index_ Function

private function index_(string, tok)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
character(len=*), intent(in) :: tok

Return Value integer

Source Code

    integer function index_ (string,tok)

! !ROUTINE: index_ Extension of the Fortran 77 intrinsic "index" for
!  "string" (input) with length that can exceed 2**15-1 (=MAXLEN).  
! !DESCRIPTION: Finds the starting location = "index_", of the first character in "tok" 
!  within "string", where string is of "arbitrary" length.  If tok occurs more than
!  once in "string", then the value of index_ is based on the first occurrence of "tok". 
!      index_( string,tok )
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string, tok
      integer :: idx, i, n, nlen, lt, ibot, itop
      integer, parameter :: MAXLEN = 32767   ! max size of signed 2-byte integer

      n = len(string)         ! length of string
      lt = len(tok)           ! length of token tok
      i = 1                   ! initialize loop index
      nlen = MAXLEN-lt        ! index requires len(sting)+len(tok)<=MAXLEN 
      itop = min(nlen,n)      ! top of string to index
      ibot = 1                ! bottom of string
      idx  = index(string(ibot:itop),tok)  ! set for good, if itop=n (<=MAXLEN)
      do while(idx .eq. 0 .and. itop < n)
       i = i+1
       itop = min(i*MAXLEN-lt,n)      ! subtract lt to find tok at bdry
       ibot = max(1,itop+1-nlen)    ! bottom of string to index
       idx  = index(string(ibot:itop),tok)   ! idx>=0, since itop-ibot<=MAXLEN
      end do
      index_ = idx                    ! case where idx = 0, or (i=1 & idx > 0)
      if(idx > 0) index_ = idx - 1 + ibot

    end function index_