ESMF_EsmfGetVerts Subroutine

private subroutine ESMF_EsmfGetVerts(ncid, filename, numElements, numNodePElement, numNodes, latBuffer, lonBuffer, rc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ncid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, intent(in) :: numElements
integer, intent(in) :: numNodePElement
integer, intent(in) :: numNodes
real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(inout) :: latBuffer(:,:)
real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(inout) :: lonBuffer(:,:)
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Source Code

subroutine ESMF_EsmfGetVerts(ncid, filename, numElements, numNodePElement, numNodes, &
                latBuffer, lonBuffer, rc)

    integer, intent(in)  :: ncid
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
    integer, intent(in)  :: numElements
    integer, intent(in)  :: numNodePElement
    integer, intent(in)  :: numNodes
    real(ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(inout)   :: latBuffer(:,:)
    real(ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(inout)   :: lonBuffer(:,:)
    integer, intent(out), optional      :: rc

    integer :: ncStatus
    real(ESMF_KIND_R8), allocatable :: nodeCoords(:,:)
    integer(ESMF_KIND_I4), allocatable :: elementConn(:,:)
    integer :: varId, fillValue
    integer, parameter :: fillValue1 = -9999
    integer :: i,j, index
    integer :: localPolyBreakValue
    integer, parameter :: nf90_noerror = 0

    allocate(nodeCoords(2, numNodes))
    allocate(elementConn(numNodePElement, numElements))

    ! Get NodeCoords
    ncStatus = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "nodeCoords", varId)
    errmsg = "Variable nodeCoords in "//trim(filename)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return
    ncStatus = nf90_get_var(ncid, varId, nodeCoords)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return

    ! Get elementConn table
    ncStatus = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, "elementConn", varId)
    errmsg = "Variable elementConn in "//trim(filename)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return
    ncStatus = nf90_get_var(ncid, varId, elementConn)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return
    ! Get fill value
    ncStatus = nf90_get_att(ncid, varId, "_FillValue", fillValue)
    errmsg = "Attribute _FillValue for elementConn in "//trim(filename)
    if (CDFCheckError (ncStatus, &
      ESMF_METHOD,  &
      ESMF_SRCLINE, errmsg, &
      rc)) return

    ! Get polybreak if it exists, if it doesn't just use set to fillValue
     ncStatus = nf90_get_att (ncid, varId, "polygon_break_value", &
    if (ncStatus /= nf90_noerror) then

    ! Fill latBuffer and lonBuffer
    do i=1, numElements
      do j=1, numNodePElement
         if ((elementConn(j,i) /= fillValue) .and. &
             (elementConn(j,i) /= localPolyBreakValue)) then
            index = elementConn(j,i)
            latBuffer(j,i) = nodeCoords(2,index)
            lonBuffer(j,i) = nodeCoords(1,index)
            latBuffer(j,i) = fillValue1
            lonBuffer(j,i) = fillValue1
    if (present(rc)) rc=ESMF_SUCCESS
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(ESMF_RC_LIB_NOT_PRESENT, &
                msg="- ESMF_NETCDF not defined when lib was compiled", &
                ESMF_CONTEXT, rcToReturn=rc)) return

end subroutine ESMF_EsmfGetVerts