MAPL_SunOrbitCreate Function


Integrates the earths orbit and stores the necessary parameters to easily compute the earths position for each day of the full (usually 4-year) intercalation cycle. The orbital parameters are passed as arguments. The full calendar intercalation cycle is obtained from the ESMF clock passed as an argument. This becomes the orbit`s attached clock. Currently we assume a single intercalation.

A good introduction to celestial mechanics for understanding this code can be found in Blanco & McCuskey, 1961: “Basic Physics of the Solar System”, hereafter BM.

 CLOCK: The orbit will depend on the calendar in this clock
        This is used for the length of year, to set intercalation cycle.

 ECCENTRICITY: Eccentricity of the Earth`s orbit.

 PERIHELION: Longitude of perihelion, measured in degrees from
             autumnal equinox in the direction of the Earth`s motion.

 OBLIQUITY: Tilt of the Earth`s rotation axis from a
            normal to the plane of the orbit. In degrees.

 EQUINOX: Day of year of vernal equinox.
          Equinox is assumed to occur at 0Z on this day on the
          first year of the cycle.

 EOT: Apply Equation of Time correction?

 ORBIT_ANAL2B: New orbital system (analytic two-body) allows some
               time-varying behavior, namely, linear time variation in LAMBDAP,
               ECC, and OBQ. If .TRUE., the following ORB2B parameters are used
               and only CLOCK and EOT above are used, i.e., the ECCENTRICITY,
               OBLIQUITY, PERIHELION and EQUINOX above are NOT used and are
               replaced by the relevant ORB2B parameters below.

 ORB2B_YEARLEN: Fixed anomalistic year length in mean solar days.

 ORB2B_REF_YYYYMMDD: Reference date for orbital parameters.

 ORB2B_REF_HHMMSS: Reference time for orbital parameters.

 ORB2B_ECC_REF: Orbital eccentricity at reference date.

 ORB2B_ECC_RATE: Rate of change of orbital eccentricity per Julian century.

 ORB2B_OBQ_REF: Earth's obliquity (axial tilt) at reference date [degrees].

 ORB2B_OBQ_RATE: Rate of change of obliquity [degrees per Julian century].

 ORB2B_LAMBDAP_REF: Longitude of perihelion at reference date [degrees]
                    from March equinox to perihelion in direction of earth's motion).

 ORB2B_LAMBDAP_RATE: Rate of change of LAMBDAP [degrees per Julian century]
                     (Combines both equatorial and ecliptic precession).

 ORB2B_EQUINOX_YYYYMMDD: March equinox date.

 ORB2B_EQUINOX_HHMMSS: March equinox time.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: CLOCK
real, intent(in) :: ECCENTRICITY
real, intent(in) :: OBLIQUITY
real, intent(in) :: PERIHELION
integer, intent(in) :: EQUINOX
logical, intent(in) :: EOT
logical, intent(in) :: ORBIT_ANAL2B
real, intent(in) :: ORB2B_YEARLEN
integer, intent(in) :: ORB2B_REF_YYYYMMDD
integer, intent(in) :: ORB2B_REF_HHMMSS
real, intent(in) :: ORB2B_ECC_REF
real, intent(in) :: ORB2B_ECC_RATE
real, intent(in) :: ORB2B_OBQ_REF
real, intent(in) :: ORB2B_OBQ_RATE
real, intent(in) :: ORB2B_LAMBDAP_REF
real, intent(in) :: ORB2B_LAMBDAP_RATE
integer, intent(in) :: ORB2B_EQUINOX_YYYYMMDD
integer, intent(in) :: ORB2B_EQUINOX_HHMMSS
logical, intent(in), optional :: FIX_SUN
integer, intent(out), optional :: RC

Return Value type(MAPL_SunOrbit)


proc~~mapl_sunorbitcreate~~CallsGraph proc~mapl_sunorbitcreate MAPL_SunMod::MAPL_SunOrbitCreate ESMF_TimeIntervalGet ESMF::ESMF_TimeIntervalGet proc~mapl_sunorbitcreate->ESMF_TimeIntervalGet ESMF_TimeIntervalSet ESMF::ESMF_TimeIntervalSet proc~mapl_sunorbitcreate->ESMF_TimeIntervalSet ESMF_TimeSet ESMF::ESMF_TimeSet proc~mapl_sunorbitcreate->ESMF_TimeSet proc~mapl_return MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Return proc~mapl_sunorbitcreate->proc~mapl_return proc~mapl_verify MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Verify proc~mapl_sunorbitcreate->proc~mapl_verify at at proc~mapl_return->at insert insert proc~mapl_return->insert proc~mapl_throw_exception MAPL_ThrowMod::MAPL_throw_exception proc~mapl_return->proc~mapl_throw_exception proc~mapl_verify->proc~mapl_throw_exception

Source Code

type(MAPL_SunOrbit) function MAPL_SunOrbitCreate(CLOCK,                  &
                                                 ECCENTRICITY,           &
                                                 OBLIQUITY,              &
                                                 PERIHELION,             &
                                                 EQUINOX,                &
                                                 EOT,                    &
                                                 ORBIT_ANAL2B,           &
                                                 ORB2B_YEARLEN,          &
                                                 ORB2B_REF_YYYYMMDD,     &
                                                 ORB2B_REF_HHMMSS,       &
                                                 ORB2B_ECC_REF,          &
                                                 ORB2B_ECC_RATE,         &
                                                 ORB2B_OBQ_REF,          &
                                                 ORB2B_OBQ_RATE,         &
                                                 ORB2B_LAMBDAP_REF,      &
                                                 ORB2B_LAMBDAP_RATE,     &
                                                 ORB2B_EQUINOX_YYYYMMDD, &
                                                 ORB2B_EQUINOX_HHMMSS,   &
                                                 FIX_SUN,                &
                                                                      RC )


 type(ESMF_Clock)  , intent(IN ) :: CLOCK
 real              , intent(IN ) :: ECCENTRICITY
 real              , intent(IN ) :: OBLIQUITY
 real              , intent(IN ) :: PERIHELION
 integer           , intent(IN ) :: EQUINOX
 logical           , intent(IN ) :: EOT
 logical           , intent(IN ) :: ORBIT_ANAL2B
 real              , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_YEARLEN
 integer           , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_REF_YYYYMMDD
 integer           , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_REF_HHMMSS
 real              , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_ECC_REF
 real              , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_ECC_RATE
 real              , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_OBQ_REF
 real              , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_OBQ_RATE
 real              , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_LAMBDAP_REF
 real              , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_LAMBDAP_RATE
 integer           , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_EQUINOX_YYYYMMDD
 integer           , intent(IN ) :: ORB2B_EQUINOX_HHMMSS
 logical, optional , intent(IN ) :: FIX_SUN
 integer, optional , intent(OUT) :: RC


! =======================================
! PMN Dec 2019: Notes on Equation of Time
! =======================================
! (Part of a more complete analysis available in orbit.pdf)
! @ Introduction:
! The Earth rotates on its axis with a period T_S called the sidereal
! day (after the Latin for "star", since it is the rotation period of
! the Earth with respect to distant stars). T_S is slightly shorter
! than the so-called mean solar day, or clock day, of duration T_M =
! 86400 seconds. This is because the Earth is a prograde planet, i.e.,
! it rotates about its axis in the same sense (counterclockwise look-
! ing down on the North Pole) as it orbits the sun. Specifically, say
! the sun crosses the meridian of some location at a particular time.
! And imagine there is a distant star directly behind the sun at that
! moment. After one sidereal day the location will rotate 360 degrees
! about the earth's axis and the distant star will again cross its
! merdian. But during that period the earth will have moved a small
! counterclockwise distance around its orbit and so it will take a
! small additional rotation of the earth for the sun to also cross
! the meridian and thereby complete a solar day.
! Put another way, a solar day is slightly longer than a sidereal day
! because the sun appears to move slowly eastward across the celestial
! sphere with respect to distant stars as the year passes. The path
! of this motion is called the ecliptic. And clearly what governs the
! length of a solar day is the apparent velocity of the sun along the
! ecliptic, or, more particularly, the equatorial component of that
! velocity. But both the magnitude and equatorial component of the solar
! ecliptic velocity change during the year, the former because the earth's
! orbit is elliptical, not circular, and the latter because the earth's
! axis of rotation is tilted with respect to the orbital (ecliptic) plane.
! Thus the length of a solar day changes during the year. While these
! factors cause only a small perturbation to the length of the solar
! day (less than 30 seconds), the perturbations accumulate so that at
! different times of the year apparent solar time ("sundial time") and
! mean solar time ("clock time") can differ by as much as ~15 minutes.
! This difference is called the Equation of Time.
! To be more rigorous, consider a fictitious "Mean Sun" that moves at
! constant eastward speed around the celestial equator, completing a
! full revolution in a year, namely in the period Y * T_M, where Y is
! the number of mean solar days in a year (e.g., 365.25). Thus, in one
! mean solar day, T_M, the mean sun has moved an angle 2*PI/Y eastward.
! Hence, beyond one full earth revolution, period T_S, an additional
! earth rotation of (T_M-T_S) * 2*PI/T_S = 2*PI/Y is required to "catch
! up with the moving sun", as described earlier. Hence T_M - T_S = T_S / Y
! and so
! T_M = T_S (Y+1)/Y,..... (1)
! a constant (near unity) multiple of the fixed sidereal day. T_M is
! the length of the solar day for the "mean sun", or the "mean solar
! day". Because it is invariant during the year, it is convenient for
! timekeeping, and forms the basis for "mean solar time", which at
! Greenwich is essentially UTC. By *definition*, T_M = 24h = 86400s.
! That is, what we know as "hours", "minutes" and "seconds", are just
! convenient integer fractions of the mean solar day. In these units,
! the sidereal day T_S is approximately 23h 56m 4s.
! The solar zenith angle calculation (in MAPL_SunGetInsolation) needs
! the true local solar hour angle, h_T, which is the angle, measured
! westward along the equator, from the local meridian to the true sun.
! This is just the Greenwich solar hour angle, H_T, plus the longitude,
! so we will henceforth work exclusively with Greenwich hour angles.
! We should use the hour angle of the *true* sun, H_T, but a common
! approximation replaces this with the hour angle of the mean sun
! H_M = 2*PI*(u-0.5),..... (2)
! where u is UTC time (in days) and the offset is needed because the mean
! solar hour angle is zero at "noon". If more accuracy is required, the
! hour angle of the true sun is typically obtained as a small correction
! to H_M called the Equation of time, EOT:
! H_T = H_M + EOT,  where  EOT = H_T - H_M.
! As discussed above, EOT corrects for two factors:
! (a) the variable speed of the earth in its elliptical orbit about
!     the sun (e.g., moving fastest at perihelion), and
! (b) the tilt of the earth's axis of rotation wrt its orbital plane
!     (the "obliquity"), which causes the equatorial projection of
!     the sun's apparent ecliptic motion to vary with the season
!     (e.g., being parallel to the equator at the solstices.)
! @ Derivation of Equation of Time:
! We can write
! H_T  = H_1 - (H_1 - H_T) = H_1 - a_T,
! where H_1 is the Greenwich hour angle of the First Point of Aries (the
! location of the vernal equinox, denoted "1PoA"), and is also known as the
! Greenwich Sidereal hour angle, and where a_T is the right ascension of the
! true sun (since the right ascension of any object is just the difference
! between the hour angles of 1PoA and the object). Hence,
! EOT = H_1 - H_M - a_T...... (3)
! All three terms on the right of (3) are time variable: a_T changes slowly
! throughout the year, and is known from the earth-sun two-body elliptical
! orbit solution, while H_1 and H_M vary rapidly with earth's rotation. H_M
! has a period of one mean solar day, T_M, and H_1 has a period of one
! sidereal day, T_S.
! It may seem from from (2) that the mean sun and its hour angle are fully
! specified. That, in fact, is not yet the case: (2) is really just a def-
! inition of UTC, namely, that one UTC day is one mean solar day and that
! the time of culmination of the mean sun, what we call "noon", occurs at
! UTC 12h00m. What we are still at liberty to do is specify the phasing of
! the mean sun in its equatorial orbit, e.g., by specifying the time u_R
! at which the mean sun passes through 1PoA (both on the equator). At this
! time, H_1(u_R) = H_M(u_R), and so
! H_1(u) - H_M(u) = 2*PI*(u-u_R)*(Y+1)/Y - 2*PI*(u-u_R)
!                 = 2*PI * (u-u_R) / Y
!                       = MA(u) - MA(u_R),... (4)
! where MA(u) = 2*PI * (u-u_P) / Y is the so-called "mean anomaly", known
! from the earth-sun two-body orbital solution, and u_P is the time of
! perihelion. Thus, to fully determine EOT, through (3) and (4), we need
! only to specify MA(u_R).
! To understand the mean anomaly MA, consider the standard two-body earth-
! sun problem in which the earth E moves in an elliptical orbit about the
! sun S at one focus, all in the ecliptic plane. The point on the ellipse
! closest to S is called the perihelion P. Obviously, the center of the
! ellipse O, the focus S and the perihelion P are co-linear, the so-called
! major axis of the ellipse. Additionally, let C be the circumscribing circle
! of the ellipse, with center O and passing through P (and the corresponding
! aphelion A). By Kepler's Second Law, the sun-earth vector sweeps out equal
! areas in equal times, so the fractional area of the elliptical sector PSE
! is a linear function of time, being zero at perihelion and one a year later.
! Specifically, this fractional area is none other than the scaled mean anomaly
! MA(u)/(2*PI) = (u - u_P) / Y. Clearly MA(u) can also be interpreted as an
! angle, the angle POQ of a point Q orbiting on the circumcircle C at constant
! speed in the same direction as the earth, also with a yearly period, and
! passing through P at the same time u_P as the earth. Thus the point Q can
! be conceptualized as a sort of "mean earth" orbiting a "second mean sun"
! (different from M above) at O. Note that while the angle MA(u) = angle POQ
! of this mean earth at time u is a linear function of time, the corresponding
! angle of the real earth, namely TA(u) = angle PSE, called the true anomaly,
! is a non-linear function of time, since the real earth has a variable speed
! in its elliptical orbit, e.g., moving faster at perihelion, so that its areal
! fraction is linear in time. The relationship between MA(u) and TA(u) is known
! from the orbital solution. Finally, the ecliptic longitude of the earth,
! lambda = angle 1SE is the angle at the sun, measured in the same direction
! as the earth's motion, from the First Point of Aries to the earth. Then
!    TA(u) = angle PSE(u) = angle PS1 + angle 1SE(u) = lambda(u) - lambda_P,
! where lambda_P = lambda(u_P) = angle 1SP = -angle PS1 is known as the
! longitude of perihelion, and is currently about 283 deg, or equivalently
! -77 deg.
! With this background, we can understand the quantity MA(u_R) we are trying
! to specify. If we *choose*
!                      MA(u_R) = -lambda_P = angle PS1... (5)
!                      <==> angle POQ(u_R) = angle PS1,
! then at u_R, viewed from the mean earth Q, the second (ecliptic) mean sun
! O is in direction of 1PoA. And at that same time, by definition of u_R,
! the first (equatorial) mean sun M, as seen from the real earth E, is also
! in direction of 1PoA.
! I (PMN) have verified that the choice (5) for MA(u_R) leads to zero mean
! EOT to first order in the eccentricity, e. I cannot say, at this point,
! that it is generally true for any order in e. I add below a final explicit
! enforcement of zero mean EOT to the code. [I found that the order e^2 term
! for the mean EOT was NOT zero, and was larger than the mean EOT produced
! by this code (which is valid for all orders in e) before any explicity
! correction of the mean to zero. This suggests: (a) that I made a mistake
! in my calculations, or (b) that higer order e terms provide some cancel-
! ation.]
! Hence, finally,
! EOT(u) = MA(u) + PRHV - a_T(u)... (6)
! where PRHV is the name for lamba_P in the code.
! ===========================================================================

! Locals

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "SunOrbitCreate"

      real(kind=REAL64)  :: YEARLEN
      real(kind=REAL64)  :: TREL, T1, T2, T3, T4
      real(kind=REAL64)  :: SOB, COB, OMG0, OMG, PRH, PRHV
      real    :: OMECC, OPECC, OMSQECC, EAFAC
      real(kind=REAL64)  :: TA, EA, MA, TRRA, MNRA
      real    :: meanEOT
      type(MAPL_SunOrbit) :: ORBIT
      integer :: STATUS

      integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
      real(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: days
      real :: TA_EQNX, EA_EQNX, MA_EQNX
      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: DT

      ! record inputs needed by both orbit methods
      ORBIT%EOT    = EOT

      ! Analytic two-body orbit?
      if (ORBIT_ANAL2B) then

        ! record inputs in ORBIT type
        associate(D2R => MAPL_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)
          ORBIT%ORB2B_ECC_REF      = ORB2B_ECC_REF
          ORBIT%ORB2B_OBQ_REF      = ORB2B_OBQ_REF      * D2R           ! radians
          ORBIT%ORB2B_LAMBDAP_REF  = ORB2B_LAMBDAP_REF  * D2R           ! radians
          ORBIT%ORB2B_ECC_RATE     = ORB2B_ECC_RATE           / 36525.  ! per day
          ORBIT%ORB2B_OBQ_RATE     = ORB2B_OBQ_RATE     * D2R / 36525.  ! radians per day
          ORBIT%ORB2B_LAMBDAP_RATE = ORB2B_LAMBDAP_RATE * D2R / 36525.  ! radians per day
        end associate
        ! record MAPL Time object for REFerence time
        year   = ORB2B_REF_YYYYMMDD / 10000
        month  = mod(ORB2B_REF_YYYYMMDD, 10000) / 100
        day    = mod(ORB2B_REF_YYYYMMDD, 100)
        hour   = ORB2B_REF_HHMMSS / 10000
        minute = mod(ORB2B_REF_HHMMSS, 10000) / 100
        second = mod(ORB2B_REF_HHMMSS, 100)
        call ESMF_TimeSet(ORBIT%ORB2B_TIME_REF, &
          yy=year, mm=month, dd=day, h=hour, m=minute, s=second, rc=STATUS)
        ! record MAPL Time object for EQUINOX
        year   = ORB2B_EQUINOX_YYYYMMDD / 10000
        month  = mod(ORB2B_EQUINOX_YYYYMMDD, 10000) / 100
        day    = mod(ORB2B_EQUINOX_YYYYMMDD, 100)
        hour   = ORB2B_EQUINOX_HHMMSS / 10000
        minute = mod(ORB2B_EQUINOX_HHMMSS, 10000) / 100
        second = mod(ORB2B_EQUINOX_HHMMSS, 100)
        call ESMF_TimeSet(ORBIT%ORB2B_TIME_EQUINOX, &
          yy=year, mm=month, dd=day, h=hour, m=minute, s=second, rc=STATUS)

        ! time-invariant precalculations

        ! at provided ORB2B_TIME_EQUINOX LAMBDA=0 by definition
        call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( &
          d_r8=days, rc=STATUS)
        EAFAC_EQNX = sqrt((1.-ECC_EQNX)/(1.+ECC_EQNX))
        TA_EQNX = -LAMBDAP_EQNX  ! since LAMBDA=0
        EA_EQNX = calcEAfromTA(TA_EQNX,EAFAC_EQNX)
        MA_EQNX = calcMAfromEA(EA_EQNX,ECC_EQNX)

        ! Time of one perihelion (all subsequent ORB2B_YEARLEN apart)
        call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(DT, d_r8 = dble(MA_EQNX / ORBIT%ORB2B_OMG0))


        ! ==================================
        ! Standard tabularized intercalation
        ! ==================================

        ! MJS:  This needs to come from the calendar when the time manager works right.
        YEARLEN = 365.25

        ! Factors involving the orbital parameters
        OMSQECC = 1. - ECCENTRICITY**2 ! pmn: consider changing to line below when zero-diff not issue
        EAFAC = sqrt(OMECC/OPECC)

        associate(D2R => MAPL_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)
          OMG0 = 2.*MAPL_PI/YEARLEN
          OMG  = OMG0/sqrt(OMSQECC)**3
          PRH  = PERIHELION*D2R
          SOB  = sin(OBLIQUITY*D2R)
          COB  = cos(OBLIQUITY*D2R)
        end associate

        ! PRH is the ecliptic longitude of the perihelion, measured (at the Sun)
        ! from the autumnal equinox in the direction of the Earth`s orbital motion
        ! (counterclockwise as viewed from ecliptic north pole).
        ! For EOT calculations we will reference the perihelion wrt to the vernal
        ! equinox, PRHV. Of course, the difference is just PI.
        ! pmn: once the EOT code is established and zero-diff not an issue,
        !   consider removing original PRH and changing the original (non-EOT),
        !   code, which employs
        !       cos(Y \pm PI) = -COS(Y)
        ! to use PRHV, namely
        !       -cos(Y-PRH) = cos(Y-PRH-PI) = cos(Y-PRHV)
        PRHV = PRH + MAPL_PI_R8

        ! Compute length of leap cycle
        ! ----------------------------
        if(YEARLEN-int(YEARLEN) > 0.) then
         YEARS_PER_CYCLE = nint(1./(YEARLEN-int(YEARLEN)))
         YEARS_PER_CYCLE = 1


        ! save inputs and intercalculation details
        ! ----------------------------------------
        ORBIT%OB              = OBLIQUITY
        ORBIT%ECC             = ECCENTRICITY
        ORBIT%PER             = PERIHELION
        ORBIT%EQNX            = EQUINOX
        ORBIT%YEARLEN         = YEARLEN

        ! Allocate orbital cycle outputs
        ! ------------------------------
        ! TH: Ecliptic longitude of the true Sun, TREL [radians]
        ! ZS: Sine of declination
        ! ZC: Cosine of declination
        ! PP: Inverse of square of earth-sun distance [1/(AU**2)]
        ! ET: Equation of time [radians] =
        !     True solar hour angle - Mean solar hour angle

        if(associated(ORBIT%TH)) deallocate(ORBIT%TH)
        allocate(ORBIT%TH(DAYS_PER_CYCLE), stat=status)

        if(associated(ORBIT%ZC)) deallocate(ORBIT%ZC)
        allocate(ORBIT%ZC(DAYS_PER_CYCLE), stat=status)

        if(associated(ORBIT%ZS)) deallocate(ORBIT%ZS)
        allocate(ORBIT%ZS(DAYS_PER_CYCLE), stat=status)

        if(associated(ORBIT%PP)) deallocate(ORBIT%PP)
        allocate(ORBIT%PP(DAYS_PER_CYCLE), stat=status)

        if (ORBIT%EOT) then
          if(associated(ORBIT%ET)) deallocate(ORBIT%ET)
          allocate(ORBIT%ET(DAYS_PER_CYCLE), stat=status)
        end if

        ! Begin integration at the vernal equinox (K=1, KP=EQUINOX), at
        ! which, by defn, the ecliptic longitude of the true sun is zero.
        ! Right ascension of true sun at EQUINOX is also zero by defn.
        ! --------------------------------------------------------------
        KP           = EQUINOX
        TREL         = 0.
        ORBIT%ZS(KP) = sin(TREL)*SOB
        ORBIT%ZC(KP) = sqrt(1.-ORBIT%ZS(KP)**2)
        ORBIT%PP(KP) = ( (1.-ECCENTRICITY*cos(TREL-PRH)) / OMSQECC )**2
        ORBIT%TH(KP) = TREL

        if (ORBIT%EOT) then
          ! Right ascension of "mean sun" = MA(u) + PRHV [eqn (6) above].
          ! Calcn of True (TA), Eccentric (EA), and Mean Anomaly (MA).
          TA = TREL - PRHV                    ! by defn of TA and PRHV
          EA = 2.d0*atan(EAFAC*tan(TA/2.d0))  ! BM 4-55
          MA = EA - ECCENTRICITY*sin(EA)      ! Kepler's eqn (BM 4-49 ff.)
          MNRA = MA + PRHV                    ! see EOT notes above
          TRRA = 0.                           ! because TREL=0 at Equinox

          ! Equation of Time, ET [radians]
          ! True Solar hour angle = Mean Solar hour angle + ET
          ! (hour angle and right ascension are in reverse direction)
          ORBIT%ET(KP) = rect_pmpi(real(MNRA - TRRA))
        end if

        ! Integrate orbit for entire leap cycle using Runge-Kutta
        ! Mean sun moves at constant speed around Celestial Equator
        ! ---------------------------------------------------------
        do K=2,DAYS_PER_CYCLE
          KP = mod(KP,DAYS_PER_CYCLE) + 1
          TREL = TREL + (T1 + 2.0*(T2 + T3) + T4) / 6.0
          ORBIT%ZS(KP) = sin(TREL)*SOB
          ORBIT%ZC(KP) = sqrt(1.-ORBIT%ZS(KP)**2)
          ORBIT%PP(KP) = ( (1.-ECCENTRICITY*cos(TREL-PRH)) / OMSQECC )**2
          ORBIT%TH(KP) = TREL
          if (ORBIT%EOT) then
            ! From BM 1-15 and 1-16 with beta=0 (Sun is on ecliptic),
            ! and dividing through by common cos(dec) since it does not
            ! affect the ratio of sin(RA) to cos(RA).
            TRRA = atan2(sin(TREL)*COB,cos(TREL))
            MNRA = MNRA + OMG0
            ORBIT%ET(KP) = rect_pmpi(real(MNRA - TRRA))
          end if

        ! enforce zero mean EOT (just in case)
        if (ORBIT%EOT) then
          meanEOT = sum(ORBIT%ET)/DAYS_PER_CYCLE
          ORBIT%ET = ORBIT%ET - meanEOT
        end if

      end if

      if (present(FIX_SUN)) then
      end if

      MAPL_SunOrbitCreate = ORBIT



         real(kind=REAL64) function dTRELdDAY(TREL,OMG,ECCENTRICITY,PRH)
            real(kind=REAL64), intent(in) :: TREL ! ecliptic longitude of true Sun
            real(kind=REAL64), intent(in) :: OMG
            real,              intent(in) :: ECCENTRICITY
            real(kind=REAL64), intent(in) :: PRH

            dTRELdDAY = OMG*(1.0-ECCENTRICITY*cos(TREL-PRH))**2
         end function dTRELdDAY

    end function MAPL_SunOrbitCreate