memory_topology Subroutine

public subroutine memory_topology(lstring, location, srcMulti, srcBlock, dstMulti, dstBlock, localrc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=THARN_MAXSTR), intent(in) :: lstring
integer, intent(in) :: location(2)
integer, intent(out) :: srcMulti
integer, intent(out) :: srcBlock
integer, intent(out) :: dstMulti
integer, intent(out) :: dstBlock
integer, intent(out) :: localrc

Source Code

    subroutine memory_topology(lstring, location, srcMulti, srcBlock,          &
                               dstMulti,dstBlock, localrc)
    ! routine checks the whole input string to determine if the memory topology
    ! consists of a single structured Logically Rectangular block of memory, or 
    ! multiple structured blocks. It also conducts syntax checking on the
    ! string. Output is through two sets (source and destination) of two 
    ! variables; *Block the number of single contigous blocks of memory, and 
    ! *Multi the number of multiple memory blocks.

    ! arguments
    character(THARN_MAXSTR), intent(in   ) :: lstring
    integer,                intent(in   ) :: location(2)
    integer,                intent(  out) :: srcMulti, dstMulti
    integer,                intent(  out) :: srcBlock,dstBlock
    integer,                intent(  out) :: localrc

    ! local variables
    integer :: nsingle, nmult, strlen

    ! initialize variables
    localrc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL
    strlen = len(lstring)
    srcBlock = 0
    srcMulti = 0
    dstBlock = 0
    dstMulti = 0

    ! Memory Layout
    nmult = set_query(lstring,'()' )
    nsingle = set_query(lstring,'[]' )

    ! check if memory is structured with multiple blocks
    if( (nmult >= 4).and.(nsingle >= 4) ) then
       ! check to see if symbols are properly paired on each half of the string
       if( pattern_match(lstring(1:location(1)), '(', ')') .and.               &
           pattern_match(lstring(location(2):strlen), '(', ')') .and.          &
           pattern_match(lstring(1:location(1)), '[', ']') .and.               &
           pattern_match(lstring(location(2):strlen), '[', ']')  ) then

           srcBlock = set_query(lstring(1:location(1)),'[' )
           srcMulti = set_query(lstring(1:location(1)),'(' )
           dstBlock = set_query(lstring(location(2):strlen),'[' )
           dstMulti = set_query(lstring(location(2):strlen),'(' )
          call ESMF_LogSetError(ESMF_FAILURE,msg="symbols not properly paired", &

    ! if memory is single block
    elseif( (nmult == 0).and.(nsingle == 4) ) then
       ! check to see if symbols are properly paired on each half of the string
       if( pattern_match(lstring(1:location(1)), '[', ']') .and.               &
           pattern_match(lstring(location(1):strlen), '[', ']')  ) then            

           srcBlock = set_query(lstring(1:location(1)),'[' )
           dstBlock = set_query(lstring(location(2):strlen),'[' )

          call ESMF_LogSetError(ESMF_FAILURE,msg="symbols not properly paired", &

    else   ! syntax error
       call ESMF_LogSetError( ESMF_FAILURE, msg="symbols not paired properly",  &

    ! if I've gotten this far without an error, then the routine has succeeded.
    localrc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    end subroutine memory_topology