#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module MAPL_FargparseCLIMod use MPI use ESMF use fArgParse use gFTL2_IntegerVector use mapl_KeywordEnforcerMod use mapl_ExceptionHandling use mapl_CapOptionsMod, only: MAPL_CapOptions !Rename is for backward compatibility. Remove renaming for 3.0 implicit none private public :: MAPL_FargparseCLI public :: MAPL_CapOptions !Needed for backward compatibility. Remove for 3.0 type :: MAPL_FargparseCLI type(ArgParser) :: parser type(StringUnlimitedMap) :: options contains procedure, nopass :: add_command_line_options procedure :: fill_cap_options end type MAPL_FargparseCLI interface MAPL_FargparseCLI module procedure new_CapOptions_from_fargparse module procedure new_CapOptions_from_fargparse_back_comp end interface MAPL_FargparseCLI interface MAPL_CapOptions !Needed for backward compatibility. Remove for 3.0 module procedure old_CapOptions_from_fargparse end interface MAPL_CapOptions integer, parameter :: NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN = -999 abstract interface subroutine I_extraoptions(parser, rc) import ArgParser type(ArgParser), intent(inout) :: parser integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc end subroutine end interface contains function new_CapOptions_from_fargparse(unusable, dummy, extra, rc) result (cap_options) class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable type (MAPL_CapOptions) :: cap_options character(*), intent(in) :: dummy !Needed for backward compatibility. Remove after 3.0 procedure(I_extraoptions), optional :: extra integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status type(MAPL_FargparseCLI) :: fargparse_cli fargparse_cli%parser = ArgParser() call fargparse_cli%add_command_line_options(fargparse_cli%parser, _RC) if (present(extra)) then call extra(fargparse_cli%parser, _RC) end if fargparse_cli%options = fargparse_cli%parser%parse_args() call fargparse_cli%fill_cap_options(cap_options, _RC) _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) _UNUSED_DUMMY(dummy) end function new_CapOptions_from_fargparse function new_CapOptions_from_fargparse_back_comp(unusable, extra, rc) result (fargparsecap) class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable type (MAPL_FargparseCLI) :: fargparsecap procedure(I_extraoptions), optional :: extra integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status call fargparsecap%parser%initialize('executable') call fargparsecap%add_command_line_options(fargparsecap%parser, _RC) if (present(extra)) then call extra(fargparsecap%parser, _RC) end if fargparsecap%options = fargparsecap%parser%parse_args() _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end function new_CapOptions_from_fargparse_back_comp ! Static method subroutine add_command_line_options(parser, unusable, rc) type (ArgParser), intent(inout) :: parser class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc type(IntegerVector) :: intvec call parser%add_argument('--root_dso', & help='name of root dso to use', & type='string', & default='none', & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--esmf_logtype', & help='ESMF Logging type (allowed: none, single, multi, multi_on_error)', & !choices='none,single,multi,multi_on_error', & type='string', & default='none', & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--egress_file', & help='Egress file name', & type='string', & default='EGRESS', & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--cap_rc', & help='CAP resource file name', & type='string', & default='CAP.rc', & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--npes_model', & help='Number of MPI processes used by model CapGridComp', & type='integer', & action='store', & default=-1) call parser%add_argument('--n_members', & help='Number of MPI processes used by model CapGridComp1', & type='integer', & action='store', & default=1) call parser%add_argument('--use_sub_comm', & help='The model by default is using MPI_COMM_WORLD : .true. or .false.', & action='store_true') call parser%add_argument('--comm_model', & help='The model will use the communicator passed in', & type='string', & action='store', & default='*') call parser%add_argument('--prefix', & help='prefix for ensemble subdirectories', & type='string', & action='store', & default='mem') ! We create an IntegerVector with a bad value to test if the user ! passed in anything call intvec%push_back(NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN) call parser%add_argument('--npes_input_server', & help='Number of MPI processes used by input server', & type='integer', & n_arguments ='+', & default = intvec, & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--npes_output_server', & help='Number of MPI processes used by output server', & type='integer', & n_arguments ='+', & default = intvec, & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--nodes_input_server', & help='Number of nodes used by input server', & type='integer', & n_arguments ='+', & default = intvec, & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--nodes_output_server', & help='Number of nodes used by output server', & type='integer', & n_arguments ='+', & default = intvec, & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--logging_config', & help='Configuration file for logging', & type='string', & default='', & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--oserver_type', & help='Output Server Type', & type='string', & default='single', & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--npes_backend_pernode', & help='Number of MPI processes used by the backend output', & type='integer', & default=0, & action='store') call parser%add_argument('--compress_nodes', & help='MPI processes continue on the nodes even MPI communicator is divided', & action='store_true') call parser%add_argument('--fast_oclient', & help='Copying data before isend. Client would wait until it is re-used', & action='store_true') call parser%add_argument('--one_node_output', & help='Specify if each output server has only one nodes', & action='store_true') call parser%add_argument('--with_io_profiler', & help='Turning on io_profler', & action='store_true') call parser%add_argument('--with_esmf_moab', & help='Enables use of MOAB library for ESMF meshes', & action='store_true') _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine add_command_line_options subroutine fill_cap_options(fargparseCLI, cap_options, unusable, rc) class(MAPL_FargparseCLI), intent(inout) :: fargparseCLI type(MAPL_CapOptions), intent(out) :: cap_options class(KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status character(:), allocatable :: buffer logical :: one_node_output, compress_nodes, use_sub_comm integer, allocatable :: nodes_output_server(:) class(*), pointer :: option, option_npes, option_nodes type (IntegerVector) :: tmp_int_vector, tmp_npes_vector, tmp_nodes_vector option => fargparseCLI%options%at('root_dso') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%root_dso, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('egress_file') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%egress_file, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('use_sub_comm') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, use_sub_comm, _RC) cap_options%use_comm_world = .not. use_sub_comm end if if ( .not. cap_options%use_comm_world) then option => fargparseCLI%options%at('comm_model') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, buffer, _RC) _ASSERT(trim(buffer) /= '*', "Should provide comm for model") call cast(option, cap_options%comm, _RC) end if else ! comm will be set to MPI_COMM_WORLD later on in initialize_mpi ! npes will be set to npes_world later on in initialize_mpi endif option => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_model') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%npes_model, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('compress_nodes') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, compress_nodes, _RC) cap_options%isolate_nodes = .not. compress_nodes end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('fast_oclient') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%fast_oclient, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('with_io_profiler') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%with_io_profiler, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('with_esmf_moab') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%with_esmf_moab, _RC) end if ! We only allow one of npes_input_server or nodes_input_server option_npes => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_input_server') call cast(option_npes, tmp_npes_vector, _RC) option_nodes => fargparseCLI%options%at('nodes_input_server') call cast(option_nodes, tmp_nodes_vector, _RC) _ASSERT(.not.(tmp_npes_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN .and. tmp_nodes_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN), 'Cannot specify both --npes_input_server and --nodes_input_server') ! npes_input_server is a gFTL IntegerVector that we need to convert to an integer array option => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_input_server') call cast(option, tmp_int_vector, _RC) if (tmp_int_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN) then cap_options%npes_input_server = tmp_int_vector%data() else cap_options%npes_input_server = [0] end if ! nodes_input_server is a gFTL IntegerVector that we need to convert to an integer array option => fargparseCLI%options%at('nodes_input_server') call cast(option, tmp_int_vector, _RC) if (tmp_int_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN) then cap_options%nodes_input_server = tmp_int_vector%data() else cap_options%nodes_input_server = [0] end if ! We only allow one of npes_output_server or nodes_output_server option_npes => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_output_server') call cast(option_npes, tmp_npes_vector, _RC) option_nodes => fargparseCLI%options%at('nodes_output_server') call cast(option_nodes, tmp_nodes_vector, _RC) _ASSERT(.not.(tmp_npes_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN .and. tmp_nodes_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN), 'Cannot specify both --npes_output_server and --nodes_output_server') ! npes_output_server is a gFTL IntegerVector that we need to convert to an integer array option => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_output_server') call cast(option, tmp_int_vector, _RC) if (tmp_int_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN) then cap_options%npes_output_server = tmp_int_vector%data() else cap_options%npes_output_server = [0] end if ! nodes_output_server is a gFTL IntegerVector that we need to convert to an integer array option => fargparseCLI%options%at('nodes_output_server') call cast(option, tmp_int_vector, _RC) if (tmp_int_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN) then nodes_output_server = tmp_int_vector%data() else nodes_output_server = [0] end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('one_node_output') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, one_node_output, _RC) else one_node_output = .false. end if if (one_node_output) then allocate(cap_options%nodes_output_server(sum(nodes_output_server)), source =1) else cap_options%nodes_output_server = nodes_output_server endif cap_options%n_iserver_group = max(size(cap_options%npes_input_server),size(cap_options%nodes_input_server)) cap_options%n_oserver_group = max(size(cap_options%npes_output_server),size(cap_options%nodes_output_server)) option => fargparseCLI%options%at('esmf_logtype') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, buffer, _RC) end if ! set_esmf_logging_mode select case (trim(buffer)) case ('none') cap_options%esmf_logging_mode = ESMF_LOGKIND_NONE case ('single') cap_options%esmf_logging_mode = ESMF_LOGKIND_SINGLE case ('multi') cap_options%esmf_logging_mode = ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI case ('multi_on_error') cap_options%esmf_logging_mode = ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI_ON_ERROR case default _FAIL("Unsupported ESMF logging option: "//trim(buffer)) end select ! Ensemble specific options option => fargparseCLI%options%at('prefix') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%ensemble_subdir_prefix, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('n_members') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%n_members, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('cap_rc') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%cap_rc_file, _RC) end if ! Logging options option => fargparseCLI%options%at('logging_config') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%logging_config, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('oserver_type') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%oserver_type, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_backend_pernode') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%npes_backend_pernode, _RC) end if _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end subroutine fill_cap_options !Function for backward compatibility. Remove for 3.0 function old_CapOptions_from_Fargparse( fargparseCLI, unusable, rc) result (cap_options) type (MAPL_CapOptions) :: cap_options type (MAPL_FargparseCLI), intent(inout) :: fargparseCLI class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(in) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: status character(:), allocatable :: buffer logical :: one_node_output, compress_nodes, use_sub_comm integer, allocatable :: nodes_output_server(:) class(*), pointer :: option, option_npes, option_nodes type (IntegerVector) :: tmp_int_vector, tmp_npes_vector, tmp_nodes_vector option => fargparseCLI%options%at('root_dso') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%root_dso, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('egress_file') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%egress_file, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('use_sub_comm') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, use_sub_comm, _RC) cap_options%use_comm_world = .not. use_sub_comm end if if ( .not. cap_options%use_comm_world) then option => fargparseCLI%options%at('comm_model') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, buffer, _RC) _ASSERT(trim(buffer) /= '*', "Should provide comm for model") call cast(option, cap_options%comm, _RC) end if else ! comm will be set to MPI_COMM_WORLD later on in initialize_mpi ! npes will be set to npes_world later on in initialize_mpi endif option => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_model') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%npes_model, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('compress_nodes') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, compress_nodes, _RC) cap_options%isolate_nodes = .not. compress_nodes end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('fast_oclient') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%fast_oclient, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('with_io_profiler') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%with_io_profiler, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('with_esmf_moab') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%with_esmf_moab, _RC) end if ! We only allow one of npes_input_server or nodes_input_server option_npes => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_input_server') call cast(option_npes, tmp_npes_vector, _RC) option_nodes => fargparseCLI%options%at('nodes_input_server') call cast(option_nodes, tmp_nodes_vector, _RC) _ASSERT(.not.(tmp_npes_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN .and. tmp_nodes_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN), 'Cannot specify both --npes_input_server and --nodes_input_server') ! npes_input_server is a gFTL IntegerVector that we need to convert to an integer array option => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_input_server') call cast(option, tmp_int_vector, _RC) if (tmp_int_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN) then cap_options%npes_input_server = tmp_int_vector%data() else cap_options%npes_input_server = [0] end if ! nodes_input_server is a gFTL IntegerVector that we need to convert to an integer array option => fargparseCLI%options%at('nodes_input_server') call cast(option, tmp_int_vector, _RC) if (tmp_int_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN) then cap_options%nodes_input_server = tmp_int_vector%data() else cap_options%nodes_input_server = [0] end if ! We only allow one of npes_output_server or nodes_output_server option_npes => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_output_server') call cast(option_npes, tmp_npes_vector, _RC) option_nodes => fargparseCLI%options%at('nodes_output_server') call cast(option_nodes, tmp_nodes_vector, _RC) _ASSERT(.not.(tmp_npes_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN .and. tmp_nodes_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN), 'Cannot specify both --npes_output_server and --nodes_output_server') ! npes_output_server is a gFTL IntegerVector that we need to convert to an integer array option => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_output_server') call cast(option, tmp_int_vector, _RC) if (tmp_int_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN) then cap_options%npes_output_server = tmp_int_vector%data() else cap_options%npes_output_server = [0] end if ! nodes_output_server is a gFTL IntegerVector that we need to convert to an integer array option => fargparseCLI%options%at('nodes_output_server') call cast(option, tmp_int_vector, _RC) if (tmp_int_vector%of(1) /= NO_VALUE_PASSED_IN) then nodes_output_server = tmp_int_vector%data() else nodes_output_server = [0] end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('one_node_output') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, one_node_output, _RC) else one_node_output = .false. end if if (one_node_output) then allocate(cap_options%nodes_output_server(sum(nodes_output_server)), source =1) else cap_options%nodes_output_server = nodes_output_server endif cap_options%n_iserver_group = max(size(cap_options%npes_input_server),size(cap_options%nodes_input_server)) cap_options%n_oserver_group = max(size(cap_options%npes_output_server),size(cap_options%nodes_output_server)) option => fargparseCLI%options%at('esmf_logtype') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, buffer, _RC) end if ! set_esmf_logging_mode select case (trim(buffer)) case ('none') cap_options%esmf_logging_mode = ESMF_LOGKIND_NONE case ('single') cap_options%esmf_logging_mode = ESMF_LOGKIND_SINGLE case ('multi') cap_options%esmf_logging_mode = ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI case ('multi_on_error') cap_options%esmf_logging_mode = ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI_ON_ERROR case default _FAIL("Unsupported ESMF logging option: "//trim(buffer)) end select ! Ensemble specific options option => fargparseCLI%options%at('prefix') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%ensemble_subdir_prefix, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('n_members') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%n_members, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('cap_rc') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%cap_rc_file, _RC) end if ! Logging options option => fargparseCLI%options%at('logging_config') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%logging_config, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('oserver_type') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%oserver_type, _RC) end if option => fargparseCLI%options%at('npes_backend_pernode') if (associated(option)) then call cast(option, cap_options%npes_backend_pernode, _RC) end if _RETURN(_SUCCESS) _UNUSED_DUMMY(unusable) end function old_CapOptions_from_Fargparse end module MAPL_FargparseCLIMod