call ESMF_HConfigCreate' failed"
end if
! Notice that {\tt cf} uses the specified {\tt hconfig} object via reference.
! It remains the callers responsibility to destroy the {\tt hconfig} object
! when finished. Care must be taken to {\em not} destroy until access via
! {\tt cf} is complete.
! Here, as an example, access the {\tt my\_table\_name} element:
call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel(cf, 'my_table_name::', &
rc=rc) ! Step a) Set the label location to the
! beginning of the table
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****' call ESMF_ConfigFindLabel' failed"
! When done, the resources held by the Config object are released by calling
! the {\tt ESMF\_ConfigDestroy()} method.
call ESMF_ConfigDestroy(cf, rc=rc) ! Destroy the Config object
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****'call ESMF_ConfigDestroy' failed"
end if
! As discussed above, the {\tt hconfig} object requires its own destroy call
! for a complete release.
call ESMF_HConfigDestroy(hconfig, rc=rc) ! Destroy the HConfig object
if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) then
finalrc = ESMF_FAILURE
print*, "*****'call ESMF_HConfigDestroy' failed"
end if
print*, "Final Word"
if (finalrc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS) then
print *, "PASS: ESMF_ConfigOverviewEx.F90"
print *, "FAIL: ESMF_ConfigOverviewEx.F90"
end if
! IMPORTANT: ESMF_STest() prints the PASS string and the # of processors in the log
! file that the scripts grep for.
call ESMF_STest((finalrc.eq.ESMF_SUCCESS), testname, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE)
call ESMF_Finalize(rc=rc)
end program ESMF_ConfigOverviewEx