ESMF_CFIOCreate Function

public function ESMF_CFIOCreate(cfioObjName, rc)

ESMF_CFIOCreate – ESMF_CFIO object constructor

Create a CFIO object and initialize vars. The required global metadata title, institution, source, history, references, and comment are set to unknown.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: cfioObjName
integer, intent(out), optional :: rc

Return Value type(ESMF_CFIO)

Called by

proc~~esmf_cfiocreate~~CalledByGraph proc~esmf_cfiocreate ESMF_CFIOFileMod::ESMF_CFIOCreate none~find~9 ESMF_CFIOCollectionMod::CFIOCollection%find none~find~9->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test test program~test->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~11 test program~test~11->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~12 test program~test~12->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~13 test program~test~13->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~14 test program~test~14->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~2 test program~test~2->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~3 test program~test~3->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~4 test program~test~4->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~5 test program~test~5->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~6 test program~test~6->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~8 test program~test~8->proc~esmf_cfiocreate program~test~9 test program~test~9->proc~esmf_cfiocreate proc~mapl_cfiocreatefromfile MAPL_CFIOMod::MAPL_CFIOCreateFromFile proc~mapl_cfiocreatefromfile->none~find~9 proc~mapl_cfioreadbundleread MAPL_CFIOMod::MAPL_CFIOReadBundleRead proc~mapl_cfioreadbundleread->none~find~9

Source Code

      type (ESMF_CFIO) function ESMF_CFIOCreate (cfioObjName, rc) 
      character(len=*), intent(in), OPTIONAL :: cfioObjName  ! object name
      integer, intent(out), OPTIONAL :: rc      ! Error return code:      
                                                ! 0   all is well  
      type(ESMF_CFIO) :: cfio                   ! a CFIO object
      integer :: rtcode

      if ( present(cfioObjName) ) then 
         cfio%cfioObjName = cfioObjName
         cfio%cfioObjName = 'CFIO'
      end if

! Initializing variables

      cfio%nAttChar = 0
      cfio%nAttReal = 0
      cfio%nAttInt = 0

      cfio%fName = 'unknown'
      cfio%title = 'unknown'
      cfio%source = 'unknown'
      cfio%contact = 'unknown'
      cfio%history = 'unknown'
      cfio%convention = 'unknown'
      cfio%institution = 'unknown'
      cfio%references = 'unknown'
      cfio%comment = 'unknown'
      cfio%prec = 0
      cfio%date = -999
      cfio%begTime = 0
      cfio%timeInc = 60000
      cfio%mVars = 1
      cfio%mGrids = 1
      cfio%fNameTmplt = ''
      cfio%isOpen = .false.
      cfio%isCyclic = .false.
      cfio%isGridSet = .false.
      cfio%format = 'SDF'
      cfio%expid = ''
!      allocate(cfio%iList, cfio%rList, cfio%cList)
!      nullify(cfio%iList)
!      nullify(cfio%rList)
!      nullify(cfio%cList)

      rtcode = 0

      if ( present(rc) ) rc = rtcode

      ESMF_CFIOCreate = cfio

      end function ESMF_CFIOCreate