IdentifyDim Function

public function IdentifyDim(dimName, dimUnits)

IdentifyDim - Identify a cooridate variable

This function attempts to identify a coordiante variable from the name or units of the variable. It does so by attempting to match the units specified in the COARDS conventions or by checking the name against commonly used names.

RETURN VALUES: * 0 = X dimension (longitude) * 1 = Y dimension (latitude) * 2 = Z dimension (level) * 3 = Time * -1 = Unable to determine dimension


  • 1998.12.22 Lucchesi Initial coding.
  • 1999.11.02 da Silva Made LATS4D compatible,
  • 2001.01.02 da Silva Cimcurventing PGI bugs.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*) :: dimName

Name of the coordinate variable

character(len=*) :: dimUnits

Units of the coordinate variable

Return Value integer

Called by

proc~~identifydim~~CalledByGraph proc~identifydim ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::IdentifyDim proc~cfio_diminquire ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CFIO_DimInquire proc~cfio_diminquire->proc~identifydim proc~cfio_sgetvar ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CFIO_SGetVar proc~cfio_sgetvar->proc~identifydim proc~getdatetimevec ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDateTimeVec proc~cfio_sgetvar->proc~getdatetimevec proc~esmf_cfioeosfilecreate ESMF_CFIOEosMod::ESMF_CFIOEosFileCreate proc~esmf_cfioeosfilecreate->proc~identifydim proc~esmf_cfiosdffileopen ESMF_CFIOSdfMod::ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen proc~esmf_cfiosdffileopen->proc~identifydim proc~esmf_cfiosdffileopen->proc~cfio_diminquire proc~getbegdatetime ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetBegDateTime proc~esmf_cfiosdffileopen->proc~getbegdatetime proc~getbegdatetime->proc~identifydim proc~getdatetimevec->proc~identifydim proc~cfio_getvar ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CFIO_GetVar proc~cfio_getvar->proc~getdatetimevec proc~esmf_cfiofileopen ESMF_CFIOMod::ESMF_CFIOFileOpen proc~esmf_cfiofileopen->proc~esmf_cfiosdffileopen none~find~9 ESMF_CFIOCollectionMod::CFIOCollection%find none~find~9->proc~esmf_cfiofileopen proc~mapl_cfioopenwrite MAPL_CFIOMod::MAPL_CFIOOpenWrite proc~mapl_cfioopenwrite->proc~esmf_cfiofileopen program~test test program~test->proc~esmf_cfiofileopen program~test~12 test program~test~12->proc~esmf_cfiofileopen program~test~3 test program~test~3->proc~esmf_cfiofileopen program~test~5 test program~test~5->proc~esmf_cfiofileopen proc~mapl_cfiocreatefromfile MAPL_CFIOMod::MAPL_CFIOCreateFromFile proc~mapl_cfiocreatefromfile->none~find~9 proc~mapl_cfioreadbundleread MAPL_CFIOMod::MAPL_CFIOReadBundleRead proc~mapl_cfioreadbundleread->none~find~9

Source Code

      integer function IdentifyDim (dimName, dimUnits)
! !USES:
      Implicit NONE
      character(len=*) dimName  !! Name of the coordinate variable
      character(len=*) dimUnits !! Units of the coordinate variable

        if (TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "degrees_north" ) then
            IdentifyDim = 1
         end if

        if (TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "hPa" ) then
            IdentifyDim = 2
        end if

        if ( trim(dimName) .eq. "time" ) then
            IdentifyDim = 3
        end if

        if (TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "degrees_east" .OR.            &
            trim(dimName)  .eq. "longitude"    .OR.           &
            trim(dimName)  .eq. "lon"  ) then
            IdentifyDim = 0
        else if (TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "degrees_north" ) then
            IdentifyDim = 1
        else if (  trim(dimName)  .eq. "latitude"    .OR.      &
                  trim(dimName)  .eq. "lat"  ) then
            IdentifyDim = 1
        else if (INDEX(dimName,"lev") .NE. 0 .OR.              &
                INDEX(dimName,"Height") .NE. 0) then
          IdentifyDim = 2
        else if (TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "mb" .OR.                 &
                TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "millibar" .OR.           &
                TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "sigma_level" .OR.        &
                TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "hPa") then
          IdentifyDim = 2
        else if (trim(dimName) .eq. "TIME" .OR.            &
                trim(dimName) .eq. "TIME:EOSGRID" .OR.     &
                trim(dimName) .eq. "time" .OR.             &
                trim(dimName) .eq. "Time") then
          IdentifyDim = 3
          IdentifyDim = -1

      if (TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "degrees_east" .OR. &
     INDEX(dimName,"XDim") .NE. 0 .OR. &
     INDEX(dimName,"lon") .NE. 0) then
        IdentifyDim = 0
      else if (TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "degrees_north" .OR. &
     INDEX(dimName,"YDim") .NE. 0 .OR. &
     INDEX(dimName,"lat") .NE. 0) then
          IdentifyDim = 1
      else if (INDEX(dimName,"lev") .NE. 0 .OR. &
     INDEX(dimName,"Height") .NE. 0) then
         IdentifyDim = 2
      else if (TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "mb" .OR. &
     TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "millibar" .OR. &
     TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "sigma_level" .OR. &
     TRIM(dimUnits) .EQ. "hPa") then
          IdentifyDim = 2
      else if (INDEX(dimName,"TIME") .NE. 0 .OR. &
     INDEX(dimName,"time") .NE. 0 .OR. &
     INDEX(dimName,"Time") .NE. 0) then
          IdentifyDim = 3
          IdentifyDim = -1

        end function IdentifyDim