GetDateTimeVec Subroutine

public subroutine GetDateTimeVec(fid, begDate, begTime, incVec, rc)

GetDateTimeVec - Get date/time of file samples

This routine returns the date/times on file.


  • 1999.11.01 da Silva Initial code.
  • 1999.11.08 da Silva Generic time coordinate variable (no name assumed).
  • 2000.10.18 Lucchesi Added ParseTimeUnits subroutine to handle a wider variety of Units formats.
  • 2016.12.06 Eastham Adapted to return the vector of offsets instead


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: fid

file ID

integer :: begDate

Beginning date

integer :: begTime

Beginning time

integer(kind=INT64) :: incVec(:)

Vector of offsets (seconds)

integer :: rc

error return code


proc~~getdatetimevec~~CallsGraph proc~getdatetimevec ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDateTimeVec interface~getdate ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDate proc~getdatetimevec->interface~getdate nf90_get_att nf90_get_att proc~getdatetimevec->nf90_get_att nf90_get_var nf90_get_var proc~getdatetimevec->nf90_get_var nf90_inq_varid nf90_inq_varid proc~getdatetimevec->nf90_inq_varid nf90_inquire nf90_inquire proc~getdatetimevec->nf90_inquire nf90_inquire_dimension nf90_inquire_dimension proc~getdatetimevec->nf90_inquire_dimension nf90_inquire_variable nf90_inquire_variable proc~getdatetimevec->nf90_inquire_variable proc~err ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::err proc~getdatetimevec->proc~err proc~identifydim ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::IdentifyDim proc~getdatetimevec->proc~identifydim proc~parsetimeunits ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::ParseTimeUnits proc~getdatetimevec->proc~parsetimeunits proc~getdateint4 ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDateInt4 interface~getdate->proc~getdateint4 proc~getdateint8 ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDateInt8 interface~getdate->proc~getdateint8 proc~getdateint4->proc~getdateint8 proc~caldat ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CALDAT proc~getdateint8->proc~caldat proc~cfio_parseinttime ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CFIO_parseIntTime proc~getdateint8->proc~cfio_parseinttime proc~julday ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::julday proc~getdateint8->proc~julday

Called by

proc~~getdatetimevec~~CalledByGraph proc~getdatetimevec ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDateTimeVec proc~cfio_getvar ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CFIO_GetVar proc~cfio_getvar->proc~getdatetimevec proc~cfio_sgetvar ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CFIO_SGetVar proc~cfio_sgetvar->proc~getdatetimevec

Source Code

      subroutine GetDateTimeVec ( fid, begDate, begTime, incVec, rc )
! !USES:
      Implicit NONE
      integer fid      !! file ID
      integer               :: begDate   !! Beginning date
      integer               :: begTime   !! Beginning time
      integer(Kind=INT64) :: incVec(:) !! Vector of offsets (seconds)
      integer               :: rc        !! error return code

      integer i, timeId, hour, min, sec, corner(1)
      !integer incSecs
      integer year, month, day
      character(len=MAXCHR) timeUnits, dimUnits
      !character(len=MAXCHR) strTmp

      character(len=MAXCHR) varName, dimName, stdName
      integer type, nvDims, vdims(MAXVDIMS), nvAtts, dimSize
      integer nDims, nvars, ngatts, dimId

!     Time conversion local variables
      real(kind=REAL32)    rtime, rtime_array(1)
      real(kind=REAL64)    dtime, dtime_array(1)
      integer(kind=INT16) itime, itime_array(1)
      integer(kind=REAL32) ltime, ltime_array(1)
      !integer   t1
      integer   newDate, newTime

!     We now have the possibility of a very large interval
      integer(Kind=INT64) :: t1Long, t2Long, tMultLong, incSecsLong
      integer(Kind=INT64),allocatable :: incVecLong(:) ! Vector of offsets (seconds)

!     Get the starting date and time
!     ---------------------------------------------------------

!     Start by determing the ID of the time coordinate variable
!     ---------------------------------------------------------
      timeId = -1
      rc = NF90_INQUIRE (fid, nDims, nvars, ngatts, dimId)
      if (err("GetDateTimeVec: NF90_INQUIRE failed",rc,-48) .NE. 0)return
      do i=1,nDims
        rc = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (fid, i, dimName, dimSize)
        if (err("GetDateTimeVec: can't get dim info",rc,-41) .NE. 0) return
        if (index(dimName,'station')  .gt. 0) cycle
        if (trim(dimName) .eq. 'nv') cycle
        if ( index(dimName,'edges') .gt. 0 ) cycle

        if (trim(dimName) .eq. 'nv') cycle
        if (trim(dimName) .eq. 'nf') cycle
        if (trim(dimName) .eq. 'ncontact') cycle
        if (trim(dimName) .eq. 'XCdim') cycle
        if (trim(dimName) .eq. 'YCdim') cycle
        if (trim(dimName) .eq. 'orientationStrLen') cycle

        rc = NF90_INQ_VARID (fid, dimName, dimId)
        if (err("GetDateTimeVec: NF90_INQ_VARID failed",rc,-40) .NE. 0) return
        ! If it has the standard_name attribute, use that instead
        rc = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,dimId,'standard_name',stdName)
        if (rc .ne. 0) stdName = Trim(dimName)
        rc = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,dimId,'units',dimUnits)
        if (err("GetDateTimeVec: could not get units for dimension",rc,-53)&
            .NE. 0) return
        if ( IdentifyDim (stdName, dimUnits) .eq. 3 ) then
             timeId = dimId
             timeUnits = dimUnits
        end if
      end do

      if ( timeId .lt. 0 ) then
         rc = -43
         print *, "GetDateTimeVec: could not find time coord"
      end if

!     Attempt to parse the COARDS compliant time units
!     --------------------------------------------------
!ams      rc = NF90_GET_ATT(fid,timeId,'units',timeUnits)
!ams      if (err("GetDateTimeVec: missing time.units",rc,-44) .NE. 0) return
      i = index(timeUnits,'since')
      if ( i .le. 0 ) then
          if (err("GetDateTimeVec: invalid time units",1,-44) .NE. 0) return

!     Call to ParseTimeUnits replaces an internal read, that made assumptions
!     about the format of the Time Units string that were not always true.
!     (RL: 10/2000)

      call ParseTimeUnits ( timeUnits, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, rc )
      begDate = year*10000 + month*100 + day
      begTime = hour*10000 + min*100   + sec

!     Retreive time vector.
!     -------------------------
      rc = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE (fid, timeID, varName, type, nvDims, vDims, &
      if (err("GetDateTimeVec: error in time variable inquire",&
         rc,-52) .NE. 0) return

      incVecLong(:) = 0
      do i=1,dimsize
           if ( type .eq. NF90_FLOAT )  then
                corner(1) = i
                rc = NF90_GET_VAR(fid,timeID,rtime_array,corner,(/1/))
                rtime = rtime_array(1)
                incVecLong(i) = int(rtime,INT64)
           else if ( type .eq. NF90_DOUBLE ) then
                corner(1) = i
                rc = NF90_GET_VAR(fid,timeID,dtime_array,corner,(/1/))
                dtime = dtime_array(1)
                incVecLong(i) = int(dtime,INT64)
           else if ( type .eq. NF90_SHORT  ) then
                corner(1) = i
                rc = NF90_GET_VAR(fid,timeID,itime_array,corner,(/1/))
                itime = itime_array(1)
                incVecLong(i) = int(itime,INT64)
           else if ( type .eq. NF90_INT   ) then
                corner(1) = i
                rc = NF90_GET_VAR(fid,timeID,ltime_array,corner,(/1/))
                ltime = ltime_array(1)
                incVecLong(i) = int(ltime,INT64)
                if (err("GetDateTimeVec: invalid time data type",&
                   1,-44) .NE. 0) return
      end do

!     Convert time increment to seconds if necessary
!     ----------------------------------------------
      if ( timeUnits(1:6) .eq.  'minute' ) then
           tMultLong = 60
      else if ( timeUnits(1:4) .eq. 'hour'   ) then
           tMultLong = 60 * 60
      else if ( timeUnits(1:3) .eq.  'day' ) then
           tMultLong = 60 * 60 * 24
           if (err("GetDateTimeVec: invalid time unit name",&
              1,-44) .NE. 0) return

!     Combine the first time offset with the reference time to get the beginning
!     date and time
!     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      t1Long = incVecLong(1)
      Call GetDate(begDate,begTime,t1Long*tMultLong,newDate,newTime,rc)

!     Convert all the offsets to reference the first sample
!     -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      incVec(:) = 0
      do i=1,dimsize
         t2Long = incVecLong(i)
         incSecsLong = (t2Long - t1Long)*tMultLong
         ! If ( Then
         !   print *, 'Time interval too large'
         !   rc = -10
         !   return
         ! End If
         ! Sometimes we actually do need to return this as a longlong..
         !incSecs = int(incSecsLong,4)
         !incVec(i) = incSecs
         incVec(i) = incSecsLong
      end do
!ams  print *, 'begdate, begtime, incsecs: ',begdate, begtime, incsecs

      rc = 0 ! all done

      end subroutine GetDateTimeVec