report_descriptor_string Subroutine

public subroutine report_descriptor_string(PDS, iG, iD, iGfile, iDfile, reportType, localPET, localrc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(problem_descriptor_strings), intent(inout) :: PDS
integer, intent(in) :: iG
integer, intent(in) :: iD
integer, intent(in) :: iGfile
integer, intent(in) :: iDfile
character(len=THARN_MAXSTR), intent(in) :: reportType
integer, intent(in) :: localPET
integer, intent(out) :: localrc

Source Code

  subroutine report_descriptor_string(PDS, iG, iD, iGfile, iDfile,             &
                reportType, localPET, localrc)
  ! routine displays the test result, followed by the problem descriptor string,
  ! followed by the entry number and file names for the grid and distribution 
  ! specifiers.
  ! report string takes the form:
  ! {status}: {source string} {action} {destination string}
  ! arguments
  type(problem_descriptor_strings), intent(inout) :: PDS
  integer, intent(in   ) :: iG, iD, iDfile, iGfile
  character(THARN_MAXSTR), intent(in   ) :: reportType
  integer, intent(in   ) :: localPET
  integer, intent(  out) :: localrc

  ! local character strings
  character(THARN_MAXSTR) :: lstatus, lout, test_string
  character(7) :: l1, l2, lpet

  ! local integer variables
  integer :: test_status

  ! initialize return flag
  localrc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL

  ! extract variables
  test_string = PDS%test_record(iDfile,iGfile)%test_string(iD,iG)%string
  test_status = PDS%test_record(iDfile,iGfile)%test_status(iD,iG)

  ! output format 
  write(l1,"(i6)") iG
  write(l2,"(i6)") iD
  write(lpet,"(i6)") localPET

 10  format('PET(',a,') ', a, /,'   > element=', a,' of grid file= ', a,       &
            /,'   > element=', a,' of dist file= ', a)
  ! set STATUS string
  select case (trim(adjustL(reportType)))
     ! report both successes and failures
     if( test_status == HarnessTest_SUCCESS ) then
        lstatus = "SUCCESS:"
        lout = trim(adjustL(lstatus)) // trim(adjustL(test_string))
        write(*,10) trim(adjustL(lpet)), trim(adjustL(lout)),                  &
           trim(adjustL(l1)), trim(adjustL(PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%filename)),      &
           trim(adjustL(l2)), trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename)) 
     elseif( test_status == HarnessTest_FAILURE ) then
        lstatus = "FAILURE:"
        lout = trim(adjustL(lstatus)) // trim(adjustL(test_string))
        write(*,10) trim(adjustL(lpet)), trim(adjustL(lout)),                  &
           trim(adjustL(l1)), trim(adjustL(PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%filename)),      &
           trim(adjustL(l2)), trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename)) 
        ! error
        call ESMF_LogSetError( ESMF_FAILURE,msg="invalid test status value ",   &

     ! only report failures
     if( test_status == HarnessTest_FAILURE ) then
        lstatus = "FAILURE:"
        lout = trim(adjustL(lstatus)) // trim(adjustL(test_string))
        write(*,10) trim(adjustL(lpet)), trim(adjustL(lout)),                  &
           trim(adjustL(l1)), trim(adjustL(PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%filename)),      &
           trim(adjustL(l2)), trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename)) 
     ! only report success
     if( test_status == HarnessTest_SUCCESS ) then
        lstatus = "SUCCESS:"
        lout = trim(adjustL(lstatus)) // trim(adjustL(test_string))
        write(*,10) trim(adjustL(lpet)), trim(adjustL(lout)),                  &
           trim(adjustL(l1)), trim(adjustL(PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%filename)),      &
           trim(adjustL(l2)), trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename)) 

     ! no report
     case default
     ! error
     print*,"error, report flag improperly set"
     call ESMF_LogSetError( ESMF_FAILURE, msg=" report flag improperly set",     &

  end select  ! case of report flag

  ! if I've gotten this far without an error, then the routine has succeeded.
  localrc = ESMF_SUCCESS

  end subroutine report_descriptor_string