gnomonic_ed Subroutine

private subroutine gnomonic_ed(im, lamda, theta)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: im
real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(out) :: lamda(im+1,im+1)
real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(out) :: theta(im+1,im+1)

Source Code

 subroutine gnomonic_ed(im, lamda, theta)
! Equal distance along the 4 edges of the cubed sphere
! Properties: 
!            * defined by intersections of great circles
!            * max(dx,dy; global) / min(dx,dy; global) = sqrt(2) = 1.4142
!            * Max(aspect ratio) = 1.06089
!            * the N-S coordinate curves are const longitude on the 4 faces with equator 
! For C2000: (dx_min, dx_max) = (3.921, 5.545)    in km unit
! This is the grid of choice for global cloud resolving

 integer, intent(in):: im
 real(ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(out):: lamda(im+1,im+1)
 real(ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(out):: theta(im+1,im+1)

! Local:
 real(ESMF_KIND_R8) pp(3,im+1,im+1)
 real(ESMF_KIND_R8) p1(2), p2(2)
 real(ESMF_KIND_R8):: rsq3, alpha, delx, dely
 integer i, j, k

  rsq3 = 1./sqrt(3.) 
 alpha = asin( rsq3 )

! Ranges:
! lamda = [0.75*pi, 1.25*pi]
! theta = [-alpha, alpha]

    dely = 2.*alpha / real(im,ESMF_KIND_R8)

! Define East-West edges:
 do j=1,im+1
    lamda(1,   j) = 0.75*pi                               ! West edge
    lamda(im+1,j) = 1.25*pi                               ! East edge
    theta(1,   j) = -alpha + dely*real(j-1,ESMF_KIND_R8)  ! West edge
    theta(im+1,j) = theta(1,j)                            ! East edge

! Get North-South edges by symmetry:

 do i=2,im
    call mirror_latlon(lamda(1,1), theta(1,1), lamda(im+1,im+1), theta(im+1,im+1), &
                       lamda(1,i), theta(1,i), lamda(i,1),       theta(i,      1) )
    lamda(i,im+1) =  lamda(i,1)
    theta(i,im+1) = -theta(i,1)

! Set 4 corners:
    call latlon2xyz2(lamda(1    ,  1), theta(1,      1), pp(1,   1,   1))
    call latlon2xyz2(lamda(im+1,   1), theta(im+1,   1), pp(1,im+1,   1))
    call latlon2xyz2(lamda(1,   im+1), theta(1,   im+1), pp(1,   1,im+1))
    call latlon2xyz2(lamda(im+1,im+1), theta(im+1,im+1), pp(1,im+1,im+1))

! Map edges on the sphere back to cube:
! Intersections at x=-rsq3

 do j=2,im
    call latlon2xyz2(lamda(i,j), theta(i,j), pp(1,i,j))
    pp(2,i,j) = -pp(2,i,j)*rsq3/pp(1,i,j)
    pp(3,i,j) = -pp(3,i,j)*rsq3/pp(1,i,j)

 do i=2,im
    call latlon2xyz2(lamda(i,j), theta(i,j), pp(1,i,1))
    pp(2,i,1) = -pp(2,i,1)*rsq3/pp(1,i,1)
    pp(3,i,1) = -pp(3,i,1)*rsq3/pp(1,i,1)

 do j=1,im+1
    do i=1,im+1
       pp(1,i,j) = -rsq3

 do j=2,im+1
    do i=2,im+1
! Copy y-z face of the cube along j=1
       pp(2,i,j) = pp(2,i,1)
! Copy along i=1
       pp(3,i,j) = pp(3,1,j)

 call cart_to_latlon( (im+1)*(im+1), pp, lamda, theta)

 end subroutine gnomonic_ed