#include "MAPL_Exceptions.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module MAPL_StringTemplate use ESMF use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use MAPL_KeywordEnforcerMod implicit none private public fill_grads_template public StrTemplate character(len=2), parameter :: valid_tokens(14) = ["y4","y2","m1","m2","mc","Mc","MC","d1","d2","h1","h2","h3","n2","S2"] character(len=3),parameter :: mon_lc(12) = [& 'jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun', & 'jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec'] integer, parameter :: uninit_time = -999999 contains subroutine StrTemplate(str, tmpl, class, xid, nymd, nhms, stat, preserve) character(len=*), intent(out) :: str character(len=*), intent(in ) :: tmpl character(len=*), optional, intent(in ) :: class character(len=*), optional, intent(in ) :: xid integer, optional, intent(in ) :: nymd integer, optional, intent(in ) :: nhms integer, optional, intent(out) :: stat logical, optional, intent(in ) :: preserve _UNUSED_DUMMY(class) call fill_grads_template(str, tmpl, & experiment_id=xid, nymd=nymd, nhms=nhms,preserve=preserve, rc=stat) end subroutine StrTemplate subroutine fill_grads_template(output_string,template,unusable,experiment_id,nymd,nhms,time,preserve,rc) character(len=*), intent(out) :: output_string character(len=*), intent(in) :: template class(keywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: experiment_id integer, intent(in), optional :: nymd integer, intent(in), optional :: nhms type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: time logical, intent(in), optional :: preserve integer, intent(out), optional :: rc integer :: year,month,day,hour,minute,second,tmpl_length,output_length integer :: i, m, istp, k, kstp, i1, i2 character(len=1) :: c0,c1,c2 character(len=4) :: sbuf logical :: valid_token,preserve_ integer :: status _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) if (present(preserve)) then preserve_=preserve else preserve_=.false. end if year=uninit_time month=uninit_time day=uninit_time hour=uninit_time minute=uninit_time second=uninit_time if (present(time)) then _ASSERT(.not.present(nymd),'can not specify an ESMF_Time and an integer time') _ASSERT(.not.present(nhms),'can not specify an ESMF_Time and an integer time') call ESMF_TimeGet(time,yy=year,mm=month,dd=day,h=hour,m=minute,s=second,rc=status) _VERIFY(status) end if if (present(nymd)) then _ASSERT(.not.present(time),'can not specify an ESMF_Time and an integer time') year = nymd/10000 month = mod(nymd/100,100) day = mod(nymd,100) end if if (present(nhms)) then _ASSERT(.not.present(time),'can not specify an ESMF_Time and an integer time') hour = nhms/10000 minute = mod(nhms/100,100) second = mod(nhms,100) end if output_string = "" output_length=len(output_string) tmpl_length=len_trim(template) i=0 istp=1 k=1 kstp=1 do while(i+istp <= tmpl_length) i=i+istp c0 = template(i:i) if (c0 == "%") then i1=i+1 c1="" if (i1<=tmpl_length) c1=template(i1:i1) select case(c1) case("s") if (present(experiment_id)) then istp=2 m=min(k+len_trim(experiment_id)-1,output_length) output_string(k:m)=experiment_id k=m+1 cycle else if (preserve_) then output_string(k:k+1)="%s" k=k+1 else _FAIL("Using %s token with no experiment id") end if case("%") istp=2 output_string(k:k)=c1 k=k+1 cycle case default c2="" i2=i1+1 if(i2 <= tmpl_length) c2=template(i2:i2) valid_token = check_token(c1//c2) if (valid_token) then istp=3 if (.not.preserve_) then _ASSERT(present(nymd) .or. present(nhms) .or. present(time),'Using token with no time') end if sbuf = evaluate_token(c1//c2,year,month,day,hour,minute,second,preserve_) kstp = len_trim(sbuf) m=k+kstp-1 output_string(k:m)=sbuf k=m+1 else _FAIL("Invalid token in file template: "//c1//c2) end if end select else istp=1 output_string(k:k)=template(i:i) k=k+1 end if enddo _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end subroutine fill_grads_template function check_token(token) result(is_valid) character(len=2), intent(in) :: token logical :: is_valid integer :: i is_valid = .false. do i=1,size(valid_tokens) if (token==valid_tokens(i)) then is_valid=.true. exit end if enddo end function check_token function evaluate_token(token,year,month,day,hour,minute,second,preserve) result(buffer) character(len=2), intent(in) :: token integer, intent(in) :: year,month,day,hour,minute,second logical, intent(in) :: preserve character(len=4) :: buffer character(len=1) :: c1,c2 c1=token(1:1) c2=token(2:2) select case(c1) case("y") if (.not.skip_token(year,preserve)) then if (c2 == "2" ) then write(buffer,'(i2.2)')mod(year,100) else if (c2 == "4" ) then write(buffer,'(i4.4)')year end if else buffer="%"//token end if case("m") if (.not.skip_token(month,preserve)) then if (c2 == "c") then buffer = mon_lc(month) else if (c2 == "1") then if (day < 10) then write(buffer,'(i1)')month else write(buffer,'(i2)')month end if else if (c2 == "2") then write(buffer,'(i2.2)')month end if else buffer="%"//token end if case("d") if (.not.skip_token(day,preserve)) then if (c2 == "2") then write(buffer,'(i2.2)')day else if (c1 == "1") then if (day < 10) then write(buffer,'(i1)')day else write(buffer,'(i2)')day end if end if else buffer="%"//token end if case("h") if (.not.skip_token(hour,preserve)) then if (c2 == "3") then write(buffer,'(i3.3)')hour else if (c2 == "2") then write(buffer,'(i2.2)')hour else if (c1 == "1") then if (day < 10) then write(buffer,'(i1)')hour else write(buffer,'(i2)')hour end if end if else buffer="%"//token end if case("n") if (.not.skip_token(minute,preserve)) then write(buffer,'(i2.2)')minute else buffer="%"//token end if case("S") if (.not.skip_token(second,preserve)) then write(buffer,'(i2.2)')second else buffer="%"//token end if end select end function evaluate_token function skip_token(val,preserve) result(skip) integer :: val logical :: preserve logical :: skip skip = .false. if (val==uninit_time .and. preserve) skip = .true. end function skip_token end module MAPL_StringTemplate