MAPL_LocStreamCreateXform Subroutine

public subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateXform(Xform, LocStreamOut, LocStreamIn, NAME, MASK_OUT, UseFCollect, RC)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(MAPL_LocStreamXform), intent(out) :: Xform
type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(in) :: LocStreamOut
type(MAPL_LocStream), intent(in) :: LocStreamIn
character(len=*), intent(in) :: NAME
logical, intent(in), optional :: MASK_OUT(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: UseFCollect
integer, intent(out), optional :: RC


proc~~mapl_locstreamcreatexform~~CallsGraph proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform MAPL_LocStreamMod::MAPL_LocStreamCreateXform ESMF_VMBarrier ESMF::ESMF_VMBarrier proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->ESMF_VMBarrier ESMF_VMGet ESMF::ESMF_VMGet proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->ESMF_VMGet ESMF_VMGetCurrent ESMF::ESMF_VMGetCurrent proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->ESMF_VMGetCurrent allsenders allsenders proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->allsenders interface~esmfl_fcollect ESMFL_MOD::ESMFL_FCOLLECT proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->interface~esmfl_fcollect interface~mapl_assert MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Assert proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->interface~mapl_assert interface~mapl_commsallgather MAPL_CommsMod::MAPL_CommsAllGather proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->interface~mapl_commsallgather mpi_gather mpi_gather proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->mpi_gather proc~mapl_hashcreate MAPL_HashMod::MAPL_HashCreate proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->proc~mapl_hashcreate proc~mapl_hashdestroy MAPL_HashMod::MAPL_HashDestroy proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->proc~mapl_hashdestroy proc~mapl_hashincrement MAPL_HashMod::MAPL_HashIncrement proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->proc~mapl_hashincrement proc~mapl_return MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Return proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->proc~mapl_return proc~mapl_verify MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Verify proc~mapl_locstreamcreatexform->proc~mapl_verify destroyhash destroyhash proc~mapl_hashdestroy->destroyhash proc~mapl_hashincrement->interface~mapl_assert at at proc~mapl_return->at insert insert proc~mapl_return->insert proc~mapl_throw_exception MAPL_ThrowMod::MAPL_throw_exception proc~mapl_return->proc~mapl_throw_exception proc~mapl_verify->proc~mapl_throw_exception

Source Code

subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateXform ( Xform, LocStreamOut, LocStreamIn, NAME, MASK_OUT, &
     UseFCollect, RC )
  type(MAPL_LocStreamXform), intent(OUT) :: Xform
  type(MAPL_LocStream),      intent(IN ) :: LocStreamOut
  type(MAPL_LocStream),      intent(IN ) :: LocStreamIn
  character(len=*),          intent(IN ) :: NAME
  logical, optional,         intent(IN ) :: MASK_OUT(:)
  logical, optional,         intent(IN ) :: UseFCollect
  integer, optional,         intent(OUT) :: RC

! Local variables

  integer                     :: STATUS

  integer                     :: N, M, MM
  logical                     :: DONE(LocStreamOut%Ptr%NT_local)
  logical, pointer            :: ISDONE(:)
  logical                     :: dn(1)
  type (ESMF_VM)              :: vm
  integer                     :: NDES, hash
  integer, pointer            :: GLOBAL_IdByPe(:) =>null() ! All Location Ids in PE   order
  integer                     :: I, First, Last
  logical, allocatable        :: IsNeeded(:)
  integer, allocatable        :: PELens(:), Begs(:), Ends(:)
  integer                     :: NumSenders
  integer                     :: myId
  integer                     :: MyLen(1)
#if defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM)
  integer                     :: SizeOfReal

! Both streams must be subsets of same parent.
! The parent stream is usually an exchange grid.

  _ASSERT(trim(LocStreamOut%PTR%ROOTNAME)==trim(LocStreamIn%PTR%ROOTNAME),'needs informative message')

  allocate(XFORM%Ptr, STAT=STATUS)

  Xform%Ptr%InputStream  = LocStreamIn
  Xform%Ptr%OutputStream = LocStreamOut
  Xform%Ptr%Name         = NAME

  Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect = .false. ! defaults to FCOLLECT for now
  Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect = .true.

  if (present(UseFCollect)) then
     Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect = .not. UseFCollect
  end if

! We have to fill all output locations where mask is true

  if(present(MASK_OUT)) then
     DONE = .not. MASK_OUT
     DONE = .false.
  end if

  Xform%Ptr%count = count(.not.DONE)

  ALLOCATE(Xform%Ptr%IndexOut(Xform%Ptr%count), stat=STATUS)
  ALLOCATE(Xform%Ptr%IndexIn (Xform%Ptr%count), stat=STATUS)

    Hash  = MAPL_HashCreate(8*1024)
    do M = 1, LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_local
       n = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,LocStreamIn%Ptr%Local_Id(M))
       _ASSERT(N==M,'needs informative message')
    do N = 1, LocStreamOut%Ptr%NT_local
       if(DONE(N)) cycle
       M = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,LocStreamOut%Ptr%Local_Id(N))
       if(m<=LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_local) then
         Xform%Ptr%IndexOut(MM) = N
         Xform%Ptr%IndexIn (MM) = M
         DONE  (N) = .TRUE.
    end do
    call MAPL_HashDestroy(Hash)

  Xform%Ptr%LastLocal = MM-1

! Otherwise, assume nothing and do a full collect.

  call ESMF_VMGetCurrent ( vm, rc=status )

  call ESMF_VMGet ( vm, petCount=nDEs, &
       mpiCommunicator=Xform%Ptr%Comm, rc=status )

  dn(1) = all(done)

  call MAPL_CommsAllGather(vm, dn, 1, &
                           isdone, 1, rc=status)

  Xform%Ptr%Local = all(isdone)

  NEED_COMM: if(.not.Xform%Ptr%Local) then

     if (Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect) then
#if defined(ONE_SIDED_COMM)
     allocate(Xform%Ptr%Len(NDES), stat=status)

     CALL MPI_TYPE_GET_EXTENT(MPI_REAL, lb, SizeOfReal, status)

     call mpi_Win_Create(Xform%Ptr%Buff,LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_LOCAL*SizeOfReal, &

     MyLen(1) = LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_LOCAL

     call MAPL_CommsAllGather(vm, MyLen, 1, &
                                 PELens, 1, rc=status)

     Begs(1) = 1
     Ends(1) = PELens(1)
     do i=2,NDES
        Begs(i) = Ends(i-1) + 1
        Ends(i) = Ends(i-1) + PELens(i)
     end do

     _ASSERT(Ends(NDES) == LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_GLOBAL,'needs informative message')

     allocate(GLOBAL_IdByPe(LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_GLOBAL), STAT=STATUS)

! Collect all tile ides in the input stream's pe order

          LocStreamIn%Ptr%LOCAL_ID, RC=STATUS)

! Make a Hash of the tile locations by input order

     Hash  = MAPL_HashCreate(8*1024)
     do M = 1, LocStreamIn%Ptr%NT_global
        n = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,Global_IdByPe(M))
        _ASSERT(N==M,'needs informative message')

     if(Xform%Ptr%do_not_use_fcollect) then
! Find out which processors have output tiles we need

     IsNeeded = .false.
     do N = 1, LocStreamOut%Ptr%NT_local
        if(.not.DONE(N)) then
           M = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,LocStreamOut%Ptr%Local_Id(N))
           do i=1,ndes
              if(M>=Begs(i) .and. M<=Ends(i)) then
                 IsNeeded(i) = .true.
              end if
        end if
     end do

! Allocate my senders and their size in the Xform.
!  Note that fullinput has all tiles from all of those
!  pes that have tiles we need.

     NumSenders = count(IsNeeded)

     allocate(Xform%Ptr%senders(NumSenders), stat=status)
     allocate(Xform%Ptr%    len(NumSenders), stat=status)

     First = 1
     Last  = 0
     M = 0
     do I=1,NDES
        if(Isneeded(i)) then
           m = m + 1
           Last = Last + PELens(i)
           Global_IdByPe(First:Last) &
                 = Global_IdByPe(Begs(i):Ends(i))
           First = First + PELens(i)
           Xform%Ptr%senders(m) = i-1
           Xform%Ptr%    len(m) = PELens(i)
        end if
     end do


     Xform%Ptr%InputLen = Last

     call ESMF_VmGet(VM, localPet=MYID, rc=status)
     Xform%Ptr%myId = myid

#if defined(TWO_SIDED_COMM)
       integer, allocatable :: allSenders(:,:)
       integer :: NumReceivers
       integer :: k
#if 0
     allocate(allSenders(ndes,ndes), stat=status)
     allSenders(:,myId+1) = -1
     if (m>0) allSenders(1:M,myId+1) = Xform%Ptr%senders

     do I=1,NDES
        call MAPL_CommsBcast(vm, DATA=allSenders(:,I), N=ndes, ROOT=I-1, RC=status)
     end do
     NumReceivers = count(allSenders == myId)
     allocate(Xform%Ptr%receivers(NumReceivers), stat=status)

     M = 0
     do I=1,NDES
        if(myId == I-1) cycle ! skip myself
        do K=1,NDES
           if(allSenders(K,I) < 0) exit !senders are packed. we have reached end ...
           if(allSenders(K,I) == myId) then
              M = M+1
              Xform%Ptr%receivers(m) = i-1
           end if
        end do
     end do
     _ASSERT(NumReceivers==M,'needs informative message')
     allocate(allSenders(ndes,1), stat=status)
       integer :: lNumReceivers

       do I=1,NDES
          lNumReceivers = 0
          if (m>0) lNumReceivers = count(Xform%Ptr%senders == I-1)
          call MPI_GATHER(  lNumReceivers, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
               allSenders(:,1), 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
               I-1, Xform%Ptr%Comm,  status )
     end block
     call ESMF_VMBarrier(vm, rc=status)

     NumReceivers = 0
     do I=1,NDES
        NumReceivers = NumReceivers + allSenders(I,1)
     end do
     allocate(Xform%Ptr%receivers(NumReceivers), stat=status)

     M = 0
     do I=1,NDES
        if(myId == I-1) cycle ! skip myself
        do K=1,allSenders(I,1)
           M = M+1
           Xform%Ptr%receivers(M) = I-1
        end do
     end do

     _ASSERT(NumReceivers==M,'needs informative message')
     end block

! Put the tiles we being brought over into a hash table

     call MAPL_HashDestroy(Hash)

     Hash  = MAPL_HashCreate(8*1024)
     do M = 1, Xform%Ptr%InputLen
        n = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,Global_IdByPe(M))
        _ASSERT(N==M,'needs informative message')

! Pick out the ones we need fromthose brought over

     do N = 1, LocStreamOut%Ptr%NT_local
        if(.not.DONE(N)) then
           M = MAPL_HashIncrement(Hash,LocStreamOut%Ptr%Local_Id(N))
           Xform%Ptr%IndexOut(MM) = N
           Xform%Ptr%IndexIn (MM) = M
           DONE  (N) = .TRUE.
        end if
     end do

     call MAPL_HashDestroy(Hash)


  end if NEED_COMM

! Make sure that did it

  _ASSERT(all(DONE),'needs informative message')


end subroutine MAPL_LocStreamCreateXform