MAPL_NCIOParseTimeUnits Subroutine

public subroutine MAPL_NCIOParseTimeUnits(TimeUnits, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, rc)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*) :: TimeUnits
integer :: year
integer :: month
integer :: day
integer :: hour
integer :: min
integer :: sec
integer :: rc

Called by

proc~~mapl_ncioparsetimeunits~~CalledByGraph proc~mapl_ncioparsetimeunits NCIOMod::MAPL_NCIOParseTimeUnits proc~mapl_iogettime NCIOMod::MAPL_IOGetTime proc~mapl_iogettime->proc~mapl_ncioparsetimeunits

Source Code

      subroutine MAPL_NCIOParseTimeUnits ( TimeUnits, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, rc )

      implicit none
      character(len=*) TimeUnits      ! Units metadata string from the Time coord var
      integer        year               ! 4-digit year
      integer        month              ! month
      integer        day                ! day
      integer        hour               ! hour
      integer        min                ! minute
      integer        sec                ! second
      integer        rc                 ! return code
                                        !  0 = no error
                                        ! -1 = problem parsing string

      integer ypos(2), mpos(2), dpos(2), hpos(2), spos(2)
      integer strlen
      integer firstdash, lastdash
      integer firstcolon, lastcolon
      integer lastspace
      strlen = LEN_TRIM (TimeUnits)

      firstdash = index(TimeUnits, '-')
      lastdash  = index(TimeUnits, '-', BACK=.TRUE.)

      if (firstdash .LE. 0 .OR. lastdash .LE. 0) then
        rc = -1

      ypos(2) = firstdash - 1
      mpos(1) = firstdash + 1
      ypos(1) = ypos(2) - 3

      mpos(2) = lastdash - 1
      dpos(1) = lastdash + 1
      dpos(2) = dpos(1) + 1

      read ( TimeUnits(ypos(1):ypos(2)), * ) year
      read ( TimeUnits(mpos(1):mpos(2)), * ) month
      read ( TimeUnits(dpos(1):dpos(2)), * ) day

      firstcolon = index(TimeUnits, ':')
      if (firstcolon .LE. 0) then

        ! If no colons, check for hour.

        ! Logic below assumes a null character or something else is after the hour
        ! if we do not find a null character add one so that it correctly parses time
        if (TimeUnits(strlen:strlen) /= char(0)) then
           TimeUnits = trim(TimeUnits)//char(0)
        lastspace = index(TRIM(TimeUnits), ' ', BACK=.TRUE.)
        if ((strlen-lastspace).eq.2 .or. (strlen-lastspace).eq.3) then
          hpos(1) = lastspace+1
          hpos(2) = strlen-1
          read (TimeUnits(hpos(1):hpos(2)), * ) hour
          min  = 0
          sec  = 0
          print *, 'ParseTimeUnits: Assuming a starting time of 00z'
          hour = 0
          min  = 0
          sec  = 0

        hpos(1) = firstcolon - 2
        hpos(2) = firstcolon - 1
        lastcolon =  index(TimeUnits, ':', BACK=.TRUE.)
        if ( lastcolon .EQ. firstcolon ) then
          mpos(1) = firstcolon + 1
          mpos(2) = firstcolon + 2
          read (TimeUnits(hpos(1):hpos(2)), * ) hour
          read (TimeUnits(mpos(1):mpos(2)), * ) min
          sec = 0
          mpos(1) = firstcolon + 1
          mpos(2) = lastcolon - 1
          spos(1) = lastcolon + 1
          spos(2) = lastcolon + 2
          read (TimeUnits(hpos(1):hpos(2)), * ) hour
          read (TimeUnits(mpos(1):mpos(2)), * ) min
          read (TimeUnits(spos(1):spos(2)), * ) sec

      rc = 0
      end subroutine MAPL_NCIOParseTimeUnits