MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew Subroutine

public subroutine MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew(STATE, spec, DEFER, range, RC)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ESMF_State), intent(inout) :: STATE
type(StateSpecification), intent(inout), target :: spec
logical, intent(in), optional :: DEFER
integer, intent(in), optional :: range(2)
integer, intent(out), optional :: RC


proc~~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew~~CallsGraph proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew MAPL_GenericMod::MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew ESMF_AttributeGet ESMF::ESMF_AttributeGet proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->ESMF_AttributeGet ESMF_AttributeSet ESMF::ESMF_AttributeSet proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->ESMF_AttributeSet ESMF_FieldIsCreated ESMF::ESMF_FieldIsCreated proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->ESMF_FieldIsCreated esmf_fieldbundlecreate esmf_fieldbundlecreate proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->esmf_fieldbundlecreate esmf_fieldbundleiscreated esmf_fieldbundleiscreated proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->esmf_fieldbundleiscreated esmf_fieldbundleset esmf_fieldbundleset proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->esmf_fieldbundleset esmf_fieldget esmf_fieldget proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->esmf_fieldget esmf_stateadd esmf_stateadd proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->esmf_stateadd esmf_statecreate esmf_statecreate proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->esmf_statecreate esmf_stateiscreated esmf_stateiscreated proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->esmf_stateiscreated interface~mapl_allocatecoupling MAPL_Base::MAPL_AllocateCoupling proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~mapl_allocatecoupling interface~mapl_attributeset MAPL_Base::MAPL_AttributeSet proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~mapl_attributeset interface~mapl_fieldalloccommit MAPL_Base::MAPL_FieldAllocCommit proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~mapl_fieldalloccommit interface~mapl_fieldcreate MAPL_Base::MAPL_FieldCreate proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~mapl_fieldcreate interface~mapl_fieldcreateempty MAPL_Base::MAPL_FieldCreateEmpty proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~mapl_fieldcreateempty interface~mapl_stateadd MAPL_Base::MAPL_StateAdd proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~mapl_stateadd interface~mapl_varspecget MAPL_VarSpecMod::MAPL_VarSpecGet proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~mapl_varspecget interface~mapl_varspecgetindex MAPL_VarSpecMod::MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~mapl_varspecgetindex interface~mapl_varspecset MAPL_VarSpecTypeMod::MAPL_VarSpecSet proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~mapl_varspecset interface~write_parallel FileIOSharedMod::WRITE_PARALLEL proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->interface~write_parallel none~of mapl_VarSpecVector::VarSpecVector%of proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->none~of proc~mapl_return MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Return proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->proc~mapl_return proc~mapl_verify MAPL_ErrorHandlingMod::MAPL_Verify proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew->proc~mapl_verify none~of_size_kind mapl_VarSpecVector::VarSpecVector%of_size_kind none~of->none~of_size_kind at at proc~mapl_return->at insert insert proc~mapl_return->insert proc~mapl_throw_exception MAPL_ThrowMod::MAPL_throw_exception proc~mapl_return->proc~mapl_throw_exception proc~mapl_verify->proc~mapl_throw_exception

Called by

proc~~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew~~CalledByGraph proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew MAPL_GenericMod::MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew proc~mapl_genericinitialize MAPL_GenericMod::MAPL_GenericInitialize proc~mapl_genericinitialize->proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew proc~mapl_statecreatefromspec MAPL_GenericMod::MAPL_StateCreateFromSpec proc~mapl_statecreatefromspec->proc~mapl_statecreatefromspecnew

Source Code

   subroutine MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew(STATE,SPEC,DEFER,range, RC)
      type(ESMF_State),                 intent(INOUT) :: STATE
      type(StateSpecification), target, intent(inout) :: spec
      logical, optional,                intent(IN   ) :: DEFER
      integer, optional, intent(in) :: range(2)
      integer, optional,                intent(  OUT) :: RC

      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm="MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew"
      integer                               :: status

      integer               :: L
      type (ESMF_Grid)      :: GRID
      type (ESMF_Array)     :: Array
      type (ESMF_Field)     :: FIELD
      type (ESMF_FieldBundle) :: BUNDLE
      type (ESMF_Field)       :: SPEC_FIELD
      type (ESMF_FieldBundle) :: SPEC_BUNDLE
      real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R4), pointer         :: VAR_1D(:), VAR_2D(:,:), VAR_3D(:,:,:), VAR_4d(:,:,:,:)
      real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8), pointer         :: VR8_1D(:), VR8_2D(:,:), VR8_3D(:,:,:), VR8_4D(:,:,:,:)
      logical               :: usableDEFER
      logical               :: deferAlloc
      integer               :: DIMS
      integer               :: STAT
      integer               :: KND
      integer               :: LOCATION
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR):: SHORT_NAME
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR):: LONG_NAME
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR):: UNITS
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR):: FRIENDLYTO
      integer               :: REFRESH
      integer               :: AVGINT
      real                  :: DEFAULT_VALUE
      integer               :: I
      logical               ::  done
      integer               :: N, N1, N2, NE
      integer               :: HW
      integer               :: RESTART
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer     :: ATTR_INAMES(:)
      character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), pointer     :: ATTR_RNAMES(:)
      integer,                    pointer     :: ATTR_IVALUES(:)
      real,                       pointer     :: ATTR_RVALUES(:)
      integer,                    pointer     :: UNGRD(:)
      integer                                 :: attr
      integer                                 :: initStatus
      logical                                 :: defaultProvided
      integer                                 :: fieldRank
      real(kind=ESMF_KIND_R8)                 :: def_val_8
      type(ESMF_TypeKind_Flag)                :: typekind
      logical                                 :: has_ungrd
      logical                                 :: doNotAllocate
      logical                                 :: alwaysAllocate
      integer                                 :: field_type
      integer                                 :: staggering
      integer                                 :: rotation
      type(ESMF_State)                        :: SPEC_STATE
      type(ESMF_State)                        :: nestSTATE
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: ungridded_unit
      character(ESMF_MAXSTR)                  :: ungridded_name
      real,                    pointer        :: ungridded_coords(:)
      integer                                 :: szUngrd
      integer                                 :: rstReq
      logical                                 :: isPresent
      logical                                 :: isCreated

      integer :: range_(2)
      type(MAPL_VarSpec), pointer :: varspec

      if (present(range)) then
         range_ = range
         range_(1) = 1
         range_(2) = spec%var_specs%size()
      end if

      if (present(DEFER)) then
         usableDEFER = DEFER
         usableDEFER = .false.
      end if

      attr = 0
      rstReq = 0
      do L = range_(1), range_(2)

         call MAPL_VarSpecGet(SPEC%var_specs%of(L),DIMS=DIMS,VLOCATION=LOCATION,   &
              FIELD=SPEC_FIELD, &
              BUNDLE=SPEC_BUNDLE, &
              STATE=SPEC_STATE, &
              defaultProvided = defaultProvided, &
              HALOWIDTH=HW, &
              RESTART=RESTART, &
              PRECISION=KND, &
              ATTR_RNAMES=ATTR_RNAMES, &
              ATTR_INAMES=ATTR_INAMES, &
              UNGRIDDED_DIMS=UNGRD, &
              GRID=GRID, &
              doNotAllocate=doNotAllocate, &
              alwaysAllocate=alwaysAllocate, &
              FIELD_TYPE=FIELD_TYPE, &
              ROTATION=ROTATION, &
              RC=status )

         I=MAPL_VarSpecGetIndex(SPEC%old_var_specs(range_(1):range_(2)), SHORT_NAME, RC=status)
         if (I + (range_(1)-1) /= L) then
            CALL WRITE_PARALLEL("===================>")
            CALL WRITE_PARALLEL(trim(Iam) //": var "// trim(SHORT_NAME) // " already exists. Skipping ...")

         if (RESTART == MAPL_RestartRequired) then
            rstReq = 1
         end if

         if (IAND(STAT, MAPL_StateItem) /= 0) then
            isCreated = ESMF_StateIsCreated(SPEC_STATE, rc=status)
            if (.not. isCreated) then
               ! Create an empty state
               ! ---------------------
               nestState = ESMF_StateCreate(NAME=SHORT_NAME, RC=status)
               nestState = SPEC_STATE
            end if
            varspec => spec%var_specs%of(L)
            call MAPL_VarSpecSet(varspec,STATE=nestState,RC=status)

            call ESMF_AttributeSet(nestState, NAME='RESTART', VALUE=RESTART, RC=status)

            ! Put the BUNDLE in the state
            ! --------------------------
            call ESMF_StateAdd(STATE, (/nestState/), rc=status)

            GOTO 10

         if (IAND(STAT, MAPL_BundleItem) /= 0) then
            !ALT: logic needed for putting bundleptr (like bundle validate)
            isCreated = ESMF_FieldBundleIsCreated(SPEC_BUNDLE, rc=status)
            if (.not. isCreated) then
               ! Create an empty BUNDLE
               ! ----------------------
               bundle = ESMF_FieldBundleCreate(NAME=SHORT_NAME, RC=status)
               call ESMF_FieldBundleSet(bundle, GRID=GRID, RC=status)
               BUNDLE = SPEC_BUNDLE
            end if
            varspec => SPEC%var_specs%of(L)
            call MAPL_VarSpecSet(varspec,BUNDLE=BUNDLE,RC=status)

            call ESMF_AttributeSet(BUNDLE, NAME='RESTART', VALUE=RESTART, RC=status)

            ! Put the BUNDLE in the state
            ! --------------------------
            call MAPL_StateAdd(STATE, bundle, rc=status)

            GOTO 10
!         cycle

         if (DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileOnly .OR. DIMS == MAPL_DimsTileTile) then
            ATTR = IOR(ATTR, MAPL_AttrTile)
            ATTR = IOR(ATTR, MAPL_AttrGrid)
         end if

         deferAlloc = usableDefer
         if (usableDefer) deferAlloc = .not. alwaysAllocate

         !ALTcheck this      call ESMF_FieldGet(SPEC_FIELD, Array=array, rc=status)
         isCreated = ESMF_FieldIsCreated(SPEC_FIELD, rc=status)
         if (isCreated) then
            call MAPL_AllocateCoupling( SPEC_FIELD, RC=status ) ! if 'DEFER' this allocates the data

            !ALT we are creating new field so that we can optionally change the name of the field;
            !    the important thing is that the data (ESMF_Array) is the SAME as the one in SPEC_Field
            FIELD = MAPL_FieldCreate(SPEC_FIELD, name=SHORT_NAME, RC=status )

            call ESMF_FieldGet(field, Array=array, rc=status)
            call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, NAME="MAPL_InitStatus", isPresent=isPresent, RC=status)
            if (isPresent) then
               call ESMF_AttributeGet(field, NAME="MAPL_InitStatus", VALUE=initStatus, RC=status)
               initStatus = MAPL_UnInitialized
            end if
            if (defaultProvided) then
               ! if the "original" field was initialized by reading a restart file do not overwrite
               if (initStatus /= MAPL_InitialRestart) then
                  call ESMF_FieldGet(FIELD, typeKind=typeKind, dimCount=fieldRank, RC=status)
                  if (typeKind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R4) then
                     if (fieldRank == 1) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=var_1d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(var_1d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        var_1d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 2) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=var_2d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(var_2d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        var_2d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 3) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=var_3d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(var_3d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        var_3d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 4) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=var_4d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(var_4d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        var_4d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     end if
                  else if (typeKind == ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8) then
                     def_val_8 = real(default_value,kind=ESMF_KIND_R8)
                     if (fieldRank == 1) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=vr8_1d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(vr8_1d /= def_val_8)) then
                        end if
                        vr8_1d = def_val_8
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 2) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=vr8_2d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(vr8_2d /= def_val_8)) then
                        end if
                        vr8_2d = def_val_8
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 3) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=vr8_3d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(vr8_3d /= def_val_8)) then
                        end if
                        vr8_3d = def_val_8
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     else if (fieldRank == 4) then
                        call ESMF_FieldGet(field, farrayPtr=vr8_4d, rc=status)
                        if (initStatus == MAPL_InitialDefault) then
                           if (any(vr8_4d /= default_value)) then
                        end if
                        vr8_4d = default_value
                        initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
                     end if
                  end if
                  call MAPL_AttributeSet(field, NAME="MAPL_InitStatus", &
                       VALUE=initStatus, RC=status)
               end if
            end if

            ! Create the appropriate ESMF FIELD
            ! ---------------------------------

            field = MAPL_FieldCreateEmpty(name=SHORT_NAME, grid=grid, rc=status)

            has_ungrd = associated(UNGRD)

            if (.not. deferAlloc) then

               !ALT we check if doNotAllocate is set only for fields that are not deferred
               if (.not. doNotAllocate) then
                  if (has_ungrd) then
                     if (defaultProvided) then
                        call MAPL_FieldAllocCommit(field, dims=dims, location=location, typekind=knd, &
                             hw=hw, ungrid=ungrd, default_value=default_value, rc=status)
                        call MAPL_FieldAllocCommit(field, dims=dims, location=location, typekind=knd, &
                             hw=hw, ungrid=ungrd, rc=status)
                     if (defaultProvided) then
                        call MAPL_FieldAllocCommit(field, dims=dims, location=location, typekind=knd, &
                             hw=hw, default_value=default_value, rc=status)
                        call MAPL_FieldAllocCommit(field, dims=dims, location=location, typekind=knd, &
                             hw=hw, rc=status)
                     end if

                  end if
                  call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='doNotAllocate', VALUE=1, RC=status)
               end if
               call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='PRECISION', VALUE=KND, RC=status)
               call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='DEFAULT_PROVIDED', &
                    value=defaultProvided, RC=status)
               if (defaultProvided) then
                  call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='DEFAULT_VALUE', &
                       value=default_value, RC=status)
               end if
            end if

            ! Put the FIELD in the MAPL FIELD (VAR SPEC)
            ! --------------------------------

            !         call MAPL_VarSpecSet(SPEC(L),FIELD=FIELD,RC=status)
            !         _VERIFY(status)

         varspec => SPEC%var_specs%of(L)
         call MAPL_VarSpecSet(varspec,FIELD=FIELD,RC=status)
         ! and in the FIELD in the state
         ! --------------------------

         call MAPL_StateAdd(STATE, field, rc=status)

         if (deferAlloc) then
            initStatus = MAPL_Uninitialized
            if (defaultProvided) initStatus = MAPL_InitialDefault
         end if

         ! Add SPECs to the FIELD

         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='STAT', VALUE=STAT, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='DIMS', VALUE=DIMS, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='VLOCATION', VALUE=LOCATION, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='LONG_NAME', VALUE=LONG_NAME, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='UNITS', VALUE=UNITS, RC=status)

         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='REFRESH_INTERVAL', VALUE=REFRESH, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='AVERAGING_INTERVAL', VALUE=AVGINT, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='HALOWIDTH', VALUE=HW, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='RESTART', VALUE=RESTART, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='FIELD_TYPE', VALUE=FIELD_TYPE, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='STAGGERING', VALUE=STAGGERING, RC=status)
         call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='ROTATION', VALUE=ROTATION, RC=status)
         if (associated(UNGRD)) Then
            call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='UNGRIDDED_DIMS', valueList=UNGRD, RC=status)
            call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='UNGRIDDED_NAME', VALUE=UNGRIDDED_NAME, RC=status)
            call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='UNGRIDDED_UNIT', VALUE=UNGRIDDED_UNIT, RC=status)
            if (associated(UNGRIDDED_COORDS)) then
               szUngrd = size(ungridded_coords)
               call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME='UNGRIDDED_COORDS', itemCount=szUngrd, &
                    valuelist=ungridded_coords, rc=status)
            end if
         end if

         if (associated(ATTR_RNAMES)) then
            DO N = 1, size(ATTR_RNAMES)
               call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME=trim(ATTR_RNAMES(N)), &
                    VALUE=ATTR_RVALUES(N), RC=status)
            END DO
         end if

         if (associated(ATTR_INAMES)) then
            DO N = 1, size(ATTR_INAMES)
               call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, NAME=trim(ATTR_INAMES(N)), &
                    VALUE=ATTR_IVALUES(N), RC=status)
            END DO
         end if

10       if (FRIENDLYTO /= "") then

            ! parse the string for ":" word delimiters
            done = .false.
            n1 = 1
            NE = len(FRIENDLYTO)

            DO WHILE(.not. DONE)
               N = INDEX(FRIENDLYTO(N1:NE), ':')
               IF (N == 0) then
                  DONE = .TRUE.
                  N2 = NE
                  N2 = N1 + N - 2
               END IF
               if (N1 <= N2 .and. N2 > 0) then
                  if (IAND(STAT, MAPL_BundleItem) /= 0) then
                     call ESMF_AttributeSet(BUNDLE, &
                          NAME='FriendlyTo'//trim(FRIENDLYTO(N1:N2)), &
                          VALUE=.TRUE., RC=status)
                     !print *,"DEBUG: setting FieldAttr:FriendlyTo"//trim(FRIENDLYTO(N1:N2))
                     call ESMF_AttributeSet(FIELD, &
                          NAME='FriendlyTo'//trim(FRIENDLYTO(N1:N2)), &
                          VALUE=.TRUE., RC=status)
                  end if
               end if

               N1 = N1 + N
            END DO

         end if

      call ESMF_AttributeSet(STATE, NAME="MAPL_GridTypeBits", VALUE=ATTR, RC=status)
      call ESMF_AttributeSet(STATE, NAME="MAPL_RestartRequired", VALUE=rstReq, RC=status)


   end subroutine MAPL_StateCreateFromSpecNew