ESMF_UGridInqVarLoc Subroutine

private subroutine ESMF_UGridInqVarLoc(ncid, VarId, varname, location, rc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ncid
integer, intent(in) :: VarId
character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname
integer, intent(out) :: location
integer :: rc

Source Code

subroutine ESMF_UGridInqVarLoc (ncid, VarId, varname,location, rc)

    integer, intent(in) :: ncid
    integer, intent(in) :: VarId
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: varname
    integer, intent(out) :: location ! 1 for node, 2 for face
    integer                        :: rc

    integer   :: meshId
    integer   :: ncStatus
    character(len=256) :: errmsg
    character(len=80) :: attstr, attstr1, locationStr
    integer   :: len,len1
    integer, parameter :: nf90_noerror=0

    ncStatus = nf90_get_att(ncid, VarId, "location", locationStr)
    if (ncStatus /= nf90_noerror) then
      ! location attribute does not exist, check coordinates attribute
      ! check if the coordinate attribute exist or not
      ncStatus = nf90_inquire_attribute(ncid, VarId, "coordinates", len=len)
      errmsg ="No location or coordinates attributes defined for "//varname
      if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
                         ESMF_METHOD,  &
                         ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
                         rc)) return
      ncStatus = nf90_get_att(ncid, VarId, "coordinates", attstr)
      if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
                                 ESMF_METHOD,  &
                         ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
                         rc)) return
      ! check if it matches with the node_coordinates or face_coordinates defined
      ! on the topology variable
      ncStatus = nf90_inquire_attribute(ncid, VarId, "mesh", len=len1)
      errmsg ="No mesh attribute defined for "//varname
      if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
          ESMF_METHOD,  &
          ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
          rc)) return
      ncStatus = nf90_get_att(ncid, VarId, "mesh", attstr1)
      if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
          ESMF_METHOD,  &
          ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
          rc)) return
      ncStatus = nf90_inq_varid (ncid, attstr1(1:len1), meshId)
      errmsg = "Dummy Variable "//attstr1(1:len1)//" does not exist"
      if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
        ESMF_METHOD,  &
        ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
        rc)) return
      errmsg = "Attribute node_coordinates in variable "//attstr1(1:len1)
      ncStatus = nf90_inquire_attribute(ncid, meshId, "node_coordinates", len=len1)
      if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
        ESMF_METHOD,  &
        ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
        rc)) return
      ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, meshId, "node_coordinates", attstr1)
      if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
        ESMF_METHOD,  &
        ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
        rc)) return
      if (attstr1(1:len1) .eq. attstr(1:len)) then
        location = 1
        ! check if the coordinates match with face_coordinates
        ncStatus = nf90_inquire_attribute(ncid, meshId, "face_coordinates", len=len1)
        errmsg = "Attribute face_coordinates"
        if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
           ESMF_METHOD,  &
           ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
           rc)) return
        ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, meshId, "face_coordinates", attstr1)
        if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
          ESMF_METHOD,  &
          ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
          rc)) return
        if (attstr1(1:len1) .eq. attstr(1:len)) then
          location = 2
          errmsg = "- coordinates attribute does not match with face or node coordinates"
          call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_FAILURE, &
                 msg=errmsg, ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)
       ncStatus = nf90_inquire_attribute(ncid, VarId, "location", len=len)
        if (locationStr(1:len) .eq. 'node') then
          location = 1
       elseif (locationStr(1:len) .eq. 'face') then
          location = 2
          errmsg = "- location attribute is not recognizable: "//locationStr(1:len)
          call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_FAILURE, &
                 msg=errmsg, ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)
     rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
    call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_RC_LIB_NOT_PRESENT, &
                 msg="- ESMF_NETCDF not defined when lib was compiled", &
                 ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)
end subroutine ESMF_UGridInqVarLoc