MAPL_SunGetLocalSolarHourAngle Subroutine

public subroutine MAPL_SunGetLocalSolarHourAngle(ORBIT, LONS, LSHA, TIME, CLOCK, FORCE_MLSHA, RC)

Returns the local solar hour angle (in radians) at the single time and multiple longitudes specified. In order of preference, time is taken from TIME, if present, or else the CURRTIME of CLOCK, if present, or else the CURRTIME of the ORBIT’s associated clock.

NB: For accurate results, namely to receive the TRUE local solar hour angle, ensure the ORBIT has the EOT flag set true. Conversely, to get only the MEAN local solar hour angle, use the optional argument FORCE_MLSHA=.TRUE.. This will turn off the Equation of Time correction (for this LSHA calculation only) even if the ORBIT includes it. For example, in the local noon detection in the EXAMPLE below, this will give mean local noons that are exactly 24 hours apart at a particular location. But they will no longer exactly be the solar culmination times (the TRUE local noon) in that case. TRUE local noons are not exactly 24h apart because of orbital variations in length of day throughout the year, as described by the Equation of Time.

@note Note Example of use::

     type (ESMF_Time) :: NOW
     type (ESMF_TimeInterval) :: DELT
     real,    dimension(size(LONS)) :: LSHA0, LSHA1
     logical, dimension(size(LONS)) :: isNoon
     call MAPL_SunGetLocalSolarHourAngle (ORBIT, LONS, LSHA0, TIME=NOW,      __RC__)
     call MAPL_SunGetLocalSolarHourAngle (ORBIT, LONS, LSHA1, TIME=NOW+DELT, __RC__)
     isnoon = (LSHA0 <= 0. .and. LSHA1 > 0.)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(MAPL_SunOrbit), intent(in) :: ORBIT
real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: LONS
real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: LSHA
type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: TIME
type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in), optional :: CLOCK
logical, intent(in), optional :: FORCE_MLSHA
integer, intent(out), optional :: RC


proc~~mapl_sungetlocalsolarhourangle~~CallsGraph proc~mapl_sungetlocalsolarhourangle MAPL_SunMod::MAPL_SunGetLocalSolarHourAngle ESMF_ClockGet ESMF::ESMF_ClockGet proc~mapl_sungetlocalsolarhourangle->ESMF_ClockGet ESMF_TimeGet ESMF::ESMF_TimeGet proc~mapl_sungetlocalsolarhourangle->ESMF_TimeGet ESMF_TimeIntervalGet ESMF::ESMF_TimeIntervalGet proc~mapl_sungetlocalsolarhourangle->ESMF_TimeIntervalGet interface~mapl_assert MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Assert proc~mapl_sungetlocalsolarhourangle->interface~mapl_assert proc~mapl_return MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Return proc~mapl_sungetlocalsolarhourangle->proc~mapl_return proc~mapl_sunorbitcreated MAPL_SunMod::MAPL_SunOrbitCreated proc~mapl_sungetlocalsolarhourangle->proc~mapl_sunorbitcreated proc~mapl_verify MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Verify proc~mapl_sungetlocalsolarhourangle->proc~mapl_verify at at proc~mapl_return->at insert insert proc~mapl_return->insert proc~mapl_throw_exception MAPL_ThrowMod::MAPL_throw_exception proc~mapl_return->proc~mapl_throw_exception proc~mapl_sunorbitcreated->proc~mapl_return proc~mapl_verify->proc~mapl_throw_exception

Source Code

   subroutine MAPL_SunGetLocalSolarHourAngle (ORBIT,LONS,LSHA, &


      type (MAPL_SunOrbit),            intent(IN ) :: ORBIT
      real,    dimension(:),           intent(IN ) :: LONS   ! [radians]
      real,    dimension(:),           intent(OUT) :: LSHA
      type (ESMF_Time),      optional, intent(IN ) :: TIME
      type (ESMF_Clock),     optional, intent(IN ) :: CLOCK
      logical,               optional, intent(IN ) :: FORCE_MLSHA
      integer,               optional, intent(OUT) :: RC


!     Locals

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm = "MAPL_SunGetLocalSolarHourAngle"
      integer                               :: STATUS

      type (ESMF_Time) :: T
      real (ESMF_KIND_R8) :: days
      integer :: YEAR, SEC_OF_DAY, DAY_OF_YEAR, IDAY, IDAYP1
      real :: DFRAC, GSHA
      real :: ECC, OBQ, LAMBDAP
      real :: MA, EA, dE, TA, LAMBDA
      real :: RT, RM, ET
      integer :: i, nits
      logical :: do_EOT

      _ASSERT (MAPL_SunOrbitCreated(ORBIT),'MAPL_SunOrbit not yet created!')

      ! Which time?
      if (present(TIME)) then
         T = TIME
         if (present(CLOCK)) then
            call ESMF_ClockGet (      CLOCK, CURRTIME=T, _RC)
            call ESMF_ClockGet (ORBIT%CLOCK, CURRTIME=T, _RC)
         end if
      end if

      ! NB: include YY and dayOfYear here so that S is seconds WITHIN a day.
      ! YEAR and DAY_OF_YEAR are used within the non-ANAL2B branch anyway.
      call ESMF_TimeGet (T, YY=YEAR, dayOfYear=DAY_OF_YEAR, S=SEC_OF_DAY, RC=STATUS)

      ! fraction of day (0 at midnight)
      DFRAC = real(SEC_OF_DAY) / 86400.

      ! Greenwich MEAN solar hour angle (zero at noon)
      GSHA = 2. * MAPL_PI * (DFRAC - 0.5)

      ! Apply equation of time correction?
      do_EOT = ORBIT%EOT
      if (present(FORCE_MLSHA)) then
         if (FORCE_MLSHA) do_EOT = .FALSE.
      if (do_EOT) then

         if (ORBIT%ANAL2B) then

            ! include time variation in orbit from reference time
            call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet (T - ORBIT%ORB2B_TIME_REF, d_r8=days, _RC)
            ECC     = ORBIT%ORB2B_ECC_REF     + days * ORBIT%ORB2B_ECC_RATE
            OBQ     = ORBIT%ORB2B_OBQ_REF     + days * ORBIT%ORB2B_OBQ_RATE
            ! derived quantities
            OMECC = 1. - ECC
            OPECC = 1. + ECC
            OMSQECC = OMECC * OPECC
            EAFAC = sqrt(OMECC/OPECC)
            ! time interval since perhelion in days
            call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet (T - ORBIT%ORB2B_TIME_PERI, d_r8=days, _RC)
            ! mean anomaly
            MA = ORBIT%ORB2B_OMG0 * days
            ! eccentric anomaly
            call invert_Keplers_Newton (MA,ECC,EA,dE,nits)
            ! true anomaly
            TA = calcTAfromEA (EA,EAFAC)
            ! celestial longitude
            LAMBDA = TA + LAMBDAP
            ! solar right ascension (true and mean)
            RT = atan2(sin(LAMBDA)*cos(OBQ),cos(LAMBDA))
            RM = MA + LAMBDAP
            ! equation of time
            ET = RECT_PMPI (RM - RT)


            ! get equation of time by table interpolation
            YEAR = mod(YEAR-1,ORBIT%YEARS_PER_CYCLE)
            IDAYP1 = mod(IDAY,ORBIT%DAYS_PER_CYCLE) + 1


         ! Gives Greenwich TRUE solar hour angle
         GSHA = GSHA + ET

      end if  ! EOT correction

      ! LOCAL solar hour angle
      do i = 1, size(LONS)
         LSHA(i) = RECT_PMPI (GSHA + LONS(i))
      end do


   end subroutine MAPL_SunGetLocalSolarHourAngle