GetDateInt8 Subroutine

public subroutine GetDateInt8(yyyymmdd_1, hhmmss_1, offset, yyyymmdd_2, hhmmss_2, rc)

GetDateInt8 — Returns a new date/time from an initial date/time and offset

This subroutine returns a new date and time in yyyymmdd and hhmmss format given and initial date, time, and offset in seconds. The routine converts the input date and time to julian seconds, adds the offset, and converts back to yyyymmdd and hhmmss format. This routine has been tested for Y2K compiance.


  • 1998.07.20 Lucchesi Initial version.
  • 2010.05.11 Lucchesi Integer for julian seconds changed to 64-bit. StartDate constant no longer needed.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: yyyymmdd_1

Initial date in YYYYYMMDD format

integer :: hhmmss_1

Initial time in HHMMSS format

integer(kind=INT64) :: offset

Offset to add (in seconds)

integer :: yyyymmdd_2

New date in YYYYMMDD format

integer :: hhmmss_2

New time in HHMMSS format

integer :: rc

Return code. (<0 = error)


proc~~getdateint8~~CallsGraph proc~getdateint8 ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDateInt8 proc~caldat ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CALDAT proc~getdateint8->proc~caldat proc~cfio_parseinttime ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CFIO_parseIntTime proc~getdateint8->proc~cfio_parseinttime proc~julday ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::julday proc~getdateint8->proc~julday

Called by

proc~~getdateint8~~CalledByGraph proc~getdateint8 ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDateInt8 interface~getdate ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDate interface~getdate->proc~getdateint8 proc~getdateint4 ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDateInt4 interface~getdate->proc~getdateint4 proc~getdateint4->proc~getdateint8 proc~getbegdatetime ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetBegDateTime proc~getbegdatetime->interface~getdate proc~getdatetimevec ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::GetDateTimeVec proc~getdatetimevec->interface~getdate proc~cfio_getvar ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CFIO_GetVar proc~cfio_getvar->proc~getdatetimevec proc~cfio_sgetvar ESMF_CFIOUtilMod::CFIO_SGetVar proc~cfio_sgetvar->proc~getdatetimevec proc~esmf_cfiosdffileopen ESMF_CFIOSdfMod::ESMF_CFIOSdfFileOpen proc~esmf_cfiosdffileopen->proc~getbegdatetime proc~esmf_cfiofileopen ESMF_CFIOMod::ESMF_CFIOFileOpen proc~esmf_cfiofileopen->proc~esmf_cfiosdffileopen

Source Code

       subroutine GetDateInt8 (yyyymmdd_1,hhmmss_1,offset, &

       implicit none

       integer         yyyymmdd_1       !! Initial date in YYYYYMMDD format
       integer         hhmmss_1         !! Initial time in HHMMSS format
       integer(kind=INT64) offset           !! Offset to add (in seconds)

       integer yyyymmdd_2               !! New date in YYYYMMDD format
       integer hhmmss_2                 !! New time in HHMMSS format
       integer rc                       !! Return code. (<0 = error)
      integer year1,mon1,day1,hour1,min1,sec1
      integer year2,mon2,day2,hour2,min2,sec2
      integer(kind=INT64) julian1
      integer(kind=INT64) julsec, remainder
      !character(len=8) dateString

! Error checking.

      if (yyyymmdd_1 .lt. 19000000 .or. yyyymmdd_1 .gt. 21000000 ) then
      if (hhmmss_1 .lt. 0 .or. hhmmss_1 .ge. 240000 ) then

! Convert Date/Time strings to integer variables.

!ams       write (dateString, 200) yyyymmdd_1
!ams 200   format (I8)
!ams       read (dateString, 201) year1, mon1, day1
!ams 201   format (I4,2I2)
!ams       write (dateString, 202) hhmmss_1
!ams 202   format (I6)
!ams       read (dateString, 203) hour1, min1, sec1
!ams 203   format (3I2)

      call CFIO_parseIntTime ( yyyymmdd_1, year1, mon1, day1 )
      call CFIO_parseIntTime ( hhmmss_1, hour1, min1, sec1 )

! Get Julian Day and subtract off a constant (Julian days since 7/14/66)

      julian1 = julday (mon1, day1, year1)

! Calculcate Julian seconds

      julsec = (julian1-1)*86400 + hour1*3600 + min1*60 + sec1

! Add offset and calculate new julian day.

      julsec = julsec + offset
      julian1 = INT(julsec/86400) + 1
      remainder = MOD(julsec,86400_INT64)

! Convert julian day to YYYYMMDD.

      call caldat (julian1, mon2, day2, year2)

! Calculate HHMMSS from the remainder.
      hour2 = INT(remainder/3600)
      remainder = MOD(remainder,3600_INT64)
      min2 = INT(remainder/60)
      sec2 = MOD(remainder,60_INT64)

! Build YYYYMMDD and HHMMSS variables.

      yyyymmdd_2 = year2*10000 + mon2*100 + day2
      hhmmss_2 = hour2*10000 + min2*100 + sec2

      rc = 0
      end subroutine GetDateInt8