ESMF_ConfigClass Derived Type

type, public :: ESMF_ConfigClass


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=LSZ), public :: current_attr
character(len=LSZ), public, pointer :: this_line => null()
character(len=NBUF_MAX), public, pointer :: buffer => null()
integer(kind=ESMF_KIND_I8), public :: isInit = 76838410
integer, public :: nattr
integer, public :: nbuf
integer, public :: next_line
integer, public :: value_begin
logical, public :: hconfig_owner
type(ESMF_ConfigAttrUsed), public, dimension(:), pointer :: attr_used => null()
type(ESMF_HConfig), public :: hconfig

Source Code

       type ESMF_ConfigClass
          character(len=NBUF_MAX),pointer :: buffer => null ()    ! hold the whole file
          character(len=LSZ),     pointer :: this_line => null () ! the current line
          integer :: nbuf                              ! actual size of buffer 
          integer :: next_line                         ! index_ for next line on buffer
          integer :: value_begin                       ! index of beginning of value
          type(ESMF_ConfigAttrUsed), dimension(:), &
                                  pointer :: attr_used => null () ! used attributes table
          integer :: nattr                             ! number of attributes
                                                       !   in the "used" table
          character(len=LSZ)          :: current_attr  ! the current attr label
          type(ESMF_HConfig) :: hconfig   ! hierarchical configuration
          logical :: hconfig_owner        ! .true. if hconfig is owned by config
       end type ESMF_ConfigClass