ESMF_ReconcileCompareNeeds Subroutine

private subroutine ESMF_ReconcileCompareNeeds(vm, id, vmid, id_info, rc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ESMF_VM), intent(in) :: vm
integer, intent(in) :: id(0:)
integer, intent(in) :: vmid(0:)
type(ESMF_ReconcileIDInfo), intent(inout) :: id_info(0:)
integer, intent(out) :: rc

Source Code

  subroutine ESMF_ReconcileCompareNeeds (vm, id, vmid, id_info, rc)
    type(ESMF_VM),     intent(in)   :: vm
    integer,           intent(in)   :: id(0:)
    integer,           intent(in)   :: vmid(0:)
    type(ESMF_ReconcileIDInfo), intent(inout) :: id_info(0:)
    integer,           intent(out)  :: rc
!  Calculates which PETs have items that this PET needs.  When a given item is
!  offered by multiple PETs, a heuristic is used to determine which PET will
!  provide it in order to try to avoid 'hot spotting' the offering PET.
!   The arguments are:
!   \begin{description}
!   \item[vm]
!     The current {\tt ESMF\_VM} (virtual machine).
!   \item[id]
!     The object ids of this PETs State itself (in element 0) and the items
!     contained within it.  It does not return the IDs of nested State
!     items.
!   \item[vmid]
!     The integer VMIds of this PETs State itself (in element 0) and the items
!     contained within it.  It does not return the IDs of nested State
!     items.
!   \item[id_info]
!     Array of arrays of global VMId info.  Upon input, the array has a size
!     of numPets, and each element points to Id/VMId arrays.  Returns 'needed'
!     flag for each desired object.
!   \item[rc]
!     Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
!   \end{description}

    integer :: localrc
    integer :: memstat
    integer :: mypet, npets
    integer :: i, j, k
    logical :: needed
    character(ESMF_MAXSTR) :: msgstring

    type NeedsList_t
      integer          :: id
      integer          :: vmid
      logical, pointer :: offerers(:) => null ()
      integer, pointer :: position(:) => null ()
      type(NeedsList_t), pointer :: next => null ()
    end type

    type(NeedsList_t), pointer :: needs_list

    logical, parameter :: debug = .false.

    ! Sanity checks

    call ESMF_VMGet (vm, localPet=mypet, petCount=npets, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError (localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
        ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
        rcToReturn=rc)) return

    if (size (id) /= size (vmid)) then
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError (ESMF_RC_INTNRL_INCONS, msg='size (id) /= size (vmid)', &
          ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
          rcToReturn=rc)) return
    end if

    if (size (id_info) /= npets) then
      if (ESMF_LogFoundError (ESMF_RC_INTNRL_INCONS, msg='size (id_info) /= npets', &
          ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
          rcToReturn=rc)) return
    end if

    if (debug) then
      print *, '  PET ', mypet, ': id/vmid sizes =', size (id), size (vmid)
    end if

! Check other PETs contents to see if there are objects this PET needs

! When 'needed' ID/VMId pairs are found, create a list of 'offering' PETs who can
! provide it.

    needs_list => null ()

! call ESMF_ReconcileDebugPrint (ESMF_METHOD //  &
!     ': computing id_info%needed')
    do, i=0, npets-1
      id_info(i)%needed = .false.
      if (i == mypet) cycle

      do, j = 1, ubound (id_info(i)%id, 1)
        needed = .true.
! print *, '  PET', mypet, ': setting needed to .true.', j, k
        do, k = 1, ubound (id, 1)
          if (id(k) == id_info(i)%id(j)) then
            if (vmid(k) == id_info(i)%vmid(j)) then
! print *, '  PET', mypet, ': setting needed to .false.', j, k
              needed = .false.
            end if
          end if
        end do

        if (needed) then
! print *, '  PET', mypet, ': calling insert, associated =', associated (needs_list)
          call needs_list_insert (needs_list, pet_1=i,  &
                id_1=id_info(i)%id(j),  &
              vmid_1=id_info(i)%vmid(j),  &
              position=j, rc_1=localrc)
          if (ESMF_LogFoundError (localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
              ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
              rcToReturn=rc)) return
        end if
      end do
    end do

    if (debug) call needs_list_print (needs_list)

    ! Go through the list of needed IDs/VMIds and select an offerer for each.

    call needs_list_select (needs_list, id_info)

    call needs_list_deallocate (needs_list, rc_1=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError (localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
        ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
        rcToReturn=rc)) return
    if (associated (needs_list)) then
      deallocate (needs_list, stat=memstat)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundDeallocError (memstat, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
          ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
          rcToReturn=rc)) return
    end if

    if (debug) then
      do, j=0, npets-1
        if (j == myPet) then
          do, i=0, ubound (id_info, 1)
            write (msgstring,'(2a,i0,a,i0,a)') ESMF_METHOD,  &
                ': pet', j, ': id_info%needed(',i,') ='
            write (6,*) msgstring, id_info(i)%needed
            call ESMF_UtilIOUnitFlush (ESMF_UtilIOStdout)
          end do
        end if
        call ESMF_VMBarrier (vm)
      end do
    end if

    rc = localrc


    recursive subroutine needs_list_deallocate (needs_list_1, rc_1)
      type(NeedsList_t),  pointer :: needs_list_1  ! intent(inout)
      integer :: rc_1

      integer :: localrc_1
      integer :: memstat_1

      if (.not. associated (needs_list_1)) then
        rc_1 = ESMF_SUCCESS
      end if

      deallocate (  &
          needs_list_1%offerers,  &
          needs_list_1%position,  &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundDeallocError (memstat_1, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
          ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
          rcToReturn=rc_1)) return

      if (associated (needs_list_1%next)) then
! print *, 'pet', mypet, ': needs_list_deallocate: recursing'
        call needs_list_deallocate (needs_list_1%next, rc_1=localrc_1)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundError (localrc_1, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
            ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
            rcToReturn=rc_1)) return
        deallocate (needs_list_1%next,  &
        if (ESMF_LogFoundDeallocError (memstat_1, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
            ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
            rcToReturn=rc_1)) return
      end if

      rc_1 = ESMF_SUCCESS

    end subroutine needs_list_deallocate

    subroutine needs_list_insert (needs_list_1, pet_1,  &
        id_1, vmid_1, position, rc_1)
      type(NeedsList_t),  pointer :: needs_list_1  ! intent(inout)
      integer,         intent(in) :: pet_1
      integer,         intent(in) :: id_1
      integer,         intent(in) :: vmid_1
      integer,         intent(in) :: position
      integer,         intent(out):: rc_1

      type(NeedsList_t), pointer :: needslist_p
      integer :: memstat_1

    ! Called when a Id/VMId is offered by some remote PET, and is needed
    ! by the local PET.
    ! If the Id/VMId is not in the needs list, create a new needs_list
    ! entry.   If it is present, add that this PET is also offering it.

      rc_1 = ESMF_SUCCESS

      if (.not. associated (needs_list_1)) then
! print *, 'pet', mypet, ': needs_list_insert: creating needs_list_1'
        allocate (needs_list_1, stat=memstat_1)
        if (ESMF_LogFoundAllocError (memstat_1, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
            ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
            rcToReturn=rc_1)) return
        allocate (  &
            needs_list_1%offerers(0:npets-1),  &
            needs_list_1%position(0:npets-1),  &
        if (ESMF_LogFoundAllocError (memstat_1, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
            ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
            rcToReturn=rc_1)) return
        needs_list_1%offerers = .false.
        needs_list_1%position = 0
        needs_list_1%id = id_1
        needs_list_1%vmid = vmid_1

        needs_list_1%offerers(pet_1) = .true.
        needs_list_1%position(pet_1) = position
      end if

      needslist_p => needs_list_1
        if (id_1 == needslist_p%id .and.  &
            vmid_1 == needslist_p%vmid) then
! print *, 'pet', mypet, ': needs_list_insert: marking match and returing'
          needslist_p%offerers(pet_1) = .true.
          needslist_p%position(pet_1) = position
        end if

        if (.not. associated (needslist_p%next)) exit
! print *, 'pet', mypet, ': needs_list_insert: advancing to next entry'
        needslist_p => needslist_p%next
      end do

      ! At the end of the list, but no matches found.  So add new entry.

! print *, 'pet', mypet, ': needs_list_insert: creating needslist_p entry'
      allocate (needslist_p%next, stat=memstat_1)
      if (ESMF_LogFoundAllocError (memstat_1, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
          ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
          rcToReturn=rc_1)) return
      needslist_p => needslist_p%next
      allocate (  &
          needslist_p%offerers(0:npets-1),  &
          needslist_p%position(0:npets-1),  &
      if (ESMF_LogFoundAllocError (memstat_1, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
          ESMF_CONTEXT,  &
          rcToReturn=rc_1)) return
      needslist_p%offerers = .false.
      needslist_p%position = 0
      needslist_p%id = id_1
      needslist_p%vmid = vmid_1

      needslist_p%offerers(pet_1) = .true.
      needslist_p%position(pet_1) = position

    end subroutine needs_list_insert

    subroutine needs_list_print (needs_list_1)
      type(NeedsList_t),  pointer :: needs_list_1  ! intent(in)

      type(NeedsList_t), pointer :: needs_list_next
      integer :: i

      call ESMF_UtilIOUnitFlush (ESMF_UtilIOStdout)
      call ESMF_VMBarrier (vm)
      do, i=0, npets-1
        if (i == mypet) then
          if (associated (needs_list_1)) then
            needs_list_next => needs_list_1
              print *, 'PET', mypet, ': offerers =', needs_list_next%offerers,  &
                  ', position =', needs_list_next%position
              if (.not. associated (needs_list_next%next)) exit
              needs_list_next => needs_list_next%next
            end do
            print *, 'PET', mypet, ': Needs list empty'
          end if
          call ESMF_UtilIOUnitFlush (ESMF_UtilIOStdout)
        end if
        call ESMF_VMBarrier (vm)
      end do

    end subroutine needs_list_print

    subroutine needs_list_select (needs_list_1, id_info_1)
      type(needsList_t),          pointer       :: needs_list_1  ! intent(in)
      type(ESMF_ReconcileIDInfo), intent(inout) :: id_info_1(0:)

      ! For each needed Id/VMId pair, select an offering PET and set it in
      ! the id_info_array.

      type(needsList_t), pointer :: needslist_p
      integer :: i, idx
      integer :: offer_first, offer_last
      logical :: found_first
      real :: rand_nos(0:npets-1)

      needslist_p => needs_list_1

#if 1
      ! Try to load distribute by starting at a point in the offerer list
      ! bounded by the first and last offering PETs, and using a hash based
      ! on PETs position in a pseudo-random number table.
      call random_number (rand_nos)

        if (.not. associated (needslist_p)) exit
        ! Find first and last offering PETs
        offer_first = 0
        offer_last = npets-1
        found_first = .false.
        do, i=0, npets-1
          if (needslist_p%offerers(i)) then
            if (.not. found_first) then
              offer_first = i
              found_first = .true.
            end if
            offer_last = i
          end if
        end do

        ! Use a hash to select a starting index between the bounds
        idx = int (rand_nos(myPet) * (offer_last-offer_first) + offer_first)
! print *, 'pet', mypet, ': offer_first, offer_last, starting idx =', offer_first, offer_last, idx
        do, i=0, npets-1
          if (needslist_p%offerers(idx)) then
! print *, 'pet', mypet, ': needs_list_select: setting position', idx, ' to true'
            id_info_1(idx)%needed(needslist_p%position(idx)) = .true.
          end if
          idx = mod (idx+1, npets)
        end do
        needslist_p => needslist_p%next
      end do

      ! Simply select the first offering PET.
        if (.not. associated (needslist_p)) exit
        do, i=0, npets-1
          if (needslist_p%offerers(i)) then
! print *, 'pet', mypet, ': needs_list_select: setting position', i, ' to true'
            id_info_1(i)%needed(needslist_p%position(i)) = .true.
          end if
        end do
        needslist_p => needslist_p%next
      end do

    end subroutine needs_list_select

  end subroutine ESMF_ReconcileCompareNeeds