ESMF_GridSetFromDistGrid Subroutine

private subroutine ESMF_GridSetFromDistGrid(grid, keywordEnforcer, distgrid, distgridToGridMap, distDim, coordSys, coordTypeKind, coordDimCount, coordDimMap, minIndex, maxIndex, localArbIndexCount, localArbIndex, gridEdgeLWidth, gridEdgeUWidth, gridAlign, gridMemLBound, indexflag, destroyDistgrid, destroyDELayout, name, vm, rc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ESMF_Grid), intent(inout) :: grid
type(ESMF_KeywordEnforcer), optional :: keywordEnforcer
type(ESMF_DistGrid), intent(in), optional :: distgrid
integer, intent(in), optional :: distgridToGridMap(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: distDim(:)
type(ESMF_CoordSys_Flag), intent(in), optional :: coordSys
type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag), intent(in), optional :: coordTypeKind
integer, intent(in), optional :: coordDimCount(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: coordDimMap(:,:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: minIndex(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: maxIndex(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: localArbIndexCount
integer, intent(in), optional :: localArbIndex(:,:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: gridEdgeLWidth(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: gridEdgeUWidth(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: gridAlign(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: gridMemLBound(:)
type(ESMF_Index_Flag), intent(in), optional :: indexflag
logical, intent(in), optional :: destroyDistgrid
logical, intent(in), optional :: destroyDELayout
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
type(ESMF_VM), intent(in), optional :: vm
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Source Code

    subroutine ESMF_GridSetFromDistGrid(grid, keywordEnforcer, &
                 distgrid,distgridToGridMap, distDim, &
                 coordSys, coordTypeKind, coordDimCount, coordDimMap, &
                 minIndex, maxIndex, &
                 localArbIndexCount, localArbIndex,                        &
                 gridEdgeLWidth, gridEdgeUWidth, gridAlign, gridMemLBound,   &
                 indexflag, destroyDistgrid, destroyDELayout, name, vm, rc)

       type(ESMF_Grid),          intent(inout)           :: grid
type(ESMF_KeywordEnforcer), optional:: keywordEnforcer ! must use keywords below
       type(ESMF_DistGrid),      intent(in),   optional  :: distgrid
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: distgridToGridMap(:)
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: distDim(:)
       type(ESMF_CoordSys_Flag), intent(in),   optional  :: coordSys
       type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag), intent(in),   optional  :: coordTypeKind
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: coordDimCount(:)
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: coordDimMap(:,:)
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: minIndex(:)
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: maxIndex(:)
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: localArbIndexCount
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: localArbIndex(:,:)
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: gridEdgeLWidth(:)
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: gridEdgeUWidth(:)
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: gridAlign(:)
       integer,                  intent(in),   optional  :: gridMemLBound(:)
       type(ESMF_Index_Flag),    intent(in),   optional  :: indexflag
       logical,                  intent(in),   optional  :: destroyDistgrid
       logical,                  intent(in),   optional  :: destroyDELayout
       character (len=*),        intent(in),   optional  :: name
       type(ESMF_VM),            intent(in),   optional  :: vm
       integer,                  intent(out),  optional  :: rc
!  Set values in a grid in preparation for committing and creating a grid. This method
!  is called between {\tt ESMF\_GridEmptyCreate} and {\tt ESMF\_GridCommit}. Note that
! once a grid is committed and created it's an error to try to set values in it. Note also
! that new values overwrite old values if previously set.
! The arguments are:
! \begin{description}
! \item[{grid}]
!     Partially created Grid to set information into.
! \item[distgrid]
!      {\tt ESMF\_DistGrid} object that describes how the array is decomposed and
!      distributed over DEs.
! \item[{[distgridToGridMap]}]
!      List that has as dimCount elements.
!      The elements map each dimension of distgrid to a dimension in the grid.
!       (i.e. the values should range from 1 to dimCount). If not specified, the default
!       is to map all of distgrid's dimensions against the dimensions of the
!       grid in sequence.
! \item[{[coordSys]}]
!     The coordinate system of the grid coordinate data.
!     For a full list of options, please see Section~\ref{const:coordsys}.
!     If not specified then defaults to ESMF\_COORDSYS\_SPH\_DEG.
! \item[{[coordTypeKind]}]
!     The type/kind of the grid coordinate data. All {\em numerical} types
!     listed under section~\ref{const:typekind} are supported.
!     If not specified then defaults to ESMF\_TYPEKIND\_R8.
! \item[{[minIndex]}]
!      Tuple to start the index ranges at. If not present, defaults
!      to /1,1,1,.../.
! \item[{[maxIndex]}]
!      The upper extend of the grid index ranges.
! \item[{[localArbIndex]}]
!      This 2D array specifies the indices of the local grid cells.  The
!      dimensions should be localArbIndexCount * number of grid dimensions
!      where localArbIndexCount is the input argument specified below
! \item[{localArbIndexCount}]
!      number of grid cells in the local DE
! \item[{[gridEdgeLWidth]}]
!      The padding around the lower edges of the grid. This padding is between
!      the index space corresponding to the cells and the boundary of the
!      the exclusive region. This extra space is to contain the extra
!      padding for non-center stagger locations, and should be big enough
!      to hold any stagger in the grid. If this and gridAlign are not present then
!      defaults to 0, 0, ..., 0 (all zeros).
! \item[{[gridEdgeUWidth]}]
!      The padding around the upper edges of the grid. This padding is between
!      the index space corresponding to the cells and the boundary of the
!      the exclusive region. This extra space is to contain the extra
!      padding for non-center stagger locations, and should be big enough
!      to hold any stagger in the grid. If this and gridAlign are not present then
!      defaults to 1, 1, ..., 1 (all ones).
! \item[{[gridAlign]}]
!     Specification of how the stagger locations should align with the cell
!     index space (can be overridden by the individual staggerAligns). If
!     the gridEdgeWidths are not specified than this argument
!     implies the gridEdgeWidths. If the gridEdgeWidths are specified and this argument isn't
!     then this argument is implied by the gridEdgeWidths.
!     If this and the gridEdgeWidths are not specified, then defaults to
!    -1, -1, ..., -1 (all negative ones).
! \item[{[gridMemLBound]}]
!      Specifies the lower index range of the memory of every DE in this Grid.
!      Only used when indexflag is {\tt ESMF\_INDEX\_USER}. May be overridden
!      by staggerMemLBound.
! \item[{[indexflag]}]
!      Indicates the indexing scheme to be used in the new Grid. Please see
!      Section~\ref{const:indexflag} for the list of options. If not present,
!      defaults to ESMF\_INDEX\_DELOCAL.
! \item[{[destroyDistgrid]}]
!      If true, when the Grid is destroyed the DistGrid will be destroyed also.
!      Defaults to false.
! \item[{[destroyDELayout]}]
!      If true, when the Grid is destroyed the DELayout will be destroyed also.
!      Defaults to false.
! \item[{[name]}]
!     {\tt ESMF\_Grid} name.
! \item[{[rc]}]
!      Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
! \end{description}
    integer :: localrc ! local error status
    integer :: nameLen
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: gridEdgeLWidthArg  ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: gridEdgeUWidthArg  ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: gridAlignArg  ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: gridMemLBoundArg  ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: distgridToGridMapArg  ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: distDimArg  ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: coordDimCountArg  ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: coordDimMapArg ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: minIndexArg ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: maxIndexArg ! Language Interface Helper Var
    type(ESMF_InterArray) :: localArbIndexArg ! Language Interface Helper Var
    integer :: intDestroyDistgrid,intDestroyDELayout
    type(ESMF_Pointer)      :: vmThis
    logical                 :: actualFlag

    ! Initialize return code; assume failure until success is certain
    localrc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_RC_NOT_IMPL

    ! Check init status of arguments
    ESMF_INIT_CHECK_DEEP_SHORT(ESMF_DistGridGetInit, distgrid, rc)
    ESMF_INIT_CHECK_DEEP_SHORT(ESMF_GridGetInit, grid, rc)

    ! Must make sure the local PET is associated with an actual member
    actualFlag = .true.
    if (present(vm)) then
      call ESMF_VMGetThis(vm, vmThis)
      if (vmThis == ESMF_NULL_POINTER) then
        actualFlag = .false.  ! local PET is not for an actual member of Array

    if (actualFlag) then

    ! Translate F90 arguments to C++ friendly form
    !! name
    if (present(name)) then

    !! coordTypeKind
    ! It doesn't look like it needs to be translated, but test to make sure

    !! gridEdgeLWidth and gridEdgeUWidth
    gridEdgeLWidthArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(gridEdgeLWidth, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    gridEdgeUWidthArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(gridEdgeUWidth, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    gridAlignArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(gridAlign, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    gridMemLBoundArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(gridMemLBound, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    !! distgridToGridMap
    distgridToGridMapArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(distgridToGridMap, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    !! distDim
    distDimArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(distDim, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    !! Description of array factorization
    coordDimCountArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(coordDimCount, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    coordDimMapArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(farray2D=coordDimMap, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    !! Index bound and localArbIndex array
    minIndexArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(minIndex, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    maxIndexArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(maxIndex, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    localArbIndexArg = ESMF_InterArrayCreate(farray2D=localArbIndex, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    !! default to don't destroy, actual value can be set by subroutine in other creates

    ! Call C++ Subroutine to do the create
    call c_ESMC_gridsetfromdistgrid(grid%this, nameLen, name, &
      coordTypeKind, distgrid, &
      distgridToGridMapArg, distDimArg, &
      coordSys, coordDimCountArg, coordDimMapArg, &
      minIndexArg, maxIndexArg, localArbIndexArg, localArbIndexCount,  &
      gridEdgeLWidthArg, gridEdgeUWidthArg, gridAlignArg, &
      gridMemLBoundArg, indexflag,  intDestroyDistGrid, intDestroyDELayout, localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

    ! Deallocate helper variables
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(gridEdgeUWidthArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(gridEdgeLWidthArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(gridAlignArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(gridMemLBoundArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(distgridToGridMapArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(distDimArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(coordDimCountArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(coordDimMapArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(minIndexArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(maxIndexArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return
    call ESMF_InterArrayDestroy(localArbIndexArg, rc=localrc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(localrc, ESMF_ERR_PASSTHRU, &
      ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return


    ! Return successfully
    if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

    end subroutine ESMF_GridSetFromDistGrid