ESMF_GridUtil.F90 Source File

Source Code

! $Id$
! Earth System Modeling Framework
! Copyright (c) 2002-2023, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA License.
#define ESMF_FILENAME "ESMF_GridUtil.F90"
! ESMF GridUtil
module ESMF_GridUtilMod
! This file contains the F90 wrapper code for the C++ implementation of
!  the Mesh class.
#include "ESMF.h"


!   F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation of Mesh

! !USES:
  use ESMF_UtilTypesMod     ! ESMF utility types
  use ESMF_InitMacrosMod    ! ESMF initializer macros
  use ESMF_BaseMod          ! ESMF base class
  use ESMF_LogErrMod        ! ESMF error handling
  use ESMF_VMMod
  use ESMF_DELayoutMod
  use ESMF_DistGridMod
  use ESMF_RHandleMod
  use ESMF_F90InterfaceMod  ! ESMF F90-C++ interface helper
  use ESMF_GridMod
  use ESMF_StaggerLocMod
  use ESMF_ArrayMod
  use ESMF_MeshMod

  implicit none





! - ESMF-public methods:
  public ESMF_MeshIO
  public ESMF_GridWriteVTK
  public ESMF_GridCellWriteVTK
  public ESMF_GridToMesh
  public ESMF_GridToMeshCell


! The following line turns the CVS identifier string into a printable variable.
  character(*), parameter, private :: version = &


#define ESMF_METHOD "ESMF_MeshIO()"
! !IROUTINE: ESMF_MeshIO -- Use mesh to write arrays, since it can
    subroutine ESMF_MeshIO(vm, grid, staggerLoc, filename, &
                         array1, array2, array3, array4, array5, array6, &
                         spherical, rc)
    type(ESMF_VM), intent(inout)                  :: vm
    type(ESMF_Grid), intent(inout)                :: grid
    type(ESMF_StaggerLoc), intent(in)             :: staggerLoc
    character(len = *), intent(in)                :: filename
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array1
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array2
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array3
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array4
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array5
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array6
    integer,                intent(in), optional  :: spherical
    integer,                intent(out), optional :: rc
!   Write the fields out for purview.  This function overcomes certain
!   difficulties in passing strings with an optional number of arguments.
!   \begin{description}
!   \item [vm]
!         Virutal machine
!   \item[staggerLoc]
!         stagger of field
!   \item[filename]
!         File (stub) to write results to
!   \item [{[array1-6]}]
!         Arrays to write as data
!   \item [{[spherical]}]
!         If == 1, then grid will be transformed to a 3d spherical manifold
!   \item [{[rc]}]
!         Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
!   \end{description}
    integer                 :: localrc      ! local return code
    integer                 :: minidx
    integer                 :: lspherical

    ! initialize return code; assume routine not implemented
    localrc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    lspherical = 0
    if (present(spherical)) lspherical = spherical

    minidx = 10

    if (.not. present(array6)) minidx = 6
    if (.not. present(array5)) minidx = 5
    if (.not. present(array4)) minidx = 4
    if (.not. present(array3)) minidx = 3
    if (.not. present(array2)) minidx = 2
    if (.not. present(array1)) minidx = 1

    select case (minidx)
      case (1)
      case (2)
        call c_ESMC_MeshIO(vm, grid, staggerLoc, 1, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array1, array1, array1, array1, array1, lspherical)
      case (3)
        call c_ESMC_MeshIO(vm, grid, staggerLoc, 2, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, array1, array1, array1, array1, lspherical)
      case (4)
        call c_ESMC_MeshIO(vm, grid, staggerLoc, 3, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, array3, array1, array1, array1, lspherical)
      case (5)
        call c_ESMC_MeshIO(vm, grid, staggerLoc, 4, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, array3, array4, array1, array1, lspherical)
      case (6)
        call c_ESMC_MeshIO(vm, grid, staggerLoc, 5, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, array3, array4, array5, array1, lspherical)
      case (10)
        call c_ESMC_MeshIO(vm, grid, staggerLoc, 6, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, array3, array4, array5, array6, lspherical)
      case default
        localrc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL
    end select
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

  end subroutine ESMF_MeshIO

#define ESMF_METHOD "ESMF_GridWriteVTK()"
! !IROUTINE: ESMF_GridWriteVTK -- Write Grid and associated Arrays
    subroutine ESMF_GridWriteVTK(grid, staggerLoc, filename, &
                                 array1, array2, array3, array4, array5,&
                                 array6, rc)
    type(ESMF_Grid), intent(inout)                :: grid
    type(ESMF_StaggerLoc), intent(in),optional    :: staggerLoc
    character(len = *), intent(in)                :: filename
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array1
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array2
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array3
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array4
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array5
    type(ESMF_Array), intent(inout), optional     :: array6
    integer,                intent(out), optional :: rc
!   Write the fields out for purview.  This function overcomes certain
!   difficulties in passing strings with an optional number of arguments.
!   \begin{description}
!   \item [grid]
!         grid to write
!   \item[{[staggerLoc]}]
!         stagger of field
!   \item[filename]
!         File (stub) to write results to
!   \item [{[array1-6]}]
!         Arrays to write as data
!   \item [{[rc]}]
!         Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
!   \end{description}
    integer                 :: localrc      ! local return code
    integer                 :: minidx
    integer                 :: tmp_staggerloc
    type(ESMF_Array)        :: arrayEmpty
    integer                 :: lspherical
    integer                 :: lisLatLonDeg

    ! initialize return code; assume routine not implemented
    localrc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    ! These aren't used anymore, but just set them so they have a defined value
    lspherical = 0
    lisLatLonDeg = 0

    ! Set default staggerloc
    if (present(staggerloc)) then

    minidx = 10

    if (.not. present(array6)) minidx = 6
    if (.not. present(array5)) minidx = 5
    if (.not. present(array4)) minidx = 4
    if (.not. present(array3)) minidx = 3
    if (.not. present(array2)) minidx = 2
    if (.not. present(array1)) minidx = 1

    select case (minidx)
      case (1)
        call c_ESMC_GridIO(grid, tmp_staggerloc, 0, filename, localrc, &
             arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, &
             arrayEmpty, lspherical, lisLatLonDeg)
      case (2)
        call c_ESMC_GridIO(grid, tmp_staggerloc, 1, filename, localrc, &
             array1, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, &
             arrayEmpty, lspherical, lisLatLonDeg)
      case (3)
        call c_ESMC_GridIO(grid, tmp_staggerloc, 2, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, &
             arrayEmpty, lspherical, lisLatLonDeg)
      case (4)
        call c_ESMC_GridIO(grid, tmp_staggerloc, 3, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, array3, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, &
             arrayEmpty, lspherical, lisLatLonDeg)
      case (5)
        call c_ESMC_GridIO(grid, tmp_staggerloc, 4, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, array3, array4, arrayEmpty, &
             arrayEmpty, lspherical, lisLatLonDeg)
      case (6)
        call c_ESMC_GridIO(grid, tmp_staggerloc, 5, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, array3, array4, array5, &
             arrayEmpty, lspherical, lisLatLonDeg)
      case (10)
        call c_ESMC_GridIO(grid, tmp_staggerloc, 5, filename, localrc, &
             array1, array2, array3, array4, array5, &
             array6, lspherical, lisLatLonDeg)
      case default
        localrc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL
    end select
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

  end subroutine ESMF_GridWriteVTK

#define ESMF_METHOD "ESMF_GridCellWriteVTK()"
! !IROUTINE: ESMF_GridCellWriteVTK -- Write Grid and associated Arrays
    subroutine ESMF_GridCellWriteVTK(grid, filename, rc)
    type(ESMF_Grid), intent(inout)                :: grid
    character(len = *), intent(in)                :: filename
    integer,                intent(out), optional :: rc
!   Write the fields out for purview.  This function overcomes certain
!   difficulties in passing strings with an optional number of arguments.
!   \begin{description}
!   \item [grid]
!         grid to write
!   \item[{[staggerLoc]}]
!         stagger of field
!   \item[filename]
!         File (stub) to write results to
!   \item [{[rc]}]
!         Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
!   \end{description}
    integer                 :: localrc      ! local return code
    integer                 :: minidx
    integer                 :: tmp_staggerloc
    type(ESMF_Array)        :: arrayEmpty

    ! initialize return code; assume routine not implemented
    localrc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    ! Call into write
    call c_ESMC_GridCellIO(grid, 0, filename, localrc, &
         arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, arrayEmpty, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

  end subroutine ESMF_GridCellWriteVTK

#define ESMF_METHOD "ESMF_GridToMesh()"
! !IROUTINE: ESMF_GridToMesh -- return a mesh with same topo as mesh
   function ESMF_GridToMesh(grid, staggerLoc, isSphere, isLatLonDeg, maskValues, regridConserve, rc)
    type(ESMF_Mesh)                               :: ESMF_GridToMesh
    type(ESMF_Grid), intent(in)                :: grid
    type(ESMF_StaggerLoc),  intent(in)            :: staggerLoc
    integer,                intent(in)            :: isSphere
    logical, intent(in),   optional               :: isLatLonDeg
    type(ESMF_RegridConserve), intent(in), optional :: regridConserve
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I4), optional               :: maskValues(:)
    integer, intent(out) , optional               :: rc
!   Create a mesh object with the same topology as the grid.
!   \begin{description}
!   \item [grid]
!         The grid to copy.
!   \item [staggerLoc]
!         Stagger location on grid to build.
!   \item [isSphhere]
!         1 = a spherical grid make peridoic
!   \item [isLatLonDeg]
!         true coords of grids are lat lon in deg, default depends on isSphere
!         if isSphere=1 then default is true, else is false.
!   \item [regridConserve]
!         ESMF\_REGRID\_CONSERVE\_ON turns on the conservative regridding
!   \item [{[rc]}]
!         Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
!   \end{description}
    integer :: localrc
    type(ESMF_Pointer) :: theMesh
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: maskValuesArg
    type(ESMF_Index_Flag) :: indexflag
    type(ESMF_RegridConserve) :: lregridConserve
    integer :: localIsLatLonDeg
    type(ESMF_CoordSys_Flag) :: coordSys
    integer :: dimCount

    localrc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    ! Error check Grid
    call ESMF_GridGet(grid, indexflag=indexflag, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
          ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    ! Handle optional conserve argument
    if (present(regridConserve)) then

    ! Handle optional isLatLonDeg argument
    if (present(isLatLonDeg)) then
       if (isLatLonDeg) then
       if (isSphere .eq. 1) then

    ! convert mask values
    maskValuesArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(maskValues, rc=localrc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
          ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    call c_esmc_gridtomesh(grid, staggerLoc%staggerloc, isSphere, &
      localIsLatLonDeg, theMesh, maskValuesArg, &
      lregridConserve%regridconserve, localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
            ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(maskValuesArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
            ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    ESMF_GridToMesh = ESMF_MeshCreate(theMesh)

    ! Set these here, eventually this will happen automatically internally inside ESMF_MeshCreate()
    call ESMF_GridGet(grid,              &
                      coordSys=coordSys, &
                      dimCount=dimCount, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
            ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    end function ESMF_GridToMesh

#define ESMF_METHOD "ESMF_GridToMeshCell()"
! !IROUTINE: ESMF_GridToMeshCell -- return a mesh with same topo as mesh
   function ESMF_GridToMeshCell(grid, rc)
    type(ESMF_Mesh)                               :: ESMF_GridToMeshCell
    type(ESMF_Grid), intent(in)                :: grid
    integer, intent(out) , optional               :: rc
!   Create a mesh object with the same topology as the grid.
!   \begin{description}
!   \item [grid]
!         The grid to copy.
!   \item [{[rc]}]
!         Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
!   \end{description}
    integer :: localrc
    type(ESMF_Pointer) :: theMesh
    type(ESMF_Index_Flag) :: indexflag
    type(ESMF_CoordSys_Flag) :: coordSys
    integer :: dimCount

    localrc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    ! Error check Grid
    call ESMF_GridGet(grid, indexflag=indexflag, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
          ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    call c_esmc_gridtomeshcell(grid, theMesh, localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
            ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    ESMF_GridToMeshCell = ESMF_MeshCreate(theMesh)

    ! Set these here, eventually this will happen automatically internally inside ESMF_MeshCreate()
    call ESMF_GridGet(grid,              &
                      coordSys=coordSys, &
                      dimCount=dimCount, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
            ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    end function ESMF_GridToMeshCell

end module ESMF_GridUtilMod