parse_time_string Function

public function parse_time_string(timeUnits, rc) result(time)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeUnits
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Return Value type(ESMF_Time)


proc~~parse_time_string~~CallsGraph proc~parse_time_string MAPL_TimeDataMod::parse_time_string ESMF_TimeSet ESMF::ESMF_TimeSet proc~parse_time_string->ESMF_TimeSet interface~mapl_assert MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Assert proc~parse_time_string->interface~mapl_assert proc~mapl_verify MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Verify proc~parse_time_string->proc~mapl_verify proc~mapl_throw_exception MAPL_ThrowMod::MAPL_throw_exception proc~mapl_verify->proc~mapl_throw_exception

Called by

proc~~parse_time_string~~CalledByGraph proc~parse_time_string MAPL_TimeDataMod::parse_time_string none~get_start_time MAPL_TimeDataMod::timeData%get_start_time none~get_start_time->proc~parse_time_string none~compute_time_vector MAPL_TimeDataMod::timeData%compute_time_vector none~compute_time_vector->none~get_start_time none~bundlepost MAPL_GriddedIOMod::MAPL_GriddedIO%bundlePost none~bundlepost->none~compute_time_vector none~write_to_file MAPL_ESMFFieldBundleWrite::FieldBundleWriter%write_to_file none~write_to_file->none~bundlepost

Source Code

  function parse_time_string(timeUnits,rc) result(time)
    character(len=*), intent(inout) :: timeUnits
    integer, optional, intent(out) :: rc

    type(ESMF_Time) :: time
    integer :: status

    integer        year               ! 4-digit year
    integer        month              ! month
    integer        day                ! day
    integer        hour               ! hour
    integer        min                ! minute
    integer        sec                ! second

    integer ypos(2), mpos(2), dpos(2), hpos(2), spos(2)
    integer strlen
    integer firstdash, lastdash
    integer firstcolon, lastcolon
    integer lastspace
    strlen = LEN_TRIM (TimeUnits)

    firstdash = index(TimeUnits, '-')
    lastdash  = index(TimeUnits, '-', BACK=.TRUE.)

    if (firstdash .LE. 0 .OR. lastdash .LE. 0) then
       _FAIL('time string is not a valid format')
    ypos(2) = firstdash - 1
    mpos(1) = firstdash + 1
    ypos(1) = ypos(2) - 3

    mpos(2) = lastdash - 1
    dpos(1) = lastdash + 1
    dpos(2) = dpos(1) + 1

    read ( TimeUnits(ypos(1):ypos(2)), * ) year
    read ( TimeUnits(mpos(1):mpos(2)), * ) month
    read ( TimeUnits(dpos(1):dpos(2)), * ) day

    firstcolon = index(TimeUnits, ':')
    if (firstcolon .LE. 0) then

       ! If no colons, check for hour.

       ! Logic below assumes a null character or something else is after the hour
       ! if we do not find a null character add one so that it correctly parses time
       if (TimeUnits(strlen:strlen) /= char(0)) then
          TimeUnits = trim(TimeUnits)//char(0)
       lastspace = index(TRIM(TimeUnits), ' ', BACK=.TRUE.)
       if ((strlen-lastspace).eq.2 .or. (strlen-lastspace).eq.3) then
          hpos(1) = lastspace+1
          hpos(2) = strlen-1
          read (TimeUnits(hpos(1):hpos(2)), * ) hour
          min  = 0
          sec  = 0
          hour = 0
          min  = 0
          sec  = 0
       hpos(1) = firstcolon - 2
       hpos(2) = firstcolon - 1
       lastcolon =  index(TimeUnits, ':', BACK=.TRUE.)
       if ( lastcolon .EQ. firstcolon ) then
          mpos(1) = firstcolon + 1
          mpos(2) = firstcolon + 2
          read (TimeUnits(hpos(1):hpos(2)), * ) hour
          read (TimeUnits(mpos(1):mpos(2)), * ) min
          sec = 0
          mpos(1) = firstcolon + 1
          mpos(2) = lastcolon - 1
          spos(1) = lastcolon + 1
          spos(2) = lastcolon + 2
          read (TimeUnits(hpos(1):hpos(2)), * ) hour
          read (TimeUnits(mpos(1):mpos(2)), * ) min
          read (TimeUnits(spos(1):spos(2)), * ) sec

    call ESMF_TimeSet(time,yy=year,mm=month,dd=day,h=hour,m=min,s=sec,rc=status)

  end function parse_time_string