array_redist_test Subroutine

public subroutine array_redist_test(PDS, test_failure, reportType, VM, rc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(problem_descriptor_strings), intent(inout) :: PDS
integer, intent(inout) :: test_failure
character(len=THARN_MAXSTR), intent(in) :: reportType
type(ESMF_VM), intent(in) :: VM
integer, intent(out) :: rc

Source Code

  subroutine array_redist_test(PDS, test_failure, reportType, VM, rc)
  ! arguments
  type(problem_descriptor_strings), intent(inout) :: PDS
  character(THARN_MAXSTR), intent(in   ) :: reportType
  type(ESMF_VM), intent(in   ) :: VM
  integer, intent(inout) :: test_failure
  integer, intent(  out) :: rc

  ! local parameters
  real(ESMF_KIND_R8), parameter :: initvalue = 0.0

  ! local ESMF Types
  type(ESMF_Array) :: src_array, return_array, dst_array
  type(ESMF_DistGrid) :: src_distgrid, dst_distgrid
  type(ESMF_RouteHandle) :: redistHandle_forward, redistHandle_reverse

  ! local integers
  integer :: localrc ! local error status
  integer :: iDfile, iGfile, iD, iG
  integer :: test_status

  integer :: localPET

  ! local characters
  character(THARN_MAXSTR) :: liG, liD

  ! debug
  ! real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: farrayPtr2(:,:)
  ! integer ::de, localDeCount, dimCount
  ! integer :: i1, i2
  ! integer, allocatable ::  localDeToDeMap(:)
  ! type(ESMF_LocalArray), allocatable :: larrayList(:)
  ! integer, allocatable :: LBnd(:,:), UBnd(:,:)
  ! type(ESMF_Index_Flag) :: indexflag

  ! initialize return flag
  localrc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL

  ! initialize test counter
  test_failure = 0

  call ESMF_VMGet(VM, localPet=localPET, rc=localrc)
  if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"can not get local pet ",          &
                  rcToReturn=rc)) return

  ! for a single problem descriptor string, loop through each specifier file
  ! combination
  if (localPet == 0) then
    print*,'-----------------======array redist test==========-----------------------'
  end if

  do iDfile=1,PDS%nDfiles         ! distribution specifier files
    do iGfile=1,PDS%nGfiles       ! grid specifier files
      do iD=1, PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%nDspecs   ! entries in distribution specifier
        do iG=1, PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%nGspecs ! entries in grid specifier file
          write(liG,"(i5)") iG
          write(liD,"(i5)") iD

          if (localPet == 0) then
            print '(A)',"array redist test - "  &
               // " with string "  // trim(adjustL(PDS%pds)) //                  &
               " with entry "  // trim(adjustL(liD)) // " of file " //           &
               trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename))                        &
               // " and entry " // trim(adjustL(liG)) // " of file " //          &
          end if

          ! create source and destination distributions
          call create_distribution(PDS%SrcMem, PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%src_dist(iD),&
                    PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%src_grid(iG), src_distgrid, VM, localrc)

          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"error creating source distgrid "  &
             // " with string "  // trim(adjustL(PDS%pds)) //                  &
             " with entry "  // trim(adjustL(liD)) // " of file " //           &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename))                        &
             // " and entry " // trim(adjustL(liG)) // " of file " //          &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%filename)),                       &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! create source array
          call create_array(src_array, src_distgrid, PDS%SrcMem,               &
                      PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%src_grid(iG), localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"error creating source array "     &
             // " with string "  // trim(adjustL(PDS%pds)) //                  &
             " with entry "  // trim(adjustL(liD)) // " of file " //           &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename))                        &
             // " and entry " // trim(adjustL(liG)) // " of file " //          &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%filename)),                       &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! populate source array for redistribution test
          call populate_redist_array(src_array, src_distgrid, PDS%SrcMem,      &
                       PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%src_grid(iG), localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"error populating source array ",  &
                  rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! create return array
          call create_array(return_array, src_distgrid, PDS%SrcMem,            &
                      PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%src_grid(iG), localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"error creating return array "     &
             // " with string "  // trim(adjustL(PDS%pds)) //                  &
             " with entry "  // trim(adjustL(liD)) // " of file " //           &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename))                        &
             // " and entry " // trim(adjustL(liG)) // " of file " //          &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%filename)),                       &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! populate return array with zeros for redistribution test
          call populate_array_value(return_array, initvalue, src_distgrid,     &
                  PDS%SrcMem, PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%src_grid(iG), localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"error initializing value in " //  &
             "return array ", rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! Create Destination distribution and array
          call create_distribution(PDS%DstMem, PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%dst_dist(iD),&
                    PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%dst_grid(iG), dst_distgrid, VM, localrc)
          write(liG,"(i5)") iG
          write(liD,"(i5)") iD
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"error creating source distgrid "  &
             // " with string "  // trim(adjustL(PDS%pds)) //                  &
             " with entry "  // trim(adjustL(liD)) // " of file " //           &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename))                        &
             // " and entry " // trim(adjustL(liG)) // " of file " //          &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%filename)),                       &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return

          call create_array(dst_array, dst_distgrid, PDS%DstMem,               &
                      PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%dst_grid(iG), localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"error creating destinationarray " &
             // " with string "  // trim(adjustL(PDS%pds)) //                  &
             " with entry "  // trim(adjustL(liD)) // " of file " //           &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Dfiles(iDfile)%filename))                        &
             // " and entry " // trim(adjustL(liG)) // " of file " //          &
             trim(adjustL(PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%filename)),                       &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! populate destination array with zeros for redistribution test
          call populate_array_value(dst_array, initvalue, dst_distgrid,        &
                  PDS%DstMem, PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%dst_grid(iG), localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"error initializing value in " //  &
             "destination array ", rcToReturn=rc)) return

  ! Now conduct the redistribution test
  ! the test consists of a forward redistribution from the source
  ! distribution to the destination distribution, and a second backward
  ! redistribution from the destination back to the source distribution.
          ! redistribution store for forward direction
          call ESMF_ArrayRedistStore(srcArray=src_array, dstArray=dst_array,   &
                   routehandle=redistHandle_forward, rc=localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"Array redist store failed for" // &
                  " forward direction", rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! forward redistribution run
          call ESMF_ArrayRedist(srcArray=src_array, dstArray=dst_array,        &
                   routehandle=redistHandle_forward, rc=localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"Array redist run failed for " //  &
                  " forward failed ", rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! release redistribution handles
          call ESMF_ArrayRedistRelease(routehandle=redistHandle_forward,       &
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"redistribution release for" //    &
                  " forward failed ", rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! redistribution store for reverse direction
          call ESMF_ArrayRedistStore(srcArray=dst_array, dstArray=return_array,&
                   routehandle=redistHandle_reverse, rc=localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"Array redist store failed for" // &
                  " reverse direction", rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! forward redistribution run
          call ESMF_ArrayRedist(srcArray=dst_array, dstArray=return_array,     &
                   routehandle=redistHandle_reverse, rc=localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"Array redist run failed for " //  &
                  " reverse failed ", rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! release redistribution handles
          call ESMF_ArrayRedistRelease(routehandle=redistHandle_reverse,       &
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"redistribution release for" //    &
                  " reverse failed ", rcToReturn=rc)) return

  ! Check redistribution
          ! compare source array values with the return array values
          call compare_redist_array(test_status,                               &
                  src_array, return_array, src_distgrid, src_distgrid,         &
                  PDS%SrcMem, PDS%Gfiles(iGfile)%src_grid(iG), localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"redistribution array " //         &
                  " comparison failed ", rcToReturn=rc)) return

! gblock - do we want to return on the compare failure?  How about internal ESMF error?
!   suspect already HarnessTest_FAILURE reported on compare error, ESMF_xxx on ESMF error

          PDS%test_record(iDfile,iGfile)%test_status(iD,iG) = test_status

          if( test_status == HarnessTest_FAILURE ) then
             test_failure = test_failure + 1

          call report_descriptor_string(PDS, iG, iD, iGfile, iDfile,           &
                                        reportType, localPET, localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"redistribution array " //         &
                  " test report failed ", rcToReturn=rc)) return

  ! Clean up!!!!!!
          ! Destroy Array objects before moving to next test
          call ESMF_ArrayDestroy(src_array, rc=localrc) ! original source
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"unable to destroy src_array",     &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return

          call ESMF_ArrayDestroy(return_array, rc=localrc) ! return to source
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"unable to destroy return_array",  &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return

          call ESMF_ArrayDestroy(dst_array, rc=localrc) ! redistribution
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"unable to destroy dst_array   ",  &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return

          ! Destroy DistGrid objects before running next test
          call ESMF_DistGridDestroy(src_distgrid, rc=localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"unable to destroy src_distgrid",  &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return

          call ESMF_DistGridDestroy(dst_distgrid, rc=localrc)
          if (CheckError(checkpoint, __LINE__, __FILE__, localrc,"unable to destroy src_distgrid",  &
             rcToReturn=rc)) return


        enddo  ! iG
      enddo  ! iD
    enddo  ! iGfile
  enddo   ! iDfile
  ! if I've gotten this far without an error, then the routine has succeeded.

  if (localPet == 0) then
      print*,'Array Redist Completed'
  end if

  end subroutine array_redist_test