ESMF_ConfigGetLogical Subroutine

private subroutine ESMF_ConfigGetLogical(config, value, keywordEnforcer, label, default, rc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ESMF_Config), intent(inout) :: config
logical, intent(out) :: value
type(ESMF_KeywordEnforcer), optional :: keywordEnforcer
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: label
logical, intent(in), optional :: default
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Source Code

      subroutine ESMF_ConfigGetLogical(config, value, &
        keywordEnforcer, label, default, rc)

      type(ESMF_Config), intent(inout)         :: config
      logical,           intent(out)           :: value
type(ESMF_KeywordEnforcer), optional:: keywordEnforcer ! must use keywords below
      character(len=*),  intent(in),  optional :: label
      logical,           intent(in),  optional :: default
      integer,           intent(out), optional :: rc

!  Gets a logical {\tt value} from the {\tt config} object.
!  Recognizes any upper/lowercase composition of the following keywords as
!  logical true/false values:
!  true  t .true.  .t. yes y on  \\
!  false f .false. .f. no  n off \\
!   The arguments are:
!   \begin{description}
!   \item [config]
!     Already created {\tt ESMF\_Config} object.
!   \item [value]
!     Returned logical value. 
!   \item [{[label]}]
!     Identifying label. 
!   \item [{[default]}]
!     Default value if label is not found in configuration object. 
!     If not specified, the default value is .false.
!   \item [{[rc]}]
!     Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
!   \end{description}
!EOPI -------------------------------------------------------------------
      character(len=LSZ) :: string
      integer :: localrc

      ! Initialize return code; assume routine not implemented
      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL

      localrc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL
      !check variables

      ! Default setting
      if( present( default ) ) then 
         value = default
         value = .false.

      ! Processing
      if (present (label ) ) then
         call ESMF_ConfigGetString( config, string, label=label, rc=localrc)
         call ESMF_ConfigGetString( config, string, rc = localrc )

      if ( localrc == ESMF_SUCCESS ) then

        ! Convert string to lower case
         string = ESMF_UtilStringLowerCase(string)

         ! Check if valid true/false keyword
         if (string == 't'      .or. string == 'true' .or. &
             string == '.true.' .or. string == '.t.'  .or. &
             string == 'y'      .or. string == 'yes'  .or. &
             string == 'on') then
           value = .true.
           call ESMF_ConfigSetCurrentAttrUsed(config, used=.true.)
            if (string == 'f'       .or. string == 'false' .or. &
                string == '.false.' .or. string == '.f.'   .or. &
                string == 'n'       .or. string == 'no'    .or. &
                string == 'off') then
              value = .false.
              call ESMF_ConfigSetCurrentAttrUsed(config, used=.true.)
              ! undo what GetSring() did
              call ESMF_ConfigSetCurrentAttrUsed(config, used=.false.)

              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(ESMF_RC_CANNOT_GET, &
                                msg="bad boolean value '" // string // &
                                  "' in configuration file.", &
                                ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
         if( present( default )) then
            localrc = ESMF_SUCCESS
      end if

      if( present( rc )) then
        rc = localrc
    end subroutine ESMF_ConfigGetLogical