subroutine f90string3(i1, fstr, i2, fstr2, i3, i4, rc)
use ESMF
implicit none
character(len=*) :: fstr, fstr2
integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4
integer :: rc
integer :: check_i1, check_i2, check_i3, check_i4
character(len=120) :: check_fstr
character(len=60) :: check_fstr2
! these must match the values in the main program
check_i1 = 102
check_i2 = 204
check_i3 = 409
check_i4 = 819
check_fstr = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
check_fstr2 = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
print *, "-- entering f90string3 subroutine"
print *, " ints=", i1, i2, i3, i4
print *, " strlen =", len(fstr)
print *, " fstr=", trim(fstr)
print *, " strlen2 =", len(fstr2)
print *, " fstr2=", trim(fstr2)
print *, "-- leaving f90string3 subroutine"
end subroutine f90string3