ESMF_ComplianceIC.F90 Source File

Source Code

! $Id$
! Compliance Interface Component

#define FILENAME "ESMF_ComplianceIC.F90"

!  Interface Component

module ESMF_ComplianceICMod

  ! ESMF module
  use ESMF

  implicit none
  integer, save :: ccfDepth = 1   ! component control flow depth
  integer, save :: maxDepth = -2  ! maximum depth of compliance checker
  logical, save :: outputJSON = .false.
  logical, save :: outputText = .true.
  logical, save :: outputTrace = .false.
  logical, save :: complianceInit = .false.
  logical, save :: includeState = .true.  ! trace import/export states
  logical, save :: includeVmStats = .true. ! include vm stats

  public setvmIC, registerIC

  interface JSON_GetID
        module procedure JSON_GridCompGetID
        module procedure JSON_StateGetID
        module procedure JSON_FieldGetID
  end interface

   recursive subroutine ComplianceInitialize(rc)
        integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

        ! locals
        integer :: configrc
        integer :: jsonIsOn
        integer :: textIsOn
        integer :: traceIsOn, profileIsOn
        type(ESMF_Config) :: config
        character(10) :: cfgIncludeState
        character(10) :: cfgIncludeVmStats

        rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

        call c_esmc_getComplianceCheckDepth(maxDepth, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

        call c_esmc_getComplianceCheckText(textIsOn, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
        if (textIsOn == 1) then
          outputText = .true.
          outputText = .false.

        call c_esmc_getComplianceCheckJSON(jsonIsOn, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
        if (jsonIsOn == 1) then
          outputJSON = .true.
          outputJSON = .false.

        call c_esmc_getComplianceCheckTrace(traceIsOn, profileIsOn, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
        if (traceIsOn == 1 .or. profileIsOn == 1) then
          outputTrace = .true.
          outputTrace = .false.

        if (outputJSON) then
            config = ESMF_ConfigCreate(rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
            call ESMF_ConfigLoadFile(config, "nuopc.trace", rc=configrc)
            if (configrc == ESMF_SUCCESS) then
                call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(config, cfgIncludeState, &
                    label="include.state:", default="true", rc=rc)
                if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                    line=__LINE__, &
                    file=FILENAME)) &
                    return  ! bail out
                includeState = (trim(cfgIncludeState)=="true")

                call ESMF_ConfigGetAttribute(config, cfgIncludeVmStats, &
                    label="include.vmstats:", default="true", rc=rc)
                if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                    line=__LINE__, &
                    file=FILENAME)) &
                    return  ! bail out
                includeVmStats = (trim(cfgIncludeVmStats)=="true")
            end if

            ! write header line once
            !call JSON_LogHeader(rc=rc)
            !if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            !        line=__LINE__, &
            !        file=FILENAME)) &
            !        return  ! bail out

        complianceInit = .true.

    end subroutine

!   !  The setvm routine is used by the child component to set VM properties
!   !TODO:  currently the setvmIC() is _not_ hooked into the ESMF callback 

  recursive subroutine setvmIC(comp, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)   :: comp
    integer, intent(out)  :: rc
    ! Initialize user return code
    print *, ">START setvmIC"

    ! This code is being executed _after_ the actual Component SetVM call
    !TODO: currently the setvmIC() is _not_ hooked into the ESMF callback 

    print *, ">STOP setvmIC"

  end subroutine

!   !  The Register routine sets the subroutines to be called
!   !   as the init, run, and finalize routines.  Note that these are
!   !   private to the module.
  recursive subroutine registerIC(comp, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)   :: comp
    integer, intent(out)  :: rc

    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: prefix
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: output
    integer                 :: phaseCount, phase
    logical                 :: phaseZeroFlag
    integer                 :: jsonIsOn
    ! Initialize user return code
    ! IMPORTANT: As an InterfaceComponent the code must ensure:
    ! 1) That the return code from the actual child method is returned to the 
    !    parent (note that this is not currently possible for the register)

    ! This code is being executed _after_ the actual Component Register call

    call prefixString(comp, prefix=prefix, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (.not. complianceInit) then
        call ComplianceInitialize(rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

    ! Start Compliance Checking and IC method Registration
    if (ccfDepth <= maxDepth .or. maxDepth < 0) then

    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//">START register compliance check.", &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    ! check Initialize registration
    call ESMF_GridCompGetEPPhaseCount(comp, ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE, phaseCount, &
      phaseZeroFlag, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (phaseZeroFlag) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" phase ZERO for Initialize registered.",&
        ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(comp, ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZEIC, &
        userRoutine=ic_init, phase=0, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> NUOPC requires Initialize phase ZERO!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
    if (phaseCount == 0) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> No Initialize method registered!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      if (phaseZeroFlag) then
        write(output,*) " ",phaseCount," phase(s) of Initialize registered"// &
          " (not counting ZERO phase)."
        write(output,*) " ",phaseCount," phase(s) of Initialize registered."
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      do phase=1, phaseCount
        call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(comp, ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZEIC, &
          userRoutine=ic_init, phase=phase, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
    ! check Run registration
    call ESMF_GridCompGetEPPhaseCount(comp, ESMF_METHOD_RUN, phaseCount, &
      phaseZeroFlag, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (phaseZeroFlag) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" phase ZERO for Run registered.",&
        ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(comp, ESMF_METHOD_RUNIC, &
        userRoutine=ic_run, phase=0, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
    if (phaseCount == 0) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> No Run method registered!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      if (phaseZeroFlag) then
        write(output,*) " ",phaseCount," phase(s) of Run registered"// &
          " (not counting ZERO phase)."
        write(output,*) " ",phaseCount," phase(s) of Run registered."
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      do phase=1, phaseCount
        call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(comp, ESMF_METHOD_RUNIC, &
          userRoutine=ic_run, phase=phase, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

    ! check Finalize registration
    call ESMF_GridCompGetEPPhaseCount(comp, ESMF_METHOD_FINALIZE, phaseCount, &
      phaseZeroFlag, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (phaseZeroFlag) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" phase ZERO for Finalize registered.",&
        ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(comp, ESMF_METHOD_FINALIZEIC, &
        userRoutine=ic_final, phase=0, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
    if (phaseCount == 0) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> No Finalize method registered!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      if (phaseZeroFlag) then
        write(output,*) " ",phaseCount," phase(s) of Finalize registered"// &
          " (not counting ZERO phase)."
        write(output,*) " ",phaseCount," phase(s) of Finalize registered."
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      do phase=1, phaseCount
        call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(comp, ESMF_METHOD_FINALIZEIC, &
          userRoutine=ic_final, phase=phase, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//">STOP register compliance check.", &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    if (outputTrace) then
      call ESMF_TraceComponentInfo(comp, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
    ! Stop Compliance Checking
  end subroutine

!   !   Initialization routine.
  recursive subroutine ic_init(comp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)   :: comp
    type(ESMF_State)      :: importState, exportState
    type(ESMF_Clock)      :: clock
    integer, intent(out)  :: rc

    ! Local variables
    integer                 :: userrc
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: prefix
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: output
    type(ESMF_Clock)        :: clockCopy
    integer                 :: phase
    character(1024)         :: jsonString
    character(2)            :: phaseString
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: compName
    !type(ESMF_Clock)        :: clockInternal
    !character(64)           :: currTimeJSON
    !logical                 :: clockIsPresent
    ! Initialize user return code

    call prefixString(comp, prefix=prefix, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    call ESMF_GridCompGet(comp, currentPhase=phase, name=compName, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    ! Start Compliance Checking: InitializePrologue
    if (ccfDepth <= maxDepth .or. maxDepth < 0) then
    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("start_prologue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
             line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
!    if (outputTrace) then
!       call ESMF_TracePhasePrologueEnter(comp, rc=rc)
!       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
!            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
!    endif

    write(output,*) ">START InitializePrologue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    if (outputText) then
       ! compliance check importState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="importState", state=importState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check exportState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="exportState", state=exportState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check clock usage
       call clockUsageIncoming(prefix, clock=clock, clockCopy=clockCopy, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! check Component statistics
       call checkComponentStatistics(prefix, comp=comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

       ! compliance check Component metadata
       call checkComponentMetadata(prefix, comp=comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
    end if
    write(output,*) ">STOP InitializePrologue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("stop_prologue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("start_phase", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    if (outputTrace) then
       call ESMF_TracePhasePrologueEnter(comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return               
       call ESMF_TraceMemInfo(rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
       if (ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock)) then
          call ESMF_TraceClock(clock, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
               line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
       !call ESMF_TraceComponentInfo(comp, rc=rc)
       !if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
       !     line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
       call ESMF_TracePhaseEnter(comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
    ! Stop Compliance Checking: InitializePrologue
    ccfDepth = ccfDepth + 1

    ! Call the actual Initialize routine
    call ESMF_GridCompInitializeAct(comp, importState, exportState, clock, &
      phase=phase, userRc=userrc, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    ccfDepth = ccfDepth - 1
    ! Start Compliance Checking: InitializeEpilogue
    if (ccfDepth <= maxDepth .or. maxDepth < 0) then

       if (outputTrace) then
          call ESMF_TracePhaseExit(comp, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
               line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
          if (ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock)) then
             call ESMF_TraceClock(clock, rc=rc)
             if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                  line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
          call ESMF_TraceMemInfo(rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
               line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return
          call ESMF_TracePhaseEpilogueExit(comp, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                   line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("stop_phase", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("start_epilogue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out

    call prefixString(comp, prefix=prefix, forward=.false., rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    write(output,*) ">START InitializeEpilogue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (outputText) then
       ! check Component statistics
       call checkComponentStatistics(prefix, comp=comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check Component metadata
       call checkComponentMetadata(prefix, comp=comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check importState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="importState", state=importState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check exportState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="exportState", state=exportState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check clock usage
       call clockUsageOutgoing(prefix, clock=clock, clockCopy=clockCopy, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check internal Clock
       call checkInternalClock(prefix, comp=comp, clock=clock, &
            mustMatchCurr=.false., mustReachStop=.false., rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
    end if
    write(output,*) ">STOP InitializeEpilogue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    if (outputJSON) then
       call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("stop_epilogue", comp, rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    !if (outputTrace) then
    !   call ESMF_TraceComponentInfo(comp, "", rc=rc)
    !   if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
    !        line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    !   call ESMF_TracePhaseEpilogueExit(comp, rc=rc)
    !   if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
    !        line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    ! Stop Compliance Checking: InitializeEpilogue
    ! if not bailed for other reasons then pass back the actual userrc
    rc = userrc

  end subroutine ic_init

!   !  Run routine
  recursive subroutine ic_run(comp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)   :: comp
    type(ESMF_State)      :: importState, exportState
    type(ESMF_Clock)      :: clock
    integer, intent(out)  :: rc

    ! Local variables
    integer                 :: userrc
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: prefix
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: output
    type(ESMF_Clock)        :: clockCopy
    integer                 :: phase
    character(1024)         :: jsonString
    character(2)            :: phaseString
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: compName
    type(ESMF_Clock)        :: clockInternal
    logical                 :: clockIsPresent
    ! Initialize user return code

    call prefixString(comp, prefix=prefix, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    call ESMF_GridCompGet(comp, currentPhase=phase, &
        clockIsPresent=clockIsPresent, name=compName, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    ! Start Compliance Checking: RunPrologue
    if (ccfDepth <= maxDepth .or. maxDepth < 0) then
    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("start_prologue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    !if (outputTrace) then
    !   call ESMF_TracePhasePrologueEnter(comp, rc=rc)
    !   if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
    !        line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out

    write(output,*) ">START RunPrologue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (outputText) then
       ! compliance check importState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="importState", state=importState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check exportState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="exportState", state=exportState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check clock usage
       call clockUsageIncoming(prefix, clock=clock, clockCopy=clockCopy, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check internal Clock
       call checkInternalClock(prefix, comp=comp, clock=clock, &
            mustMatchCurr=.true., mustReachStop=.false., rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! check Component statistics
       call checkComponentStatistics(prefix, comp=comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
    end if

    write(output,*) ">STOP RunPrologue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("stop_prologue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("start_phase", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    if (outputTrace) then
       call ESMF_TracePhasePrologueEnter(comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return               
       call ESMF_TraceMemInfo(rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
       if (ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock)) then
          call ESMF_TraceClock(clock, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
               line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
       !call ESMF_TraceComponentInfo(comp, rc=rc)
       !if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
       !     line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
       call ESMF_TracePhaseEnter(comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
    ! Stop Compliance Checking: RunPrologue
    ccfDepth = ccfDepth + 1

    ! Call the actual Run routine
    call ESMF_GridCompRunAct(comp, importState, exportState, clock, &
      phase=phase, userRc=userrc, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    ccfDepth = ccfDepth - 1
    ! Start Compliance Checking: RunEpilogue
    if (ccfDepth <= maxDepth .or. maxDepth < 0) then

        if (outputTrace) then
           call ESMF_TracePhaseExit(comp, rc=rc)
           if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
           if (ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock)) then
              call ESMF_TraceClock(clock, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                   line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
           call ESMF_TraceMemInfo(rc=rc)
           if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return
           call ESMF_TracePhaseEpilogueExit(comp, rc=rc)
           if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("stop_phase", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("start_epilogue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out

    call prefixString(comp, prefix=prefix, forward=.false., rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    write(output,*) ">START RunEpilogue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (outputText) then
       ! check Component statistics
       call checkComponentStatistics(prefix, comp=comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check importState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="importState", state=importState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check exportState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="exportState", state=exportState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check clock usage
       call clockUsageOutgoing(prefix, clock=clock, clockCopy=clockCopy, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check internal Clock
       call checkInternalClock(prefix, comp=comp, clock=clock, &
            mustMatchCurr=.false., mustReachStop=.true., rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
    end if
    write(output,*) ">STOP RunEpilogue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
         ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
         line=__LINE__, &
         file=FILENAME)) &
         return  ! bail out
    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("stop_epilogue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    !if (outputTrace) then
    !   call ESMF_TracePhaseEpilogueExit(comp, rc=rc)
    !   if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
    !        line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out

    ! Stop Compliance Checking: RunEpilogue

    ! if not bailed for other reasons then pass back the actual userrc
    rc = userrc

  end subroutine ic_run

!   !  Finalize routine
  recursive subroutine ic_final(comp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)   :: comp
    type(ESMF_State)      :: importState, exportState
    type(ESMF_Clock)      :: clock
    integer, intent(out)  :: rc

    ! Local variables
    integer                 :: userrc
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: prefix
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: output
    type(ESMF_Clock)        :: clockCopy
    integer                 :: phase
    character(1024)         :: jsonString
    character(2)            :: phaseString
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: compName
    type(ESMF_Clock)        :: clockInternal
    logical                 :: clockIsPresent
    ! Initialize user return code

    call prefixString(comp, prefix=prefix, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    call ESMF_GridCompGet(comp, currentPhase=phase, &
        clockIsPresent=clockIsPresent, name=compName, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    ! Start Compliance Checking: FinalizePrologue
    if (ccfDepth <= maxDepth .or. maxDepth < 0) then
    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("start_prologue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    !if (outputTrace) then
    !   call ESMF_TracePhasePrologueEnter(comp, rc=rc)
    !   if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
    !        line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out

    write(output,*) ">START FinalizePrologue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (outputText) then

       ! compliance check importState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="importState", state=importState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check exportState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="exportState", state=exportState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check clock usage
       call clockUsageIncoming(prefix, clock=clock, clockCopy=clockCopy, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! check Component statistics
       call checkComponentStatistics(prefix, comp=comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
    end if

    write(output,*) ">STOP FinalizePrologue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("stop_prologue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("start_phase", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    if (outputTrace) then
       call ESMF_TracePhasePrologueEnter(comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return               
       call ESMF_TraceMemInfo(rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
       if (ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock)) then
          call ESMF_TraceClock(clock, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
               line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
       !call ESMF_TraceComponentInfo(comp, rc=rc)
       !if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
       !     line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
       call ESMF_TracePhaseEnter(comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
    ! Stop Compliance Checking: FinalizePrologue
    ccfDepth = ccfDepth + 1

    ! Call the actual Finalize routine
    call ESMF_GridCompFinalizeAct(comp, importState, exportState, clock, &
      phase=phase, userRc=userrc, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    ccfDepth = ccfDepth - 1
    ! Start Compliance Checking: FinalizeEpilogue
    if (ccfDepth <= maxDepth .or. maxDepth < 0) then
       if (outputTrace) then
          call ESMF_TracePhaseExit(comp, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
               line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
          if (ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock)) then
             call ESMF_TraceClock(clock, rc=rc)
             if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                  line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              
          call ESMF_TraceMemInfo(rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
               line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return
          call ESMF_TracePhaseEpilogueExit(comp, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                   line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return                              

    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("stop_phase", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("start_epilogue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out

    call prefixString(comp, prefix=prefix, forward=.false., rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    write(output,*) ">START FinalizeEpilogue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (outputText) then

       ! check Component statistics
       call checkComponentStatistics(prefix, comp=comp, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check importState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="importState", state=importState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check exportState
       call checkState(prefix, referenceName="exportState", state=exportState, &
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
       ! compliance check clock usage
       call clockUsageOutgoing(prefix, clock=clock, clockCopy=clockCopy, rc=rc)
       if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

    end if

    write(output,*) ">STOP FinalizeEpilogue for phase=", phase
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//trim(output), &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    if (outputJSON) then
        call JSON_LogCtrlFlow("stop_epilogue", comp, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    !if (outputTrace) then
    !   call ESMF_TracePhaseEpilogueExit(comp, rc=rc)
    !   if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
    !        line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
    ! Stop Compliance Checking: FinalizeEpilogue

    ! if not bailed for other reasons then pass back the actual userrc
    rc = userrc

  end subroutine ic_final


  recursive subroutine prefixString(comp, prefix, forward, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)                       :: comp
    character(*),       intent(inout)         :: prefix
    logical,            intent(in),  optional :: forward
    integer,            intent(out), optional :: rc

    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: compName
    character(len=3)        :: arrow
    character(len=3)        :: forwardArrow
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    forwardArrow = "|->"
    arrow = "|->" ! default direction
    if (present(forward)) then
      if (.not.forward) arrow = "|<-"
    call ESMF_GridCompGet(comp, name=compName, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    prefix = "COMPLIANCECHECKER:"//repeat(forwardArrow, ccfDepth-1)//&

  end subroutine    


  recursive subroutine checkState(prefix, referenceName, state, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)              :: prefix
    character(*), intent(in)              :: referenceName
    type(ESMF_State)                      :: state
    integer,      intent(out), optional   :: rc
    logical                               :: stateValid
    integer                               :: itemCount, item
    integer                               :: fieldCount, fitem
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: name
    type(ESMF_StateIntent_Flag)           :: stateintent
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: tempString
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR), allocatable   :: itemNameList(:)
    type(ESMF_StateItem_Flag), allocatable :: stateitemtypeList(:)
    type(ESMF_Field), allocatable         :: fields(:)
    type(ESMF_Field)                      :: field
    type(ESMF_FieldBundle)                :: fieldbundle
    type(ESMF_State)                      :: nestedState
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: nestedPrefix
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: attributeName
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: convention
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: purpose
    type(ESMF_AttPack)                    :: attpack
    character(1024*100)                   :: jsonstring
    logical                               :: isPresent
    character(64)                         :: idStr

    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    stateValid = .true.
    ! Ensure that the State is a valid object
    if (.not.ESMF_StateIsCreated(state)) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> The "//trim(referenceName)// &
        " is invalid!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      stateValid = .false.

    if (stateValid) then

      ! Provide name and type of State
      call ESMF_StateGet(state, name=name, stateintent=stateintent, &
        itemCount=itemCount, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" "//trim(referenceName)//" name: "// &
        trim(name), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      if (stateintent==ESMF_STATEINTENT_IMPORT) then
        tempString = "ESMF_STATEINTENT_IMPORT"
      else if (stateintent==ESMF_STATEINTENT_EXPORT) then
        tempString = "ESMF_STATEINTENT_EXPORT"
      else if (stateintent==ESMF_STATEINTENT_INTERNAL) then
        tempString = "ESMF_STATEINTENT_INTERNAL"
      else if (stateintent==ESMF_STATEINTENT_UNSPECIFIED) then
        tempString = "ESMF_STATEINTENT_INVALID"
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" "//trim(referenceName)//" stateintent: "// &
        trim(tempString), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out

      ! set NUOPC convention and purpose specifiers
      convention = "NUOPC"
      purpose = "Instance"

      if (outputJSON .and. includeState) then

          call JSON_GetID(state, idStr, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
             line=__LINE__, &
             file=FILENAME)) &
             return  ! bail out

          ! add a few attributes so they appear in the JSON
          ! TODO: this should really only be done once
          call ESMF_AttributeAdd(state, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
                               attrList=(/"ESMFID", &
                                          "name  ", &
                                          "intent"/), &
                               attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

          call ESMF_AttributeSet(state, name="name", value=name, &
                               attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

          call ESMF_AttributeSet(state, name="intent", value=tempString, &
                               attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

          call ESMF_AttributeSet(state, name="ESMFID", value=trim(idStr), &
                               attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

          call ESMF_AttributeGetAttPack(state, attpack=attpack, &
              convention=convention, purpose=purpose, isPresent=isPresent, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out

          if (isPresent) then
              call ESMF_AttPackStreamJSON(attpack, output=jsonstring, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                  line=__LINE__, &
                  file=FILENAME)) &
                  return  ! bail out

              call JSON_LogWrite(jsonstring, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                 line=__LINE__, &
                 file=FILENAME)) &
                 return  ! bail out
        endif ! outputJSON

      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" State level attribute check: "// &
        "convention: '"//trim(convention)//"', purpose: '"//trim(purpose)//"'.", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out

      attributeName = "Namespace"
      call checkStateAttribute(prefix, state=state, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out

      write (tempString, *) itemCount
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" "//trim(referenceName)//" itemCount: "// &
        trim(tempString), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out

      if (itemCount > 0) then
        call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemNameList=itemNameList, &
          itemtypeList=stateitemtypeList, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
        do item=1, itemCount
          if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then
            write (tempString, *) item, " [FIELD] name: "
          else if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELDBUNDLE) then
            write (tempString, *) item, " [FIELDBUNDLE] name: "
          else if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_ARRAY) then
            call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> The "//trim(referenceName)// &
              " contains an ESMF_Array object!", ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            write (tempString, *) item, " [ARRAY] name: "
          else if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_ARRAYBUNDLE) then
            call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> The "//trim(referenceName)// &
              " contains an ESMF_ArrayBundle object!", ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            write (tempString, *) item, " [ARRAYBUNDLE] name: "
          else if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_ROUTEHANDLE) then
            write (tempString, *) item, " [ROUTEHANDLE] name: "
          else if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_STATE) then
            write (tempString, *) item, " [STATE] name: "
          else if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_UNKNOWN) then
            write (tempString, *) item, " [UNKNOWN] name: "
          else if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_NOTFOUND) then
            write (tempString, *) item, " [NOTFOUND] name: "
          call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" "//trim(referenceName)//" item #"// &
            trim(tempString)//trim(itemNameList(item)), &
            ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
          ! check metadata compliance            
          if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELD) then
            ! compliance check Field metadata
            call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemName=itemNameList(item), &
              field=field, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            call checkFieldMetadata(prefix, field=field, stateid=idStr, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
          else if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_FIELDBUNDLE) then
            call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemName=itemNameList(item), &
              fieldbundle=fieldbundle, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(fieldbundle, fieldCount=fieldCount, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            call ESMF_FieldBundleGet(fieldbundle, fieldList=fields, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            do fitem=1, fieldCount
              field = fields(fitem)
              call ESMF_FieldGet(field, name=name, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
              call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" in FieldBundle, Field name: "//&
                trim(name), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
              call checkFieldMetadata(prefix, field=field, stateid=idStr, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
          else if (stateitemtypeList(item) == ESMF_STATEITEM_STATE) then
            ! recursive call
            call ESMF_StateGet(state, itemName=itemNameList(item), &
              nestedState=nestedState, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            nestedPrefix = trim(prefix)//trim(itemNameList(item))//":"
            call checkState(nestedPrefix, referenceName, nestedState, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
  end subroutine

  recursive subroutine checkStateAttribute(prefix, state, attributeName, &
    convention, purpose, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)              :: prefix
    type(ESMF_State)                      :: state
    character(*), intent(in)              :: attributeName
    character(*), intent(in)              :: convention
    character(*), intent(in)              :: purpose
    integer,      intent(out), optional   :: rc
    type(ESMF_AttPack)                    :: attpack
    type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag)              :: typekind
    integer                               :: itemCount, i
    logical                               :: isPresent
    character(10*ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer    :: valueStringList(:)
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: iStr, vStr
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I4), pointer        :: valueI4List(:)

    call ESMF_AttributeGetAttPack(state, attpack=attpack, &
      convention=convention, purpose=purpose, isPresent=isPresent, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (.not.isPresent) then      
      ! attpack not present
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> State level attpack: <"// &
        "convention: '"//trim(convention)//"', "// &
        "purpose: '"//trim(purpose)//"'> is NOT present!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call ESMF_AttributeGet(state, name=attributeName, attpack=attpack, &
        typekind=typekind, itemCount=itemCount, isPresent=isPresent, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      if (.not.isPresent) then
        ! attribute not present
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> State level attribute: <"// &
          trim(attributeName)//"> is NOT present!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
      else if (itemCount == 0) then
        ! attribute present but not set
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> State level attribute: <"// &
          trim(attributeName)//"> present but NOT set!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
        ! attribute present and set
        if (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_CHARACTER) then
          call ESMF_AttributeGet(state, name=attributeName, &
            valueList=valueStringList, &
            convention=convention, purpose=purpose, rc=rc)
          if (itemCount == 1) then
            ! single valued
            call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" State level attribute: <"// &
              trim(attributeName)//"> "// &
              "present and set: "// trim(valueStringList(1)), &
              ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            ! multi valued -> requires loop
            do i=1, itemCount
              write(iStr,*) i
              call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" State level attribute: <"// &
                trim(attributeName)//">["//trim(adjustl(iStr))//"] "// &
                "present and set: "// trim(valueStringList(i)), &
                ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
        else if (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_I4) then
          call ESMF_AttributeGet(state, name=attributeName, &
            valueList=valueI4List, &
            convention=convention, purpose=purpose, rc=rc)
          if (itemCount == 1) then
            ! single valued
            write(vStr,*) valueI4List(1)
            call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" State level attribute: <"// &
              trim(attributeName)//"> "// &
              "present and set: "// vStr, &
              ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            ! multi valued -> requires loop
            do i=1, itemCount
              write(iStr,*) i
              write(vStr,*) valueI4List(i)
              call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" State level attribute: <"// &
                trim(attributeName)//">["//trim(adjustl(iStr))//"] "// &
                "present and set: "// vStr, &
                ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
          call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" State level attribute: <"// &
            trim(attributeName)//"> "// &
            "present and set: <unsupported data type>", &
            ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

  end subroutine


  recursive subroutine checkComponentMetadata(prefix, comp, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)              :: prefix
    type(ESMF_GridComp)                   :: comp
    integer,      intent(out), optional   :: rc
    type(ESMF_CompType_Flag)              :: comptype
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: attributeName
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: convention
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: purpose
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: compName
    type(ESMF_AttPack)                    :: attpack
    character(1024*50)                    :: jsonstring
    logical                               :: isPresent
    character(64)                         :: idStr
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    ! get Component type and branch on it
    call ESMF_GridCompGet(comp, comptype=comptype, name=compName, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (comptype == ESMF_COMPTYPE_GRID) then
      ! set NUOPC convention and purpose specifiers
      convention = "NUOPC"
      purpose = "Instance"
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" GridComp level attribute check: "// &
        "convention: '"//trim(convention)//"', purpose: '"//trim(purpose)//"'.", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out

      attributeName = "ShortName"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "LongName"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "Description"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "ModelType"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "ReleaseDate"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "PreviousVersion"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
#if 0
! skip Citation* attributes as per Cecelia 10/05/10      
      attributeName = "ShortTitle"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "LongTitle"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "Date"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "PresentationForm"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "DOI"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out

      attributeName = "ResponsiblePartyRole"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "Name"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "EmailAddress"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "PhysicalAddress"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "URL"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "Verbosity"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "InitializePhaseMap"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "InternalInitializePhaseMap"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "RunPhaseMap"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "FinalizePhaseMap"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "NestingGeneration"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "Nestling"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "InitializeDataComplete"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "InitializeDataProgress"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
    elseif (comptype == ESMF_COMPTYPE_CPL) then

      ! set NUOPC convention and purpose specifiers
      convention = "NUOPC"
      purpose = "Instance"
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" CplComp level attribute check: "// &
        "convention: '"//trim(convention)//"', purpose: '"//trim(purpose)//"'.", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out

      attributeName = "ComponentLongName"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "Verbosity"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "InitializePhaseMap"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "RunPhaseMap"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "FinalizePhaseMap"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      attributeName = "CplList"
      call checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp=comp, &
        attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      ! currently there is no other type by GridComp or CplComp

    if (outputJSON) then

        call JSON_GetID(comp, idStr, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        call ESMF_AttributeAdd(comp, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
                               attrList=(/"CompName", &
                                          "ESMFID  "/), &
                               attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        call ESMF_AttributeSet(comp, name="CompName", value=compName, &
                               attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        call ESMF_AttributeSet(comp, name="ESMFID", value=trim(adjustl(idStr)), &
                                   attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        ! output JSON
        call ESMF_AttributeGetAttPack(comp, attpack=attpack, &
          convention=convention, purpose=purpose, isPresent=isPresent, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        if (isPresent) then
            call ESMF_AttPackStreamJSON(attpack, output=jsonstring, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out

            call JSON_LogWrite(jsonstring, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
  end subroutine
  recursive subroutine checkComponentAttribute(prefix, comp, attributeName, &
    convention, purpose, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)              :: prefix
    type(ESMF_GridComp)                   :: comp
    character(*), intent(in)              :: attributeName
    character(*), intent(in)              :: convention
    character(*), intent(in)              :: purpose
    integer,      intent(out), optional   :: rc
    type(ESMF_AttPack)                    :: attpack
    type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag)              :: typekind
    integer                               :: itemCount, i
    logical                               :: isPresent
    character(10*ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer    :: valueStringList(:)
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: iStr, vStr
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I4), pointer        :: valueI4List(:)

    call ESMF_AttributeGetAttPack(comp, attpack=attpack, &
      convention=convention, purpose=purpose, isPresent=isPresent, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (.not.isPresent) then      
      ! attpack not present
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> Component level attpack: <"// &
        "convention: '"//trim(convention)//"', "// &
        "purpose: '"//trim(purpose)//"'> is NOT present!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call ESMF_AttributeGet(comp, name=attributeName, attpack=attpack, &
        typekind=typekind, itemCount=itemCount, isPresent=isPresent, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      if (.not.isPresent) then
        ! attribute not present
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> Component level attribute: <"// &
          trim(attributeName)//"> is NOT present!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
      else if (itemCount == 0) then
        ! attribute present but not set
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> Component level attribute: <"// &
          trim(attributeName)//"> present but NOT set!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
        ! attribute present and set
        if (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_CHARACTER) then
          call ESMF_AttributeGet(comp, name=attributeName, &
            valueList=valueStringList, &
            convention=convention, purpose=purpose, rc=rc)
          if (itemCount == 1) then
            ! single valued
            call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Component level attribute: <"// &
              trim(attributeName)//"> "// &
              "present and set: "// trim(valueStringList(1)), &
              ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            ! multi valued -> requires loop
            do i=1, itemCount
              write(iStr,*) i
              call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Component level attribute: <"// &
                trim(attributeName)//">["//trim(adjustl(iStr))//"] "// &
                "present and set: "// trim(valueStringList(i)), &
                ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
        else if (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_I4) then
          call ESMF_AttributeGet(comp, name=attributeName, &
            valueList=valueI4List, &
            convention=convention, purpose=purpose, rc=rc)
          if (itemCount == 1) then
            ! single valued
            write(vStr,*) valueI4List(1)
            call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Component level attribute: <"// &
              trim(attributeName)//"> "// &
              "present and set: "// vStr, &
              ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            ! multi valued -> requires loop
            do i=1, itemCount
              write(iStr,*) i
              write(vStr,*) valueI4List(i)
              call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Component level attribute: <"// &
                trim(attributeName)//">["//trim(adjustl(iStr))//"] "// &
                "present and set: "// vStr, &
                ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
          call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Component level attribute: <"// &
            trim(attributeName)//"> "// &
            "present and set: <unsupported data type>", &
            ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
  end subroutine


  recursive subroutine checkFieldMetadata(prefix, field, stateid, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)              :: prefix
    type(ESMF_Field)                      :: field
    character(*), intent(in), optional    :: stateid
    integer,      intent(out), optional   :: rc
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: attributeName
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: convention
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: purpose
    type(ESMF_AttPack)                    :: attpack
    type(ESMF_FieldStatus_Flag)           :: fieldStatus
    integer                               :: rank
    type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag)              :: typekind
    real(ESMF_KIND_R8)                    :: fieldMinVal, fieldMaxVal
    real(ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer           :: farrayPtr2D(:,:)
    character(64)                         :: idStr
    character(1024)                       :: jsonstring
    logical                               :: isPresent
    integer                               :: localDeCount
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    ! set NUOPC convention and purpose specifiers
    convention = "NUOPC"
    purpose = "Instance"
    if (outputJSON .and. includeState) then

        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, status=fieldStatus, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

        if (fieldStatus==ESMF_FIELDSTATUS_COMPLETE) then
            !!TODO: check localDeCount argument here

            call ESMF_FieldGet(field, rank=rank, typekind=typekind, &
                localDeCount=localDeCount, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out

            ! only support this case while testing
            if (typekind==ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8 .and. rank==2 .and. localDeCount==1) then
                call ESMF_FieldGet(field, localDe=0, farrayPtr=farrayPtr2D, rc=rc)
                if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                    line=__LINE__, &
                    file=FILENAME)) &
                    return  ! bail out

                fieldMinVal = minval(farrayPtr2D)
                fieldMaxVal = maxval(farrayPtr2D)

                call ESMF_AttributeAdd(field, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
                           attrList=(/"petMinVal",   &
                                      "petMaxVal"/), &
                           attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
                if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                    line=__LINE__, &
                    file=FILENAME)) &
                    return  ! bail out

                call ESMF_AttributeSet(field, name="petMinVal", value=fieldMinVal, &
                           attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
                if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                    line=__LINE__, &
                    file=FILENAME)) &
                    return  ! bail out

                call ESMF_AttributeSet(field, name="petMaxVal", value=fieldMaxVal, &
                                   attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
                if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                    line=__LINE__, &
                    file=FILENAME)) &
                    return  ! bail out


        call ESMF_AttributeAdd(field, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
                           attrList=(/"ESMFID     ",   &
                                      "stateESMFID"/), &
                           attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

        call JSON_GetID(field, idStr, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
             line=__LINE__, &
             file=FILENAME)) &
             return  ! bail out

        call ESMF_AttributeSet(field, name="ESMFID", value=trim(idStr), &
                           attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

        call ESMF_AttributeSet(field, name="stateESMFID", value=trim(stateid), &
                           attpack=attpack, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out

        call ESMF_AttributeGetAttPack(field, attpack=attpack, &
          convention=convention, purpose=purpose, isPresent=isPresent, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out

        if (isPresent) then
            call ESMF_AttPackStreamJSON(attpack, output=jsonstring, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out

            call JSON_LogWrite(jsonstring, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
             line=__LINE__, &
             file=FILENAME)) &
             return  ! bail out

    endif ! outputJSON

    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Field level attribute check: "// &
      "convention: '"//trim(convention)//"', purpose: '"//trim(purpose)//"'.", &
      ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

    attributeName = "StandardName"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "Units"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "LongName"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "ShortName"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "Intent"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "Connected"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "TimeStamp"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "ProducerConnection"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "ConsumerConnection"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "Updated"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "TransferOfferGeomObject"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    attributeName = "TransferActionGeomObject"
    call checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field=field, &
      attributeName=attributeName, convention=convention, purpose=purpose, &
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
  end subroutine
  recursive subroutine checkFieldAttribute(prefix, field, attributeName, &
    convention, purpose, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)              :: prefix
    type(ESMF_Field)                      :: field
    character(*), intent(in)              :: attributeName
    character(*), intent(in)              :: convention
    character(*), intent(in)              :: purpose
    integer,      intent(out), optional   :: rc
    type(ESMF_AttPack)                    :: attpack
    type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag)              :: typekind
    integer                               :: itemCount, i
    logical                               :: isPresent
    character(10*ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer    :: valueStringList(:)
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                :: iStr, vStr
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I4), pointer        :: valueI4List(:)

    call ESMF_AttributeGetAttPack(field, attpack=attpack, &
      convention=convention, purpose=purpose, isPresent=isPresent, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (.not.isPresent) then      
      ! attpack not present
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> Field level attpack: <"// &
        "convention: '"//trim(convention)//"', "// &
        "purpose: '"//trim(purpose)//"'> is NOT present!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name=attributeName, attpack=attpack, &
        typekind=typekind, itemCount=itemCount, isPresent=isPresent, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      if (.not.isPresent) then
        ! attribute not present
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> Field level attribute: <"// &
          trim(attributeName)//"> is NOT present!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
      else if (itemCount == 0) then
        ! attribute present but not set
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> Field level attribute: <"// &
          trim(attributeName)//"> present but NOT set!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
        ! attribute present and set
        if (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_CHARACTER) then
          call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name=attributeName, &
            valueList=valueStringList, &
            convention=convention, purpose=purpose, rc=rc)
          if (itemCount == 1) then
            ! single valued
            call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Field level attribute: <"// &
              trim(attributeName)//"> "// &
              "present and set: "// trim(valueStringList(1)), &
              ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            ! multi valued -> requires loop
            do i=1, itemCount
              write(iStr,*) i
              call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Field level attribute: <"// &
                trim(attributeName)//">["//trim(adjustl(iStr))//"] "// &
                "present and set: "// trim(valueStringList(i)), &
                ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
        else if (typekind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_I4) then
          call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, name=attributeName, &
            valueList=valueI4List, &
            convention=convention, purpose=purpose, rc=rc)
          if (itemCount == 1) then
            ! single valued
            write(vStr,*) valueI4List(1)
            call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Field level attribute: <"// &
              trim(attributeName)//"> "// &
              "present and set: "// vStr, &
              ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
            ! multi valued -> requires loop
            do i=1, itemCount
              write(iStr,*) i
              write(vStr,*) valueI4List(i)
              call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Field level attribute: <"// &
                trim(attributeName)//">["//trim(adjustl(iStr))//"] "// &
                "present and set: "// vStr, &
                ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
              if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, &
                file=FILENAME)) &
                return  ! bail out
          call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" Field level attribute: <"// &
            trim(attributeName)//"> "// &
            "present and set: <unsupported data type>", &
            ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
            line=__LINE__, &
            file=FILENAME)) &
            return  ! bail out
  end subroutine


  recursive subroutine clockUsageIncoming(prefix, clock, clockCopy, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)                :: prefix
    type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in)            :: clock
    type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout)         :: clockCopy
    integer,          intent(out), optional :: rc
    type(ESMF_Pointer)                      :: clockThis
    logical                                 :: clockValid
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    clockValid = .true.
    ! Ensure that the Clock is a valid object
    ! Clock has deep C++ implementation, thus must also check this pointer here
    call ESMF_ClockGetThis(clock, clockThis, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (.not.ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock) .or. &
      (clockThis == ESMF_NULL_POINTER)) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> The incoming Clock is invalid!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      clockValid = .false.
    if (clockValid) then
      clockCopy = ESMF_ClockCreate(clock, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
  end subroutine


  recursive subroutine clockUsageOutgoing(prefix, clock, clockCopy, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)                :: prefix
    type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in)            :: clock
    type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout)         :: clockCopy
    integer,          intent(out), optional :: rc
    type(ESMF_Pointer)                      :: clockThis
    logical                                 :: clockValid
    logical                                 :: clockModified
    character (ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name, nameCopy
    type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: timeStep, timeStepCopy
    type(ESMF_Time)         :: startTime, startTimeCopy
    type(ESMF_Time)         :: stopTime, stopTimeCopy
    type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: runDuration, runDurationCopy
    real(ESMF_KIND_R8)      :: runTimeStepCount, runTimeStepCountCopy
    type(ESMF_Time)         :: refTime, refTimeCopy
    type(ESMF_Time)         :: currTime, currTimeCopy
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I8)   :: advanceCount, advanceCountCopy
    type(ESMF_Direction_Flag)    :: direction, directionCopy

    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    clockValid = .true.
    ! Ensure that the Clock is a valid object
    ! Clock has deep C++ implementation, thus must also check this pointer here
    call ESMF_ClockGetThis(clock, clockThis, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (.not.ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock) .or. &
      (clockThis == ESMF_NULL_POINTER)) clockValid = .false.
    ! Further ensure that the clockCopy is a valid object
    ! Clock has deep C++ implementation, thus must also check this pointer here
    call ESMF_ClockGetThis(clockCopy, clockThis, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (.not.ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clockCopy) .or. &
      (clockThis == ESMF_NULL_POINTER)) clockValid = .false.
    if (clockValid) then
      clockModified = .false.
      call ESMF_ClockGet(clock, name=name, timeStep=timeStep, &
        startTime=startTime, stopTime=stopTime, runDuration=runDuration, &
        runTimeStepCount=runTimeStepCount, refTime=refTime, currTime=currTime, &
        advanceCount=advanceCount, direction=direction, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call ESMF_ClockGet(clockCopy, name=nameCopy, timeStep=timeStepCopy, &
        startTime=startTimeCopy, stopTime=stopTimeCopy, runDuration=runDurationCopy, &
        runTimeStepCount=runTimeStepCountCopy, refTime=refTimeCopy, currTime=currTimeCopy, &
        advanceCount=advanceCountCopy, direction=directionCopy, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      if (name /= nameCopy) clockModified = .true.
      if (timeStep /= timeStepCopy) clockModified = .true.
      if (startTime /= startTimeCopy) clockModified = .true.
      if (stopTime /= stopTimeCopy) clockModified = .true.
      if (runDuration /= runDurationCopy) clockModified = .true.
      if (abs(runTimeStepCount-runTimeStepCountCopy) >= tiny(runTimeStepCount))&
        clockModified = .true.
      if (refTime /= refTimeCopy) clockModified = .true.
      if (currTime /= currTimeCopy) clockModified = .true.
      if (advanceCount /= advanceCountCopy) clockModified = .true.
      if (direction /= directionCopy) clockModified = .true.
      if (clockModified) then
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> The incoming Clock was modified!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" The incoming Clock was not modified.", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
      call ESMF_ClockDestroy(clockCopy, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
  end subroutine

  recursive subroutine checkInternalClock(prefix, comp, clock, mustMatchCurr, &
    mustReachStop, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)                :: prefix
    type(ESMF_GridComp)                     :: comp
    type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in)            :: clock
    logical,          intent(in)            :: mustMatchCurr
    logical,          intent(in)            :: mustReachStop
    integer,          intent(out), optional :: rc
    logical                                 :: clockValid
    logical                                 :: clockInternalValid
    type(ESMF_Clock)                        :: clockInternal
    logical                                 :: clockMatch
    logical                                 :: clockIsPresent
    character (ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name, nameInt
    type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: timeStep, timeStepInt
    type(ESMF_Time)         :: startTime, startTimeInt
    type(ESMF_Time)         :: stopTime, stopTimeInt
    type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: runDuration, runDurationInt
    real(ESMF_KIND_R8)      :: runTimeStepCount, runTimeStepCountInt
    type(ESMF_Time)         :: refTime, refTimeInt
    type(ESMF_Time)         :: currTime, currTimeInt
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I8)   :: advanceCount, advanceCountInt
    type(ESMF_Direction_Flag)    :: direction, directionInt

    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    call ESMF_GridCompGet(comp, clockIsPresent=clockIsPresent, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    if (.not.clockIsPresent) then

      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)// &
        " ==> The internal Clock is not present!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      call ESMF_GridCompGet(comp, clock=clockInternal, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      clockInternalValid = .true.
      ! Ensure that the internalClock is a valid object
      if (.not.ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clockInternal)) &
        clockInternalValid = .false.

      if (.not.clockInternalValid) then
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> The internal Clock is invalid!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
    ! making it to hear means that the internal Clock is present and valid
    ! -> go and try to compare it to the passed in Clock object
    clockValid = .true.
    ! Ensure that the Clock is a valid object
    if (.not.ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock)) &
      clockValid = .false.
    if (.not.clockValid) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> No Clock to compare internal Clock!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
    call ESMF_ClockGet(clock, name=name, timeStep=timeStep, &
      startTime=startTime, stopTime=stopTime, runDuration=runDuration, &
      runTimeStepCount=runTimeStepCount, refTime=refTime, currTime=currTime, &
      advanceCount=advanceCount, direction=direction, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    call ESMF_ClockGet(clockInternal, name=nameInt, timeStep=timeStepInt, &
      startTime=startTimeInt, stopTime=stopTimeInt, runDuration=runDurationInt, &
      runTimeStepCount=runTimeStepCountInt, refTime=refTimeInt, currTime=currTimeInt, &
      advanceCount=advanceCountInt, direction=directionInt, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    clockMatch = .true. ! initialize
    if (startTimeInt /= startTime) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> startTime of internal Clock does not match Clock!", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out
      clockMatch = .false.
    if (mustMatchCurr) then
      if (currTimeInt /= currTime) then
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> currTime of internal Clock does not match Clock!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
        clockMatch = .false.
    if (clockMatch) then
      call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" The internal Clock matches incoming Clock.", &
        ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
        line=__LINE__, &
        file=FILENAME)) &
        return  ! bail out

    if (mustReachStop) then
      if (currTimeInt /= stopTimeInt) then
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" ==> The internal Clock has not run to its stopTime!", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_WARNING, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
        call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//" The internal Clock has run to its stopTime.", &
          ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out
  end subroutine


  recursive subroutine checkComponentStatistics(prefix, comp, rc)
    character(*), intent(in)              :: prefix
    type(ESMF_GridComp)                   :: comp
    integer,      intent(out), optional   :: rc
    integer                 :: fobjCount, objCount
    integer                 :: virtMemPet, physMemPet
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR)  :: output
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    ! memory statistics for this PET
    call ESMF_VMGetMemInfo(virtMemPet, physMemPet, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    write (output, *) virtMemPet
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//"ESMF Stats: "//&
      "the virtual memory used by this PET (in KB): "// &
      trim(adjustl(output)), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    write (output, *) physMemPet
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//"ESMF Stats: "//&
    "the physical memory used by this PET (in KB): "// &
      trim(adjustl(output)), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    ! objects tracked by the ESMF garbage collection
    call ESMF_VMGetCurrentGarbageInfo(fobjCount, objCount, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    write (output, *) fobjCount
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//"ESMF Stats: "//&
    "ESMF Fortran objects referenced by the ESMF garbage collection: "// &
      trim(adjustl(output)), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out
    write (output, *) objCount
    call Compliance_LogWrite(trim(prefix)//"ESMF Stats: "//&
    "ESMF Base objects (all C++, most Fortran) referenced by the ESMF garbage collection: "// &
      trim(adjustl(output)), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=FILENAME)) &
      return  ! bail out

  end subroutine

  recursive function zeroTerminatedString(string)
    logical :: zeroTerminatedString
    character(len=*), intent(in)        :: string
    integer(kind=selected_int_kind(2))  :: vbyte, mbyte
    zeroTerminatedString = .false. ! initialize
    vbyte = transfer(string, mbyte)
    print *, "In function zeroTerminatedString", vbyte
    if (vbyte==0) zeroTerminatedString = .true.
  end function
    recursive subroutine Compliance_LogWrite(msg, msgType, rc)
        character(len=*),                 intent(in)  :: msg
        type(ESMF_LogMsg_Flag), optional, intent(in)  :: msgType
        integer, optional,                intent(out) :: rc

        ! locals
        type(ESMF_LogMsg_Flag) :: localMsgType

        rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
        if (outputText) then
            if (present(msgType)) then
                localMsgType = msgType
                localMsgType = ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO
            call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), localMsgType, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, &
              file=FILENAME)) &
              return  ! bail out
    end subroutine

    recursive subroutine JSON_LogWrite(msg, rc)
        character(len=*), intent(in) ::   msg
        integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

        rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

        call ESMF_LogWrite(trim(msg), ESMF_LOGMSG_JSON, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

    end subroutine

    recursive subroutine JSON_LogCtrlFlow(event, comp, rc)

        character(len=*), intent(in) :: event
        type(ESMF_GridComp), intent(in) :: comp
        integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

        ! locals
        character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: compName
        integer :: phase
        type(ESMF_Clock) :: clock
        logical :: clockIsPresent
        type(ESMF_Method_Flag) :: method
        character(len=16) :: phaseString
        character(len=16) :: methodString
        character(len=64) :: timeStamp
        character(len=64) :: idStr
        character(len=512) :: jsonString

        rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

        call ESMF_GridCompGet(comp, clockIsPresent=clockIsPresent, &
            currentMethod=method, currentPhase=phase, name=compName, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
             line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out

        if (clockIsPresent) then
            call ESMF_GridCompGet(comp, clock=clock, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
              line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out

        if (method == ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZEIC) then
            methodString = "init"
        elseif (method == ESMF_METHOD_RUNIC) then
            methodString = "run"
        elseif (method == ESMF_METHOD_FINALIZEIC) then
            methodString = "finalize"
            methodString = "unknown"

        write(phaseString, "(I0)") phase

        timeStamp = '""'
        if (clockIsPresent .and. ESMF_ClockIsCreated(clock)) then
            call ESMF_ClockPrint(clock, options="currTime", &
                unit=timeStamp, rc=rc)
            if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
                line=__LINE__, file=FILENAME)) return  ! bail out
            timeStamp = '"'//trim(timeStamp)//'"'

        call JSON_GetID(comp, idStr, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        write(jsonString,*) '{"ctrl":{&
            &"compName":"'//trim(compName) //'",&

        call JSON_LogWrite(trim(jsonString), rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

    end subroutine

    recursive subroutine JSON_GridCompGetID(comp, id, rc)
        type(ESMF_GridComp)            :: comp
        character(len=*), intent(out)  :: id
        integer, intent(out)           :: rc

        ! locals
        integer                    :: compid
        type(ESMF_VMId), pointer   :: vmid(:)
        integer                    :: vmlocalid
        character                  :: vmkey
        character(64)              :: compidStr, vmidStr, idStr

        rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

        call ESMF_BaseGetID(comp%compp%base, compid, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        call ESMF_BaseGetVMId(comp%compp%base, vmid(1), rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        call c_ESMCI_VMIdGet (vmid(1), vmlocalid, vmkey, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        write(vmidStr, "(I16)") vmlocalid
        write(compidStr, "(I16)") compid
        write(id, "(A)") trim(adjustl(vmidStr))//"-"//trim(adjustl(compidStr))

    end subroutine

    recursive subroutine JSON_StateGetID(state, id, rc)
        type(ESMF_State)               :: state
        character(len=*), intent(out)  :: id
        integer, intent(out)           :: rc

        ! locals
        integer                    :: stateid
        type(ESMF_VMId), pointer   :: vmid(:)
        integer                    :: vmlocalid
        character                  :: vmkey
        character(64)              :: stateidStr, vmidStr, idStr

        rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

        call ESMF_BaseGetID(state%statep%base, stateid, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        call ESMF_BaseGetVMId(state%statep%base, vmid(1), rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        call c_ESMCI_VMIdGet (vmid(1), vmlocalid, vmkey, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        write(vmidStr, "(I16)") vmlocalid
        write(stateidStr, "(I16)") stateid
        write(id, "(A)") trim(adjustl(vmidStr))//"-"//trim(adjustl(stateidStr))

    end subroutine

    recursive subroutine JSON_FieldGetID(field, id, rc)
        type(ESMF_Field)               :: field
        character(len=*), intent(out)  :: id
        integer, intent(out)           :: rc

        ! locals
        integer                    :: fieldid
        type(ESMF_VMId), pointer   :: vmid(:)
        integer                    :: vmlocalid
        character                  :: vmkey
        character(64)              :: fieldidStr, vmidStr, idStr

        rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

        call ESMF_BaseGetID(field%ftypep%base, fieldid, rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        call ESMF_BaseGetVMId(field%ftypep%base, vmid(1), rc=rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        call c_ESMCI_VMIdGet (vmid(1), vmlocalid, vmkey, rc)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
          line=__LINE__, &
          file=FILENAME)) &
          return  ! bail out

        write(vmidStr, "(I16)") vmlocalid
        write(fieldidStr, "(I16)") fieldid
        write(id, "(A)") trim(adjustl(vmidStr))//"-"//trim(adjustl(fieldidStr))

    end subroutine

end module ESMF_ComplianceICMod

! The register routine of internal ICs must be available as an external routine

recursive subroutine ESMF_ComplianceICRegister(comp, rc)
  use ESMF
  use ESMF_ComplianceICMod
  implicit none
  type(ESMF_GridComp)   :: comp
  integer               :: rc
  call registerIC(comp, rc)   ! simply call the internal IC module's register
  if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rc, &
    line=__LINE__, &
    file=FILENAME)) &
    return  ! bail out
end subroutine