grid_specification_record Derived Type

type, public :: grid_specification_record


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: grank
integer, public, pointer :: gsize(:)
real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), public, pointer :: grange(:,:)
type(character_array), public, pointer :: gtype(:)
type(character_array), public, pointer :: gunits(:)

Source Code

  type grid_specification_record
     integer :: grank                            ! rank of the grid
     type(character_array), pointer :: gtype(:)  ! type of grid spacing
     type(character_array), pointer :: gunits(:) ! physical grid units
     integer, pointer :: gsize(:)                ! num of grid elements along axis
     real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer :: grange(:,:)  ! physical range of axes
  end type grid_specification_record