#include "MAPL_ErrLog.h" #include "unused_dummy.H" module pFIO_FastClientThreadMod use MAPL_ExceptionHandling use pFIO_AbstractMessageMod use pFIO_AbstractSocketMod use pFIO_AbstractDataReferenceMod use pFIO_LocalMemReferenceMod use mapl_KeywordEnforcerMod use pFIO_ClientThreadMod use pFIO_StageDataMessageMod use pFIO_CollectiveStageDataMessageMod implicit none private public :: FastClientThread type, extends(ClientThread) :: FastClientThread contains procedure :: stage_data procedure :: collective_stage_data procedure :: stage_nondistributed_data procedure :: post_wait_all end type FastClientThread interface FastClientThread module procedure new_FastClientThread end interface FastClientThread contains function new_FastClientThread(sckt) result(c) class(AbstractSocket),optional,intent(in) :: sckt type (FastClientThread),target :: c if (present(sckt)) call c%set_connection(sckt) end function new_FastClientThread function stage_data(this, collection_id, file_name, var_name, data_reference, & & unusable, start, rc) result(request_id) class (FastClientThread), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: collection_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name class (AbstractDataReference), intent(in) :: data_reference class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(out) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(in) :: start(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: request_id, status class (AbstractMessage), pointer :: handshake_msg class(AbstractSocket),pointer :: connection type (LocalMemReference) :: mem_data_reference request_id = this%get_unique_request_id() connection=>this%get_connection() call connection%send(StageDataMessage( & request_id, & collection_id, & file_name, & var_name, & data_reference,unusable=unusable,start=start),_RC) handshake_msg => connection%receive() deallocate(handshake_msg) associate (id => request_id) select type (data_reference) type is (LocalMemReference) !if localmem is already allocated, no need extra copy. For example, write_restart_by_oserver call this%insert_RequestHandle(id, connection%put(id, data_reference)) class default mem_data_reference = LocalMemReference(data_reference%type_kind, data_reference%shape) ! copy data out so the client can move on after done message is send call data_reference%copy_data_to(mem_data_reference, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) ! put calls iSend call this%insert_RequestHandle(id, connection%put(id, mem_data_reference)) end select end associate _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function stage_data function collective_stage_data(this, collection_id, file_name, var_name, data_reference, & & unusable, start,global_start,global_count, rc) result(request_id) class (FastClientThread), target, intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: collection_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name class (AbstractDataReference), intent(in) :: data_reference class (KeywordEnforcer), optional, intent(out) :: unusable integer, optional, intent(in) :: start(:) integer, optional, intent(in) :: global_start(:) integer, optional, intent(in) :: global_count(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: request_id, status class (AbstractMessage), pointer :: handshake_msg class(AbstractSocket),pointer :: connection type (LocalMemReference) :: mem_data_reference request_id = this%get_unique_collective_request_id() connection => this%get_connection() call connection%send(CollectiveStageDataMessage( & request_id, & collection_id, & file_name, & var_name, & data_reference,unusable=unusable, start=start,& global_start=global_start,global_count=global_count),_RC) handshake_msg => connection%receive() deallocate(handshake_msg) associate (id => request_id) select type (data_reference) type is (LocalMemReference) !if localmem is already allocated, no need extra copy. For example, write_restart_by_oserver call this%insert_RequestHandle(id, connection%put(id, data_reference)) class default mem_data_reference = LocalMemReference(data_reference%type_kind, data_reference%shape) ! copy data out so the client can move on after done message is send call data_reference%copy_data_to(mem_data_reference, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) ! put calls iSend call this%insert_RequestHandle(id, connection%put(id, mem_data_reference)) end select end associate _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function collective_stage_data function stage_nondistributed_data(this, collection_id, file_name, var_name, data_reference, rc) result(request_id) class (FastClientThread), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: collection_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name character(len=*), intent(in) :: var_name class (AbstractDataReference), intent(in) :: data_reference integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc integer :: request_id, status class (AbstractMessage), pointer :: handshake_msg class(AbstractSocket),pointer :: connection type (LocalMemReference) :: mem_data_reference request_id = this%get_unique_collective_request_id() connection => this%get_connection() call connection%send(CollectiveStageDataMessage( & request_id, & collection_id, & file_name, & var_name, & data_reference),_RC) handshake_msg => connection%receive() deallocate(handshake_msg) associate (id => request_id) select type (data_reference) type is (LocalMemReference) !if localmem is already allocated, no need extra copy. For example, write_restart_by_oserver call this%insert_RequestHandle(id, connection%put(id, data_reference)) class default mem_data_reference = LocalMemReference(data_reference%type_kind, data_reference%shape) ! copy data out so the client can move on after done message is send call data_reference%copy_data_to(mem_data_reference, rc=status) _VERIFY(status) ! put calls iSend call this%insert_RequestHandle(id, connection%put(id, mem_data_reference)) end select end associate _RETURN(_SUCCESS) end function stage_nondistributed_data ! The data has been copied out and post no wait after isend subroutine post_wait_all(this) use pFIO_AbstractRequestHandleMod class (FastClientThread), target, intent(inout) :: this ! do nothing on purpose _UNUSED_DUMMY(this) end subroutine post_wait_all end module pFIO_FastClientThreadMod