ESMF_GetElemFromUGridFile Subroutine

public subroutine ESMF_GetElemFromUGridFile(filename, meshname, elmtConn, elmtNums, startElmt, rc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
character(len=*), intent(in) :: meshname
integer(kind=ESMF_KIND_I4), pointer :: elmtConn(:)
integer(kind=ESMF_KIND_I4), pointer :: elmtNums(:)
integer, intent(out) :: startElmt
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Source Code

subroutine ESMF_GetElemFromUGridFile (filename, meshname, elmtConn, &
                                elmtNums, startElmt, rc)

    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: filename
    character(len=*), intent(in)   :: meshname
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I4), pointer :: elmtConn (:)
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I4), pointer :: elmtNums (:)
    integer,           intent(out) :: startElmt
    integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

    type(ESMF_VM) :: vm
    integer PetNo, PetCnt

    integer :: ncid, meshid                             
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I4), allocatable :: elmtConnT(:,:)
    integer :: DimIds(2), VarId
    integer :: ncStatus
    integer :: coordDim, meshDim
    integer :: i, j, count, nodeCount, MaxNodePerElmt, localFillValue
    integer :: localCount, remain, elmtCount

    character(len=256) :: locations, locNames(3), elmtConnName
    integer :: pos0, pos, pos1, pos2, n, yesNode
    integer :: len, indexBase
    character(len=24) :: units
    character(len=256) :: errmsg
    character(len=24) :: attbuf
    integer :: totalConnections
    integer, parameter :: nf90_noerror = 0


    ! Get VM information
    call ESMF_VMGetCurrent(vm, rc=rc)
    if (rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) return
    ! set up local pet info
    call ESMF_VMGet(vm, localPet=PetNo, petCount=PetCnt, rc=rc)
    if (rc /= ESMF_SUCCESS) return

    ncStatus = nf90_open (path=trim(filename), mode=nf90_nowrite, ncid=ncid)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, trim(filename), &
      rc)) return

    ! get the dummy variable meshname which contains the topology data as attributes
    ncStatus = nf90_inq_varid (ncid, trim(meshname), meshId)
    errmsg = "Dummy Variable "//trim(meshname)//" does not exist in "//trim(filename)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, trim(meshname), &
      rc)) return

    ! Check if cf_role attribute is set
    ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, meshId, "cf_role", values=attbuf)
    if (ncStatus /= nf90_noerror) then
      ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, meshId, "standard_name", values=attbuf)
      errmsg = "Attribute cf_role in "//trim(filename)
      if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
        ESMF_METHOD,  &
        ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
        rc)) return
    if (attbuf(1:13) .ne. "mesh_topology") then
      call ESMF_LogSetError(rcToCheck=ESMF_FAILURE, &
                 msg="- cf_role attribute is not mesh_topology", &
                 ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)

    ! Get mesh dimension
    ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, meshId, "topology_dimension", values=meshDim)
    if (ncStatus /= nf90_noerror) then
       ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, meshId, "dimension", values=meshDim)
       errmsg = "Attribute topology_dimension or dimension in "//trim(filename)
       if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
          ESMF_METHOD,  &
          ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
          rc)) return

    if (meshDim == 2) then
       ! Get element connectivity, if it does not exist, bail out
       errmsg = "Attribute face_node_connectivity in "//trim(filename)
       ncStatus = nf90_inquire_attribute(ncid, meshId, "face_node_connectivity", len=len)
       ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, meshId, "face_node_connectivity", values=elmtConnName)
    else if (meshDim == 3) then
       ! Get element connectivity, if it does not exist, bail out
       errmsg = "Attribute volume_node_connectivity in "//trim(filename)
       ncStatus = nf90_inquire_attribute(ncid, meshId, "volume_node_connectivity", len=len)
       ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, meshId, "volume_node_connectivity", values=elmtConnName)
       ! error message -- wrong dimension
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return
    ! Get element connectivity (UGRID convention is transposed compared to others)
    errmsg = "Variable "//elmtConnName(1:len)//" in "//trim(filename)
    ncStatus = nf90_inq_varid (ncid, elmtConnName(1:len), VarId)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return
    ! Get elmt conn fill value (if there are triangles mixed with squares, eg)
    ! _FillValue is optional.  It is not needed if all the elements have the same
    ! number of corner nodes
    errmsg = "Attribute "//elmtConnName(1:len)//" _FillValue in "//trim(filename)
    ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, VarId, "_FillValue", values=localFillValue)
    if (ncStatus /= nf90_noerror) localFillValue = -1
    ! Get start_index attribute to find out the index base (0 or 1)
    ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, VarId, "start_index", values=indexBase)
    ! if not defined, default to 0-based
    if (ncStatus /= nf90_noerror) indexBase = 0
    ! Get dimensions of element connectivity (transposed) (for allocation)
    errmsg = "Dimensions of "//trim(elmtConnName)//" in "//trim(filename)
    ncStatus = nf90_inquire_variable (ncid, VarId, dimids=DimIds)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return
    ncStatus = nf90_inquire_dimension (ncid, DimIds(2), len=elmtCount)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return
    ncStatus = nf90_inquire_dimension (ncid, DimIds(1), len=MaxNodePerElmt)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return

    ! Decompose the element array evenly across all PETs
    localCount = elmtCount/PetCnt
    remain = mod (elmtCount,PetCnt)
    startElmt = localCount*PetNo +1
    if (PetNo==PetCnt-1) localCount=localCount+remain
    ! print *, PetNo, 'Before allocating elmtConn', localCount
    allocate(elmtConnT(MaxNodePerElmt,localCount) )
    allocate( elmtNums(localCount) )
    ! Get element connectivity... transposed
    ! print *, PetNo, 'Before nf90_get_var()', startElmt,localCount
    ncStatus = nf90_get_var (ncid, VarId, elmtConnT, start=(/1,startElmt/), &
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return

    ! Get the number of nodes for each element
    ! if indexBase is 0, change it to 1 based index
    totalConnections = 0
    if (indexBase == 0) then
      do i=1,localcount
        do j=1,MaxNodePerElmt
          ! change 0-base to 1-base
          if (elmtConnT(j,i) /= localFillValue) then
             ! find the first FillValue
             elmtNums(i) = j-1
             totalConnections = totalConnections+elmtNums(i)
         if (elmtNums(i)==MaxNodePerElmt) then
             totalConnections = totalConnections+elmtNums(i)
      do i=1,localcount
        j = MaxNodePerElmt
        do while (elmtConnT(j,i) == localFillValue)
          j = j - 1
        elmtNums(i) = j
        totalConnections = totalConnections+elmtNums(i)

    do i=1,localcount
       j = j + elmtNums(i)
    if (totalConnections /= j-1) then
      print *, PetNo, 'totalconnection does match ', totalConnections, j-1
    ncStatus = nf90_close (ncid=ncid)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, trim(filename), &
      rc)) return
    call ESMF_LogSetError(ESMF_RC_LIB_NOT_PRESENT, &
                 msg="- ESMF_NETCDF not defined when lib was compiled", &
                 ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)

end subroutine ESMF_GetElemFromUGridFile