subroutine legendre_roots(l,root,w)
! Subroutine finds the l roots (in theta) and gaussian weights associated
! with the legendre polynomial of degree l > 1. (Source from SCRIP create
! gaussian grid routine
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: l
real(ESMF_KIND_R8), dimension(l), intent(out) :: root, w
! local variables
integer :: l1, l2, l22, l3, k, i, j
real(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: del,co,p1,p2,p3,t1,t2,slope,s,c,pp1,pp2,p00
! Define useful constants.
del= pi/float(4*l)
l1 = l+1
co = float(2*l+3)/float(l1**2)
p2 = 1.0
t2 = -del
l2 = l/2
k = 1
p00 = one/sqrt(two)
! Start search for each root by looking for crossing point.
do i=1,l2
10 t1 = t2
t2 = t1+del
p1 = p2
s = sin(t2)
c = cos(t2)
pp1 = 1.0
p3 = p00
do j=1,l1
pp2 = pp1
pp1 = p3
p3 = 2.0*sqrt((float(j**2)-0.250)/float(j**2))*c*pp1- &
p2 = pp1
if ((k*p2).gt.0) goto 10
! Now converge using Newton-Raphson.
k = -k
20 continue
slope = (t2-t1)/(p2-p1)
t1 = t2
t2 = t2-slope*p2
p1 = p2
s = sin(t2)
c = cos(t2)
pp1 = 1.0
p3 = p00
do j=1,l1
pp2 = pp1
pp1 = p3
p3 = 2.0*sqrt((float(j**2)-0.250)/float(j**2))*c*pp1- &
p2 = pp1
if (abs(p2).gt.1.e-10) goto 20
root(i) = t2
w(i) = co*(sin(t2)/p3)**2
! If l is odd, take care of odd point.
l22 = 2*l2
if (l22 .ne. l) then
l2 = l2+1
t2 = pi/2.0
root(l2) = t2
s = sin(t2)
c = cos(t2)
pp1 = 1.0
p3 = p00
do j=1,l1
pp2 = pp1
pp1 = p3
p3 = 2.0*sqrt((float(j**2)-0.250)/float(j**2))*c*pp1- &
p2 = pp1
w(l2) = co/p3**2
! Use symmetry to compute remaining roots and weights.
l3 = l2+1
do i=l3,l
root(i) = pi-root(l-i+1)
w(i) = w(l-i+1)
end subroutine legendre_roots