ESMF_Test Subroutine

public subroutine ESMF_Test(condition, name, failMsg, result, file, line, unit)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical, intent(in) :: condition
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: failMsg
integer, intent(inout) :: result
character(len=*), intent(in) :: file
integer, intent(in) :: line
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit

Source Code

      subroutine ESMF_Test(condition, name, failMsg, result, file, line, unit)

      logical, intent(in) :: condition      ! pass/fail condition
      character(*), intent(in) :: name      ! test name
      character(*), intent(in) :: failMsg   ! fail message
      integer, intent(inout) :: result      ! accumulated result
      character(*), intent(in) :: file      ! test file name
      integer, intent(in) :: line           ! test file line number
      integer, intent(in), optional :: unit ! additional output unit number

!     Prints a {\tt PASS} message to stdout if {\tt condition} is true,
!     and a {\tt FAIL} message if {\tt condition} is false.  If {\tt unit}
!     is specified, will in addition write the same message to that 
!     Fortran unit number.

      character(2*ESMF_MAXSTR) :: msg
      character(16) :: linestr

      write (linestr,*) line
      linestr = adjustl (linestr)

      if(condition) then
        write(msg, *) "PASS ", trim(name), ", ", trim(file), ", line ", trim (linestr)
        print *, trim(msg)
        call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
        if (present(unit)) write(unit, *) trim(msg)
        write(msg, *) "FAIL ", trim(name), ", ", trim(file), ", line ", &
                      trim (linestr), ": ", trim(failMsg)
        print *, trim(msg)
        call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO)
        if (present(unit)) write(unit, *) trim(msg)
        result = result + 1  ! count total failures; 0 = all pass
      end if

      end subroutine ESMF_Test