AttributeUpdateReconcile Program


Type Attributes Name Initial
character(len=2) :: name
character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: failMsg
character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: outVal
integer :: localPet
integer :: petCount
integer :: petList1(1)
integer :: petList2(1)
integer :: petList3(2)
integer :: rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
integer :: result = 0
type(ESMF_CplComp) :: cplcomp
type(ESMF_GridComp) :: gridcomp1
type(ESMF_GridComp) :: gridcomp2
type(ESMF_State) :: c1exp
type(ESMF_State) :: c2imp
type(ESMF_VM) :: vm

Source Code

program AttributeUpdateReconcile

#include "ESMF.h"

! !PROGRAM: AttributeUpdate- Attribute Update Reproducer
! The code in this file drives F90 Attribute Update
! !USES:
  use ESMF
  use ESMF_TestMod
  use AttributeUpdateReconcileMod, only : userm1_setvm, userm1_register, &
  userm2_setvm, userm2_register, usercpl_setvm, usercpl_register

  implicit none

    ! individual test failure message
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: failMsg
    character(2*ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name

    ! cumulative result: count failures; no failures equals "all pass"
    integer :: result = 0

    ! individual test result code
    integer :: rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    ! local variables
    integer                 :: petCount, localPet
    integer                 :: petList1(1), petList2(1), petList3(2)
    type(ESMF_VM)           :: vm
    type(ESMF_State)        :: c1exp, c2imp
    type(ESMF_GridComp)     :: gridcomp1
    type(ESMF_GridComp)     :: gridcomp2
    type(ESMF_CplComp)      :: cplcomp

    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: outVal

!  The unit tests are divided into Sanity and Exhaustive. The Sanity tests are
!  always run. When the environment variable, EXHAUSTIVE, is set to ON then
!  the EXHAUSTIVE and sanity tests both run. If the EXHAUSTIVE variable is set
!  to OFF, then only the sanity unit tests.
!  Special strings (Non-exhaustive and exhaustive) have been
!  added to allow a script to count the number and types of unit tests.

    call ESMF_TestStart(ESMF_SRCLINE, rc=rc)
    if (rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_VMGet(vm, petCount=petCount, localPet=localPet, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    petList1 = (/0/)
    petList2 = (/1/)
    petList3(1:1) = petList1
    petList3(2:2) = petList2

    gridcomp1 = ESMF_GridCompCreate(name="gridcomp1", &
      petList=petList2, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    gridcomp2 = ESMF_GridCompCreate(name="gridcomp2", &
      petList=petList1, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    cplcomp = ESMF_CplCompCreate(name="cplcomp", &
      petList=petList3, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    c1exp = ESMF_StateCreate(name="Comp1 exportState", &
                             stateintent=ESMF_STATEINTENT_EXPORT, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    c2imp = ESMF_StateCreate(name="Comp2 importState", &
                             stateintent=ESMF_STATEINTENT_IMPORT, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_GridCompSetVM(gridcomp1, userm1_setvm, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_GridCompSetVM(gridcomp2, userm2_setvm, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_CplCompSetVM(cplcomp, usercpl_setvm, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_GridCompSetServices(gridcomp1, userRoutine=userm1_register, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_GridCompSetServices(gridcomp2, userRoutine=userm2_register, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_CplCompSetServices(cplcomp, userRoutine=usercpl_register, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_GridCompInitialize(gridcomp1, exportState=c1exp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_GridCompInitialize(gridcomp2, importState=c2imp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_CplCompInitialize(cplcomp, importState=c1exp, &
      exportState=c2imp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_GridCompRun(gridcomp1, exportState=c1exp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_CplCompRun(cplcomp, importState=c1exp, &
      exportState=c2imp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_GridCompRun(gridcomp2, importState=c2imp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    !!!!! Simulate Simultaneous Changes to Attribute Tree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ! simulate changes happening on both sides
    if (localPet == 0) then

      call ESMF_AttributeSet(cplcomp, "ESMF_RUNTIME_COMPLIANCEICREGISTER", &
        value="doodle", rc=rc)
      if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

      call ESMF_AttributeSet(cplcomp, "ConnectionOptions", value="doodle", rc=rc)
      if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    else if (localPet == 1) then

      ! add the SAME attribute that was added to the root PETs
      call ESMF_AttributeSet(cplcomp, "ConnectionOptions", value="doodle", rc=rc)
      if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)


    !!!!! Simulate Simultaneous Changes to Attribute Tree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    call ESMF_AttributeUpdate(cplcomp, vm, rootList=petList1, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_AttributeGet(cplcomp, "ESMF_RUNTIME_COMPLIANCEICREGISTER", &
                           value=outVal, rc=rc)
    write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS or wrong value"
    write(name, *) "PET ", localPet, ": Getting an updated Attribute value from a Component test: value = ", trim(outVal)
    call ESMF_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(outVal=="doodle"), &
                    name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE)

    if (localPet == 0) then
      call ESMF_AttributeSet(cplcomp, "ReconcileFalse", value="doodle", rc=rc)
      if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_AttributeUpdate(cplcomp, vm, rootList=petList1, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_AttributeGet(cplcomp, "ReconcileFalse", value=outVal, rc=rc)
    write(failMsg, *) "Did not return ESMF_SUCCESS or wrong value"
    write(name, *) "PET ", localPet, ": Getting an updated Attribute value from a Component test: value = ", trim(outVal)
    call ESMF_Test((rc==ESMF_SUCCESS).and.(outVal=="doodle"), &
                    name, failMsg, result, ESMF_SRCLINE)

    ! Now back to finalizing the model run
    call ESMF_GridCompFinalize(gridcomp1, exportState=c1exp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_GridCompFinalize(gridcomp2, importState=c2imp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_CplCompFinalize(cplcomp, importState=c1exp, &
      exportState=c2imp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_GridCompDestroy(gridcomp1, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_GridCompDestroy(gridcomp2, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_CplCompDestroy(cplcomp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_StateDestroy(c1exp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)
    call ESMF_StateDestroy(c2imp, rc=rc)
    if (rc .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT)

    call ESMF_TestEnd(ESMF_SRCLINE)

end program AttributeUpdateReconcile