usage Subroutine

subroutine usage(root)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical, intent(in) :: root


proc~~usage~~CallsGraph proc~usage time_ave::usage mpi_abort mpi_abort proc~usage->mpi_abort

Called by

proc~~usage~~CalledByGraph proc~usage time_ave::usage program~time_ave time_ave program~time_ave->proc~usage

Source Code

   subroutine usage(root)
      logical, intent(in) :: root
      integer :: status,errorcode
      if(root) then
100      format(  "usage:  ",/,/ &
               " time_ave.x -hdf      filenames (in hdf format)",/ &
               "           <-template template>"    ,/ &
               "           <-tag      tag>"    ,/ &
               "           <-rc       rcfile>" ,/ &
               "           <-ntod     ntod>"   ,/ &
               "           <-ntmin    ntmin>"  ,/ &
               "           <-strict   strict>" ,/ &
               "           <-d>"               ,/ &
               "           <-md>"              ,/,/ &
               "where:",/,/ &
               "  -hdf      filenames:  filenames (in hdf format) to average",/ &
               "  -template  template:  filename to use as template if hdf files differ (default: 1st filename)",/ &
               "  -begdate   yyyymmdd:  optional parameter for date to begin averaging",/ &
               "  -begtime     hhmmss:  optional parameter for time to begin averaging",/ &
               "  -enddate   yyyymmdd:  optional parameter for date to   end averaging",/ &
               "  -endtime     hhmmss:  optional parameter for time to   end averaging",/ &
               "  -tag            tag:  optional tag for output file (default: monthly_ave)",/ &
               "  -rc          rcfile:  optional resource filename for quadratics (default: no quadratics)",/ &
               "  -ntod          ntod:  optional time-of-day (hhmmss) to average (default: all time periods)",/ &
               "  -ntmin        ntmin:  optional parameter for required min. timeperiods (default: 10 days equiv)",/ &
               "  -strict      strict:  optional logical parameter for strict time testing (default: .true.)",/ &
               "  -d             dtag:  optional parameter to create & tag          monthly mean diurnal file  ", &
               "(all times included)",/ &
               "  -md            dtag:  optional parameter to create & tag multiple monthly mean diurnal files ", &
               "(one time  per file)",/ &
               "  -dv            dtag:  like -d  but includes diurnal variances",/ &
               "  -mdv           dtag:  like -md but includes diurnal variances",/ &
      call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,errorcode,status)
   end subroutine usage